#tagging it my OCs bc we don’t have a name for the collab yet
vonkarma2 · 1 year
30, 34, 44, 46, 48 for your pick on the oc ask?
since there’s only 3 characters and picking who to answer the questions for was stressful to me I’m going to answer all of them for everyone. So this way it’s 3 times the amount of work <3 whatever it’s ok. Answers will probably be more simplified than usual
30. How would they relax on a day off/rainy day?
Vera: Probably just reading and staying inside. I think she would like needlework and things like that she’s find it relaxing. I don’t think she really prefers the outdoors or particularly loud or crowded places. If she wanted to go out to do something I think she’d enjoy like. Live music and performances and things like that. Very fancy and expensive events. 
Lupe: I feel like she’s bothered by being alone for long periods of time, like gets antsy or whatever. She’s intimidated by strangers but she doesn’t like being alone either. The type to be easily bored. I think she’d have a lot of gatherings with like a small group of friends. She would be pretty good at making new friends but not really that interested in maintaining contact with them like she simply does not care. But yeah she’d probably spend some time with other people + she’s definitely a city person so going out for drinks or whatever that type of thing. 
Estrella: Smoking and staring mysteriously into the horizon. No. I feel like during the day they do a lot of physical work for their job. I don’t know anything about sailing but I would imagine it’s pretty demanding. It spends a lot of time ummm battening down the hatched. But basically because of that its idea of relaxation is just very little physical activity. It probably doesn’t like crowded areas either + I think it wouldn’t hate going into the city but wouldn’t prefer it either. Going to some nice secluded area or mostly empty fantasy tavern type place. Or just staying inside. They’re only like 35 and already this tired smh
34. Do they have a dream job?
I don’t want to put everyone’s name every time the formatting on this is going to be so awkward. Umm. Vera I think doesn’t actively want to lead the country necessarily because she has 2 older siblings right so she hasn’t realistically seen it as an option. Her dream job is probably just continuing to be a member of the royal family in a very similar way to how she is now, though she’d like to engage more directly with the nation’s people + maybe even with world politics in the future.
At the beginning of the story Lupe’s just an heir or whatever, like she gets her position basically through happenstance at first and she doesn’t really want it. A lot of the time early on when she’s trying to be strategic or cunning it’s just out of trying to protect her own position rather than ambition. So I would say early on her dream job is one where she has to do as little work as you could possibly imagine. Absolutely no motivation or passions in life at all. But as the story goes on and she starts to feel like her place in life that she’s meant to have or whatever is to have power over other people she starts to want to control the country just because she thinks she could and she’s surprised she’s good at it. Succeeding in business when she was 100% sure she’d fail and get eaten alive made her feel more powerful or whatever. + like she was already kind of entitled before then but now she’s more focused and since shes never actually been interested in anything before she’s like wow… this feels so right… this is what I’m meant to be doing. Or whatever yk. 
Estrella… I think it already has its ideal life right now like it’s very peaceful for the time being it has close family members and all. It regrets a lot in its past but because it remembers that so well it tends to keep its expectations very low. It’s already doing pretty close to the best it could hope for yk. And it’s not really interested in a more engaging career, it likes the simplicity of physical labor and finds it rewarding or whatever.
44. Do they lie often? Are they good at it?
Vera is pretty bad at it because she’s so sincere. She’s used to getting her way anyway like she’s a literal princess so she wouldn’t have had music reason to lie or hide her true thoughts or whatever since she’s not actually involved in politics, she was expected mostly to be like a model child + later young woman + that did come pretty naturally to her. She’s pretty outspoken when keeping quiet would benefit her and she’s bad at keeping track of what information people would or wouldn’t have, so she’d unintentionally give a lot away. She compensates for this during the story by being paranoid + talking to as few people as possible.
Lupe is incredible at lying, it’s basically her only skill and I would say like the main point of her character honestly. She never would have gotten this far if she wasn’t really really good at manipulation and getting people to respect her or to underestimate her or whatever. Good at using people’s pre existing perceptions and telling them what they want or expect to hear. Probably does it pretty casually in daily life too and doesn’t think twice about it. Mostly does it to make things easier for herself.
Estrella I think is extremely good at lying. They’re good at like keeping a calm demeanor in every situation (not just outwardly, either, they have a lot of control over their own emotions as well.) They say everything in a very neutral tone anyway, and they’re good at thinking of convincing lies whenever prompted bc they used to have to do that very often. They don’t like doing it unless in an actually serious situation because it makes them feel manipulative + like they’re taking advantage of people, though they would definitely to it to spare people’s feelings and make them less scared. It’s like a tool they have that they usually use for practical purposes only, but sometimes also just out of pity or to make themselves feel better.
46. How do others see them? How accurate is it to how they really are?
As a public figure Vera is I think mostly ignored. People only cared abt the royal family as an idea and as a political entity. Those opposed or ambivalent towards the monarchy basically see her like, the same as any teenager, and even people who like really respect it and buy into it don’t think abt her much LOL. Which she’s not really aware of, like she knows she’s not as relevant or beloved as her parents obviously and she’s fine with that, but she does think she’d get a lot more respect than she actually has. 
At first people see Lupe pretty accurately to how she actually is, which is a spoiled and clueless nepotism baby who’s never had to work for anything in her life. They think she’s easily overwhelmed. And that is true at first, but they do vastly underestimate her cognitive and strategic. Abilities. And so she increasingly has a better handle on things, and the impression becomes increasingly inaccurate. Later on she does the opposite and manages to convince people she’s stronger and more capable than she really is. 
People who don’t know anything abt Estrella, which is most people, actually kind of like it like it’s usually pretty quiet but it does its job very reliably it’s very polite and I feel like its presence would usually put people at ease. Almost no one is ever actually threatened by them, at worse they find them a little off puttingly terse if theyre the type that likes to make conversation with everyone, but since they’re pretty pleasant to be around they’re respected by their work associated. People see it as dependable which is generally true, though it is the type to protect people close to them above all else and if something came up they’d like. Betray anyone else instantly they wouldn’t even try to find another solution. This probably sounds a bit off it’s because I have a couple of specific situations in mind that I’m referencing ok umm in general people are right that they’re a nice calm and peaceful person but they’re wrong in that they don’t know anything abt its past or the various crimes it has committed or been witness to + also theyre unaware of. I wouldn’t say ruthless but like resigned to violence it can be.
48. What are they most afraid of?
Vera’s worst fears are basically just like. Her storyline 😞. First of all she’s 16 and her entire family is dead so that’s not a very good situation in general. She’s constantly on the run and having to rely on the citizens of another country, and she has become very paranoid so it’s like almost a constant state of some amount of stress yk. More importantly than that though you could probably say her greatest fear is like. What she believes to be the foundation of her country and the actual foundation of her worldview being disrupted. Like the monarchy being replaced with something she sees as corrupted or whatever. I mean it is corrupted they’re literally getting her country involved in a war. And it’s like maybe this seems pretty general and not tied into her personality specifically 
A big part of Lupe’s character is that she’s incredibly cowardly and afraid of physical pain. She’s often intimidated by other people in general + though she tries not to show it she hates being yelled at or openly confronted. Physical pain 
It’s hard to say anything abt this with Estrella without sounding like melodramatic 😭 and overly serious or whatever. Come on losing their family being pulled back into an environment where they have to use violence to survive. Let’s go other than that ummm I think other than that it’d be afraid of isolation from everywhere else like. It’s not very social but it needs to feel like other people exist in the world to feel grounded. It’s probably irrationally nervous about getting somehow lost at sea. And really really hates the idea of going to prison.
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saybiwithme · 4 years
Fic writer interview
I was tagged by my best friend @superdanys 🥰
Name: saybiforme
Fandoms: It’s mostly Torchwood/Doctor who but I also do Sanctuary, Sherlock and NCIS
Where you post: Wattpad but I just made an ao3 account so there too soon.
Most Popular One-shot: i don’t have a lot of one shots bc I get carried away but it’s the surprise
Most Popular Multichap: The Strange Encounter. I keep getting notifications for that one.
Favorite story you’ve written so far: Naive Hearts. It’s getting a sequel as well 🙈
Fic you were nervous to post: The ones where I collabed with people lol
How do you choose your titles: Tbh I have no idea, sometimes it’s because of songs or I just go with what seems to fit it. I mostly don’t come up with the title first though but when I do it’s usually rare.
Do you outline: I do, I would be so lost without an outline lol
Complete: I think 5?
In progress: I’m planning the outline for Broken Hearts so that and I’m working on the strange encounter
Coming soon/not yet started: Broken Hearts, it’s the sequel to naive hearts but I don’t think it’ll be very long. I’m planning a fic for @superdanys about an oc ship we have as well.
Prompts?: I haven’t done any but I’m up for it.
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: Broken Hearts 100%
Idk who to tag but if you wanna do it go for it
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silver9mm · 6 years
for the fanfic writer ask: 1, 11, 15, 38
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?I’m pretty sure I wrote some Moody Blues dream-fic back when I was like 12? And I wrote a Jeff Goldblum fic in my teens (the soundtrack was Coming in the Air Tonight, judge me), but I didn’t know what it was I was doing, yk? I mean, this was 1994 and some of ya’ll weren’t even born yet! But my first official story was in 2010, so I was 30 or 31. But I still didn’t know what fanfiction was! I had no idea this was a thing until I discovered tumblr. 
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?The only criticism I’ve received was constructive, but yeah, I have def. changed things in fics after posting them bc of something someone else said. Noticed errors or plot holes, or they just gave way better ideas than the ones I already had going :P
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names? I’m a big fan of short names and relatively gender-neutral names too, probably bc of my own. I have sounds i like better than others, like I really like “E” names. I work out how easy they’d be said in bed, too. 
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it. oh gosh collaboration would be AMAZING if i could be held accountable for anything, ever, which i cannot be, so i will never get to write with others. My sister @jinxedwalker has finally mostly given up asking me to write things with her bc i write so fucking slowly and @bendoverandbiteyourgag has given me a million ideas that would be super fun to do with her, but i suck. @brosamigos used to try to pick my brain and get ideas going, but wow am i not good at roleplaying or catching plot bunnies D: @dreaminblue67 laid down a cool af Revelations-type fic at my feet a while back and maybe someday when we’re all dead I’ll finish my BAW!verse and we could flesh that out some. In a purely fantasizing way, it would be epic to collaborate with @hellhoundsprey @zmediaoutlet and @omgbubblesomg but it will literally never happen (although bubbles did sort of ghostwrite some of ktl for me even if she doesn’t know it:)
fanfiction writer asks
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kixaxstyx · 6 years
Evens! ^_^
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
I write for a lot of fandoms! Most notably in recent times are Durarara!! and Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments, but when I was younger I wrote a lot (and I mean a lot) of Yu-Gi-Oh/Yu-Gi-Oh GX stories. Recently I’ve been really getting into writing for The Case Study of Vanitas and I have some stories in the work for it… I don’t really have a particular favorite, I love them all equally!
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?
I like writing a lot of generic/slice of life stuff to be honest, but I also like tragedies and action/adventure stuff too. 
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
*Sweats nervously and makes awkward eye contact with all the fanfiction I wrote in middle school* Why? Because I have grown so much in the 12 years since I started writing that I don’t want anyone to see it. AT ALL
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
From everywhere, to be honest! I got first place in a writing contest with a story that took inspiration from the song “Sixteen Tons” by Ernie Tennessee Ford. A story I used on my grad school application took inspiration from Dungeons and Dragons. It really depends on the piece and its context!
10) (skipping bc no title requested!)
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
My favorite character to write for tends to be my favorite character in that series - and my favorite in the series is typically someone who I can relate to, or that I like. So, if you notice, my favorite character to write for in Shadowhunters tends to be Alec Lightwood - because I like him, and I feel I can relate to some of his struggles, and that translates to better writing and characterization!
14) (skipping bc no title requested!)
16) (skipping bc no title requested!)
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
I do have a lot of abandoned WIPs. I typically abandon them if I lose interest, or I feel like I’m struggling/wrote myself into a hole I can’t get myself out of. And of course, sometimes, I stop simply because I’m not motivated because I don’t think people are interested, or I’m getting harassed for some reason by readers.
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
Definitely, lol. Every time I re-read Don’t Make Promises (You Can’t Keep) I kick myself for making it Shizaya, when the first half/three-quarters of the story totally reads as Shinzaya. 
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
A lot of my earlier works, to be honest. Especially the ones that have OCs bc they read as really bad Mary-Sues (but to be honest, those were characters I, myself, needed when I was writing them which is why they were created)
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?
Not very confident, tbh. I feel awkward doing so, and it’s something that’s not really in my skills repertoire (and that I’m okay with not refining)
26) (skipping bc no title requested!)
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?
That you can go at your own pace, and you don’t need to kill yourself to crank updates out! And that it’s okay to “come late” to a fandom and still write for it. It’s not about the popularity of your stories, it’s about your enjoyment writing them!
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Not off the top of my head, but I know that I have come across stories that seem to be popular in fandom for some reason but I can’t get behind.
32) Are any of your characters based on real people?
I wrote something about 3 years ago, for my Intro to Creative Writing course in College (an easy A for me lol). It was called “My Roommate” (I’m still working on the title to this day lol) but the characters in it were all based off of me and my 3 college roommates at the time. It was a flashback piece, really interesting to do, though a bit dark. Once I get the name solid and do a bit more editing, maybe I’ll post it here lol.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
I don’t remember, to be honest, but it was something that actually led me to deleting the story from the site it was posted on. :(
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
The night was cold, one of the coldest on record.Being on the cusp of mid-December, the cold made sense, but the time of yeardidn’t make it any better, didn’t make it any easier to weather. Their handsfelt frozen solid, and the dark gloves they wore didn’t do anything to keep thechill out. As the coach rolled to a stop in front of the mansion, they onlyhesitated a moment before exiting. They ascended the steps with a deliberateslowness, knocking to announce themselves just as slowly.
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.
Oh, there’s a lot of people, I couldn’t just name one lol! 
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
My boyfriend and friends from college know I write fanfiction, but my parents think I just write stories and post them on a blog - they don’t know it’s “fanfiction” per se. 
42) (skipping bc no title requested!)
44) What is the last line you wrote?
“Sister!” Their brother said in greeting, entering thesitting room with his wife just steps behind the child. “We weren’t expecting avisit from you, not for a while yet.”
(From a WIP I’m working on, lol!)
46) (skipping bc no title requested!)
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
I love, love, love writing first meetings. It is something I am always a sucker for. Especially “love at first sight” first meetings.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
*Fast and Furious chanting* Angst angst angst angst angst
I like to suffer and make people miserable as well.
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