#super wealthy clients gave him plenty of targets to seduce and as he got better at his succubus ways he was able to sort of capitalize on i
tricitymonsters · 2 months
This has been sitting in my brain for about a week, but I've been offline so I haven't been able to send it in lol.
How would Amir react if the MC revealed that they were from a affluential family as well AND they had also ran away from that life. Maybe they changed their last name (or whole name) and have been living in secret in the city. Just imaging an MC living in a tiny apartment and not taking advantage of their family's wealth. It's THEIR apartment and THEIR money. How would Mori and Akello react to this too?
OUGH sorry this has been siting in my box for a while, current ask count is like 80 something >:3
I think at first Amir might have a liiiiiiittle extra suspicion simply because of the complex and often treacherous nature of highly affluent, old money families. He'd be interested in working out if MC's connections in their current life might benefit him or pose risks simply because he's kind of a calculating motherfucker like that. He might get close to MC to sort of scope things out. If they managed to hide their background from him he'd be pretty impressed by how much they must of cut off to be able to sort of fly under the radar. There might be an unpleasant moment where he feels a little vulnerable learning that MC might know more about his backstory than he wanted HOWEVER, i think ultimately he'd get over it and there wouldn't be an lingering obstacles to him and the MC getting close. He might actually be able to open up a little quicker about his insecurity in being raised totally outside the borders of "normal society" and surely there would be lots of commiserating about high society drama and expectation. Amir certainly understands the struggle of having to buy your own independence and when family gifts come with traps and strings attached.
Mori would understand maybe better than a lot of people would give him credit for. By no means ABSURDLY wealthy, Mori's dad is a pretty successful businessman and could certainly give Mori a more comfortable life than what he has now. However Mori really looks up to his accomplished father and doesn't want to be "taken care of" or a "burden" or unable to deal with his own struggles. Basically, one of his deep dark fears is being someone his dad has to worry about. So even though Mori steals Monsters from the gas station and has a different part time job every week, he can respect the need to be independent a lot, especially when it means giving up an "easier" life to do it.
Akello is definitely the RO who would be the most innately suspicious of that, for two reasons. First, Akello's family worked INCREDIBLY hard to put him through college- his grandparents and his parents saved conservatively for a long time to get him the best they could, and Akello himself worked his ass off at various jobs and at earning scholarships/grants to get all they way into a graduate program. He's not the first in his family to go to college (both his parents have undergrad degrees) but it really took a village to help get him these opportunities. So just by default he's kind of innately suspicious of the kind of wealth people are born into that lets them skip this, especially considering like... upper 1% generational wealth kind of nonsense. Secondly, for Akello, family is like. Pretty ironclad. It's hard for him to fully wrap his head around familial estrangement just because its been so ingrained into him that family (and by extension community) is what you spend your life working to protect and provide for. It would take something truly TRULY heinous to estrange Akello from his family (immediate and extended) and frankly even his demon deal and supposed "death" isn't enough to keep him from helping from the shadows, you know? But that being said, Akello's a rational guy and can examine his own biases pretty reliably. He'd be much more inclined to judge an MC like this based on their own merits and after like the initial shock period, would take MC at they're word that they don't have Affluent Asshole Disease and/or want anything to do with their Kardashian parents.
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