dxbeaute-blog · 7 years
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calmly, belle began to fidget with the ropes that kept her hands bound behind her back. the beauty tried her best to keep from moving too much so it wasn’t obvious to the other person. “i don’t know what your talking about.” her voice came out clear and even. this wasn’t exactly the first time she was in a situation like this. “i moved here to teach.”
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ofwonderlost-blog · 7 years
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The girl paced around her bedroom, only stopping when she heard her door unlock. She stood tall, “Am I to be locked in here all night then?”
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mylipsarevenom · 7 years
👄 (From Tuck)
“I have to go away for a while.”
Greetings and other pleasantries could not be afforded when Patrick walked through the boss’s door. Instead, he walked up to the other’s desk and set down a small, green folder. Inside contained several papers and documents on the location of Patrick’s other gardens, labs, recipes for his toxins and poisons, as well as a more personal letter.
“Someone I thought long dead has resurfaced. I need to get to him first before he gets to me. If I don’t come back, have one of the other men take up my job. I’ve given you everything you need here.”
Patrick could see it, of course. The surprise that flashed in Tuck’s stunning eyes. The concern. And also the ideas of a different solution. Of working together to take down whatever enemy Patrick had acquired. 
Yet Patrick could not allow the boss to help. Not this time. It was far too risky, and the botanist had too much history that needed cleansing. There were certain things even Tuck could not know about him, about the person he was, about the person he’d been with this other man.
Smiling softly, sadly, Patrick leaned forward as Tuck got up from his chair. The other man frozen when Patrick entered his space. It wasn’t how he had imagined their lips meeting for the first time, but it would have to do. After all, they may never get this chance again. 
Coming back was not a guarantee. 
Lips, gently pushed against Tuck’s own, and he Patrick could not help but sigh softly at the tingles that greeted him. Emerald orbs closed, enjoying the warmth and pressure that was hesitantly returned to him. A heat blossomed upon his freckled skin, and more than anything he wished it could last longer.
Tuck, falling upon his desk asleep, broke the enchantment of the kiss.
Poison laced lips were good for many things. Especially when one wanted to leave without their protective boss trailing after them.
Leaning towards the other man, Patrick placed a delicate kiss on the top of Tuck’s head, whispering against his hair.
“I promise to come home to you if I can. If you’ll take me back.”
With that, he shut the door gently behind him.
[ @survivorofthedarkness ]
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ofthelycxn-blog · 7 years
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We are only in town for a couple of weeks. Could you please just leave me alone?” Tala asked, shutting her locker before turning to face the other.
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                   ❤WOW ITS THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN❤
TWO YEARS 1.3k followers. time flies and the only thing that changes is follower counts, draft counts and the amount of love that goes on  ( also this graphic is nicer than my last lmao ). It’s ridiculous how many followers I’ve managed to get and that you all stuck with me after my blog delete and everything. thank you. I should say again that this is the longest that I’ve ever stayed with a single muse before and that’s saying a lot. I usually get bored after a few months and move on but not with Klaus here. Like I've made other muses ( a whole multi! ) and yet I'm still on here. Not only is it the character, what a shit he is, but it's also the fandom and the people I've met while rping on here. I've never felt so involved and at ease with people I'm writing with than I have lately. I'd like to say that Klaus seems like he's sticking around - I mean the final season of TO is approaching and yet it doesn't unnerve me at all. I'm not sure what next year will bring but I have a feeling this is sticking. For better or worse. So if y'all are sick of me I should apologize - no seriously I do. But before you scatter off here's a little thing to tell everyone how much you all mean because there's a lot of you for some strange reason. You have given me 500 drafts, daily messages and just some friendships that are absolutely amazing. SO THANK YOU x500. hold all yall’s breath this is a LONG ASS LIST. I‘m pretty sure I haven’t forgotten anyone but if I have 500 apologies
to the people who have always been there for me since the beginning of this blog - and hey even sometimes my whole life lol this blog wouldn’t be the same without any of you and neither would my time here. You’re all amazing and some of the best rp partners that I could ask for and have ever had. you’re all practically the reason I stick around. you’re all stuck with me. in my pocket, forever or fiveever. *holds onto always*
@amongthcwreck @tothedevilsshow @beforethescorpion @discordandrhyme @bearthemarks @vxmpirexbxrbie @dissolvedshadows @seesgood @queenv @notreallyablackwell @lockpup @horrcrshow @badasshybridqueen @memorystxrs @tribridprincess @epeolxtry @strengthmade  @desireshappiness @wiickedmagic @twicedied @ladamedemartel @fallenregent  @wulfking @hauntedgilbert @imthelcstprincess @inherited-vanity @killerqueenpetrova @theirsacrifice  @onefinaltruthremains @lilmisslydiamartin @iputaspxllonyou @lxvingdeadgxrl @shcsallrightnow @relaxdcrling @howledmercy @thedamagedcne
A L W A Y S  &  F O R E V E R ~
and onto everyone that is the most special ever. like srsly we don’t talk AS MUCH but y’all are amazing and one of a kind and definitely some of the best ever. never leave me. sign on the dotted line bc you all be mine lol 
@@wclfgirl @atomiism @maidregalia @primlfur @hellsreine @brxkngilbert @deathlywails@safedrowned @elenaloveablekotsala @true-augurey  @nicedreamloser@lucyxwestenra @purosdecorazon @rosegcle  @fiercerebekah @suitsofarmor @nowimamxnster @kolhearted @queenxfthorns @bourbonandheels @littlewxtch  @lesserblesscd @xnctafraid @xhidingintheshadowsx@ashensolitude @nottobecrossed @residentbcdgirl @kolblooded @silcntstorm @texcsfcrever@eternalstud @cryptictales @legendbcrn @dominionovershadows @epicisms @leftbehindtheperfectcrime @jonquildove @ofinsecuritiies @destructivehybrid @secretsurvivalist @tetheredtoelena @badassbetaerica   @warfated @withliight @hellfireprince @thewiccanmechanic @mscaroline-forbes @camillethebrave @bloodanddye @survivorofthedarkness  @hunting-hardy-brothers @butscrewmefirst @chosexearth @forensicalchemist @manichaeisms @wolfqueennamedstark @survivorbuiilt @greatsupernalabyss @handsomepianoman  @insomniacscanons  @theirfate @xaedificare @hxdaleksakomtrigedakru @libxrtaspxpuli @violentsorrows  @petrcvadcppelganger  @originalmaneater @mikaelscnborn @consequentson @ullielwrites @roaming-agent @witchyserena @notjustpainandangcr @mcmachine @deceivingfacade @silvcrmoonlight @azazelsfavorite @nodrawbacksxx @headstrongblake @elenasdiariesx @cloningfailure @foxofthe100 @krakens-flayed-wolf @whorunwithwolves @sonxofxansel @anselofnorth @lcyaltyreigns @pureandcorrupt @kingxfmischief  @wildelvenhuntress @sterxid @cxntrxctkiiiller @coronatusregno @sinfulhumanity @seizethedestiny @icountonme @noble-stag-elijah @thecondemnedandhunted @temperproblem @rcddoor @incrediblyvexing  @prentiss-comma-emily @the-one-true-queen @giiilbcrt @ofspaceandmyth @mercycries @rosecursing @knowsdeath @saviorbuilt @wxldchxld @demandsacrifice @hazelswish @epicdisasters @stilesavedme @irishroulette  @ourredxmption @xinebriated @yourwxrstnightmare @screamiiisms @lostkingofthequarter @hauntedlytestified @oikosheart @atricksterwithwings @xperhapsonedayx @vxnomouspoxson @buffyisms @catchthatregenerator @qceenmother @lcvesblindly @killshct @shewolfheart @plurimaevoces @dxbeaute @redemptivexheroics @firstboar @killerpersonality @handcfhealing @predictableisnotbad @logicalhealer @kingofthecornermarcel @southerncomfortoutlaw @oftheridge @lockedfighter @queengxiffin @thequeenofindie @daayaan @payton-thexbold @theoneswithoutpacks @nvpch @dontfxckwithbaby @magictricked @familysworn @gunsworn @guiltedblossom @hailhayl @harleenie @mxsesiiisms @notgriieving @cherryarsonist @multimuse100 @darkestbeforedxwn @bloodsoakedfangs @pennyinyourthoughts @withusnow @wildlingmalia @thomashamiltcn @astatheloner @dysxn @fangedcrow @nobleelijahm @bcrncnthebaycu @goodliest @miss-barbiebex @hunterofapurpose @hunterofpie @rosecrwned @nightxcrashes @camillebelcourtme @magnusofbane @mechaborn @tequilasquared @ichorvoid @henrymikaelscn @ofmanystorics @howlinghale @twelvepxrcent @beguilcd @crimiinalchemiist @beaniesandmachetes @sousestime @multirem @thevampirelestat @lovesxeternally @dramaquiinn @amongwclves @cupcakemonwrites @bittenchildremus @petrovalined @aconstellationofsinsx @joelgxran @insomniacsmuses @mxnstersarereal @pxrefoy @hismyth @mapleblood @geminiwitched @lesdenouements @gospelgraved @burnxyourxkingdom @brilliantcordelia @threeclaws @evolofthethriller @michelle-martin @xxxhazardousxxx @nxstylilboy @ofthcrnedrcses @infinitescul @bibbleobsessed @acquiredcraving @hartbreakprince @snappingnecks @thewhitepoison @cnuasach @thewanderingmerc 
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WOW HI GUYS. I can’t believe i somehow hit 200+ followers on this blog????? amazing. wow. incredible. anyways, i never really have done on of these buuuuut i thought it would be important to give a lil love to the ppl that i love over here. first i guess i should do some like personal shout outs.
@ofwonderlost / @dxbeaute ; tbh you’re like the annoying little sister i never wanted. i mean that in the most loving way possible. i will always and forever be that big annoying sister who probably tries to get too involved because i care so much about you and want nothing but the best for you. because it is what you deserve, is the best <3. you were my first real rp partner that i have ever had on tumblr and tbh one of the few first ships i ever had. back when we just honestly were complete trash which i kinda still am now tbh. we and our muses have been through hell and back together. you’re the type of bish i’m gonna be talking to until i have my last breath in my rocking chair. you are so important to me, plz don’t ever forget. 
@crownhero / @bornofthedawn ; holy tits. love of my LIFE. both of ur muses are my muses soulmates and tbh you are my soulmate. you are such a genuine kind hearted person who rights so beautifully. it was so easy to talk to you when we first started rping and now look at us with our snap streaks. not a day goes by where i don’t talk to you tbh. you have become such an important person in my life outside of tumblr pinky <3 thank you for always putting up with me. from my angsty ass plots with flynn and hero & phillip & aurora, to my dramatic ass snapchats of me crying over our muses ha ha ha im kidding [kinda]. i love you SO SO SO much. please always stay in my life 
@childrenofslumber / @sixbillicnsouls / @alightiswaiting / etc lol ;  since day one you have talked me out of so many wrong impulsive choices which is probably a good thing. our muses have cried, laughing, struggled together...you and i have cried probably, laughed, and struggled A LOT together. it’s crazy to think about the amount of time i have known you nicky. your writing has developed my muses and created many of them [like the crane family] the way they are today. thank you for just always being you and always being there when i am having a rough day. 
@noblestilinski ; cece just...never change, okay? tbh i always forget how long we have known each other like wow. you are such a beautiful writer and even if we aren’t doing threads i absolutely adore watching all of your interactions.  it is so crazy to me to see the way we have developed our characters over these past few years. you’re such a sweet person who i know i can literally go to if i have a question about anything or even just to fangirl over teen wolf or scalia. thank you for being YOU. 
@heirtothxwolves / @beyondthxfairytales ; my fucking angst QUEEN. i am so happy 2 me ur king. you are the apple of my EYE. tbh i can go on and on about you. from the moment i met you i was like oh no she loves angst as much as me. you are one of my eldest friends that i have had on here and tbh you and i are the only ppl on tumblr that revamp our blogs just as much as we do HAHA. you are such a ray of sunshine ash, every time i talk to you about new things i always get so excited. i love you so much my queen.
@imthelcstprincess / @findmyfuture ; tbh wow it hasn’t even really been a year since i’ve known you and i have already considered you one of my greatest friends on here. how both of our storyline of how flynn & rapunzel’s relationships went down was like we were honestly MEANT for each other. which well we honestly are. the way you write rapunzel is so incredibly. tbh i know i can always literally throw any one of my muses at her because *wink wink* you and i got fucking chemistry OKAYYYYYYYYY. thank you for always being there for me and always reminding me that i am loved. right back @ you honey because i wake up every morning like hmmm i hope lissa has a good day
@do-i-win-yet / @strawberryfitzsherbert​ ; charlie you slay my existence. never fucking change. even tho we started talking like kinda sorta recent holy shit??? you’re like amazing???? i was lowkey so intimidated by you at first cause i was like wow charlie is perfect w/ the way she writes and everything. god bless lissa for being like ppssst hey charlie feels the same. i love you as much as flynn loves everything about texass <3 <3 <3 
OTHER  RP PPL WHO I ADMIRE WHETHER WE RP OR NAH. [bold = beautiful ppl i talk to!! ] 
@untcldstories. @wiishling. @futureunwound. @hookandgrin @eightholyterrors. @inherited-vanity. @knxve. @prcttyliics. @strawberryprincessofdarkness. @coronaslight. @wolf-interrupted. @cinderiisms. @inherited-vanity. @magicgodmother. @pxperhearts. @ofhairgelandcourage. @residuex. @bondedbyfate. @itsafairytale. @asortofsensation. @fcirest. @perceptionborn. @bookwormmade. @ofbriars. @ofseadarling. @unhooked. @lipsofrcse. @hiighdrama. @filletingbitches. @fierysongs. @anotherlostswan. @pelydrynkeeper / @islesolated. @survivorofthedarkness. 
if i forgot you tbh it was on accident!! even if you are not on the list i appreciate you putting up with my shit and just wow. thank you guys for being amazing. 
xoxo your hot mess,
tea <3 
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dxbeaute-blog · 7 years
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   “WHY are you getting so defensive?       i was asking a simple question!”
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ofwonderlost-blog · 7 years
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“Look, I don’t have time for this bull shit.” Michael said, throwing his books in his bag. “I have to go.” He really just didn’t want to talk to them.
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mylipsarevenom · 7 years
👄 (From Kiera because the angst of them both being attracted to him would be amazing.)
Drunk mistake was the only way to properly describe what had occurred. It was something Patrick wished he could delete, forget, make disappear. Anything to erase the line that had been crossed.
The job had required for someone to be undercover. Given that Patrick had the highest tolerance out of any of the men, he’d been the obvious choice. They just hadn’t counted on their mark matching him shot for shot. Good thing that had been all required of Patrick that night, otherwise the job might have ended up much bloodier.
He’d been ordered home to sober up by Tuck, which Patrick was only too happy to comply with. His lips got loose when drunk, and he had no intentions of confessing anything about the boss around the other men.
Once home, the couch had become a sanctuary. Emerald eyes remained glassy and unfocused, even as a familiar presence had come to his side. Kiera’s face greeted him from above, and Patrick could help but smile.
“...Kiera...Kiera...you’re soo pretty. Tuck’s g-gonna have ta lock up all the...boys  in the-the world one...one day.”
The words were slurred, but said in such a happy tone that he was confused when Kiera glared. He meant to ask why she looked like that, why she was spinning, but all words were forgotten when she leaned down to him.
Kisses were nothing new. He’d kissed so many people in his lifetime. Kiera, however, had never been apart of that list. And he hadn’t wanted to add her.
Feminine. Soft. Slightly wet and perhaps with a bit too much force. As if she were afraid she’d never get the chance again, have the nerve again, except in that moment.
When she pulled away, she didn’t stay. She left him alone with only the ceiling that he stared at for comfort.
Lifting up his hand, fingers gently traced over his lips, Kiera’s sweet taste still lingering.
“...Damn it.”
[ @survivorofthedarkness ]
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saltcdlimc · 7 years
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seriously what the actual fuck are you all doing here? i am so sorry. but no seriously guys....what the fuck??? like??? and none of you are porn blogs, what even???
after almost five years on marley’s blog building a family of muses, i created this blog maybe a little over two months ago (im not going to actually look, because effort.) but it really hasn’t been that long and it was completely without warning that it became necessary for me to move the girls, but despite that....so many of you guys followed corey and the girls over here and supported us through some really hard shit. you made this move with us and supported us and aided in growth with the girls that i can’t even begin to thank you all for. so many of you others came and stayed??? like??? you looked at this blog and saw something..(i really don’t know what) but you saw something in a newborn blog and you gave us a chance, not only caring for corey and the girls but letting us care for your muses as well and for that we’re so goddamn blessed. thank you all so much for trusting us with your muses and allowing us to be apart of their journeys. ps no one should fucking trust corey with anyone like? just don’t guys, stahp, just no. 
the heart
@nyxlinolan | ➳this is for nyx, nothing more and nothing less than for this beautiful girl entirely. this girl is marley’s whole entire world and she always will be. she’s with her family; she is home with us. she is marley’s best friend and her partner in crime, her confidant and her soft place to land, her sanctuary, the mother of their children; marley’s wife and her home. she is corey’s mother and her hero, the greatest person in her life. we wouldn’t be here without her. we wouldn’t have had a chance without her.
the heroes
@dalphahale | ➳we aren’t on the dash much together, derek and corey aren’t but they have their own little place to be and grow and i love every second of them pulling surprises out of their asses and throwing them at us. you guys keep us sane through the day and she’s hella attached, you know this already.
@mind-the-muses | ➳i loooooove screaming in caps with you in IM, i love our talks even if it’s just a bunch of CAPS, seriously you’re an amazing writer and i admire you and the diversity of your muses. we’ve only met braxton and he’s incredible but just seeing you on my dash makes my rp nights/days better so you’re stuck with us. 
 @renxgadxs | ➳Tristan, my bro, seriously like how do you put up with me? idk but i’m so glad you do because you’re someone i know i can pick up my phone and reach for and you’re always there, even when it’s about something random or completely stupid. we can go a few days sometimes without talking but we never miss a beat and i love that so much, i’m so grateful to be able to call you my bro.
@rosethegeek | ➳baby girl, i adore you more than you know and i don’t even have words for how much rose has become so completely vital in the girls’ lives. i love talking to you and you know i am always here to plot with you and talk about the little monkeys who cling to us daily. you are to me what rose is to marley. i know that’s all i need to say for you know.
@soleguardian​ | ➳look, listen, we don’t talk much ooc but i want you to know we would follow you anywhere to keep writing with you and keep meeting your muses, whoever you choose to explore and whatever journey you choose to go on. we’re here and i hope to always have the chance to write with you.
@subtractixn | ➳you and i started slow with our talks but since have grown to be some of my favorites, from smoke breaks to drunk 20 questions i love every little talk and just being able to chill and come to you with random nonsense shit and be met with shit just as random and amazing. seriously you make my day and probably don’t even realize it but now i’ve said so you better???
@suppressedbyrage | ➳you....you Mr...go way the fuck back with me, back to the very beginning of marley in rp. we’ve been through a lot in the last almost five years, some ups and downs but mostly ups. you’ve been there for me in some of my lowest moments and you’ve lifted me up so selflessly and made me smile; completely turned some of worst and most hopeless days into a day where i knew i wasn’t alone, where i knew i had a friend. you are irreplaceable.
@wclktheline | ➳we’ve had it rocky in the past and we know this but even through that....just fucking wow, we’ve grown so much together. we’ve laughed and we’ve cried and we’ve lost muses and we’ve lost ships, we’ve lost each other as friends but we found our way back to a place we can never lose because we’ve never lost each other as family. i’m never going anywhere.
the allies 
@axelvalero | ➳you make me laugh so goddamn hard. like we’re fucking comedic gold because axel and corey are hot messes and i love every second of it! @aspernamentum | ➳we’ve talked more ooc then we’ve threaded but you made me laugh just with your rules and that was enough for me to just...keeping you. i hope we get to write more in the future and i’m always so happy seeing on my dash. your writing is amazing it scares me a little it’s just that good. @violencemakesmydickhard | ➳someone i look forward to writing more with, you have no idea. we’re new to each other, muns and muses, but i can’t wait to interact more with you. the only negan we need on our dash and so the only one there will be. never change anything about yourself or your blog, your muse, you are perfect and we’re always here as long as you’ll put up with us. @survivorofthedarkness | ➳we need to do more things, we have done things, and screamed about the things, and we will do more things because i’m demanding it and i love you and you love me and it’s going to be epic as fuck. @hellfirebound | ➳ we will follow you and your muses anywhere. i love your wide range of muses and how unique each one is. ky’lar has become a muse that i just love seeing out and around on my dash and i can’t even say why that it is, he’s just a wonderful muse and your writing makes me want to jump out a window?? like....in a good way, like a OMG THIS SHIT IS AMAZING type way. so like...a first story window with a tuck and roll.
the protected➳➳➳we’re either just getting started, have written together in the past, or i just really completely love seeing you on my dash. you’re probably guilty as fuck of making me smile with your posts or you’ve managed to put up with me just...existing in your followers, but whatever the reason, you’re precious to me and i’m just keeping you so...let’s do more things or not but regardless...status: kept.
@eightholyterrors | @trilliumjones | @ourredxmption | @ofhangmanstree | @paigeatyourservice | @portallyinclined | @awaymeansforgetting | @lifefcrdeath | @blindedbydarknessrp | @bxdassbanshee @backxfromxhellxraeken | @bowtomicah | @midnighthcurs | @mythophobis | @wwwdotmaximumeffort | @confusionand-chaos | @the-cataclxsm
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ofwonderlost-blog · 7 years
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“Aren’t you a new face.” Alice chuckled, beginning to walk backwards. “Hatter would be pleased to have you join us for tea.” Though the queen may not be so welcoming.
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kingxfmischief · 8 years
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     “If this trip is to work, I believe that we should      keep talking to a minimum,” Loki began, turning      his gaze to the forest ahead of them as he began to walk.
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mylipsarevenom · 7 years
HARLREPOST . DON’T REBLOG . post TEN characters you’d like to roleplay as , have roleplayed as and might bring back , then tag ten people to do the same . ( If you can’t think of ten characters , just write down however many you can . feel free to go over ten , too . )
TAGGED BY: @sadiico​ TAGGING: @touchofsalt-sideblog​ / @touchofsalt​, @thejestersiren​, @clownprincejoker​, @theoriginalbloodcountess​, @survivorofthedarkness​, @sugardaddypenguin​, @corvidamned​
MALE!POISON IVY / PATRICK ISLEY ( @mylipsarevenom​ )
ARTHUR ( @dreamsarevain​ )
CAPABLE ( @alwaysxcapable​ ) inactive 
HAWKEYE (marvel comic/mcu)
WES ( Common Law - USA TV show. Most underrated summer show ever )
HERA (Greek Mythology)
GABRIEL (Archangel )
BLACK CANARY ( dc comics )
INQUISITOR ( Dragon Age: Inquisition )
SHIRO ( Voltron, let me give this boy a RL FC please )
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