#tailoredtokill 001
nevverenough-blog · 7 years
You doubt there’s a store that could call to you better; maybe REGALIA UNLIMITED or INSTRUMENTS FOR THE TRUEST SCIENCES. Fashion in your culture is by definition a joke unless it’s something you plan on killing someone in. You don’t have any murder plans currently, but you like to be dressed for murder in all circumstances.  You poke your head inside, and within minutes you’re like a wriggler hooked on honeyloaf. One dress in particular has caught your eye, but your superior common sense says now may not be the time for it. A good dress needs a good pair of boots, and a killer outfit is pointless without winged eyeliner and a proper matte lip. Well... you could always use a bathroom somewhere. It’s not as if you’re going to get dressed in the district and get shit all over you anyway. Fuck it. You can afford to buy something nice for yourself. Collecting everything, you sashe up to the counter like you fucking own it. Stores still feel unnatural. 
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“ so wwhere do you all get all of this stuff ivve been in lots of stores and evverythins been pretty fuckin disgraceful loww quality an fallin apart  aint any decent wwaterproof makeup neither howws anybody find a quad in this towwn floatin around lookin like flotsam junk ” 
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