#sunita vitaliya
laylaraptis · 9 months
Which animals do you associate each of your characters with?
Love questions like these!! Because I actually put thought into animal associations when I make and write my characters, it's so fun. It not only has to do with visual traits and personality, but also plot-relevant symbolism. They're not major clues to anything, but sort of just fun add-ins? Part of the accumulative things that lay the path some characters go down? Also, not all of these of entirely significant symbolism, because some of these characters are were-creatures or half-creature or other folkloric beings and those influence associations.
Zena Moralis - bear (hint: this is why Athanasios takes the form he does when he reincarnates)
Geronimo - barn owl (note: his animal companion is Alfreda, the barn owl who just sort of hangs around)
Echo - scorpion
Florence Escoffier - fox
Kamali Wynn - cat
Esmeray Badawi - freshwater/river fish (if you had to associate her with a specific one, pick a species in Turkish waters. I don't have a set one yet, but she is from the rivers of alternate Turkey (for mermaid reasons)).
Dorian Nathair - sea serpent (...listen, it surely counts)
Siobhan Healy - swan
Bloodboot Mercer - wolf
Penelope Mercer - lynx
Sunita Vitaliya - crow
Shadow King - raven
Hektor Moralis - snake
Eamon Moralis - magpie
Hames Jespersen - gargoyle/dragon (okay, I know they don't count as animals, but they're very Him, so)
Quillon Romero - butterfly
Orna Healy - moth
Willa Healy - crocodile
Admittedly, this is a long cast, and there are yet more characters, but these are all the ones that have animal associations in my mind.
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