warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
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Name: Ian Rylow
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: Hero Squad
Rank: Doctor (Doc)
Powers/Abilities: Enhanced Vision
Weaknesses: Vision is still affected normally by darkness; in pitch black or the dead of night, the eyes must adjust and the power is weakened by the dark. The user’s eyes are sensitive to light, but Ian combats this by often wearing specialized contacts or sunglasses. Seeing through multiple objects at a time requires focus and precision and may not allow the user to gather the “big picture.” Distance still affects vision as well, though not as drastically as normal sight.
Faceclaim: Kevin McKidd
Ian Edward Rylow was born on March 7th, 1999, to Imogen and Mark Rylow. His father died when he was 9, of cancer, so for most of his life Ian and his mother were very close and dependent on each other. As a result, Ian was very self-sufficient from a young age. He never made many friends, moving from school to school every few years, but he had a big heart and made the best of his situation. When he and his mother lived in Texas, Ian would take in any stray dogs or cats he found around town and give them food, a home, and a little care. He adored animals and couldn’t stand seeing them hungry or hurt. Texas was a good home to him, especially after he adopted a little Jack Russell Terrier named Shorty. They lived there until Ian was 13, and brought Shorty to their next home, Fort Iron, Oregon. There, he quickly realized that he was different from the other kids in significant ways. He’d always had good eyes, but as he got older he would sometimes blink and suddenly he could see something that hadn’t been there before. At 14, Ian took biology. In Fort Iron, the curriculum still required students to dissect frogs and memorize their insides. It was bad enough that Ian almost couldn’t stomach it–kids are mean, and they teased him relentlessly. His teacher told him to “man up and cut open the damn frog.” Ian got so upset that he almost cried, and when he opened his eyes again he could see straight into the frog’s insides, every little detail. Obviously, he panicked, but then he realized he could use this freak accident to his advantage. He never touched the frog, just filled out his test based on what he could see. And he got a damn good grade. His abilities only furthered his desire to help animals, but due partially to his mother’s strong belief in duty to her country and partially to his general growing up, Ian began to realize that he wanted to help people, that he wanted to be a doctor. At 16, he moved to Virginia and finished high school there. With big dreams, he applied to and attended Stanford to get his MD. The opportunities presented to him there paved the way for the rest of his life. He spent his surgical internship in Boston, his residency in New Orleans, and got a job right away as a surgeon in Charleston. As soon as he felt like he could start putting down roots and stop being afraid to make ties there, he was approached by one of his mother’s connections from the military. His mother’s friend had a friend who worked at the Pentagon and was putting together a team of smart, young doctors in every field to work together on the most pressing issues facing modern medicine. How could he say no? So for a few years, Ian traveled the globe solving problems and making great strides in genetics and surgical research (his two favorite fields). Who cared about roots when he was planting the seeds of science? Then in 2034, two years after the first Meta panic in the US, Ian got a call from an old family friend. A man who’d been close to his mother, and was now close to more government higher-ups than you could count, asked him to join C.A.R.M.A’s research team. At first, Ian was excited. C.A.R.M.A seemed to have great potential and he imagined he could do groundbreaking work with them. So he signed on. But after some time, when C.A.R.M.A’s priorities began to change, Ian had a falling out with the man that brought him in. He felt that they should be trying to cure Metas, even go so far as locking them up, while Ian felt they should be trying to understand and help Metas. Partially because he was one himself. So Ian stepped back, and when C.A.R.M.A didn’t slow down, he quit altogether. He stayed in town, however, and got a job as a surgeon at Pansaw Memorial Hospital. For a while, his friend at C.A.R.M.A tried to get him back, but Ian refused. He couldn’t stand what C.A.R.M.A had become. Some days, he thinks quitting was a mistake, that maybe he could have changed things if he had stayed. Most days, he’s sure of himself–C.A.R.M.A wasn’t the same as what he’d signed on for, and clear-cut surgery was better than ethical clouds.
+ Intuitive + Protective + Friendly – Not good with words – Bottles up his feelings – A little skittish
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
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Name: Cadence “Cade” Reynolds
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: C.A.R.M.A
Rank: Meta Squad
Powers/Abilities: Sound Manipulation
Weaknesses: Distance and volume depend on the strength and skill of the suer. Controlling and manipulating extremely loud, high-, or low-pitched sounds is exhausting. All sound must have a medium to travel through, so if a certain medium muffles sound by nature (for example, water) it is more effort and more tiring to control sound through/in that barrier. Thus, other powers can be used to lessen or nullify the effects of sonokinesis. Cade is also not “immune” to her own sound - a particularly loud or high-frequency sound she produces can affect her own hearing as well as anyone struck by her power. Usually, she can counteract this with earplugs and focus on blocking out her sound, but the bigger the task, the worse the damage is. Fortunately, the damage doesn’t last for her as it might for her target.
Faceclaim: Holland Roden
Cadence Marie Reynolds was born on August 4th, 2020, to Andrew and Renata Reynolds in Los Angeles, CA. Following in her actress mother’s footsteps, Cadence starred in title roles in children’s comedy that people no longer recognize her from. Her early career and busy parents made her an only child, but she also became very independent at a young age. At 13, she began to realize that showbiz was asking more of her than she was willing to give. She gave up the spotlight to go to school, a decision her parents were always supportive of (since her father had wanted her to have a normal childhood from the beginning). Cade renewed her passion for acting in high school drama club. This was where she discovered her power. She knew she had a powerful singing voice; her notes were always clear, strong, and emphatic. She was clearly passionate and found a love for music early on. But it was an accident that made her realize she could do more. Cade was onstage, the lead in her school musical, captivating the audience, when she saw her father collapse in the first row of the audience. At first, not realizing it was her father, she attempted to go on with the show. But when other parents crowded around, and she saw her father on the floor, she screamed. The sound cut through the auditorium; the frequency shattered the lights over the stage and throughout the room; the audience clutched their ears as the sound struck them. Obviously, it stunned her as well, but after the chaos had died down, everyone wrote it off as a series of strange coincidences, a microphone malfunction. But Cadence and Renata knew she was more than human. Her father had suffered a heart attack in the audience, and Renata and Cade buried their beloved husband and father shortly after. Cade’s suddenly unleashed abilities made her almost afraid to open her mouth. She became quiet and reserved, except around her mother, who often dealt with the lashing out of a moody teenager who kept everything bottled up in public. Being feared by her friends and neighbors didn’t help either. The community shunned them, and at 15, they moved to a small town on the coast. Cade finished high school there and while looking at colleges, decided on a whim to visit Pansaw U and fell in love. It was her dream school, and there she pursued a BFA in Music, her lifelong passion despite fear of her ability. She never tried to control it, and was afraid to make use of it. So throughout these years, Cade stayed as quiet as possible and made sure to stay cool, calm, and collected. It was in college that her abilities made another surprise appearance. Her senior year, Cade was brutally assaulted on the way back to her dorm in the middle of the night. A pained and terrified scream alerted many in the area to her plight but also her power–that scream shattered windows and practically deafened her attacker. But Cade wasn’t in great shape either. A good Samaritan brought her to the hospital, where she was first formally introduced to C.A.R.M.A. Upon waking up, Cade was confronted C.A.R.M.A and offered a choice: join C.A.R.M.A for their “good cause” or be registered and released. Still a student and now on the news as a campus safety improvement martyr at Pansaw University, Cade knew what a registered life and going back to school would mean for her. Not good things. Almost against her better judgment, Cade agreed to join. She began training as soon as she had healed from the attack, and she wasn’t happy with it when she did. She was so used to hiding her power that using it, let alone fighting with it, was hard to get used to. Cade still finds it difficult to use her voice, but she’s taken to humming when bored.
+ Reliable + Creative + Quick-thinking – Passive – Quiet / reserved – Self-doubting
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
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Name: Foster Grayson
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: Rebel Army
Rank: Scout
Powers/Abilities: Psionic Manipulation
Weaknesses: User’s mental/psychic resilience; overuse can cause headaches, unconsciousness, coma, and even death. Using too much of her powers at once can drain energy quickly. User may be physically weaker than most due to mental strain. All psychic abilities are at a fairly more basic level. Psychic Energy Absorption can negate this power. May not be able to handle large amounts of emotions at once. Precognitive visions are uncontrollable and unpredictable, and are limited to seeing at most a few days into the future, can not predict events that will happen farther than a week. Telekinesis can not manipulate magic-based matters or other energies. Healing works better on others; healing can be used on self, but depending on the severity of the injury, it will be harder to properly heal and can result in causing more damage than fixing. Immense amounts of repetitive physical force can break through Tactile Telekinetic energy field. User’s Telepathy is constantly active and user is constantly hearing thoughts; power becomes ineffective in large crowds. Incapable of reading impulsive actions. Limited to a working within the range of a half mile radius of the user. The more targets the user is affecting (more than a few), more energy is required. Users of Psychic Shield are either immune or highly resistant. Powerful opponents may still be able to affect the user to some extent and break through Psychic Shield. Speaking Inducement requires user to be within 200 feet of the target. User must be close to the object that they are manipulating with Technokinesis. Force-fields require concentration, and can possibly still be broken down by stronger forces.
Faceclaim: Sabrina Carpenter
Foster Grayson grew up in a very wealthy family, where money took the place of love, or, at least, that was the case with her parents. She grew up a lonely child without anybody there for her except for numerous amounts of nannies, butlers, maids, and other staff members. Since she had nobody but herself, Foster was a very socially awkward person, seeing as she was home schooled. Foster did not like being home schooled, at all, so whenever she got a moments time with her parents, she begged them to allow her to go to public school. Finally her parents relented, with a compromise. She was allowed to go to school, but it was going to be a prestigious private school not too far from their mansion.
Foster entered school her freshman year of high school, and was immediately accepted into the fold, thanks to being a Grayson. Foster joined the cheerleading team and the dance team. She loved performing, it helped her escape her real life and how horribly she got on with her parents.
When Foster first realized she had any type of power at all, she was a senior in high school, months shy of her 18th birthday. Foster was at a party, having snuck out of her home to be there. She had a little too much to drink and soon found herself being dragged upstairs by one of her classmates. He was all over her, trying to get her clothes off. She was trying to push him away but it wasn’t working. She was finally giving up, mentally screaming, when the boy suddenly flew off of her into the wall across from the bed, falling unconscious. She ran away that night, running home to pack a few things and and grabbed all the cash she saved from her parents just handing her money whenever she approached them, she had around six thousand dollars.
Foster knew traveling with that much money was dangerous, so she acquired a fake id with a fake name, and deposited the money in a bank account. Foster eventually found herself in Pansaw, California, after her 18th birthday, where he planned to stay. She used her money to buy herself a cozy apartment and landed herself a job as a waitress at a diner.
Foster has recently taken control over her sister’s diner, due to her many disappearances and the fact that Foster is using her trust fund to help fund the diner anyways.
+ Intelligent + Kind + Sweet
- Sarcastic - Closed-off - Impulsive
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
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Name: Uriel Zeriah
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: Nephilim
Rank: Morningstar
Powers/Abilities: Nephilim Physiology
Weaknesses: Danger Intuition – May be unable to sense remote dangers, may be unable to divert oneself from attacks, could be fooled by someone you trust. Flight – may require air/atmosphere to maintain lift, cannot go beyond borders of atmosphere, may suffer from cold/altitude sickness without adaptation skills. Semi-Immortality – may still suffer from mortal wounds and death/dying. Supernatural Condition - Given how obviously superior the user is compared to the normal members of his/her species, some level of megalomania, messianic complex and/or similar problems with attitude are a very real possibility. Aether Manipulation - Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power’s natural limits. Extensive use of powers over a long period of time could deplete one’s energy reserves.
Faceclaim: Tom Hardy
Uriel was born in a small town to a single mother who died during childbirth. He was raised in an orphanage run by the local church. The local pastor in charge of the orphanage was a very hellfire and brimstone style preacher who harbored anti-meta bigotry and passed this bigotry on to the orphans that were in his charge. In addition to his preaching style, the pastor was a firm believer in the ‘spare the rod; spoil the child’ parenting style. The children in his care were beaten and starved for the smallest infractions, including the circumstances revolving around their births. Uri was often a victim of these abuses considering he was born to an unmarried woman who had what the pastor considered ‘loose morals’.
One day, Uriel was once again the target of the pastor’s ire. During this particular tirade, the pastor was beating Uriel, lecturing on the evils of metahumans and how they were a curse visited upon humanity by god for their wicked ways.  Uriel snapped, his powers coming to the fore and blasted out from him, killing the pastor and setting fire to the orphanage. Uriel was one of the few children to survive, the adults having been caught in the burning building. After being rescued by the local authorities, all of the children were placed under medical and psychiatric care to reverse the damage that had been done to them, but it was too late for Uriel. Uriel had internalized the pastor’s teachings, but his personal revelation that he was a meta, twisted the man’s teachings. Uriel became convinced that metas were not a plague on humanity but instead the result divine interbreeding by the fallen angels, the Nephilim reborn.  Uriel believes that it is the destiny of the metas to regain their rightful place as the rulers of the Earth and the masters of humanity.
Uriel managed to hide his beliefs from the psychiatrists and nursed it internally, becoming more and more firmly seated in his delusions that metas were superior to humans. Unlike his delusions however, Uriel reveled in his powers, finding any excuse to bask in the glory he felt they would lead him to. As a teenager, Uriel was captured by bounty hunters looking for metas for underground fighting arenas. Instead of fighting against his captors Uriel used this opportunity to push his ideology, converting strong but weak minded metas to his cause. As his fighting fame grew, he was sold to Moxxi’s Madhouse where he continued his quest to raise a meta army to enslave humanity. Uriel’s fame continued to grow until Moxxi made him a partner in her organization. Uriel uses Moxxi’s organization, wealth, and influence to further his goal; converting the strongest and smartest fighters to his ranks.
After establishing the Nephilim in Pansaw and setting them on the path to reclaim their lost glory, Uriel left Pansaw to track down and assassinate the senator who authored the Metahuman Registration Act. It was a fairly simple task for someone of Uriel’s ability but something happened on the way back to Pansaw. Uriel’s powers began to metamorphosize. Instead of drawing on the power of Light, Uriel began to sense more changes in both himself and his power. Determined to get his changing powers under control, Uriel remained absent from Pansaw until his powers were fully under his control.
+ Charming + Persuasive + Determined
– Delusional – Narcissistic – Megalomaniacal
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
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Name: Erick Magnusson
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: Rebel Army
Rank: Guard
Powers/Abilities: Bio-Metal Physiology 
Weaknesses:  Metal abilities are vulnerable to extreme temperatures (hot/cold), as well as high level energy, corrosive, metal bending, and magnetic effects. Rendering the user unconscious causes reversion to base state. Prolonged use of shapeshifting requires an increased mass or weakness and unconsciousness can result. Regeneration only occurs while in metallic state.  When in metallic state, user’s weight is increased.
Faceclaim: Sebastian Stan
Born in December of 2008 to Magnus and Valeria, a first generation Norwegian immigrant couple, Erick had a normal American childhood growing up.  Erick’s father Magnus worked as a police officer while his mother worked as an overnight trauma nurse at the local hospital so they could save enough money to put Erick through college.  Erick participated in the stereotypical activities for a young teenager, playing football throughout high school while maintaining a solid GPA that would have earned him a scholarship almost anywhere in the country.  Surprising both of his parents however, Erick turned down his scholarship offers and joined the military as an airborne infantryman.  Erick spent the next decade of his life in the military, bouncing from conflict to conflict at the behest of his government, putting boot to ass wherever it was needed.
It was during one of these first deployments that Erick discovered his power.  His convoy was ambushed during a routine patrol and the vehicle Erick was riding in was destroyed.  When his teammates went to check for survivors, nobody expected to find anyone.  Instead the discovered Erick, shielding a fellow soldier as the flames reflected off his silvery skin.  His squad kept it quiet for the time, mostly discounting their recollections as stress induced hallucinations.  However, the outbreaks continued with increasing frequency and his power became a kind of local legend amongst the teams.  As CARMA rose to prominence Erick realized what that meant for Metas and left the military and government as a whole, returning to school to earn his bachelor’s degree.  During his time at the university, Erick heard the rumblings of a Rebel Movement and what it meant for thus Metahumans looking to make a place for themselves.  Equipped with this knowledge, Erick made his way to Pansaw, California to offer his assistance.
Erick spent about 6 months with the Rebels, teaching them what he could of his military tactics and strategies.  Most importantly however, he tried to help the Rebels grow, both as people secure in their powers, and as leaders and soldiers in a resistance.  It was during this time that Erick met and then fell in love with, Hope Ramirez.  She reminded Erick that there was still good in the world, despite everything that he’d seen.  Which was why when she was captured by CARMA, Erick went insane.  With the help of one of Hope’s friends, Erick conducted a lightning raid on CARMA’s main facility, rescuing Hope and getting her away from their clutches.  Unfortunately for Erick, the jail break occurred at the same time CARMA raided the Rebel Base.  Devastated by his perceived failure, Erick once again threw himself into the Rebels, pushing himself, and everyone else, harder than he ever had before.
Just as the Rebels were establishing their new base, Erick received a message from an old military friend that turned his whole world upside down.  His friend had developed metahuman abilities and was being hunted by CARMA.  Leaving everyone behind without a word, Erick travelled back to the East Coast to try to bring his friend to the relative safety of Pansaw and the Rebels.  During their escape, CARMA forces caught up with them and a fight ensued.  During the struggle, Erick’s friend threw himself in front of a bullet meant for Erick, forgetting that in his metallic state, the bullet wouldn’t have hurt him.  This loss devastated Erick and he fled, travelling aimlessly around the country, never stopping in one place for very long.  Without realizing it, Erick’s travels continued to carry him west until once more he found himself on the outskirts of Pansaw, wondering if there was still a life for him there.
+ Loyal + Charming + Dedicated
– Cold – Overly determined – Aggressive
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
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Name: Charles Milsten
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: None
Rank: Loner
Powers/Abilities: Aerokinesis
Weaknesses: Can only harness the air around him. Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power’s natural limits. Weak against pyrokinesis, since air often fuels a fire.
Faceclaim: Cole Sprouse
Charles Francis Milsten was born to humble, hardworking folk from Kansas, the oldest of three children and the only son. He and his sisters grew up on the family farm, taking care of the cows and chickens and goats and driving the dairy and eggs into the market in the middle of town. From age 11, Charlie could drive a tractor and had discovered his affinity for manipulating air. Living smack in the middle of Tornado Alley, he never thought much of it. Fearing his differences from others, Charlie only ever told his little sister Brooke about his ability. She was fascinated and encouraged him to use it, despite his obvious aversion and fear.
Eventually, with his little sister’s reckless coaching, Charlie began to realize he was more powerful than they thought. Within a few years, he found he could change the path or tornadoes headed for his town and even dispel the little ones. Brooke was enthralled and always pined for a special something like her brother had. Charlie was the golden boy at school, around town, and in the family. He was the first to jump up and do chores, always polite, though a little too quiet. Brooke always knew he was overcompensating, but no one else ever guessed. She still doesn’t know he likes men. He fit in everywhere, but only felt at home playing baseball on the local team. It made his heart soar to be on a team, to have people counting on him, and to make them proud. But Charlie never had big dreams; he was a homebody, and he lived his little world in Oklahoma. He wouldn’t wish for anything else. Brooke, on the other hand, was always trying to get away.
But when she was around the same age that Charlie discovered his power, Brooke found that she was special too, just like she’d always wanted. She could bend light to her will and desperately wanted to use it, to do big things with it, to make more of herself. Brooke never felt adequate next to her big brother or the other girls in town. She was lonely and wild and wanted big things. So when Charlie was offered a chance to play baseball at Pansaw University, full scholarship, and refused to even consider going, Brooke was furious. She kept thinking up different ways to force him to get out of his comfort zone, and finally resorted to the meanest thing she could think of: making him worry. She packed a bag and rode the bus to Pansaw, forcing Charlie to come after her to make sure she was okay. She knew he would follow, and didn’t plan on staying long. She wanted to live her own life, after all, but when she got to Pansaw… She fell in love. And Charlie promised his parents he wouldn’t come home without her. So stubborn young Brooke and overprotective Charlie are stuck in Pansaw for now.
+ Loyal + Protective + Inconspicuous
– Cautious – Serious – Reserved
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
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Name: Gregory Ezekiel Reign
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: None 
Rank: Loner
Powers/Abilities: Organic Manipulation
Weaknesses: This power has extreme potential for misuse. User may be unable to create organic matter, being limited to manipulating already existing sources. May need extensive training to learn how to use the true potential of this power.
Faceclaim: Bradley Cooper
From the start, Gregory Reign was something of a ghost in his household – which was to say, he was almost completely invisible. His parents, too busy helping to keep the rest of the family together to pay much mind to him, left him to fend for himself and the laundry list of responsibilities they set on his shoulders. His older siblings, already beginning to reach the stage where they were beginning to move along in life, more often chose to tend to the more basic activities on their farm, deliberately leaving him with the brunt of the work. The younger siblings, too fragile to do much else than watch, offered him nothing but further resentment, and had it not been for the fact that he was punished for slacking, he would’ve long since set aside his duties, kicked his feet back, and refused to work one more second.
It didn’t help that speaking out was also seriously discouraged in their household, a fact that came from his parents’ strong religious affiliation – children weren’t supposed to talk back to their parents, after all, regardless of whether their concerns were valid or not. To Greg, a frustrated and overworked child, the only message he received was that his family (if he could even stomach the phrase) didn’t value him or the work he accomplished, and that one had to look out for themselves to survive. Selfishness was one of the few traits he had to carry for survival, and while it appeared to help him outside the home, the more he took such a lesson to heart, the worse his relationship with his parents and siblings became. They didn’t seem to get his odd behavior, his odd way at looking at things, and it seemed completely irrelevant that he claimed that he was merely doing what God wanted of him – if anything, it made things worse.
The divide between himself and his family, however, led to more than just his usual neglect – by the time he’d grown up enough to start seriously misbehaving, it led to all out conflict. His siblings, convinced that by his arbitrary differences that he was headed straight for Hell, lashed out at and tormented him, isolating him more and more and contributing to the growing resentment he had not only for his family, but for the religion they held so close to their hearts. By the time he was eleven he’d shed it entirely, refusing to believe in a higher power that brought him nothing but hardship in his name – especially when things seemed to have no intention of improving. By twelve he had begun to argue with the rest of the household, tired of being scapegoated and speaking out openly against their precious cause. Unsurprisingly, it did nothing but widen the gap between them, and as he continued to come of age, worse was yet to come.
At thirteen, he began struggling with feelings he knew went against everything his parents believed in – he began to realize that he wasn’t interested in girls like his other male siblings were. Knowing that even giving the hint that he could possibly be gay to his family would make him more than a pariah in his household – he’d be burned at the stake! – he did everything he could to compensate for his feelings. He acted out in an attempt to toughen up, lashing out at any mention of relationships at all, whether they were straight or not, and thoroughly confusing those around him… with the exception of the few people he actually wanted to convince. His parents began growing more and more suspicious with their son, his bad behavior and over-compensatory attitude only pointing them further in the direction of him being homosexual. After all, to them people like that were everything wrong with the world, horrible children of Satan himself, and who better qualified for such a label than their delinquent of a son?
To make matters worse, Greg began to notice worse changes in himself, ones that wouldn’t only paint him as an offense to his family’s God, but as a demon of Satan himself. Even so, something in him had begun to stop caring about whether or not he was seen as evil in anyone else’s eyes – hell, a good part of him had begun to believe it, after hearing about it so long – and while the smart decision would’ve been to hide the appearance of strange gifts, a young teenager such as himself chose to decide in favor of the worst… not that he truly had much choice. The appearance of his mutation, completely uncontrolled, spelled disaster the second it struck outside of his seclusion, and for better or for worse he hadn’t bothered to try and stop it. In the middle of one of his usual arguments with a younger sibling he’d accidentally caused them to start to rot right before the rest of his family’s eyes, exposing himself as something inhuman and damaging one of their own beyond repair.
It didn’t help that he didn’t seem to have a shred of remorse for his actions.
Horrified and more convinced than ever that their son belonged to the devil, his parents made the decision to send him somewhere he might be able to be cured of his strange possession – a facility made specifically for Christians and their fucked up children. While he was there, he was given a full range of torturous treatments, ranging from conversion therapy (to get rid of his sinful feelings) to illegally high levels of electroconvulsive therapy, in the hopes that it’d get rid of his strange biological abilities. Despite the horrors he continued to go through, nothing was able to change him, and the most the staff managed to accomplish was in encouraging him to improve at hiding.. And to engage in any unnatural behaviors in secret. It didn’t help that quite a few of the other boys he met were in similar situations as him (sans the strange, demonic abilities he possessed), that most of them were attractive, and that it was all too easy for him to get them to go against their parents wishes for the promise of a good time.
Unfortunately, it was difficult to keep secrets forever in such a tight-knit facility, and despite his best efforts he was caught for his sinful behavior more than a few times… and punished accordingly. By the time he was sent back home, he was capable of putting on the image of a perfectly well-to-do Christian man, appearing to finally be the son that his parents had desired all these years. Underneath his facade, however, the monster of resentment still clung to him, manifested in what was the beginning of horrible, horrible desires – ones that eventually would not be able to be contained in his headspace. Despite this, he was able to keep his less pleasant truth hidden from the eyes of everyone around him, becoming an absolute joy in the rest of his community, and even electing to go to school to become a pastor of the lord. To his parents, it was proof that their hard work had finally paid off; to Greg, it meant another lock on his mental door, and another disguise to hide behind.
Beneath it, resentment had caused him to become much more than a troubled child – he’d begun to become a legitimate monster. Poring over a myriad of dark, unholy, and violent texts, his worldview had steadily started to shift toward a religion of his own making, one where those like him (and there did appear to be others with gifts such as his own) were wholly purified and chosen for the heavens. Those that consisted of the norm, of those who were blinded by their inability to harness the gifts his gods had given them, were nothing more than dirt to be disposed of, should they refuse to accept their place in the world, and the path that the gods had chosen for them – should they refuse to be properly purified themselves. In his own worldview, it meant ritualized sacrifice – it was the only way for them to overcome their mortal weaknesses, after all, and be accepted into the afterlife they desired. Such a pity the first he tried to convince (humans, unfortunately) weren’t so open to the idea, but he made do with forcible purification – it was what was necessary.
To cope both with the growing demand of his violent impulses, the failure from his first few attempts to create a successful and united group of people, and the stress from his schooling, Greg quickly turned to yet another unhealthy coping mechanism – alcohol. It perfectly soothed his nerves (although whether it truly helped him was another matter entirely) and lightened the weight of any remaining inhibitions enough for him to get himself and his thoughts together in more exact harmony. As it so happened, he also wasn’t the only metahuman to frequent the bars around his school, and by the time he graduated and fulfilled his plans to become a pastor, he’d already gathered together enough people to really put a kickstart in his plans. To some, his little organization might’ve been considered a cult, but while he inwardly agreed with the label, outwardly he referred to them as what they truly were – a family.
For once, it seemed his life was going in the direction he wanted it to.
By day, he worked as a pastor for the christian God, spouting off nonsense about forgiveness and a divine plan he didn’t believe in. By night, he invited all who were interested in his idea of enlightenment (with special emphasis on metahumans, the truly gifted) into his church to hear him speak on a different sort of divinity, a kind that set its sights on a more gruesome plan for humanity. Those that found hope and belonging in his message were allowed to join his ranks (or, should they be impure, ritually sacrificed) and the rest were taken and forced to endure torment until their breaking point… or, should they refuse to reconsider, an early grave. As his freakish cult grew in numbers, he eventually expanded his operation beyond the reach of his church, having his family come together to buy plots of land that they could recreate into a true community – after a few years’ hard work, it was nothing short of a success.
Despite this growing success, Greg still felt like something was missing from his life. He had everything he’d ever dreamed of and more, and yet the people he surrounded himself with still felt more like pawns than any real family, whatever he might’ve said to them… at least, until he met someone that changed that. He’d been preaching his cause at his church, as he did with most nights, when they’d first met, the boy certainly nobody he’d expect to come walking through his doors. Though it’d been obvious the moment he’d arrived that he was out of his depth, he said nothing when the truth of the meeting was revealed, and instead of fighting against him as so many others with his apparent disposition did, he agreed to join their family – a surprise, but far from an unwelcome one. Despite any doubts the boy – Cyrus… a gift, truly – had about their operation, he excelled at their practices, and it wasn’t long before he’d decided to take him further underneath his wing.
Unfortunately, whatever closeness between them developed didn’t last forever, and eventually the stress of being in such a freakish organization drove Cyrus to cut ties with the family. Normally, such a request would’ve been met with a sacrificial ritual (or more torture, depending on the member), but because he’d been so paramount to his enjoyment over the short time he’d known him, Greg offered him a deal – if he could pay enough money to fund them for a while, he’d allow him to leave. Needless to say, the boy took the deal, and because of his status was able to scrape together the cash on short notice, bidding farewell to Pastor Greg and the rest of his horrific family once and for all – or so he allowed the boy to believe. Deep down, he knew that he wouldn’t honor his promise for long, and before a full year had passed he itched to have his former prodigy back in his life, gathering together a few of his most trusted and making an announcement that he’d – and quite a few others – would be making a special trip to Pansaw.
One dedicated to a more direct form of recruitment.
+ Charismatic + Devoted + Passionate (about murder) – Controlling – Dogmatic – Obsessive
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
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Name: Cassandra Wilson
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: None
Rank: Loner
Powers/Abilities: Music Manipulation
Weaknesses: Sound nullification. May be unable to create music, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources. (Although I’m hoping we can leave that out, as I intend her to be a musician by trade, based on her upbringing). Music, like sound requires a medium to travel through, whether air, ground, water, or something else. Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
Faceclaim: Cher Lloyd
Cassandra grew up in a very normal family. She was an only child to her parents, who worked as teachers in a high school. Her father was a music teacher who instilled in her a love of music from a very young age. She did excellent in school, though not top of the class, and she was well liked by most everyone. As a child, she spent large amounts of time in her father’s company, learning to love music from all different eras and genres.
Her parents weren’t well to do, being teachers, but they provided her with everything she could possibly need, especially when it came to her musical talents. She learned guitar and piano, starting lessons when she was 5. With the help of her father, she also made the most of her vocal talents, becoming an accomplished singer. She started dabbling in song writing in high school, but she usually stuck with covers of popular songs from across the decades.
Accustomed to singing songs all the time, everywhere she went, it took her awhile to realize that her music could make things happen. The aha moment came when she was performing a solo in a high school concert. She was singing a popular song about heartache and she was giving it all the emotion she could. As she finished her piece, she noted that everyone around her, both in the choir and the audience, was crying. Adding this up with many other odd occurrences (people suddenly breaking into dance or song around her when she was playing guitar or singing), she realized she had a power. She sat down with her parents after the concert and they had a long talk about metas and what this would mean for her life.
Cass’s father received a job offer in Pansaw, CA when she was 16 years old. While not so thrilled at having to leave her friends behind, Cass was thrilled to be California, closer to so many sources of great music.
Never one to shy from attention, Cass started using her powers in her late teens without worrying about the consequences. She never really went over the line, but she was not above playing pranks. It was no surprise then, when the Meta Registration Bill was passed, that Cass was one of the first ones in Pansaw to be tattooed. Being registered however, has never bothered Cass, as she has a good thing going in Pansaw.
Living comfortably in the West Stone district, Cass earns her very respectable paychecks by playing gigs in the upscale bars and clubs of Pansaw. She has an understanding with the owners, being registered, that she will use her musical empathic projection to give the customers feelings of happiness/lust/joy/pleasure, so that customers associate the business with these feelings, and are more likely to spend money while they are there. She also projects desire so that the customers are more likely to return to these businesses to watch her preform again and again.
+ Fun loving + Optimistic + Loyal
– Inattentive – Occasionally irresponsible – Sarcastic
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warofthenewage-rpg · 7 years
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Name: Lessa Callahan
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Metahuman
Affiliation: Rebel Army
Rank: Scout
Powers/Abilities: Animal Manipulation
Weaknesses: May be limited to a specific species of animal. May be limited to a particular number of targets at any given time. May cause backlash, where the animals exact revenge on the user after they regain their free will. May not work on intelligent/anthropormorphic/evolved animal species.
Faceclaim: Katie Cassidy
Lessa grew up in a normal suburban family setting. She was born December 18th, 2013, in a rural Ohio farm town. She was raised alongside her older sister, Meghan, by her parents, Denise and Landon. The family lived on a small dairy farm, which is how Lessa learned she had a telepathic link to the animals around her. She spent many summer days linked with the creatures near her; riding the wings of the hawks above the fields, or flying across the pasture with her favorite Clydesdale.
In school, Lessa was always quiet, as she preferred the company of animals to that of her schoolmates. She was often taunted for trying to take care of the animals in the school yard, protecting them from bullying children. She did well in all her classes, but never so well as to stand out above anyone else.
The summer after Lessa graduated from high school, her parents and sister died in a barn fire, trying to save their livestock. The only reason Lessa survived was the farm’s prize bull, Duke, pulled her from the barn right before the loft collapsed on the others. She blames herself for the loss of her family and for the subsequent loss of the family farm. Her parents’ life insurance barely paid off what was owed on the farm, and left Lessa with nothing.
She spent the next 10 years, roaming from town to town, crashing wherever she could and taking up any odd jobs that let her work with animals. During a job as a horse trainer in Nevada, she heard rumblings of a rebel army, of Metahumans fighting back against the government and its atrocities. She had never had any issues personally, as she had always managed to keep her abilities low-key. She wondered though, was this a way to give her something more to live for? Could she perhaps find a new family, in a group of people with powers like her own? At this point, she decided she had nothing to lose, so she stole an old farm truck from her employer and made her way to Pansaw, CA.
+ Open minded + Resourceful + Loyal
– Cares more for animals than people – Easily distracted – Low self-esteem
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