gamenu · 11 days
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         "You ever seen a movie, Tetra?" He holds up a vhs tape, eyes gleaming with mischievous intent. "Got one right here we can watch. We have a TV in the dorm lounge and I don't feel like listening to a lecture today. Wanna come with us instead?"
                                                  -- @sweetlybite
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         "A movie?" Looking up at him with a hint of curiosity, the fairy flutters in place, hovering to be eye level with Floyd and the tape in his hand. Well, she's always down for new things and it definitely beat going to class by a long shot. With a curious, eager nod, she smiles at Floyd.
         "I think tha Director told me about these funny things! Movin' pictures, yeah? Le's go! I wanna go see this movie wit' ya!" Maybe the other students would join in! She knows Azul will be in class. . .but movie time with Floyd seems like it would be more than fun enough for her!
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         "--Do ya want me ta get snacks?"
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muraenide · 15 days
Its not often that he wakes up ahead of Jade, but he doesn't let the moment go to waste. Sitting on the edge of his brother's bed, Floyd leans down to press his lips against Jade's cheek...
...only to blow the biggest, loudest, wettest raspberry he possibly can before darting up and away from Jade's bed with a loud cackle.
"Time to get up Jade!" And that's why he wasn't allowed to be anyone's alarm clock, ever, among other reasons.
@sweetlybite / Floyd
Indeed, Jade not being the first in their room - no, Jade not being the first in Octavinelle to wake up was a rare occurrence. His daily routine starts at six in the morning, whereas now it's already nine in the morning. Whoever knew Jade Leech of Octavinelle would know that Jade would rather kill than allow anything or anyone to disrupt his schedule. Instead, he's still asleep on his sides rather than his back, eyebrows pinched above his nose. Amid his slumber, he seems to have encountered some sort of trouble, not unlike a bad dream. The trouble with that belief is that merfolk don't dream, especially not Jade.
Floyd's loud, otherwise fail-safe whistle doesn't appear to work on him either. He merely groans uncomfortably before turning on his other side, pulling the sheets further above his shoulder.
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jinanreona · 9 months
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@sweetlybite sent: // honorable mention: @muraenide
Long arms hook themselves around the lion beastman's middle, closing firmly enough that one could have mistaken it for a bear hug if they were in any way friends. Floyd presses his cheek to Leona's, smiling as he tightens his grip enough for the other to feel it for a second.
"Ya smell like Jade, Sea Lion." He hums pleasantly, tone light. "Seen him in your room a few times too." Now what Jade did to amuse himself wasn't his business. That was just fact, and he didn't mind leaving it at that. However. "Might have to bite ya again if you step outta line, hm~? You messed me up a bit last time. It was fun."
It had taken the cracks in his skin weeks to heal, but he'd gotten a good look at the process of it in the meantime. He had a fairly good idea of what he could handle before needing to back out and call it a day.
"But!" His voice lifts, a giggle bubbling up out of his mouth as he purposely drags his cheek over Leona's - pointedly marking him just to agitate the other's sensitive nose. "You guys keep playing all fun like, and we ain't got a problem. Sounds good?"
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He goes still the moment arms encircle his waist, placing one hand over one of Floyd's arm as claws extend and press against pale skin. It's meant as a silent warning, claws refraining from piercing skin even if the temptation is there. It's all he can do to focus on the other's words, piercing eyes falling to dual-colored ones.
At the accusation, he rolls his eyes, tilting his head away some to reduce the contact between their bodies. Just how bad would it be if he scratched out an eye or two... Still, he can't deny that Jade's scent lingers on him, Leona repeatedly finding the guy snoozing on his bed every few days. It's an annoyance, but bearable with how swiftly the beastman kicks him out. It doesn't mean he can get rid of the eel's smell as it clings to his blankets and pillows. Who knew Floyd would pick up on it, much less be this peeved over it.
"Happy to do it again if it was that fun for you~," he quips back, his tail giving a solid thump against the other's leg as his patience begins to thin. "Keep yer mouth to yourself and don't get your pants all in a twist. Last I checked we were getting along just fine, so no need to get aggressive and worry him, right?~" Already, he knew Jade would have a few choice words at him if he went through with hurting Floyd again. It'd all be a headache to deal with, especially now that Azul seemed to share in this jealousy and possessiveness over the vice housewarden.
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He huffs again as Floyd's cheek rubs against him, the sensation making his fur stand on end. Ears press against his head as a low growl escapes him in warning, already knowing the other's scent would be lingering on him for the rest of the day. Bastard. It's enough to make him start shoving at the guy's face, resisting his grip to get some space between them again. "Alright, you're getting too cozy now. You don't want him hanging around me, say it to his face instead of sneaking around and making it my problem. I'm not the one inviting him to my dorm."
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decayedhearts · 7 months
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@sweetlybite sent: "Say 'ah'." Cupping Ace's jaw with a hand, give the other boy time to react before easing a spoonful of dark red cherry compote and whipped cream into Ace's mouth.
The normally firm fruit had been slowly cooked down into a tangy, tender dessert that was still pleasantly warm; letting it fill up the consumer's senses with just enough sweetness from the whipped cream that the tartness of the cherries wasn't uncomfortable.
Floyd gently pulled the spoon away, studying Ace's reaction to the treat.
"Whatcha think? Better than chocolate, isn't it?"
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Under different circumstances Ace might have been more suspicious of Floyd telling him to open his mouth and try some unidentified substance, but as it is he's been smelling the tantalizing sweet fruity scent of whatever it is Floyd cooked for almost an hour now, so his hope that it is something delicious is far greater than his fear of being pranked. His lips part almost without any hesitation and close again around the spoon instinctively.
The sweet mixture has barely touched his tongue as his entire face lights up, his shoulders rising a little as if he's about to float out of his chair. "Ohm my gob!" Ace brings out through a full mouth, reluctant to swallow and lose the taste too soon. It's like an explosion of amazing flavors in his mouth - sweet, sour, creamy, tangy, delicious. The thought feels blasphemous but this is possibly better even than cherry pie, something Ace thought wholly impossible.
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Almost jumping out of his chair, hands flat on the counter to push himself up a little, Ace leans over to catch a glimpse of the pot in front of Floyd. "Is there more of that??"
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pomfiores · 1 year
"If we get put on monster team for Beanfest this time, wanna team up Betta?" Floyd sinks a little further into his seat, getting comfortable. "Wouldn't be half bad, working with you again."
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Reorganizing his notes, Vil barely glances in Floyd's direction in acknowledgment. An airy laugh came from him as he was forced to think about Beanfest — that's right, it should be coming around again. It doesn't even feel as though it's been that long. Vil gave it some thought before Floyd even asked him, but now he remembers promptly dropping the topic in mind in favor of another task.
"If by working with me, you mean deciding at the last minute to not help during ambushes?" Admittedly Floyd can work quite well. However, it's a matter of him deciding if he wants to, that's the trouble. "Getting ahead of yourself, I see. Though, I can admire your spirit." Seems as though every year Floyd gets a little more anxious about the event — rightfully so, as it serves as a nice stress reliever.
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"If we were to be put on the same team ... No. As a matter of fact, I'll think about it." Even though he was the one who invited Floyd last time, he'd learned plenty! "If we aren't on the same team, however, it's fair game. Heh."
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bitterseadrop-a · 1 year
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀» ⠀ oc ask meme.
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What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
milou's actually quite good with kids — unless she'd have to be a parent. she's the fun aunt who'll enable kids in all their mischief :^) she's not particularly fond of them however, as she honestly has no idea how to properly handle them when it isn't all about screwing around and finding out. 0/10 would recommend as a baby sitter though, unless you're ready to deal with the consequences (which would be your kid coming home with a new and VERY colorful vocabulary)
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How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
moral compass? don't know her
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alright KLJDSFJHGSDF the thing is, milou always prioritizes her own interests and most importantly her own freedom. you won't get anywhere with simply trying to convince her to give up those things, you'd have to present her with an offer of equal value.
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What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
for her og lore? where do i even start :^) i'd say it has to be her family's big fall from grace. while she grew up in a world surrounded by crime, milou actually had a stable life set up for her and could even have left it behind later on, if that's what she desired — that's also what her older brother did.
it all came crashing down though when her father broke the contract they had with velk, and then vanishing without a trace. milou might have only been in her early-mid teens at that point in time, but she had already learned to assume the worst for punishment. only her and her mother were left to pick up what remained of their family's organisation. but then, her mother also bailed on her.
to say that being left as the lone sheep surrounded by wolves left her in disarray would be a vast understatement.
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What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
trust. especially after what had happened during her teenage years as mentioned before.
i've talked about this before, but trust is something that is immensely hard to build up with milou. ever since that incident, the only person she feels like she can trust is herself — and she's not even sure of that sometimes.
she has no trouble expressing any emotions, but that's only until they are genuine. once she stops acting like a clown and wants to express how she actually feels it in any shape or form, it's very hard for her to do so physically. words of concern or appreciation are rare, even more so if it's without any sarcasm behind them. she's very much an "actions speak louder than words" kind of person, so that's also how you'll notice that you've envoked some kind of genuine emotion from her.
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frestoniia · 1 year
"What's your favorite food and candy? None of that quick excuse stuff, Zooplankton. What do ya really like?"
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks || accepting (3/10)
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Finally, something a little more lighthearted. Though this one did require a moment of consideration.
" Well, it's not cheese, if that's what you're expecting me to say. " he remarks wryly. Now, he did actually like cheese, but he was sick to death of people making that joke. A fairly benign stereotype in the grand scheme of things, but still annoying.
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" That being said, my favorite sweet food would probably be lemon trifle. On the savory side, I love onion soup. And my favorite candy is chocolate mint! "
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blotlcss · 1 year
@sweetlybite asked:
He moves slowly, mirroring their sway and pace down the hall until the crush of bodies is less suffocating and the space between them has gradually gotten smaller. Without a sound he scoops them up, arms firm but not crushing, and Floyd pivots on his heel to turn them both around towards a quiet nook perfect for napping.
His nose brushes their nape a second before he nozzles into their neck, squeezing Yuu gently as he plops himself down.
"Take a break, Nurse Shark."
Yuu was taken completely off guard by sudden scooping. A small sounds escapes from their lips and there's panicked wave of their arms until they're turned and see the face of their kidnapper.
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But they don't get an answer until after he's already whisked them off into some nook and nuzzles into them like they were some sort of stuffed toy.
This was all about taking a break....? Well they were feeling a little ragged these past few days but they didn't think it was worth being fussed over. Maybe he was the one who needed a break and was using them as an excuse?
"Mn.... Fine. But only for a little bit ok?" They sigh as they cave in and get cozy in his lap. Yuu's hand reaches up to start combing through the short trusses of teal hair as they close their eyes.
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ramshacklexprefect · 1 year
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@sweetlybite​ : "What color should someone leave your mouth when they're done fucking it, Koebi? Red? Or do you like it salty and white?"
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“Ah-AHhhhhhhh?????” Yuu’s brain sputters for a bit trying to process the question. He blinks “Is red with the blood of my enemies?....I....Maybe a bit of both?” He’s blushing a lot and just looking at only Floyd’s earring.   “I-I mean umm... Yeah??? Why...why you asking Floyd?” He tries to let his eyes trail down. Floyd’s face is in this area not below the other’s belt. 
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gamenu · 5 months
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          [ bear eel hug ] a tight, warm, and engulfing hug - from floyd,
                                                  -- @sweetlybite
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         "Floyd, no!" It's all the fairy manages to get out before the rather tall and lanky student picked her up in a tight hug. If nothing else, she's grateful he was careful where he put his arms so he didn't crush her wings, but she's pretty sure him crushing the rest of her would be just as bad!
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          What makes it worse? What made her try to deny him his hug? He was wet. Whatever body of water he just crawled out of, it did not matter. He was damp and he KNEW Naira hated that feeling.
          It's weird because Floyd actually gives good hugs, this would be a nice hug that Naira wouldn't mind if he were DRY. He was large, and it was easy for his hug to envelope her. Knowing he was her friend left her feeling safe in it. But being wet left her stressed and like she wanted to jump out of her skin since she was now damp. As infectuous as his laughter was when he was genuinely having a good time, all it did was result in the fairy trying to get out of his grasp.
          Wriggling and batting at him as much as she could with her arms basically pinned to her sides in his hug. It's only after another squeeze and him swinging her around for a moment that he finally placed her back on the ground and let her go. Her cheeks were puffed out in a pout, and she was shaking. Oh second. . .she felt gross. It was water, but she hated it.
          Looking up at Floyd, her hands come to her hips, and she's tapping her foot rather rapidly. "Ya know, I'ma get'cha back fer that, right? Just ya wait. Oh, I hope ya like all my damn Pixie dust clingin' ta yer uniform now!"
          A small huff, and the annoyed fairy looks back up at him stubbornly. "Ya know, ya owe me a proper hug next time! Like, one where I don' come out wet from youse!"
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muraenide · 3 months
The tsum rocks from side to side, chirping softly to itself as it inches along the desk its decided to use as a perch. Out of the corner of its eye, it spotted something soft and crinkly-looking that had been left unattended. Pouncing on its new find with excitement, the tsum proceeded to roll around and tear at the neatly arranged stack of papers and get ink all over itself in the process. Tiny bits of paper went flying across the desk, accompanied by delighted squeaks and chirps.
By the time it was calm again, nothing remained of the papers but a few patches that were almost as big as the tsum itself. It let out a tiny croon of satisfaction, rolling onto its side and closing its eyes as its fancy hat slipped off its head.
Surrounded by the evidence of its wanton destruction, Floyd's tsum looked like it was utterly at peace as it settled down on the nice crinkly confetti for a nap.
Unprompted / @sweetlybite
He walks in just in time to see the mess on his desk that is Floyd's tsum. The tiny thing that it is, loitered around the documents that he'd presumably turned into a makeshift nest, seemingly proud of itself. Jade resists a solid urge to cry out loud. Half a dozen of Azul's faces flash before his eyes, all of them unpleasant to look at.
"You simply had to rip apart this month's claimable receipts of Mostro Lounge, I see..." He sighs into his hands, bringing both of them to his face and dragging them down. In order to request for them again, Jade would have to make extra trips to their manufacturers and wholesalers. That would consume... at the very least, three to five days, even at his level of efficiency. With how closely he works with Azul, it theoretically isn't possible to hide such information from him when they were expected to be received today. "It's fine, it's fine." He adjusts his lapels, smothering his bowtie to its ends. "You ought to be glad that I came here first before Azul does, he would not think twice to dole out punishments whenever money is concerned."
He briefly wonders if fear is something the tsums even understood. From the looks of things, neither of them had exhibited highly intelligent qualities.
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"If you want to live, then listen to what I say. Should Azul ask about this in my absence, simply put the blame on Floyd if you want to live, alright?" It's not the most favourable damage migration plan Jade would've wanted, but it would have to do when it happened on such short notice. Floyd would be able to take whatever hellish punishment Azul might have given him, but his tsum might actually just die.
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jinanreona · 10 months
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@sweetlybite sent:
Bites him hard on the shoulder while wrapping Leona's tail around his hand like a dog leash.
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He tenses as he feels a form loom over him, recognizing the eel's scent almost instantly. He knew the other's moods could be unpredictable, and while they'd had their moments to 'chat,' he didn't expect for Floyd to touch him, much less attack him.
His pulse quickens as sharp teeth tear through his shirt and bare down on dark skin, the pain making his fur stand on end and ears press flat against his head. It's the only reactions he allows his body to have, his own stubbornness keeping him from crying out in pain or struggling against the other's grasp even as his tail is gripped roughly. Bastard. He didn't think Jade would actually sic his brother on him. Count on Octavinelle to manage to go lower than his own expectations.
Instinct tells him to return the aggression tenfold, claws wanting to dig into the hand that dared grab at the sensitive appendage. Teeth wanting to sink into any piece of flesh he could find. Would the eel's flesh hold up to the abuse like the scales of a dragon would, he wondered...
He decides against such extraneous efforts, opting instead for a warning. A rumble shakes the ground, a slow exhale escaping his lips as he ignores the growing pain from the bite on his shoulder. Almost instantly, the atmosphere around them becomes arid, the greenery about them wilting and giving way to dead earth under their very feet. Sand begins to swirl, becoming violent waves that hit against the other's body as if to pry him off.
He chuckles then, low and easy to miss over the sound of the scorching sand dancing about them. "You're getting too comfortable. I'm not some defenseless prey anyone can toy with~," he warns, his voice dangerously calm as he looks back towards the other with sharp eyes.
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Were the other to continue holding him so closely, the dry air may very well cause his skin to begin peeling and cracking. Leona had yet to decide if he'd take it that far, leaving it for the eel to decide whether the warning would become something more. After all, perhaps Floyd mistakenly thought he could play rough with him. A fair assumption to make, but one the lion had every intention of correcting~
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decayedhearts · 2 years
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@sweetlybite​ sent: For Ace - fmk Riddle, Vil, Lilia
Fuck, Marry, Kill. Send me three names.
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   “That’s easy! Kill Riddle! Off with his head! Marry Vil, for sure! That guy must be loaded. And..” There’s a bit of a change in color on his cheeks before he answers that final one. “..fuck Lilia, I guess.”
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blotlcss-a · 2 years
@sweetlybite​​ asked:  Reverse 🎄+  💋. Gotta lay a smooch on the shrimp bc they'll make a funny face
Yuu should have known better than to let her guard down around the unpredictable eel, but she had been so distracted by taking orders she had completely neglected to notice the not so subtle mistletoe hanging above the entrance to the lounge’s kitchen where Floyd had been lying in wait.
“Hey Floyd can you—” Were the only words they could get out before a pair of cold lips press harshly into theirs. They were shocked, red eyes snapped open wide as they stood completely still until he finally pulls back. Their shock only lasts for a moment though before it quickly turns into disgust.
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“Eugh your breath stinks!!” Definitely not the normal reaction to getting kissed, but the overwhelming scent of fish was too much to ignore. “Did you forget to brush your teeth this morning?”
“And what was that kiss for? You can’t just do weird stuff like that!”
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bitterseadrop-a · 1 year
"still, there is this horror at being left behind."
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“ hah, tell me about it, ” ⠀ she scoffed, followed by a bitter silence. it is a feeling that she was all too familiar with. a familiarity that she would love to forego, as there was naught in the world that scared her more than to be left behind — to be left alone in this hellscape of a world.
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“ though personally, i don’t think there’s much for you to worry about in that regard. ” ⠀ milou wasn’t one to draw rash conclusions, but there was no denying the obvious — there is no floyd without jade. sometimes she’d envy the twins bond, where you’re able to trust one another unconditionally. though be it as it may, as much as milou longed for such a connection in the deep recesses of her mind, her cynicism will always take precedence. ⠀ “ feel free to correct me if i’m wrong. ”
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frestoniia · 1 year
@sweetlybite said: deets [x]
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When your heart breaks, it can grow back... Twisted.
It can grow back crooked and gnarled and hard.
At the moment of Craig's overblot, there is room for little but resentment left in his heart. As he feels the viscous black ink pooling in his being, he simultaneously becomes aware of a great swelling power within him, fueled by his bitterness. The grief following his mother's death, the pain of enduring years of abuse and neglect, being belittled and perceived as weak by his peers, and being used by those he thought cared about him. Craig recalls all of it.
Why... Why didn't anyone come to save him?
What was it all for!?
He hates it. He hates now naïve he's been. He hates how the world failed him, and will continue to fail others like him. How the people who hurt him feel no remorse for their cruelty. Slowly, his voice trickles out, tinged with madness and sorrow in equal measure.
" They'll pay... They'll pay... I'll make them all pay! "
His laugh is piteous, both of himself and of his unthinking spite. When something hurts this much, there must be a reason for it... There must be someone to blame. Even as he changed, he still had longing. But now, what he longed for the most was for everyone else to hurt as much as he did.
" I will make you S U F F E R! "
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