yogawithzain · 7 years
I love the simplicity and ingenuity of the Iyengar yoga method. Here is what I consider a simple and supreme supine sequence. My legs and back feel sober after practicing this. Especially after long drives or any kind of travel. I recall a workshop last year with Carolyn Belko where she encouraged us to practice the supta padangusthasana cycle regularly and in doing so it would help gain flexibility, strength and endurance in a majority of the standing asanas. And this has been true in my case. Give it a try! Feel free to share. (Note: This demo is a variation of the supta padangusthasana cycle using a belt with a short loop. It doesn't include the knee bent stage, which is just as important for hip opening. Refer to Light On Yoga, plate 286) #iyengaryoga #minimalyoga #simpleyoga #brilliantyoga #bksiyengar #ingenuity #lightonyoga #carolynbelko #suptapadangusthasana #suptaparivrttapadangusthasana #yogizain #yogademo #vitaminstringquartet #majorlazer #leanon (at Adeline Yoga Studio)
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