#svnbleach: darla.
itchose ยท 1 month
[ @svnbleach ๐ŸŒฟ ] โย  i know it's hard. being away from your sister. โž not in the same way, though, because akilah doesn't have a twin. she has sisters that are much older than her, who haven't lived with her for years, yet their bond has only grown stronger in the years since they parted. maybe that was the point, because they had to make an active effort to be in each other's lives, and it was like they were choosing to be friends above it all, too. it's her oldest sister she misses most, especially as she thinks of her baby nephew, knowing that by the time akilah returns ( if she does ) he likely won't recognize her anymore. โย  and i know it's hard to talk about our families out here, butโ€” i want you to, if you need to. you can talk to me. โž because she gets it, and she doesn't want her to feel like she has to bottle it up.
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