#tagged for liebsteface
purlturtle 1 year
You might have seen me tag things with "tagged for liebsteface" recently - in case you wondered why:
"Liebsteface" is what my wife and I call each other. It's a Denglisch pet name consisting of "Liebste" (Darling, female version) and face, because "darling face" is kinda cute.
(fun fact, when my sis-in-law, American like my wife, heard us say it to each other, she thought we were saying "lobster face" which is so funny that we've started using that too, every now and then 馃槀)
So does Liebsteface have a Tumblr, then, I hear you ask, so that she will see the posts I tag for her?
But every other night or so, we cuddle in bed, and she'll ask to see the liebsteface tag, or I'll ask if she wants to see the liebsteface tag, and then we'll spend ten minutes or so scrolling through the carefully curated Tumblr garden that I have cultivated for her.
(yes, she has been informed of the Ides of March.)
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purlturtle 1 year
Unrelated, I just have to ask I'm so curious, what's your Tag for Liebsteface all about? :D I first thought it was a cat tag bc I think you reblogged a bunch of cat posts from me with it, but it's Not? O.o
Hah! I already wrote that down! (Short answer: is for my wife!)
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purlturtle 4 months
I love seeing my posts reblogged tagged with tagged for leibsteface 鈾ワ笌
Aww <3
That makes me (and my liebsteface :D) very happy!
Have a good day, or Merry Christmas, whichever you prefer/whichever applies!
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