#sxilor rambles
sxilor-1010 · 1 month
Had a fun conversation in a GB Discord server about lovecore RGB egon that stemmed from him having heart shaped glasses
Conversation under cut cause its pretty long-
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sxilor-1010 · 1 month
Thinking a bit more in depth about Lovecore Egon (at this it could be considered an AU Egon? idk-) and how the reason why he's like this is because he doesn't really celebrate Valentines day-
Egon doesn't have time for romance and even when he does catch feelings he doesn't know how to comprehend them or reciprocate them (its the autism 😔), which often leads to him just. not celebrating Valentines Day because he can't understand romance like any other normal person could. (Not to mention with how commercialized it is-)
And apparently, that kind of mentality was enough to piss off Cupid (or at least a demon version of Cupid) that they made Egon all lovey-dovey and happy (hence the lovecore look) with no way for a cure until Egon is able to enjoy Valentines Day like every other person should.
He does go back to normal at the end of the day, though, after admitting that he does care and love for his friends. He just has a hard time showing those feelings because he's not good at emotionally expressing himself. You don't need roses and chocolates, or to wear heart patterned clothing to show that care for your friends.
Love comes in various forms, and while Egon can't love romantically, he can still love his friends platonically.
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sxilor-1010 · 7 months
compiled a short list of the main Ultrakill characters and what gemstones they'd be for my little Ultrakill x Houseki no Kuni AU.
Below will be me rambling a ton in depth-
For anybody wondering about the point of this au; I like gemstones and I like Ultrakill. I also love Houseki no Kuni and the concept of gem beings that are very humanoid.
In reality this AU is just Ultrakill but every being is made from gemstones rather than just blood and flesh. The V models (mostly V1) feed off of inclusions, which gemstones use to grow and crystallize back together if injured. Every enemy in this AU are made of gemstones or some form of stone, nobody is flesh and blood.
Mankind is dead.
Inclusions are fuel.
Hell is full.
Anyways, onto the characters shall we?
For this AU, I decided to make V1 a Blue Zoisite with some Yellow Zoisite (for his wings). While V2 is a Red Citrine with Yellow Citrine wings. I was trying to shoot for the idea that V1 starts off pretty weak and prone to easy damage, but the more it goes through hell the stronger it becomes. It goes more in depth after it collects' Citrines Arm (Knuckleblaster) and the Green Garnet Arm (Whiplash) later on.
Sadly there isn't any special meaning to their gemstones so I don't have anything further to say. Onto Gabriel and Minos!
Now these two, hoo boy I put a bit more effort into studying their respective gemstones and their meanings behind them so there will be a lot.
For Gabriel I thought it'd make sense to make him a gemstone that fits with not just his personality, but in general because he's an archangel. So his body is made up of Onyx (or Obsidian works too) while his armor is made up of a mix of White Diamond and Pyrite gold, his wings are made of Sea Blue Chalcedony, and finally his swords Splendor and Justice are made from Yellow and Blue Diamond respectively.
In the bible, a few holy scriptures have mentioned diamonds as well as 12 other gems in The Old Testament, with 12 sacred gemstones given to Moses for a blueprint of a sacred breastplate for his brother Aaron. It just so happens one of these other gems besides Diamond mention is Chalcedony
The real reason why I chose those specific gems for Gabriel however is because... I feel like him being a Diamond fits with his story in Act 1 of the game. He's high and mighty, prideful and gets the job done when asked to. He's a shining light to some (the ferrymen) and overall does the council's work like a shining diamond. It's also said that Diamonds represent invincibility, fearlessness, courage, and can give the wearer extra strength and stamina to be victorious.
The pyrite part of his armor symbolizes the flaws of his pride, thinking he couldn't be beaten by a mere object, V1, only to be defeated and realize how much of a fool he's been made of. After all, there's a reason why Pyrite is called Fool's gold.
As for the Chalcedony, while it's not much of a strong meaning, it's used as a talisman for protection and can even bring good fortune. It's also the only gemstone that has a similar shade of blue to Gabriel's wings.
Before I go onto Minos, I will say Gabriel's armor does change in gemstone when he's enraged. White Diamond becomes Red Jasper while his wings and armor hints become Rutilated Quartz, which often times looks like this.
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Finally, we're onto Minos.
This AU version of Minos Prime is made from White Opal, one that is luminescent and glows a bit of rainbow (because thats what an opal does), however at some angles of shading you can see him turn blue, which is what an opal exactly does too. His circulatory system is... a bit interesting in choice, I'll tell you that.
It's made up of Cinnabar, and if anybody knows anything about cinnabar, it's that it contains a silvery poison which is Mercury. Mercury is harmful to humans whether smelt or ingested, and can lead to fatal consequences. It's not much of a connection, but with the crystal snakes coiled around his arms, and some snakes have venomous poison...
You can see where I went with that XD
Anyways, that's about all for this long little rambling post, I have yet to do Sisyphus Prime, The Ferrymen, and maybe Mirage but I'd love to hear opinions from y'all for the characters I should do next! With that, take care and thank you for reading my gemstone ultrakill au ramble post. :)
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sxilor-1010 · 10 months
Working on a danganronpa x fear street au because I'm bored and I got nothing else to do, so here's a short character list for this AU! I'll be starting off with Fear Street Part 1: 1994, Part 2: 1987 & Part 3: 1666 will come at a later point.
I really recommend watching Fear Street, it's a good movie trilogy! With that, onto the list!
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Heather Watkins – Sayaka Maizono
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Reason I chose her is because she's the first girl you meet in game and the first girl who dies. Heather's the same way.
Ryan Torres – Leon Kuwata
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I chose Leon because of both he and Ryan have some girl catcher thing going on, not to mention they both become killers. (albeit one was possessed, the other was forced)
Deena Johnson – Shuichi Saihara
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In reality because the Fear Street Trilogy also counts as a LGBTQ+ film (Deena & Sam used to date), you could put anyone besides Shuichi as the main character. Reason I chose Shuichi was because Deena associates with the color blue, and she's also pessimistic and depressed at the start of the movie until the end.
Samantha Fraser – Kokichi Oma
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Now, Sam and Kokichi are very different characters. One's manipulative and childish while the other doesn't like to cause trouble while being quiet. The only reason I chose Kokichi is due to a couple things, one of them being Sam living in Sunnyvale (which is a rich and safe town, and since Kokichi is the Ultimate Supreme Leader, I just put two and two together.) Second, Saiouma is a popular ship and since Shuichi is Deena in this AU, I might as well make Sam Kokichi. (But other options such as Kiibo or Kaito or any other male character Shuichi's shipped with could work too.)
Josh Johnson – Yasuhiro Hagakure
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In the movie, Josh is the nerd who's all about conspiracy theories, and he's smart because he's able to piece together what's been going on with Shadyside and the killers it pumps out every decade or so. Yasuhiro's all about that conspiracy stuff, and he's somewhat of a nerd (alongside Hifumi), hence why he's Josh. His best friends that he talks to like Josh does in the movie with AOL would probably be Hifumi and Gundham.
Kate Schmidt – Miu Iruma
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Kate's not an inventor, I'll give you that. But in the movie she's very smart and has a good sense of what she's doing (even after she dies). She's also a very attractive girl, so who else could fit her other than the genius with good looks and golden brains herself?
Simon Kalivoda – Kazuichi Soda
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In my personal opinion, I could've chosen Mikan for Simon due to both of them being cowards and having knowledge of over the counter medicine and drugs, but it just didn't feel right given Mikan also cries a lot... which is something Simon doesn't do. So I chose Kazuichi because I thought it would be more fitting in terms of personality. (Also, both of them are simps in a way)
Sheriff Nick Goode – Nagito Komaeda
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While it doesn't make much sense for Nagito to be Nick, I chose Nagito because both of them wield guns (/hj) and because both of them live a lavish lifestyle where nothing bad ever happens to them. (With some exception as an Ultimate Lucky Student aka Nagito) Then again, he could also work for Sarah Fier given both of them had one hand cut off from their body...
C. Berman – Hajime Hinata
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It's implied in 1978 that C. Berman and Nick Goode had a thing for each other when they were kids, and C. Berman was very pessimistic (almost like Deena) during most of the movie. It fits very well for Hajime just like Shuichi does with Deena.
Ruby Lane – Sonia Nevermind
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Halfway in the movie, Simon ends up entranced by Ruby Lane's singing which is how he ends up getting tackled and almost killed by her. I don't like to doubt that Sonia would do something similar to draw out Kazuichi if she ever decided to kill someone.
Sarah Fier – Kiyotaka Ishimaru
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While it may not make sense for Ishimaru to be the witch, It's the only character I could think that would work for this AU since, and there are spoilers so don't read if you haven't seen Fear Street, Sarah Fier in the movie is a lesbian who was hung for witchcraft and had rejected a dude who loved her when she loved another woman.
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sxilor-1010 · 7 months
Thinking about how Emilyn has a pet cat named Zira and when Starscream gets to be around he grows jealous that her cat gets more attention than he does.
"I don't understand how you could like this... pet."
"Well that's cause you haven't been around cats before, and Zira probably feels the same way you do Starscream. Ain't that right sweet girl?"
"It can't even respond to you properly! This 'cat' is just wanting your attention!"
"...Are you jealous of Zira, Starscream?"
"Wh-- NO! What makes you think I'd be jealous of a tiny pet like that?!"
"Because I've never seen you this upset and defensive over anything, let alone my pet cat."
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sxilor-1010 · 11 months
Magical Robot Kiibo Danganronpa AU rambles. Courtesy of @finsterkiibo for hearing about my AU idea and even suggesting some stuff.
I've been trying to decide how this AU would go, knowing I had an inspiration from a old doodle @cenistar's human Kiibo AU. I've been on and off with ideas, and I eventually shot for what I was going for. This is some rambles to explain those ideas and this AU in general. First off, I didn't know whether to make this a general magical girl AU, and when I say that it's because (and this is my opinion) there's a bit of a difference between general magical girl shows like Sailor Moon or Cardcaptor Sakura to let's say, Suite Precure or DokiDoki! Precure. I won't have time to go into all the specifics, but this AU is more leaning towards a Precure styled magical girl AU. In this AU, the world lives amongst an alien species of humanoid like robots, coexisting between humans. K1-B0 is one of these robots, albeit he's unaware of that secret. Because of this, his father had sent him to a highly special academy known as Hopes Peak in the hopes he can make some friends and find his purpose in life. There, he's made a couple friends, one of them known as Shuichi Saihara. A shy yet avid boy who has a love for solving mysteries. On the way towards his first school day, however, was when something unexpected had happened. K1-B0 had stumbled upon a tiny little robot who seemed to be in a rush to find someone, that someone being K1-B0. Pikepa, as the strange mechanical pixie is named, tells K1-B0 that they are destined for greatness, and are a secret guardian to help fight against an evil group known as D.I.C.E. While K1-B0 doesn't believe it at first, the robot's life starts to change once he takes in Pikepa. It's only then that K1-B0 learns he's a destined guardian of Hope, a magical robot who not only must balance a life of heroics and as a student, but to also defeat D.I.C.E and to find the other 3 mysterious guardians. In a battle of Hope and Despair, K1-B0 must never give up.
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sxilor-1010 · 10 months
it came to me in a dream and it came to me half asleep, but i'm making another Danganronpa V3 AU but this time for Roblox Doors because I crave more crossover AUs for Doors goddammit—
I'll need time to think more about it but its 5 AM and what I have plot wise is that all the students are good friends in a closely knit friend group (this also counts as a no despair au) and all of them decide to go to an abandoned hotel rumored to harbor a lot of horrific entities to see if its true
the moment the elevator door that was thought to be inactive closes and starts taking them away with no way to escape, that's when the real nightmares begin.
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sxilor-1010 · 11 months
I need a DRV3 AU where something angsty as fuck happens to Kiibo that causes him to snap and he ends up turning the killing game into a hunting game so now everyone who wasn't hunted down by a rogue robot has to figure out what the fuck happened and how to save Kiibo
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sxilor-1010 · 7 months
It's late, I should be asleep, but instead have a crappy meme I made with one of my recent self ships.
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sxilor-1010 · 30 days
I saw this cute picrew and I'm not kidding when I say I just HAD to do one of Egon & Selena. 💚💜
They probably went on a date and Peter took a secret picture while they were distracted. (And yes, Selena made flower crowns for her & Egon to wear while on their date.)
Link to the Picrew is here!
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sxilor-1010 · 3 months
thinking about the height chart between me and my f/o polycule...
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proshipper or comshippers that interact with this post will be fucking eviserated.
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sxilor-1010 · 6 months
Never in my life did I think I'd be listening to a Trolls World Tour song while imagining Starscream & Emilyn flying through the air happily while Star's clones sing in the background in harmony but I am-
Emilyn's eyes are probably sparkling in awe and happiness while Starscream's dancing with her in the air, having to hold her close just so she won't plummet, or if she's lucky, one of his clones could catch her!
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sxilor-1010 · 6 months
There used to be a Transformers animation that stupid unsupervised kid me watched as a kid and honestly that wad the first time I was ever traumatized by the TF community on YT back in 2010(ish?)
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sxilor-1010 · 11 months
what if,,, I made a Danganronpa AU,,,, but it's of the Fear Street movie trilogy-
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
My 19th birthday is in less than 42 days and I'm hoping I'll be able to get this fucking game I've been eyeing since october last year-
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sxilor-1010 · 1 year
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Hello everyone! My name is Sailor, Sxilor, Silxas, whatever you wanna call me. This is my tumblr blog, (cause apparently my last blog @gr3y-etiola got deleted so I lost all my shit-) so I'm redoing it from scratch! It sucks but it's just how it is, and I needed to redo my blog one way or another...
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I am about 20 years old, using they/she/it pronouns, and I am diagnosed with AUDHD. I often like to ramble about my hyperfixations as well as about characters I enjoy or ocs I have. Some of my current hyperfixations are Ghostbusters, Undertale Yellow, Halloween stuff, Transformers, Ultrakill, Danganronpa (V3 specifically!), Pumpkin Jack (the game), Roblox Doors, Dead Cells, Left 4 Dead 2, and much more.
I'm also a selfshipper who has all of their F/O's in a polycule and will kick the shit out of proshippers on sight.
You can check out all about my F/O's here!
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If you would ever like to talk or ramble, feel free to shoot me a dm or send me an ask! Please make sure to check out my Carrd too so you're aware of my DNI list and to know any of my other handles! I hope after reading this you have an amazing day / night.
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