#sunday Afolayan
pigeonwhumps · 7 months
The Will-Reading
A Death in the Family
Taglist: @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance
Against his better judgement, Tristam attends the reading of his late father's will.
CWs: vampire whumper, human whumpee, implied vampire whump, implied lady whump, vampire whump, transphobia (misgendering, deadnaming), use of 'it' for dehumanising, brand, blood drinking, forced to hurt, mind-control, mentions of pet whump, mentioned threats of violence
Tristam parks his gleaming black Bentley at the end of the driveway of his father's estate and releases a long, slow breath. He hasn't spoken to any of his family in over a hundred years, for good reason. He doesn't even know why he accepted the invitation today.
Social convention dictated they invite him. He didn't have to accept. He never has before.
A servant who he's never met before makes a beeline for his car, and he exits hastily. No sense in making her do even more work.
She curtseys quickly. "Welcome, sir."
"Hello, Miss...?"
"Eldrida, sir."
"Hello Eldrida. I'm here for the will reading of Barnabas Sharpe."
"Of course. Right this way, sir."
"Thank you."
Tristam follows the young vampire to the main entrance of the manor house. She hesitates there for a second and touches the doorframe quickly, so briefly he wonders if he's imagined it, as he allows the butler to take his coat. Then he looks around.
The place is dark, windows walled up, ornate carvings in the stone and polished wooden staircase. The furniture is similar, dark woods highly polished and intricately decorated, lit by dim chandeliers that emit more than enough light for vampiric eyes to see by. Eldrida's bright blue braids contrast strongly with the rest of the hall, and Tristam wonders why his father hired her. She's definitely not his usual idea of a perfect servant, with one eye, scars and blue hair.
Her appearance suits her though. It's just this place that doesn't.
So much extravagance in this manor for one or two people. Despite growing up here, he can't imagine living somewhere similar again. It makes his blood boil and his skin itch. He'd rather be anywhere but here.
He wishes he'd kept his coat.
Eldrida leads him into the drawing room. He's the last to arrive, it appears, and his least favourite aunt rises to greet him, taking his hand in her red-clawed talons before he can escape to his seat.
"Iseult! My darling niece! What a pleasure it is to see you again. It has been too long."
Tristam sees Eldrida do a double-take and sighs inwardly. Outing him to the whole room, once again. "My name is Tristam, my lady. And there are reasons we do not often speak, as you very well know."
Lady Mary Sharpe makes a face but says nothing, too well-bred to start an argument in front of what must be the solicitor. He can tell she wants to, though. She always does, and she always has, every time she's seen him since he told his family at a reunion that he was a man named Tristam. He'd fled when they wouldn't accept it, and it has never gone any better since.
Eldrida melts into the shadows in the corner of the room once he's seated comfortably, and the solicitor clears his throat.
"Now everyone is present, may we, perhaps, begin?"
Tristam murmurs an apology. He's not really late, he knows, but it's expected of him.
"That's quite alright, Lord Tristam. I'm sure we all understand your grief."
"Er. Yes. Quite."
He didn't think he was grieving.
"So. Onto the reading of the will. My name is George Brown, of Messrs Brown, Brown and White, Solicitors, and I've been invited here as the appointed Executor of Lord Barnabas Sharpe's will. I'll start by reading the will and its legacies in full, followed by unbequeathed property and any objections." He coughs delicately. "The Last Will and Testament of Lord Barnabas Sharpe, Esq."
Tristam lets his mind drift for a while as George Brown reads the will. He doesn't really care what anyone else gets, and he honestly couldn't care less about inheriting any of his father's estate, but he keeps an ear out for nasty surprises. He almost jolts from his seat when he hears his name.
"And finally, to my daughter, Tristam, née Iseult, Sharpe, I leave a single gold sovereign and The Essential Guide to Contemporary Vampire Lady Etiquette."
Generous. But exactly what Tristam was expecting. He nods his acceptance, and Mr Brown continues, reading the usual administrative sections until he reaches the final sentence.
"The standard provisions and all of the special provisions of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners shall apply." Mr Brown folds the piece of paper crisply. "That concludes the reading of the will itself. However, before we move onto hearing any conflicts, we have a few pieces of chattel that need deciding on. The first, and most important given its... delicate... nature, is Lord Barnabas' former thrall."
Tristam's heart sinks to his stomach as his aunt rings a bell and a few seconds later, a human enters the room.
He should've known. It's his father, of course he had a thrall. But... he didn't know. Didn't think about it.
The human smells... rotten, almost. Unhealthy, certainly, and it doesn't take more than a glance to notice the swaying, and the glistening skin. Barnabas died days ago, they're probably starving. But it's not just what Tristam can see that's probably bothering the human. At the very least, their arm is being held at an awkward angle, their wrist bent oddly.
What else is hiding under the crisp, black, frilly shirt? It's the traditional attire of a bloodbag without an owner, the long sleeves and high collar to stop access by anyone until they're claimed, the black making a mockery of human grief.
Not everyone goes for the black. It stands to reason that the Sharpe family would.
His trousers are of an older style too, although it's less obvious with them, long and crisp and black. No shoes, bloodbags have no need of them.
The poor thing must be freezing. He can't imagine how much worse it must be normally, with the low-necked silks and the short sleeves, in a draughty manor that's rarely heated.
At least... this level of persuasion, at least they won't notice that. Their eyes, one light blue and one brown, are glazed over, dulled by successive enthrallments. So that's a small comfort.
They're pretty, and he hates that he can see why his father chose them. Pale patches dot their dark brown skin, with a little stubble on their chin. Their hair is in locs, ends settling on the tops of their shoulders, a few locs dangling over their forehead instead. They have a scar on their lip, and another on their cheek, and Tristan doesn't want to think about where they might be from.
And then he spots the brand. There, on the back of their right hand, is a burn in the shape of the family crest.
He feels sick. Sure, the human is Sharpe family property, but that's why he hates the family so much. There's plenty of voluntary donors around, even a few (ethically questionable) paid bloodbag agencies. Hell, the family already has plenty of lower class vampire servants, for other jobs. No need for... this.
"So, ladies and gentlemen, now that you've all had time to peruse the chattel, you need to come to an agreement as to what to do with it."
The room's silent. There's a little awkward shuffling, and a cough, but no speaking. The thrall stays perfectly still, perfectly silent, hands behind their back, in their place standing beside Mr Brown.
Eventually, to break the silence if nothing else, Tristam says, "What happens to them if they're left unclaimed?"
"It will be taken to auction, and if unsold there, passed onto a blood farm to be dealt with finally."
The human certainly won't last long at a blood farm, not in the state they're in. And an auction... Tristam worked one once. He has no desire to go near one again. The type of people who turn up on the off-chance of snatching up a rich vampire's belongings cheap don't bear thinking about. And the human is still young, and pretty, and easy to hurt.
But no-one here will be any better.
"I will take them, then." All eyes snap to him, a range of disbelief and hatred in them. "I am a member of the family. And I do not currently have a thrall. In fact, I am in the market for one at the moment. Why could I not take this one? None of you seem to be looking to take them."
"Unexpected," declares Mary, after a stunned pause. "But I certainly don't want to be taking care of that thing. I have my own two, in far better condition."
Mr Tobias Sharpe, Tristam's cousin, formally his father's next of kin as the nearest male relative in his family's eyes, hums. "I agree. I see no issue with you having the boy, on the condition that you complete the ritual claiming ceremony, in front of us all here today. If you can successfully complete that, your father's thrall is all yours."
Tristam swallows and nods. He'd forgotten this part of claiming. It's a tradition, but done so rarely nowadays.
By civilised vampires, at any rate.
"Very well."
He rises and nods to Eldrida, who steps forward to move Tristam's chair back and sideways. He sits down again gracefully, and looks reluctantly at the young human.
His voice is stronger this time, cooler, echoes of his centuries-long life reverberating around the room, and he hates it. He hates how much it makes him sound like his father.
The human's eyes redden briefly as the command sinks in, and they walk forward without hesitation.
The human kneels fluidly, gracefully, between Tristam's legs. He shuffles uncomfortably.
The human holds out their arm, resting it on Tristam's leg. Tristam takes it tenderly in both hands and rolls up their sleeve gently, careful not to add to the red-dark bruises already present.
He lifts their forearm to his lips and, in a flash of white, buries his fangs into their skin. The human gasps at the impact, but Tristam's control doesn't break.
His fangs are not as needle-sharp as they once were, he's gotten unused to drinking from live humans, but oh, the blood tastes good. Even as sickly as they are, he can see why his father chose them. Their warm, living, fresh blood pumping into him. It's so good.
The human has been under thrall for so long that their thoughts, even their embedded, unconscious ones, are barely reachable. Usually it's unstoppable, but with this one he can barely grasp the ghost of an identity. There's a wisp, barely there, of a name. He concentrates, pulling it towards him.
Sunday. Sunday... Afolayan.
He pulls away as his thrall– the human– Sunday Afolayan– slumps against him, unconscious, and licks a stripe down their forearm to seal the wound, displaying his own dripping fangs to his family as proof. His arm is around the human's waist, stopping him from falling completely.
His nephew nods approvingly, and his aunt hands him a cloth napkin, which he wipes his fangs on delicately.
"Does anyone have any objections to me leaving with my thrall? I would like to ensure he does not die. I have no conflicts with any of your bequests."
"You may leave. Eldrida, fetch Tristam's bequests."
She curtseys. "Yes, ma'am."
"Thank you. I will see you again. Thank you for your service, Mr Brown."
"Good day, Lord Tristam."
Tristam scoops the human up in a bridal carry and leaves the room hurriedly. They really aren't well.
"Eldrida," he calls after her, "Fetch me some human food and water, will you, please? I am going to wait in my car."
She curtseys again and hurries off. Tristam looks down at his thrall as he leaves the manor. He needs to fetch his coat, but he doesn't want to leave the human.
The thing about drinking blood from an enthralled human, is that it's very easy to become entranced with said human. Very easy to think of them as a thrall, yours, property. Your property. You have to be very careful.
And Tristam hasn't been careful at all. It's been so long, he's forgotten how.
He'll have to be so, so careful now.
At least it wasn't the neck.
He lays the human– Sunday down carefully in the backseat of his car, laying a delicate hand on their forehead. They're not feverish, he doesn't think, although humans always run hot.
He's not sure what he's going to do when he gets home. He tries to run through it in his head. First aid kit, clothes, food, wash, somewhere to sleep. Call Crossways House, see if they have any tips. He knows he wants to get Sunday's mind back, but he has no clue where to start.
He should call Aileen anyway. Her and Evelyn have about twenty degrees between them, if anyone knows they might. It means he'll have to tell them about his coming here today, though.
He leans his head against the outside of his car and lets out a groan. Why him? He can barely take care of himself, let alone a whole other person.
"Um. Lord Tristam, sir?"
He looks up and pulls himself together. As much as possible, anyway. "Yes, Eldrida? Do you have what I asked for?"
"Yes, sir." She's carrying an open cardboard box, which she places in the passenger seat at his gesture. "I brought you the thrall's clothing too, sir, I thought you might want it."
"Thank you." Tristam looks through the box. Inside is a bottle of water, a pouch of disgusting-looking nutrient-rich human thrall food, his bequest and coat, and several silk outfits in a selection of white and black. The tops are low-cut and sleeveless, the trousers cut off just below the knees. There's nothing else, nothing to keep Sunday warm.
"Is this all they wore? All they had? How are they alive?"
"The late Lord Sharpe kept him in a warm food storage room most of the time, sir."
Tristam nods, thinking. "And they have nothing else? You said him, what do you know about the human? When I was drinking from him, his name came out as Sunday Afolayan, but that's all I got."
"Nothing else, sir. The blanket has already been burned and your father would not waste frivolities on a thrall. The human insisted on being addressed using him when he was lucid, but your father threatened to cut his tongue out if he uttered his name, sir, so this is the first time I've heard it. If you'll beg my forgiveness for saying so, sir, he was rather cruel."
"No, it's okay. You're right. My father has always been cruel. To you, too, I suspect." She doesn't respond to that, which is an answer in itself, really. He eyes the small rucksack on her back. "Would you like a lift out of here, Eldrida?"
Her eyes light up and she smiles shyly. "Yes please, sir. I've given my notice, and I don't think they'll give me a reference."
"All right. Let's get some water into Sunday and then we can leave. The food can wait until we are back at my flat. Can he drink without persuasion?"
"It's been a long time, sir."
"Okay. Well, he is still unconscious... we'll sit him up. Hold his head steady."
Eldrida helps get the human upright, and Tristam cracks the lid on the bottle, tipping it carefully into his mouth. He rubs Sunday's throat as he does so, helping him swallow.
He remembers that from Aileen's training, at least.
It's intimate. Too intimate. He hopes the human wakes soon.
"Right. He should be okay for now. Get in the passenger seat."
"The box, sir?"
"Ah. Right. That can go in the seat next to the human. I apologise for the mess."
"That's okay, sir." She picks up the box and transfers it carefully, before sitting down clumsily in the seat beside him. "Thank you, sir. You're very kind."
"It's no problem. Long walk out of here. So, where can I drop you?"
Eldrida's silent for a while, long enough for it to get awkward. Tristam drums his fingers on the steering wheel, wishing he could just put on some music.
"Sorry, sir. Um, is the local HVA centre still open? I haven't left the estate for six years."
"Six– my father takes live-in servants now? He paid you, right?"
"Yes, sir. And it's not common. He just said he had to keep an eye on me because I used to be a... a hunter. And I was newly turned, it's not like I remembered anything or had anywhere else to go, sir."
"You only hunted on the human side of the border, right?" She might not have remembered straight away but memories shouldn't take six years to return.
She bobs her head. "Yes, sir."
Tristam winces, and hopes he won't regret what he's about to offer. "Yes, okay, that will be enough of the sirs. The HVA centre is still open, yes. If you're amenable, though, I have a spare room which you can stay in for free. I won't force it on you."
"I'd like that. If it's really okay with you. I used to be in charge of looking after the human a lot, I can help you with him."
"Sunday. Sunday Afolayan. Sorry."
"It's okay. I would be very grateful for your assistance. But you must have a dream of your own?"
Eldrida's eyes light up. "I'd like to open a café. It would be decorated with artwork of weird bats and there would be soup of the night, which would change every night and have names that are just a little bit saucy to annoy the more straight-laced vampires. But it would basically be blood soup every time, I suppose. There must be other recipes. Vampires go out to eat, right? In a way that isn't eating humans?"
Tristam smiles at her excited chatter. She's almost bouncing now. "Remind me to introduce you to Lucan sometime."
"Faerie. Works at Crossways. Best cook I know. He's working on a recipe book for vampires, with a variety of blood-based recipes. And there's always the border cross-species communities." Eldrida grins. "Nearly there now. I must apologise in advance for the state of the flat, I am not used to having anyone live with me."
His mental health is also not what he'd like it to be, but he's not about to tell a stranger that. 300 years he's had that box bed half-built in the corner of the living room. 300 damned years.
"It's okay, Lord Sharpe. I spent ten years serving your family, I can handle a bit of mess. No offence."
He has no doubt she believes it. And it may be true. But she hasn't seen his home yet.
"Eldrida... look, it's just Tristam, okay? Just call me Tristam." She nods. "It's not as big as the family mansion. Only two bedrooms. But there's a pretty nice balcony. I'll show you where the rooms are, and then... do you know anything about human medicine?"
"A little first aid. But–" she glances back at Sunday, and Tristam does too, pretending he hasn't continually been doing so throughout their journey. "But not enough for Mr Afolayan, probably."
Tristam nods. "Then I will need to call some people for help. And then... Eldrida, are you all right?"
She turns away, pretending not to wipe her shining eyes. "Perfectly alright, sir– Tristam. Tristam. Thank you."
"No problem. Here we are."
He parks and reaches over Eldrida to grab his house keys off the dashboard.
Eldrida flinches.
Oh boy.
Tristam chooses to ignore it for now. He already knew his father was cruel, and although this might not be caused by him he... doesn't think she'll want to talk about it anyway.
"Come on. Let's get Sunday inside and show you around."
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newsline1 · 1 year
Owo Massacre: A Ballad Of Woe, By Sunday Afolayan
  (Commemorating 1 year remembrance of mass killing @ St. Francis’ Catholic Cathedral, Owo)   By Sunday Afolaya   June 5th 2022: the day of evil pests A dark Sunday of terror and hurly burly A day of sorrow too gruesome to fathom A day of grief, of tears and blood A day of cords and scourges and lamentation A day that peace was ruptured in the heart The day innocent worshipers were torn to…
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swagloaded · 2 years
Anikulapo (2022) Movie Mp4 Download
Anikulapo (2022) Movie Mp4 Download
Anikulapo (2022) Mp4 Download. It tells the story of Saro, a man seeking for greener pasture, but unfolding events and his affair with the king’s wife, he encounters his untimely death and with Akala, a mystical bird believed to give and take life. Genre: Drama, Fantasy Release Date: Sep 30, 2022 (Nigeria) Stars: Kunle Remi, Bimbo Ademoye, Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Sola Sobowale, Taiwo Hassan, Debo…
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clickvibes · 4 months
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hardynwa · 1 year
Davido, Osimhen, others confered national awards
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The Ministry of Special Duties and Intergovernmental Affairs, on Sunday, announced 339 prominent Nigerians as recipients of the 2023 national honours. Some entertainers were included in the list. They are famous singer, David Adeleke, aka Davido, and ace-filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan, who were both awarded the Officer Of The Order of The Niger (OON). Super Eagles and Napoli Striker, Victor Osimhen also made the list. The Serie A top scorer received the MFR (Member of The Order of Federal Republic) cadre. Benue-born socialite, Terry Waya was conferred with the OFR (Order of the Federal Republic) cadre. The recipients will officially receive their medals and certificates on June 1, 2023. Last year, President Muhammadu Buhari conferred national honours on entertainers, 2Baba, Burna Boy and Teni. Read the full article
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detective2019 · 4 years
"Covid-19: A lamentation", Poem by Sunday Afolayan
“Covid-19: A lamentation”, Poem by Sunday Afolayan
When from far off I saw you approaching
From the Wuhan City of Hubei Province
With your novel gift of deadly carrot
A mere play or drama me thinks it was
But surely my prognosis was proved untrue
In shining China I saw you first romancing 
You crept in like a childish guest unnoticed
And not a single one amongst the seers
Ever knew you as the albatross of nations
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tunesrecords · 2 years
Mr Eazi engages Girlfriend, Temi Otedola
Mr Eazi And Temi Otedola Are Officially Engaged
Mr Eazi and Temi Otedola announce their engagement.
Mr Eazi engages his Girlfriend, Temi Otedola
Oluwatosin Ajibade, commonly known as Mr Eazi, recently proposed to his girlfriend Temi Otedola in an unusual and romantic manner.
The couple, who have been dating for more than three years, announced their engagement on social media.
The actress who made her Nollywood debut in 2020 in ‘Citation’ by Kunle Afolayan, shared the news on her Twitter handle on Sunday.
She shared the moments Mr Eazi proposed in an 18 seconds video clip without a caption.
They accomplished this in a soundless 38-second movie set in a tranquil scene by the water.
Nigerian artistes who got married this year
Top Nigerian Artists and their celebrity girlfriends/Wives
In the video, Mr Eazi is seen getting down on one knee and proposing to her. The couple has always used social media to express their love for one another, from extravagant birthday outings to charming moments on their dates.
We are super excited for the couple and wish them a lot of happiness.
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— Temi Otedola (@TemiOtedola) April 10, 2022
The couple has been together for over four years.
They started dating after Temi’s sister, DJ Cuppy introduced Mr Eazi to her.
Reacting to the proposal, Otedola via his Instagram handle wrote, “Somebody is taking my baby.”
Nigerian celebrities have taken to the comment section of Temi’s post to congratulate the couple.
The likes of Tiwa Savage, Simi, Joeboy, Adesua Etomi, Broda Shaggi, Sharon Ooja, and BBNaija stars Bisola and Neo congratulated the couple on their engagement.
Tiwa Savage wrote: “Yass so happy to see this! Congratulation to both of you.”
@Ebuka Obi-Uchendu wrote: “Love is Eazi.”
This post appeared first on Mp3bullet.ng... Read Original post on Mr Eazi engages Girlfriend, Temi Otedola.
source https://www.mp3bullet.ng/mr-eazi-engages-girlfriend-temi-otedola/
Trenz On
source https://emptunes.blogspot.com/2022/04/mr-eazi-engages-girlfriend-temi-otedola.html
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pigeonwhumps · 7 months
Character intros
Sooo time to introduce new OCs! These belong to a vampire/bloodbag-based series that I'm about to start (I have the first piece pretty much finished).
A Death in the Family masterlist
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Name: Sunday Afolayan
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Human
Age: 31
Fun fact: Was a PhD student before being taken as Barnabas' thrall, researching how persuasion works from a scientific perspective. Now... well, at least he has a first-hand account. But he doesn't want to be drunk from ever again.
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Name: Eldrida Kenyatta
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Vampire
Age: 28
Fun fact: Before being turned, she was a hunter. It makes her unpopular with many vampires who find out – and Barnabas ensures that his friends, family and other employees do find out.
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Name: Tristam Sharpe
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Vampire
Age: ~600
Fun fact: Hates his family and barely speaks to them – Aileen's of the opinion that he shouldn't at all, not if they're not going to respect him, but it worked out this time. Who knows what would've happened to Sunday if he hadn't shown up. He has ADHD, and does struggle, but he manages to take care of his fish, which are really the most important things.
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Name: Barnabas Sharpe
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Vampire
Age: ~1200
Fun fact: "Traditional" vampire, aka asshole. Enjoys playing with his food, when it's not too enthralled, and absolutely despises hunters, whatever their species or status. This includes Eldrida.
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Name: Aileen Ross
Pronouns: she/they
Species: Vampire
Age: ~300
Fun fact: Would love to interview a human. Sadly, despite working at Crossways, it's hard to find one who's willing.
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Name: Evelyn Davis
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Vampire
Age: ~130
Fun fact: Was a jazz singer in 1920s USA, and still enjoys putting on performances every once in a while. Extremely bisexual and Aileen's wife.
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Name: Jeremy
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Ghost
Age: ~700
Fun fact: Inhabits Tristam's flat and did so well before he ever showed up. Prefers to remain invisible most of the time, even while he's communicating with Tristam or annoying him. He has self-esteem issues but they're working on it.
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Name: Tobias Sharpe
Pronouns: he/him
Species: Vampire
Age: ~650
Fun fact: Tristam's cousin, he craves power and thrives off it. Thinks the world owes him anything he could ever want.
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Name: Mary Sharpe
Pronouns: she/her
Species: Vampire
Age: ~900
Fun fact: Tristam's least favourite aunt. She'll never accept him but she never stops arguing about it either.
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drbisi · 4 years
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Dr Bisi Afolayan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: GICC Thanksgiving Service Time: Jul 5, 2020 09:00 AM Africa/Lagos Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5910801445?pwd=QzFMSzVrb0h2M0Z0MXV5T2x2T0hidz09 Meeting ID: 591 080 1445 Password: glory2020 PLS BE AT YOUR HOUSE VIEWING CENTERS TO JOIN THIS SUNDAY THANKSGIVING SERVICE VIA ZOOM. We will be broadcasting: 1. Sunday’s : 9:00am 2. Tuesdays : 6pm 3. Thursday’s 6pm Pls keep this in your diaries. (at Gicc Cathedral, Ijoko Road, Akute.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMC13yJbrl/?igshid=14qpux0kr0r0m
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orangetvnaija · 5 years
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1. Julius Amedume - Rattlesnakes (WINNER)
2. Tosin Coker - Lara and the Beats
3. Robert O. Peters – Makeroom
2. Best Diaspora Short Film
1. Bail (UK) (WINNER)
2. Oath Bound (UK)
3. Fevah (USA)
4. I Am Superman (Brazil)
3. Best Diaspora Documentary
1. Wax Print 1 FABRIC, 4 continent (UK)
2. The Guardian of No Return (Guadalope)
3. Dare to Dream (USA/CUBA)
4. Drugs as Weapons Against Us (USA)
5. My Friend Fela (Brazil) (WINNER)
4. Best Diaspora Narrative Feature
1. Nine Nights (UK)
2. Olympia (USA)
3. Traffik (US)
4. Hero (Trinidad and Tobago/Canada) (WINNER)
5. Sprinter (Jamaica)
5. Best Achievement in Production Design
1. Redemption (Mozambique) (WINNER)
2. Rafiki (Kenya)
3. Ellen, The Ellen Parkies Stories (S. Africa)
4. Urgent (Morroco)
                           Chuks Nwanne and co-hst, Lorenzo Menakaya at the AMAA 2019 [Instagram/AMAA]                          
Here are the winners of the 15th edition of the AMAAs.
1. Michael Anyiam Osigwe Award For Best Film by an African-Born Director Living Abroad
1. Julius Amedume - Rattlesnakes (WINNER)
2. Tosin Coker - Lara and the Beats
3. Robert O. Peters – Makeroom
2. Best Diaspora Short Film
1. Bail (UK) (WINNER)
2. Oath Bound (UK)
3. Fevah (USA)
4. I Am Superman (Brazil)
3. Best Diaspora Documentary
1. Wax Print 1 FABRIC, 4 continent (UK)
2. The Guardian of No Return (Guadalope)
3. Dare to Dream (USA/CUBA)
4. Drugs as Weapons Against Us (USA)
5. My Friend Fela (Brazil) (WINNER)
                           Some of the nominees at AMAA 2019. [Instagram/AMAA]                          
4. Best Diaspora Narrative Feature
1. Nine Nights (UK)
2. Olympia (USA)
3. Traffik (US)
4. Hero (Trinidad and Tobago/Canada) (WINNER)
5. Sprinter (Jamaica)
5. Best Achievement in Production Design
1. Redemption (Mozambique) (WINNER)
2. Rafiki (Kenya)
3. Ellen, The Ellen Parkies Stories (S. Africa)
4. Urgent (Morroco)
5. Burial of Kojo (Ghana)
6. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
7. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda)
8. Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
6. Best Achievement in Costume Design
1. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
2. Light in the Dark (Nigeria)
3. Rafiki (Kenya)
4. King of Boys (Nigeria)
5. Lara and the Beats (Nigeria)
6. Urgent (Morocco)
7. Mabata Bata (Mozambique)
Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) (WINNER)
7. Best Achievement in Make-Up
1. Makeroom (Nigeria)
2. Gold Statue (Nigeria)
3. Veronica’s Wish (Uganda)
4. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
5. Before the Vows (GHANA)
6. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) (WINNER)
7. The Burial of Kojo (Ghana)
8. Best Achievement in Soundtrack
1. Subira (Kenya)
2. Mabata Bata (Mozambique) (WINNER)
3. Farewell Ella Bella (S. AFRICA)
4. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda)
5. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
6. Lara and the Beats (Nigeria)
7. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
8. Redemption (Mozambique)
9. Best Achievement in Visual Effects
1. Makeroom (Nigeria)
2. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
3. Knockout Blessing (Nigeria) (WINNER)
4. Mabata Bata (Mozambique)
5. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
6. The King of Boys (Nigeria)
7. Burial of Kojo (Ghana)
10. NFVCB Award For Best Nigerian Film
           AMAA 2019: Here are all the winners at the 15th edition of movie award    
Gbenga Bada                                            
                                                                                   Yesterday at 9:31 PM                                     Tell your friends
                           Here are the winners of the 2019 Africa Movie Academy Awards, which held on Sunday, October 27, 2019, at the Landmark Event Centre in Lagos.
AMAA 2019 kicked off with a red carpet at about 5PM at the Landmark Event Centre on Sunday, October 27, 2019.
Actress and producer, Kemi Lala Akindoju, Lorenzo Menakaya and comedian, Funnybone are the hosts of the 15th edition of the AMAAs.
                           Chuks Nwanne and co-hst, Lorenzo Menakaya at the AMAA 2019 [Instagram/AMAA]                          
Here are the winners of the 15th edition of the AMAAs.
1. Michael Anyiam Osigwe Award For Best Film by an African-Born Director Living Abroad
1. Julius Amedume - Rattlesnakes (WINNER)
2. Tosin Coker - Lara and the Beats
3. Robert O. Peters – Makeroom
2. Best Diaspora Short Film
1. Bail (UK) (WINNER)
2. Oath Bound (UK)
3. Fevah (USA)
4. I Am Superman (Brazil)
3. Best Diaspora Documentary
1. Wax Print 1 FABRIC, 4 continent (UK)
2. The Guardian of No Return (Guadalope)
3. Dare to Dream (USA/CUBA)
4. Drugs as Weapons Against Us (USA)
5. My Friend Fela (Brazil) (WINNER)
                           Some of the nominees at AMAA 2019. [Instagram/AMAA]                          
4. Best Diaspora Narrative Feature
1. Nine Nights (UK)
2. Olympia (USA)
3. Traffik (US)
4. Hero (Trinidad and Tobago/Canada) (WINNER)
5. Sprinter (Jamaica)
5. Best Achievement in Production Design
1. Redemption (Mozambique) (WINNER)
2. Rafiki (Kenya)
3. Ellen, The Ellen Parkies Stories (S. Africa)
4. Urgent (Morroco)
5. Burial of Kojo (Ghana)
6. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
7. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda)
8. Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
6. Best Achievement in Costume Design
1. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
2. Light in the Dark (Nigeria)
3. Rafiki (Kenya)
4. King of Boys (Nigeria)
5. Lara and the Beats (Nigeria)
6. Urgent (Morocco)
7. Mabata Bata (Mozambique)
Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) (WINNER)
7. Best Achievement in Make-Up
1. Makeroom (Nigeria)
2. Gold Statue (Nigeria)
3. Veronica’s Wish (Uganda)
4. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
5. Before the Vows (GHANA)
6. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) (WINNER)
7. The Burial of Kojo (Ghana)
8. Best Achievement in Soundtrack
1. Subira (Kenya)
2. Mabata Bata (Mozambique) (WINNER)
3. Farewell Ella Bella (S. AFRICA)
4. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda)
5. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
6. Lara and the Beats (Nigeria)
7. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
8. Redemption (Mozambique)
9. Best Achievement in Visual Effects
1. Makeroom (Nigeria)
2. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
3. Knockout Blessing (Nigeria) (WINNER)
4. Mabata Bata (Mozambique)
5. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
6. The King of Boys (Nigeria)
7. Burial of Kojo (Ghana)
                           Nigerian Film and Videos Censors Board chairman, Thomas Adedayo at AMAA 2019 [Instagram/AMAA]                          
10. NFVCB Award For Best Nigerian Film
1. The Delivery Boy
2. Lara and the Beats
3. Makeroom
4. King of Boys (WINNER)
5. Gold Statute
6. Up North
7. Knockout Blessing
11. Best Documentary
1. Djambar, Sembene the Unsubmissive (Cameroun)
2. The State Against Mandela (South Africa)
3. Golden Fish, African Fish (Senegal)
4. Skin (Nigeria)
5. Khartoum Offside (Sudan) (WINNER)
6. Le loups d’or de Balole (Burkina Faso)
7. Sur Les Traces de Mamani Abdoulaye (Niger)
8. No Gold For Katsaka (Burkina Faso)
9. Mother, I am Suffocating, This Is My Last Film About You (Lesotho)
12. Ousmane Sembene Award For Best Film in an African Language
1. Makeroom (Nigeria)
2. Mabata Bata (Mozambique)
3. Rafiki (Kenya) (WINNER)
4. Bahasha -The Envelope (Tanzania)
5. Azali (Ghana)
13. Efere Ozako Award For Best Short Film
1. The Fisherman (Ghana)
2. A Tune of Kora (SENEGAL) (WINNER)
3. ICYASHA (Rwanda)
4. NAMOW2018 (KENYA)
5. Vagabond (GHANA)
6. Measure of a Woman (SA)
7. Mma Moeketsi (SA)
8. Motswakwa (BOTSWANA)
9. Tonight’s Opening Act (EGYPT)
10. Hello Rain (NIGERIA)
14. Best Achievement in Sound
1. The Last Victim (S. Africa)
2. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
3. Makeroom (Nigeria)
4. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
5. The Burial of Kojo (Ghana)
6. Urgent (Morocco)
7. Mabata Bata (Mozambique) (WINNER)
8. Redemption (Mozambique)
15. Best Achievement in Cinematography
1. Mabata Bata (Mozambique)
2. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa) (WINNER)
3. Mother, I am Suffocating, This Is My Last Film About You (Lesotho)
4. Redemption (Mozambique)
5. Rafiki (Kenya)
6. Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
7. The Burial of Kojo (Ghana)
8. Redemption (Mozambique)
16. Best Achievement in Editing
1. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
2. The Burial of Kojo (Ghana)
3. The Last Victim (S. Africa)
4. Rafiki (Kenya) (WINNER)
5. The Gold Statute (Nigeria)
6. Diamond in the Sky (Nigeria)
7. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda)
8. Sew The Winter To My Skin (S. Africa)
17. Best Achievement in Screenplay
1. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
2. The Last Victim (S. Africa)
3. Rafiki (Kenya)
4. Diamond in the Sky (Nigeria)
5. Gold Statute (Morocco)
6 Lara and the Beats (Nigeria)
7. Redemption (Mozambique) (WINNER)
8. Up North (Nigeria)
18. Best Animation
1. Kitwana Journey – Kenya
2. Choices – Nigeria (WINNER)
3. Isolated- Kenya
4. Afrogames – Burkina Faso
19. Best Young/Promising Actor
1. Youssef Alaoui (Ayoub) URGENT
2. Angel Onyinyechi Unigwe (Adaeze) LIGHT IN THE DARK
3. Cynthia Dankwa (Esi) BURIAL OF KOJO (WINNER)
4. Emilio Bilo (Azarias) Mabata Bata
5. Jamma Ibrahim (Amir) The Delivery Boy
6. Catherine Credo (Neema) Fatuma
20. Best Actor in a Supporting Role
1. Remilekun “Reminisce” Sarafu (Makanaki) King of Boys
2. Jarrid Geduld 9 (Abie) Ellen, The Ellen Parkies Story (WINNER)
3. Zolisa Xaluva (Wyatt Earp) Sew the Winter to my Skin
4. Kanayo O. Kanyayo (Chief Otuekong) Up North
5. Kobina Amissah-Sam (Kwabina) The Burial of Kojo
6. Bucci Franklyn (Dagogo) Knockout Blessing
21. Best Actress in a Supporting Role
1. Eniola Shobayo (Vivian) Knockout Blessing
2. Linda Ejiofer (Oby) Knockout Blessing
3. Kandyse McClure (Golden Eyes) Sew the Winter to My Skin
4. Adesua Etomi (Kemi) The King of Boys (WINNER)
5. Joke Silva (Mama Jumoke) Light in the Dark
6. Arlete Bombe (Mia) Redemption
22. Best Actor in a Leading Role
1. Gabriel Afolayan Gold Statue
2. Joseph Otsiman (Kojo) The Burial of Kojo
3. Chinedu Ikedieze (Big Chi) Lara and the Beats
4. Jimmy Jean Louis (Robert McQueen) Rattlesnakes
5. Gil Alexandre (Bruno) Redemption
6. Marc Zinga ( )Mercy of the Jungle) (WINNER)
7. Ezra Mabengeza (Samson) Sew The Winter To My Skin
8. Ayoub Bombwe ( Mwanyusi ) Fatuma
23. Best Actress in a Leading Role
1. Sheila Munyiva (Ziki) Rafik
2. Rita Dominic (Jumoke Arinze) Light in the Dark
3. Jill Levenberg (Ellen) The Ellen Parkies Story
4. Beatrice Taisamo (Fatuma) Fatuma
5. Seyi Shay (Lara) Lara and the Beats
6. Sola Sobowale (Eniola) King of Boys (WINNER)
7. Jemima Osunde (Nkem) The Delivery Boy
8. Samantha Mugatsia (Kena) Rafiki
24. Best Director-First Feature Film
1. Blitz Bazawule - The Burial of Kojo (Ghana) (WINNER)
2. Adekunle “Nodash” Adejuyigbe - The Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
3. Sippy Chadha – Subira (Tanzania)
4. Nicole Amarteifo – Before the Vows (Ghana)
25. Best Director
1. Wanuri Kahui – Rafiki (Kenya)
2. Adekunle “Nodash” Adejuyigbe - The Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
3. Daryne Joshua -Ellen, The Ellen Parkies Story (S. Africa)
4. Jahmil X. Qubeka - Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa) (WINNER)
5. Kemi Adetiba – King of Boys (Nigeria)
6. Mohcine Besri – Urgent (Morocco)
7. Mickey Fonseca – Redemption (Mozambique)
8. Joël Karekezi- Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda)
26. Best Film
1. Rafiki (Kenya)
2. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) (WINNER)
3. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria)
4. Ellen, The Ellen Parkies Story (S. Africa)
5. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa)
6. Redemption (Mozambique)
7. King of Boys (Nigeria)
8. Urgent (Morocco)
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upshotre · 5 years
AMAA Awards 2019: Here's the complete list of winners
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The 2019 Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) took place Sunday night at the Landmark Event Centre in Lagos, with actress Kemi Lala Akindoju, Lorenzo Menakaya and comedian, Funnybone as hosts. See the full list of winners at AMAA 2019 below.... 1. Michael Anyiam Osigwe Award For Best Film by an African-Born Director Living Abroad 1. Julius Amedume – Rattlesnakes (WINNER) 2. Tosin Coker – Lara and the Beats 3. Robert O. Peters – Makeroom 2. Best Diaspora Short Film 1. Bail (UK) (WINNER) 2. Oath Bound (UK) 3. Fevah (USA) 4. I Am Superman (Brazil) 3. Best Diaspora Documentary 1. Wax Print 1 FABRIC, 4 continent (UK) 2. The Guardian of No Return (Guadalope) 3. Dare to Dream (USA/CUBA) 4. Drugs as Weapons Against Us (USA) 5. My Friend Fela (Brazil) (WINNER) 4. Best Diaspora Narrative Feature 1. Nine Nights (UK) 2. Olympia (USA) 3. Traffik (US) 4. Hero (Trinidad and Tobago/Canada) (WINNER) 5. Sprinter (Jamaica) 5. Best Achievement in Production Design 1. Redemption (Mozambique) (WINNER) 2. Rafiki (Kenya) 3. Ellen, The Ellen Parkies Stories (S. Africa) 4. Urgent (Morroco) 5. Burial of Kojo (Ghana) 6. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa) 7. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) 8. Delivery Boy (Nigeria) 6. Best Achievement in Costume Design 1. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa) 2. Light in the Dark (Nigeria) 3. Rafiki (Kenya) 4. King of Boys (Nigeria) 5. Lara and the Beats (Nigeria) 6. Urgent (Morocco) 7. Mabata Bata (Mozambique) Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) (WINNER) 7. Best Achievement in Make-Up 1. Makeroom (Nigeria) 2. Gold Statue (Nigeria) 3. Veronica’s Wish (Uganda) 4. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa) 5. Before the Vows (GHANA) 6. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) (WINNER) 7. The Burial of Kojo (Ghana) 8. Best Achievement in Soundtrack 1. Subira (Kenya) 2. Mabata Bata (Mozambique) (WINNER) 3. Farewell Ella Bella (S. AFRICA) 4. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) 5. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa) 6. Lara and the Beats (Nigeria) 7. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria) 8. Redemption (Mozambique) 9. Best Achievement in Visual Effects 1. Makeroom (Nigeria) 2. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa) 3. Knockout Blessing (Nigeria) (WINNER) 4. Mabata Bata (Mozambique) 5. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria) 6. The King of Boys (Nigeria) 7. Burial of Kojo (Ghana) 10. NFVCB Award For Best Nigerian Film 1. The Delivery Boy 2. Lara and the Beats 3. Makeroom 4. King of Boys (WINNER) 5. Gold Statute 6. Up North 7. Knockout Blessing 11. Best Documentary 1. Djambar, Sembene the Unsubmissive (Cameroun) 2. The State Against Mandela (South Africa) 3. Golden Fish, African Fish (Senegal) 4. Skin (Nigeria) 5. Khartoum Offside (Sudan) (WINNER) 6. Le loups d’or de Balole (Burkina Faso) 7. Sur Les Traces de Mamani Abdoulaye (Niger) 8. No Gold For Katsaka (Burkina Faso) 9. Mother, I am Suffocating, This Is My Last Film About You (Lesotho) 12. Ousmane Sembene Award For Best Film in an African Language 1. Makeroom (Nigeria) 2. Mabata Bata (Mozambique) 3. Rafiki (Kenya) (WINNER) 4. Bahasha -The Envelope (Tanzania) 5. Azali (Ghana) 13. Efere Ozako Award For Best Short Film 1. The Fisherman (Ghana) 2. A Tune of Kora (SENEGAL) (WINNER) 3. ICYASHA (Rwanda) 4. NAMOW2018 (KENYA) 5. Vagabond (GHANA) 6. Measure of a Woman (SA) 7. Mma Moeketsi (SA) 8. Motswakwa (BOTSWANA) 9. Tonight’s Opening Act (EGYPT) 10. Hello Rain (NIGERIA) 14. Best Achievement in Sound 1. The Last Victim (S. Africa) 2. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa) 3. Makeroom (Nigeria) 4. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria) 5. The Burial of Kojo (Ghana) 6. Urgent (Morocco) 7. Mabata Bata (Mozambique) (WINNER) 8. Redemption (Mozambique) 15. Best Achievement in Cinematography 1. Mabata Bata (Mozambique) 2. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa) (WINNER) 3. Mother, I am Suffocating, This Is My Last Film About You (Lesotho) 4. Redemption (Mozambique) 5. Rafiki (Kenya) 6. Delivery Boy (Nigeria) 7. The Burial of Kojo (Ghana) 8. Redemption (Mozambique) 16. Best Achievement in Editing 1. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria) 2. The Burial of Kojo (Ghana) 3. The Last Victim (S. Africa) 4. Rafiki (Kenya) (WINNER) 5. The Gold Statute (Nigeria) 6. Diamond in the Sky (Nigeria) 7. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) 8. Sew The Winter To My Skin (S. Africa) 17. Best Achievement in Screenplay 1. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria) 2. The Last Victim (S. Africa) 3. Rafiki (Kenya) 4. Diamond in the Sky (Nigeria) 5. Gold Statute (Morocco) 6 Lara and the Beats (Nigeria) 7. Redemption (Mozambique) (WINNER) 8. Up North (Nigeria) 18. Best Animation 1. Kitwana Journey – Kenya 2. Choices – Nigeria (WINNER) 3. Isolated- Kenya 4. Afrogames – Burkina Faso 19. Best Young/Promising Actor 1. Youssef Alaoui (Ayoub) URGENT 2. Angel Onyinyechi Unigwe (Adaeze) LIGHT IN THE DARK 3. Cynthia Dankwa (Esi) BURIAL OF KOJO (WINNER) 4. Emilio Bilo (Azarias) Mabata Bata 5. Jamma Ibrahim (Amir) The Delivery Boy 6. Catherine Credo (Neema) Fatuma 20. Best Actor in a Supporting Role 1. Remilekun “Reminisce” Sarafu (Makanaki) King of Boys 2. Jarrid Geduld 9 (Abie) Ellen, The Ellen Parkies Story (WINNER) 3. Zolisa Xaluva (Wyatt Earp) Sew the Winter to my Skin 4. Kanayo O. Kanyayo (Chief Otuekong) Up North 5. Kobina Amissah-Sam (Kwabina) The Burial of Kojo 6. Bucci Franklyn (Dagogo) Knockout Blessing 21. Best Actress in a Supporting Role 1. Eniola Shobayo (Vivian) Knockout Blessing 2. Linda Ejiofer (Oby) Knockout Blessing 3. Kandyse McClure (Golden Eyes) Sew the Winter to My Skin 4. Adesua Etomi (Kemi) The King of Boys (WINNER) 5. Joke Silva (Mama Jumoke) Light in the Dark 6. Arlete Bombe (Mia) Redemption 22. Best Actor in a Leading Role 1. Gabriel Afolayan Gold Statue 2. Joseph Otsiman (Kojo) The Burial of Kojo 3. Chinedu Ikedieze (Big Chi) Lara and the Beats 4. Jimmy Jean Louis (Robert McQueen) Rattlesnakes 5. Gil Alexandre (Bruno) Redemption 6. Marc Zinga ( )Mercy of the Jungle) (WINNER) 7. Ezra Mabengeza (Samson) Sew The Winter To My Skin 8. Ayoub Bombwe ( Mwanyusi ) Fatuma 23. Best Actress in a Leading Role 1. Sheila Munyiva (Ziki) Rafik 2. Rita Dominic (Jumoke Arinze) Light in the Dark 3. Jill Levenberg (Ellen) The Ellen Parkies Story 4. Beatrice Taisamo (Fatuma) Fatuma 5. Seyi Shay (Lara) Lara and the Beats 6. Sola Sobowale (Eniola) King of Boys (WINNER) 7. Jemima Osunde (Nkem) The Delivery Boy 8. Samantha Mugatsia (Kena) Rafiki 24. Best Director-First Feature Film 1. Blitz Bazawule – The Burial of Kojo (Ghana) (WINNER) 2. Adekunle “Nodash” Adejuyigbe – The Delivery Boy (Nigeria) 3. Sippy Chadha – Subira (Tanzania) 4. Nicole Amarteifo – Before the Vows (Ghana) 25. Best Director 1. Wanuri Kahui – Rafiki (Kenya) 2. Adekunle “Nodash” Adejuyigbe – The Delivery Boy (Nigeria) 3. Daryne Joshua -Ellen, The Ellen Parkies Story (S. Africa) 4. Jahmil X. Qubeka – Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa) (WINNER) 5. Kemi Adetiba – King of Boys (Nigeria) 6. Mohcine Besri – Urgent (Morocco) 7. Mickey Fonseca – Redemption (Mozambique) 8. Joël Karekezi- Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) 26. Best Film 1. Rafiki (Kenya) 2. Mercy of the Jungle (Rwanda) (WINNER) 3. The Delivery Boy (Nigeria) 4. Ellen, The Ellen Parkies Story (S. Africa) 5. Sew the Winter to My Skin (S. Africa) 6. Redemption (Mozambique) 7. King of Boys (Nigeria) 8. Urgent (Morocco) Read the full article
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orsng · 5 years
It's Nobody's Business If I'm A Gigolo - Aremu Afolayan Insists
It’s Nobody’s Business If I’m A Gigolo – Aremu Afolayan Insists
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Actor and scion of the legendary filmmaker, Ade Afolayan (Ade Love), Aremu, is undoubtedly a fine role interpreter. However, apart from his talent, there have also been several insinuations online that the heavily built dude is a gigolo, serving as a boy toy, for older high profile women.
Responding to such insinuations in a chat with Sunday Scoop, Afolayan said, “That is an old gist, and I…
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fadojoe · 5 years
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#fadojoethemovie Join us for the premier of our movie, FADOJOE, this Sunday August 25th by the grace of God... Venue: 2535 East Arkansas Lane, Arlington, Texas Time: 6pm Produced by: Joe Faduri (FADOJOE) Directed by : Okiki Afolayan Powered by: @okikifilms @fadojoe_official @dlytebaaby @misturaasunramu @firstomega_entertainment_intl @9jalatest @lawale_victory @tbonnyebonny @ktblingzofficial @ktblingz_ejire_official @mommiesplanet @firstomega_entertainment_intl @okikifilms (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1jlzN3hiW2/?igshid=16triu1s52qc6
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danieladinnu · 4 years
Gov. Matawalle Enforces Immediate Use Of Islamic Calendar In Zamfara Schools » Naijaloaded
Gov. Matawalle Enforces Immediate Use Of Islamic Calendar In Zamfara Schools » Naijaloaded
Posted by Kabir Afolayan. on Aug 24, 2020 under Naija News    0
Zamfara State governor, Hon. Bello Muhammad Matawalle has ordered the immediate use of Islamic Calendars in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions across the state.
Governor Matawalle disclosed this, Sunday, at the state Secretariat in Gusau, the state capital during the launching of the Islamic New Year…
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jennifer-wayne · 4 years
How My Daughters Prevented Me From Remarrying: Veteran Actress, Lola Idije
How My Daughters Prevented Me From Remarrying: Veteran Actress, Lola Idije
Veteran Nollywood actress Toyin Afolayan also known as Lola Idije has revealed how her love for her female children prevented her from remarrying after losing her husband.
In an interview with Sunday Scoop, the veteran actress expressed that she didn’t think there will be too many men who will be interested in marrying her with three kids.
She expressed that even if she finds a man who will…
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mrpen1 · 4 years
Mario Lover Remix
♦ Fada Sunday Nigerian born Hip|Hop singer with awesome rap and lyrically stylishly endowed musical gift
Mario lover remix featured :Da Emperor He’s the crooner of Aganran ft Small Dr, Firewood ft Oritse Femi and Street is Strict ft Gabriel Afolayan
download here Mario 
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