#swawm? swawm???
kledface · 26 days
The unyanyimous Decwawation of the thiwteen unyited States of Amewica, When in the Couwse of human events, it becomes nyecessawy fow onye peopwe to dissowve the powiticaw bands which have connyected them with anyothew, and to assume among the powews of the eawth, the sepawate and equaw station to which the Waws of Nyatuwe and of Nyatuwe's God entitwe them, a decent wespect to the opinyions of mankind wequiwes that they shouwd decwawe the causes which impew them to the sepawation.
We howd these twuths to be sewf-evident, that aww men awe cweated equaw, that they awe endowed by theiw Cweatow with cewtain unyawienyabwe Wights, that among these awe Wife, Wibewty and the puwsuit of to secuwe these wights, Govewnments awe instituted among Men, dewiving theiw just powews fwom the consent of the govewnyed, --That whenyevew any Fowm of Govewnment becomes destwuctive of these ends, it is the Wight of the Peopwe to awtew ow to abowish it, and to institute nyew Govewnment, waying its foundation on such pwincipwes and owganyizing its powews in such fowm, as to them shaww seem most wikewy to effect theiw Safety and Happinyess. Pwudence, indeed, wiww dictate that Govewnments wong estabwished shouwd nyot be changed fow wight and twansient causes; and accowdingwy aww expewience hath shewn, that mankind awe mowe disposed to suffew, whiwe eviws awe suffewabwe, than to wight themsewves by abowishing the fowms to which they awe accustomed. But when a wong twain of abuses and usuwpations, puwsuing invawiabwy the same Object evinces a design to weduce them undew absowute Despotism, it is theiw wight, it is theiw duty, to thwow off such Govewnment, and to pwovide nyew Guawds fow theiw futuwe has been the patient suffewance of these Cowonyies; and such is nyow the nyecessity which constwains them to awtew theiw fowmew Systems of Govewnment. The histowy of the pwesent King of Gweat Bwitain is a histowy of wepeated injuwies and usuwpations, aww having in diwect object the estabwishment of an absowute Tywanny ovew these States. To pwove this, wet Facts be submitted to a candid wowwd.
He has wefused his Assent to Waws, the most whowesome and nyecessawy fow the pubwic good.
He has fowbidden his Govewnyows to pass Waws of immediate and pwessing impowtance, unwess suspended in theiw opewation tiww his Assent shouwd be obtainyed; and when so suspended, he has uttewwy nyegwected to attend to them.
He has wefused to pass othew Waws fow the accommodation of wawge distwicts of peopwe, unwess those peopwe wouwd wewinquish the wight of Wepwesentation in the Wegiswatuwe, a wight inyestimabwe to them and fowmidabwe to tywants onwy.
He has cawwed togethew wegiswative bodies at pwaces unyusuaw, uncomfowtabwe, and distant fwom the depositowy of theiw pubwic Wecowds, fow the sowe puwpose of fatiguing them into compwiance with his measuwes.
He has dissowved Wepwesentative Houses wepeatedwy, fow opposing with manwy fiwmnyess his invasions on the wights of the peopwe.
He has wefused fow a wong time, aftew such dissowutions, to cause othews to be ewected; wheweby the Wegiswative powews, incapabwe of Annyihiwation, have wetuwnyed to the Peopwe at wawge fow theiw exewcise; the State wemainying in the mean time exposed to aww the dangews of invasion fwom without, and convuwsions within.
He has endeavouwed to pwevent the popuwation of these States; fow that puwpose obstwucting the Waws fow Nyatuwawization of Foweignyews; wefusing to pass othews to encouwage theiw migwations hithew, and waising the conditions of nyew Appwopwiations of Wands.
He has obstwucted the Adminyistwation of Justice, by wefusing his Assent to Waws fow estabwishing Judiciawy powews.
He has made Judges dependent on his Wiww awonye, fow the tenyuwe of theiw offices, and the amount and payment of theiw sawawies.
He has ewected a muwtitude of Nyew Offices, and sent hithew swawms of Officews to hawwass ouw peopwe, and eat out theiw substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Awmies without the Consent of ouw wegiswatuwes.
He has affected to wendew the Miwitawy independent of and supewiow to the Civiw powew.
He has combinyed with othews to subject us to a juwisdiction foweign to ouw constitution, and unyacknyowwedged by ouw waws; giving his Assent to theiw Acts of pwetended Wegiswation:
Fow Quawtewing wawge bodies of awmed twoops among us:
Fow pwotecting them, by a mock Twiaw, fwom punyishment fow any Muwdews which they shouwd commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
Fow cutting off ouw Twade with aww pawts of the wowwd:
Fow imposing Taxes on us without ouw Consent:
Fow depwiving us in many cases, of the benyefits of Twiaw by Juwy:
Fow twanspowting us beyond Seas to be twied fow pwetended offences.
Fow abowishing the fwee System of Engwish Waws in a nyeighbouwing Pwovince, estabwishing thewein an Awbitwawy govewnment, and enwawging its Boundawies so as to wendew it at once an exampwe and fit instwument fow intwoducing the same absowute wuwe into these Cowonyies:
Fow taking away ouw Chawtews, abowishing ouw most vawuabwe Waws, and awtewing fundamentawwy the Fowms of ouw Govewnments:
Fow suspending ouw own Wegiswatuwes, and decwawing themsewves invested with powew to wegiswate fow us in aww cases whatsoevew.
He has abdicated Govewnment hewe, by decwawing us out of his Pwotection and waging Waw against us.
He has pwundewed ouw seas, wavaged ouw Coasts, buwnt ouw towns, and destwoyed the wives of ouw peopwe.
He is at this time twanspowting wawge Awmies of foweign Mewcenyawies to compweat the wowks of death, desowation and tywanny, awweady begun with ciwcumstances of Cwuewty & pewfidy scawcewy pawawwewed in the most bawbawous ages, and totawwy unwowthy the Head of a civiwized nyation.
He has constwainyed ouw fewwow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to beaw Awms against theiw Countwy, to become the executionyews of theiw fwiends and Bwethwen, ow to faww themsewves by theiw Hands.
He has excited domestic insuwwections amongst us, and has endeavouwed to bwing on the inhabitants of ouw fwontiews, the mewciwess Indian Savages, whose knyown wuwe of wawfawe, is an undistinguished destwuction of aww ages, sexes and conditions.
In evewy stage of these Oppwessions We have Petitionyed fow Wedwess in the most humbwe tewms: Ouw wepeated Petitions have been answewed onwy by wepeated injuwy. A Pwince whose chawactew is thus mawked by evewy act which may definye a Tywant, is unfit to be the wuwew of a fwee peopwe.
Nyow have We been wanting in attentions to ouw Bwittish bwethwen. We have wawnyed them fwom time to time of attempts by theiw wegiswatuwe to extend an unwawwantabwe juwisdiction ovew us. We have weminded them of the ciwcumstances of ouw emigwation and settwement hewe. We have appeawed to theiw nyative justice and magnyanyimity, and we have conjuwed them by the ties of ouw common kindwed to disavow these usuwpations, which, wouwd inyevitabwy intewwupt ouw connyections and cowwespondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinyity. We must, thewefowe, acquiesce in the nyecessity, which denyounces ouw Sepawation, and howd them, as we howd the west of mankind, Enyemies in Waw, in Peace Fwiends.
We, thewefowe, the Wepwesentatives of the unyited States of Amewica, in Genyewaw Congwess, Assembwed, appeawing to the Supweme Judge of the wowwd fow the wectitude of ouw intentions, do, in the Nyame, and by Authowity of the good Peopwe of these Cowonyies, sowemnwy pubwish and decwawe, That these Unyited Cowonyies awe, and of Wight ought to be Fwee and Independent States; that they awe Absowved fwom aww Awwegiance to the Bwitish Cwown, and that aww powiticaw connyection between them and the State of Gweat Bwitain, is and ought to be totawwy dissowved; and that as Fwee and Independent States, they have fuww Powew to wevy Waw, concwude Peace, contwact Awwiances, estabwish Commewce, and to do aww othew Acts and Things which Independent States may of wight do. And fow the suppowt of this Decwawation, with a fiwm wewiance on the pwotection of divinye Pwovidence, we mutuawwy pwedge to each othew ouw Wives, ouw Fowtunyes and ouw sacwed Honyow.
Button Gwinnyett
Wyman Haww
Geowge Wawton
Nyowth Cawowinya
Wiwwiam Hoopew
Joseph Hewes
John Penn
South Cawowinya
Edwawd Wutwedge
Thomas Heywawd, Jw.
Thomas Wynch, Jw.
Awthuw Middweton
John Hancock
Samuew Chase
Wiwwiam Paca
Thomas Stonye
Chawwes Cawwoww of Cawwowwton
Geowge Wythe
Wichawd Henwy Wee
Thomas Jeffewson
Benjamin Hawwison
Thomas Nyewson, Jw.
Fwancis Wightfoot Wee
Cawtew Bwaxton
Wobewt Mowwis
Benjamin Wush
Benjamin Fwankwin
John Mowton
Geowge Cwymew
James Smith
Geowge Taywow
James Wiwson
Geowge Woss
Caesaw Wodnyey
Geowge Wead
Thomas McKean
Nyew Yowk
Wiwwiam Fwoyd
Phiwip Wivingston
Fwancis Wewis
Wewis Mowwis
Nyew Jewsey
Wichawd Stockton
John Withewspoon
Fwancis Hopkinson
John Hawt
Abwaham Cwawk
Nyew Hampshiwe
Josiah Bawtwett
Wiwwiam Whippwe
Samuew Adams
John Adams
Wobewt Tweat Painye
Ewbwidge Gewwy
Whode Iswand
Stephen Hopkins
Wiwwiam Ewwewy
Wogew Shewman
Samuew Huntington
Wiwwiam Wiwwiams
Owivew Wowcott
Nyew Hampshiwe
Matthew Thownton
0 notes
doping-and-drinking · 5 years
The decwawation of independence
IN CONGWESS, JUWY 4, 1776 The unyanyimous Decwawation of the thiwteen unyited States of Amewica When in the Couwse of human events it becomes nyecessawy fow onye peopwe to dissowve the powiticaw bands which have connyected them with anyothew and to assume among the powews of the eawth, the sepawate and equaw station to which the Waws of Nyatuwe and of Nyatuwe's God entitwe them, a decent wespect to the opinyions of mankind wequiwes that they shouwd decwawe the causes which impew them to the sepawation.
We howd these twuths to be sewf-evident, that aww men awe cweated equaw, that they awe endowed by theiw Cweatow with cewtain unyawienyabwe Wights, that among these awe Wife, Wibewty and the puwsuit of Happinyess. — That to secuwe these wights, Guvwnments awe instituted among Men, dewiving theiw just powews fwom the consent of the guvwnyed, — That whenyevew any Fowm of Guvwnment becomes destwuctive of these ends, it is the Wight of the Peopwe to awtew ow to abowish it, and to institute nyew Guvwnment, waying its foundation on such pwincipwes and owganyizing its powews in such fowm, as to them shaww seem most wikewy to effect theiw Safety and Happinyess. Pwudence, indeed, wiww dictate that Guvwnments wong estabwished shouwd nyot be changed fow wight and twansient causes; and accowdingwy aww expewience hath shewn that mankind awe mowe disposed to suffew, whiwe eviws awe suffewabwe than to wight themsewves by abowishing the fowms to which they awe accustomed. But when a wong twain of abuses and usuwpations, puwsuing invawiabwy the same Object evinces a design to weduce them undew absowute Despotism, it is theiw wight, it is theiw duty, to thwow off such Guvwnment, and to pwovide nyew Guawds fow theiw futuwe secuwity. — Such has been the patient suffewance of these Cowonyies; and such is nyow the nyecessity which constwains them to awtew theiw fowmew Systems of Guvwnment. The histowy of the pwesent King of Gweat Bwitain is a histowy of wepeated injuwies and usuwpations, aww having in diwect object the estabwishment of an absowute Tywanny uvw these States. To pwuv this, wet Facts be submitted to a candid wowwd.
He has wefused his Assent to Waws, the most whowesome and nyecessawy fow the pubwic good.
He has fowbidden his Guvwnyows to pass Waws of immediate and pwessing impowtance, unwess suspended in theiw opewation tiww his Assent shouwd be obtainyed; and when so suspended, he has uttewwy nyegwected to attend to them.
He has wefused to pass othew Waws fow the accommodation of wawge distwicts of peopwe, unwess those peopwe wouwd wewinquish the wight of Wepwesentation in the Wegiswatuwe, a wight inyestimabwe to them and fowmidabwe to tywants onwy.
He has cawwed togethew wegiswative bodies at pwaces unyusuaw, uncomfowtabwe, and distant fwom the depositowy of theiw Pubwic Wecowds, fow the sowe puwpose of fatiguing them into compwiance with his measuwes.
He has dissowved Wepwesentative Houses wepeatedwy, fow opposing with manwy fiwmnyess his invasions on the wights of the peopwe.
He has wefused fow a wong time, aftew such dissowutions, to cause othews to be ewected, wheweby the Wegiswative Powews, incapabwe of Annyihiwation, have wetuwnyed to the Peopwe at wawge fow theiw exewcise; the State wemainying in the mean time exposed to aww the dangews of invasion fwom without, and convuwsions within.
He has endeavouwed to pwevent the popuwation of these States; fow that puwpose obstwucting the Waws fow Nyatuwawization of Foweignyews; wefusing to pass othews to encouwage theiw migwations hithew, and waising the conditions of nyew Appwopwiations of Wands.
He has obstwucted the Adminyistwation of Justice by wefusing his Assent to Waws fow estabwishing Judiciawy Powews.
He has made Judges dependent on his Wiww awonye fow the tenyuwe of theiw offices, and the amount and payment of theiw sawawies.
He has ewected a muwtitude of Nyew Offices, and sent hithew swawms of Officews to hawass ouw peopwe and eat out theiw substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Awmies without the Consent of ouw wegiswatuwes.
He has affected to wendew the Miwitawy independent of and supewiow to the Civiw Powew.
He has combinyed with othews to subject us to a juwisdiction foweign to ouw constitution, and unyacknyowwedged by ouw waws; giving his Assent to theiw Acts of pwetended Wegiswation:
Fow quawtewing wawge bodies of awmed twoops among us:
Fow pwotecting them, by a mock Twiaw fwom punyishment fow any Muwdews which they shouwd commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
Fow cutting off ouw Twade with aww pawts of the wowwd:
Fow imposing Taxes on us without ouw Consent:
Fow depwiving us in many cases, of the benyefit of Twiaw by Juwy:
Fow twanspowting us beyond Seas to be twied fow pwetended offences:
Fow abowishing the fwee System of Engwish Waws in a nyeighbouwing Pwovince, estabwishing thewein an Awbitwawy guvwnment, and enwawging its Boundawies so as to wendew it at once an exampwe and fit instwument fow intwoducing the same absowute wuwe into these Cowonyies
Fow taking away ouw Chawtews, abowishing ouw most vawuabwe Waws and awtewing fundamentawwy the Fowms of ouw Guvwnments:
Fow suspending ouw own Wegiswatuwes, and decwawing themsewves invested with powew to wegiswate fow us in aww cases whatsoevew.
He has abdicated Guvwnment hewe, by decwawing us out of his Pwotection and waging Waw against us.
He has pwundewed ouw seas, wavaged ouw coasts, buwnt ouw towns, and destwoyed the wives of ouw peopwe.
He is at this time twanspowting wawge Awmies of foweign Mewcenyawies to compweat the wowks of death, desowation, and tywanny, awweady begun with ciwcumstances of Cwuewty & Pewfidy scawcewy pawawwewed in the most bawbawous ages, and totawwy unwowthy the Head of a civiwized nyation.
He has constwainyed ouw fewwow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to beaw Awms against theiw Countwy, to become the executionyews of theiw fwiends and Bwethwen, ow to faww themsewves by theiw Hands.
He has excited domestic insuwwections amongst us, and has endeavouwed to bwing on the inhabitants of ouw fwontiews, the mewciwess Indian Savages whose knyown wuwe of wawfawe, is an undistinguished destwuction of aww ages, sexes and conditions.
In evewy stage of these Oppwessions We have Petitionyed fow Wedwess in the most humbwe tewms: Ouw wepeated Petitions have been answewed onwy by wepeated injuwy. A Pwince, whose chawactew is thus mawked by evewy act which may definye a Tywant, is unfit to be the wuwew of a fwee peopwe.
Nyow have We been wanting in attentions to ouw Bwitish bwethwen. We have wawnyed them fwom time to time of attempts by theiw wegiswatuwe to extend an unwawwantabwe juwisdiction uvw us. We have weminded them of the ciwcumstances of ouw emigwation and settwement hewe. We have appeawed to theiw nyative justice and magnyanyimity, and we have conjuwed them by the ties of ouw common kindwed to disavow these usuwpations, which wouwd inyevitabwy intewwupt ouw connyections and cowwespondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinyity. We must, thewefowe, acquiesce in the nyecessity, which denyounces ouw Sepawation, and howd them, as we howd the west of mankind, Enyemies in Waw, in Peace Fwiends.
We, thewefowe, the Wepwesentatives of the unyited States of Amewica, in Genyewaw Congwess, Assembwed, appeawing to the Supweme Judge of the wowwd fow the wectitude of ouw intentions, do, in the Nyame, and by Authowity of the good Peopwe of these Cowonyies, sowemnwy pubwish and decwawe, That these unyited Cowonyies awe, and of Wight ought to be Fwee and Independent States, that they awe Absowved fwom aww Awwegiance to the Bwitish Cwown, and that aww powiticaw connyection between them and the State of Gweat Bwitain, is and ought to be totawwy dissowved; and that as Fwee and Independent States, they have fuww Powew to wevy Waw, concwude Peace, contwact Awwiances, estabwish Commewce, and to do aww othew Acts and Things which Independent States may of wight do. — And fow the suppowt of this Decwawation, with a fiwm wewiance on the pwotection of Divinye Pwovidence, we mutuawwy pwedge to each othew ouw Wives, ouw Fowtunyes, and ouw sacwed Honyow.
Nyew Hampshiwe: Josiah Bawtwett, Wiwwiam Whippwe, Matthew Thownton
Massachusetts: John Hancock, Samuew Adams, John Adams, Wobewt Tweat Painye, Ewbwidge Gewwy
Whode Iswand: Stephen Hopkins, Wiwwiam Ewwewy
Connyecticut: Wogew Shewman, Samuew Huntington, Wiwwiam Wiwwiams, Owivew Wowcott
Nyew Yowk: Wiwwiam Fwoyd, Phiwip Wivingston, Fwancis Wewis, Wewis Mowwis
Nyew Jewsey: Wichawd Stockton, John Withewspoon, Fwancis Hopkinson, John Hawt, Abwaham Cwawk
Pennsywvanyia: Wobewt Mowwis, Benjamin Wush, Benjamin Fwankwin, John Mowton, Geowge Cwymew, James Smith, Geowge Taywow, James Wiwson, Geowge Woss
Dewawawe: Caesaw Wodnyey, Geowge Wead, Thomas McKean
Mawywand: Samuew Chase, Wiwwiam Paca, Thomas Stonye, Chawwes Cawwoww of Cawwowwton
Viwginyia: Geowge Wythe, Wichawd Henwy Wee, Thomas Jeffewson, Benjamin Hawwison, Thomas Nyewson, Jw., Fwancis Wightfoot Wee, Cawtew Bwaxton
Nyowth Cawowinya: Wiwwiam Hoopew, Joseph Hewes, John Penn
South Cawowinya: Edwawd Wutwedge, Thomas Heywawd, Jw., Thomas Wynch, Jw., Awthuw Middweton
Geowgia: Button Gwinnyett, Wyman Haww, Geowge Wawton
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rrover · 3 years
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hello. swawm.
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islamkingdomfrench · 3 years
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Kulipa Fidia Kwa Ajili Ya Swawm- saumu
kujua Kulipa Fidia Kwa Ajili Ya Swawm na kupata majibu kwa maswali yako yote tembelea fataawa-al-fiqh
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sw-islamkingdom · 4 years
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SWALI: Assalam alaykum, swali, nikiwa ndani ya hedhi na kutokana na kawaida yangu ni siku saba na siku hiyo ya saba nikawa nimenuia siku inayofuata yaani siku ya nane nitakuwa na swaumu nikakoga hedhi siku hiyo ya nane. Vipi uhalali wa swaumu yangu?
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salafiarticles-blog · 5 years
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﷽ *Hakuna faida kwa wanaofunga bila kuswali* Swalah ina sifa nyingi za kipekee ikiwa ni pamoja na: *1-* Swalah ndio yenye kupambanua kati ya muislamu na kafiri. *2-* Swalah ndio kitendo cha kwanza ambacho mja atahesabiwa akiwa ndani ya kaburi. *3-* Swalah ndio ´ibaadah bora na tukufu zaidi. Yule ambaye haswali amekata mahusiano kati yake yeye na Allaah. Swalah ndio mafungamano na mahusiano kati yako wewe na Allaah. Hivyo ni lazima kwa muislamu atilie umuhimu kwelikweli jambo la swalah. Ni lazima aziswali swalah ndani ya wakati wake. Pambana na nafsi yako. Weka alamu kwenye saa, simu yako au muombe mtu akuamshe wakati wa swalah kama Fajr, ´Aswr na swalah zengine. Jambo ni la khatari sana. Mtu kufunga na kupuuzilia mbali swalah ni kwamba anahifadhi nguzo ya nne ya Uislamu na anapuuza nguzo ya pili ya Uislamu? Faida iko wapi? Ambaye anafunga lakini haswali hafaidiki kitu. Swawm haisihi isipokuwa pamoja na swalah. Akiacha swalah swawm yake haisihi. Kuacha swalah ni ukafiri na kuritadi kutoka katika Uislamu. Mtu akiacha swalah basi swawm, hajj na matendo yake mengine yote hayasihi. Mhusika: ´Allaamah ´Abdul-´Aziyz bin ´Abdillaah ar-Raajihiy Mfasiri: Firqatunnajia.com Marejeo: http://shrajhi.com.sa/uploads/rmadhan_02.mp3 Imechapishwa: 08/05/2019 http://firqatunnajia.com/hakuna-faida-kwa-wanaofunga-bila-kuswali/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BxPsD5spKgS/?igshid=ki0r9k83xwn8
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shikhsura3 · 4 years
Kufungua Swawm Mapema Katika Miji Ya Afrika Mashariki 20
SWALI: Assalamu Aleikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim, Sifa njema zote zote ni stahiki ya Mwenyezi Mungu (S.W.), rehma za Mwenyezi Mungu na Amani
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8020fashions · 6 years
WaloDamshi Wiki Hii
Good Morning,kwa waislamu wengi leo ni siku ya Araf which means wengi wetu tumefunga ,niombe tu kwa Mwenyezi Mungu siku hii tukubaliwe funga zetu maana mwenye kufunga siku ya Arafa faida zake ni kubwa sana,
Imetoka kwa Abu Qataadah (Radhiya Allaahu ‘anhu) ambaye amesema: Mtume (Swalla Allaahu ‘alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) kasema: “Swawm ya ‘Arafah nataraji (kwa Allaah) kufuta madhambi ya mwaka…
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salafiarticles-blog · 5 years
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﷽ *23. Ni ipi hukumu ya mwenye kufanya jimaa mchana wa Ramadhaan ilihali amefunga?* *Swali 23:* Ni ipi hukumu ya mwenye kufanya jimaa mchana wa Ramadhaan ilihali amefunga? Inajuzu kwa msafiri ikiwa hakufunga kumjamii mke wake? *Jibu:* Ni lazima kwa aliyemjamii mke wake mchana wa Ramadhaan ilihali amefunga atoe kafara. Namaanisha kafara kama ile ya kumfananisha mke na mama pamoja na kulipa siku hiyo, kutubu kwa Allaah (Subhaanah) kutokana na kile kilichomtokea. Ama akiwa msafiri au mgonjwa mwenye maradhi yanayomruhusu yeye kutofunga, basi hakuna juu yake kafara na wala hana dhambi. Lakini hata hivyo atapaswa kuilipa siku hiyo aliyofanya jimaa. Kwa sababu msafiri na mgonjwa inafaa kwa wao wawili kuacha kufunga kwa sababu ya jimaa au sababu nyingine. Allaah (Subhaanah) amesema: *فَمَن كَانَ مِنكُم مَّرِيضًا أَوْ عَلَىٰ سَفَرٍ فَعِدَّةٌ مِّنْ أَيَّامٍ أُخَرَ* “Basi atakayekuwa mgonjwa miongoni mwenu au yuko safarini, hivyo basi akamilishe idadi katika siku nyinginezo.”[1] Mwanamke katika hili ana hukumu moja kama mwanaume ikiwa swawm yake ni ya lazima. Basi atapaswa kutoa kafara pamoja na kulipa siku hiyo. Akiwa na yeye ni msafiri au mgonjwa mwenye ugonjwa ambao swawm itakuwa ngumu kwake iwapo atafunga, basi juu yao kutakuwa hakuna kafara. [1] 02:184 Mhusika: Imaam ´Abdul-´Aziyz bin ´Abdllaah bin Baaz Mfasiri: Firqatunnajia.com Marejeo: As-ilah Muhimmah tata´alaqah bisw-Swiyaam, uk. 28 Imechapishwa: 06/05/2019 http://firqatunnajia.com/23-ni-ipi-hukumu-ya-mwenye-kufanya-jimaa-mchana-wa-ramadhaan-ilihali-amefunga/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BxIPA-MJomn/?igshid=1xg5dlqr5jhay
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salafiarticles-blog · 5 years
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﷽ *14. Mkono wa kulia unatakiwa kuwekwa juu ya wa kushoto* *14-* Aliweka (Swalla Allaahu ´alayhi wa sallam) mkono wake wa kulia juu ya mkono wa kushoto[1]. Alisema (Swalla Allaahu ´alayhi wa sallam): "Sisi Mitume tumeamrishwa kuharakisha kukata swawm, kuchelewesha daku na kuweka mikono yetu ya kulia juu ya mikono yetu ya kushoto wakati wa swalah."[2] Alimpitia mtu (Swalla Allaahu ´alayhi wa sallam) aliyekuwa anaswali ambaye alikuwa ameweka mkono wake wa kushoto juu ya mkono wa kulia, akaifungua na kuweka ule mkono wa kulia juu ya mkono wa kushoto."[3] [1] Muslim na Abuu Daawuud. Imetajwa katika ”al-Irwaa’” (352) [2] Ibn Hibbaan na adh-Dhwiyaa’ kwa isnadi Swahiyh. [3] Ahmad na Abuu Daawuud kwa isnadi Swahiyh. Mhusika: Imaam Muhammad Naaswir-ud-Diyn al-Albaaniy Mfasiri: Firqatunnajia.com Marejeo: Swifatu Swalaat-in-Nabiy, uk. 76 Imechapishwa: 13/10/2016 http://firqatunnajia.com/14-mkono-wa-kulia-unatakiwa-kuwekwa-juu-ya-wa-kushoto/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv_ucXcgWQ5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u4ra7rvlzj15
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sw-islamkingdom · 5 years
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Anaweza Kufunga Swawm Za Sunnah Katika Mwezi Wa Shawwaal? SWALI: Swali langu ninauliza je mtu anpojisafisha masikio kwa kutumia kijiti bila ya kujuwa wakati amefunga ,funga yake ni batili Shehe naomba unisaidi JIBU: Sifa zote njema Anastahiki Allaah Aliyetukuka Mola Mlezi wa walimwengu wote, Swalah na salamu zimshukie kipenzi chetu Mtume Muhammad (Swalla Allaahu 'alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam) na Swahaba zake (Radhiya Allaahu 'anhum) na watangu wema mpaka Siku ya Mwisho Kusafisha masikio hakubatilishi Swawm kwani sio miongoni mwa mambo yanayoharibu Swawm........ https://www.al-feqh.com/sw/category/fatawa
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sw-islamkingdom · 5 years
kujua Msafiri Anatambulikanaje Ni Msafiri Ili Afupishe Swalah na Swawm na kupata majibu kwa maswali yako yote tembelea fataawa-al-fiqh
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sw-islamkingdom · 4 years
kujua Uhalali Wa Swawm Wa Aliyeoga Ghuslu Ya Hedhi Na Kufunga Siku Hiyo Hiyo na kupata majibu kwa maswali yako yote tembelea fataawa-al-fiqh
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sw-islamkingdom · 4 years
kujua Kusafisha Meno Kwa Dawa Kunabatilisha Swawm? na kupata majibu kwa maswali yako yote tembelea fataawa-al-fiqh
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sw-islamkingdom · 4 years
kujua Uhalali Wa Swawm Wa Aliyeoga Ghuslu Ya Hedhi Na Kufunga Siku Hiyo Hiyo na kupata majibu kwa maswali yako yote tembelea fataawa-al-fiqh
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