#suga bts btssmut btsimagine btsstory btssituation btsstory smut imagine jin seokjin jimin jungkook j-hope rm taehyung
sugminhoney-blog · 6 years
When Fame Collides
word count: 3991 words.
This is a smut about when you, a new and upcoming singer in a band meet BTS at the AMAs. This does contain smut but there’s also some nice parts. 
credit: sugminhoney 
You let out a sigh as you flared out the bottom of your Versace gown, brilliantly white with long sleeves and a mermaid skirt and a pair of silver strapped heels. Your hair is pinned back into a low bun, soft and loose curls delicately falling over your face, interrupted by the sparkle of your diamond earrings. You’re ready for the AMA red carpet, your heart pounding like it never has before. You exploded onto the music scene just over a year ago with your bands hit song Youngblood and you’ve been on the up and up ever since. You were just a small girl with 4 friends who got snapped up quickly by a record company and the weight of fame has been pushing down on you since then. However, tonight, you’re calm and collected, and you look like an absolute dream.
You let out a small breath, do one more check on your make-up and outfit before you’re led out of your hotel, your posse of security protecting you from the media from getting too much photos. As you settle yourself into the hummer you feel quite lonely despite your band being there, talking excitedly about the event and first and foremost the after party. Your PA, manager and those who assist you with your life are travelling separately so you all can make your grand entrance. Your mind drifts back to your family in (Y/C) and you feel your neck swell with tears; they could’ve moved out here with you but they were too supportive and wanted you to spread your wings and fly – you know they’ll see you on the television tonight and you called them earlier so that gives your mind some satisfaction. The hour-long ride feels like minutes, and soon you’re through to security, the driver passes the checks and your limousine slowly follows the line of others. This is your first big event ever since exploding onto the scene and you’re nominated for an Artist of the Year award, something that you feel you daren’t accept as there’s so many other artists out there who’ve been in the game longer and worked harder – but still you feel more than humbled. You’re especially decided to be nominated in the same category as one of your favourite bands; BTS, they encouraged you to proceed with your singing career and they’ve been a huge influence on your sound, so you’re more than excited to meet them.
“Okay (Y/N), Taylor (guitarist), Alana (bassist), Sophie (second guitarist) and Tara (drummer) - are you ready?” Your manager peeks her head in with a huge Cheshire grin, staring intently into your eyes. You swallow the lump that’s been forever forming in your throat and you put on a brilliant white smile, nodding your head and stepping one foot out onto the red carpet. As you do, all you can see are camera flashes, people calling your name, fans screaming, heads turning – this is how you know you’ve made it. Your bandmates follow, you’re all in white and all look amazing. As you’re walking down the carpet you pose for photos, sign a few autographs and do a few interviews. You start to feel much calmer and you’re excited – an emotion that these social engagements don’t often feel. You step backwards whilst talking to Alana, laughing over the fact that you’re all actually hear and your bump straight back into someone. You gasp and turn around, your perfectly manicured nails covering your glossy lips, “Oh my god, I am so so sorry are you alright?” You ask in a hurry, the tall guy turning around. His mouth drops, and he starts stuttering. “Wow uh, you’re (Y/N), wow we all love you.” Your cheeks flush as you realise it’s Namjoon from BTS. You laugh awkwardly and let out a small gasp, your mouth drying up as all the members turn around to face you, all of them looking so excited to meet you. “Yes, oh my god, guys. Wow. You’re… you’re fucking BTS.” You cover your mouth again after swearing, your cheeks going slightly more beet red. “Um…” You feel a pulling on your arm, it’s time to go in and your manager’s motioning for you to hurry up. You notice the guys laughing and you flash your pearly whites, “Well, mother says it’s time to go.” You give your eyes a small roll. “I’ll see you guys later, definitely.” You reassure them, walking away you hear them speaking excitedly – thank god your AP language class was Korean. You overhear Jungkook saying “Holy hell, she’s so beautiful” and Yoongi laughs, agreeing with him.
You make your way inside the venue, greeting fellow celebrities, all of them telling your band is amazing and that we should all collab. You smile and nod, but you can’t take your mind of how dope a track with BTS would be. You lift a flute of champagne and head into the arena, screams from fans echoing in your ears as they shout your band name, you look back and wave, the cheering only getting louder. You laugh with your bandmates and take your seats in the second row, you on the outside. You bite your lip nervously, the looming event of your award still causing worry in your head – but you know you can’t possibly win out to your fellow artists, especially a band like BTS. You turn your head as you start to see people walk past and you blush again, BTS are sitting right in front of you all. You greet them in their language, all of them impressed in your skill. Taehyung and Jin strike up immediate conversation, saying how much they love your voice and you repay the compliment, telling Jin he really is a worldwide handsome guy. As you’re talking, you see Yoongi staring at you, your eyes meet for a brief second and he looks away, dragging his tongue along his lower lip. You smirk and swap seats with Alana, who gladly does, and she and Taehyung have so much in common, plus she thinks Jin is hot. You smooth your dress over your ass and sit down, your eyes immediately meeting with Yoongi’s. “Hey.” You say, his lips curl up into a tiny smirk and he laughs. “Uh, sorry for uh, staring at you earlier. You look really good.” You laugh and bite your lower lip, placing your hand on the back of his chair, leaning over slightly as to expose your cleavage – you can’t help it because of the cut of the dress but he sure notices it. His hand sets down beside yours, they look amazing, he has a few rings on and his whole put together just entices you. You converse for a few minutes before the lights dim and the AMAs begin.
You and Yoongi keep exchanging stares and smiles, both also drinking which none of your bandmates are doing quite as well as you both are. One of their managers comes over and escorts them away. He gets up and smiles are you, his gummy smile is so cute. “Well, wish us luck.” He says, seemingly nervous as it is their US debut. You giggle and stand up, matching height with him and give him a deep hug. “Good luck.” You whisper, your lower lip leaving a soft trace against his ear. As it does this, you feel him grip you slightly harder, not on purpose, just an instinct to the feeling. A few minutes go by and the next act is introduced, you stand up clapping and shouting as the Chainsmokers introduce BTS, the chords of DNA striking up. You laugh as you hear the fan chant – you know it but don’t want to look weird in case a camera catches you. You watch completely entertained, a fangirl inside you comes out and you start singing your heart out, the camera catches you, but you don’t care – you’re supporting fellow artists and that’s all that matters. All the girls are dancing along and you’re watching the stage intently, Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon are doing amazing, Jin and Tae and flawless and Jungkook is always the cutie he’s going to be. But your eyes are fixed on Yoongi, he’s a great dancer despite his shy reputation and he looks amazing with his blonde hair and oversized white shirt. “I want it this love, I want it real love.” you hear, you suddenly look up as Yoongi starts his rap verse and he’s looking straight at you. You smirk and clap straight at him, he has a small smile on his face the rest of his verse, and you know it’s because of you.
After their performance there’s a break and you get up to go backstage. You find their dressing room and you laugh, all of them turning their heads. “Wow, that was absolutely amazing.” You say in their native tongue. “I mean, wow, the moves, the voices. Just everything was absolutely phenomenal.” You laugh and step forward, hugging each one of them. You come to Yoongi last, a towel around his neck, dabbing sweat off his face. “I’m sorry, I’m kind of sweating.” You shrug and hug him, you feeling his hands grip you that bit tighter. You pull away and tuck one of your loose curls behind your ear, your bandmates joining you in the room, everyone getting to know each other. You and Yoongi are left to talk, everyone else invested in themselves. “Well, you guys are going to win without a doubt. I mean, all those records you’ve sold, your YouTube hits, everyone loves you. And keep this on the DL, but I listen the fuck out of The Last, it’s my favourite song on your mixtape.” You say with a smirk. You see his gummy smile come back into play and he thanks you. You step back and clear your throat. “Well, uh good luck guys, honestly we all know you’re gonna take this award, you’re all amazing. But, if you’re allowed after, we’re having a big party after at (Y/N)s if you guys wanna come?” Tara says, her eyes linked to Namjoon’s. The guys all agree and they all swap details, you left your purse with your PA so you’re relying on your bandmates for contact. You let them leave the room and you leave last, giving one last smile to Yoongi before walking back into your dressing room to prepare for your performance.
You adjust the back of your skin-tight leather dress, letting out a deep breath. You and the band are performing a cover of I Feel You by Depeche Mode and you’re hoping you do it justice because they’re one of your most favourite bands in the entire world and they’re in the crowd tonight to accept their Lifetime Achievement Award. You put one leg up on the chair beside you and take the string of your stocking to connect it to your garter. Your skirt rides up your thigh and you look up, Jimin and Hoseok are staring, eyes wide, you can make our Namjoon’s face peeking atop of the group. Jin pokes his head round and instantly gulps “Jesus…” He says, his cheeks immediately flushing red. You laugh and shake your head. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Tara says teasingly, laughing to herself as she listens back to your live rehearsal on her phone. They step inside and you put your leg down. You’re dressed in a low cut, long-sleeved black leather dress, knee high black boots and your curls that were before pinned up are now down and loose, your make-up sexy and smoky. You grin as you see Yoongi come in with the boys. “Well, here to wish us luck?” Alana beams, pulling on her boots. “Yeah, we are, we can’t wait. We all don’t really normally like rock music, but you guys are the bomb.” Namjoon says in perfect English – you prefer to talk to them in their native tongue as it just makes them feel more comfortable. You hear someone clear their throat and turn around to find Yoongi. “Uhm… very beautiful.” He says in his thick accent. You laugh and shake your head, the stage manager peeking his head round the door and shouting that you all have 5 minutes. You spray yourself with some perfume and start to walk out. “I’ll see you later.” You whisper to Yoongi, letting out a small laugh.
Blue lights swirl around the stage as the music strikes up, the grinding guitar playing the first few notes before the bass kicks in. Lights light up the stage and you grip tightly onto the microphone, starting to sing in your distinctive, husky voice which perfectly suits the song. “I feeeel you… your sun it shines.” You belt down into the mic, grinding gently against the stand of the microphone. The second verse starts and you rip the microphone from the stand, swaying your hips and swinging your hair. You get down onto your knees and look up at the lights. “I feel you, your precious soul, and I am home…” You get back up and sway over to Alana, touching your shoulder with hers as she plays, biting your lower lip as the melody gets deeper. “I feel you, each move you make. I feel you, each breath you take…” Your eyes fall on where BTS are sitting, hoping Yoongi realises you’re singing this directly at him. You walk down the steps and into the middle aisle, belting out the rest of the song. Everyone around you cheers loudly. You glance and decide to go around back onto the stage at the side steps. You bite your lower lip, the final guitar melody of the song playing. You sway as you walk, stopping at Yoongi and placing your eyes on his with a smirk. It lasts less than a second, before you walk away back up onto the stage, the music fading out. You hear enormous cheers and laugh, bringing the mic back up to your lips. “Depeche Mode has been one of the biggest influences in our career. Thank you for letting us perform this tonight.” You say, giving the crowd one final bow before going backstage with your bandmates.
“And… the winners of Artist of the Year, goes to… BTS!!!!” The arena echoes with cheers, you stand up and holler and clap, grinning widely as the boys walk up to the stage to accept their award. You laugh and let out a huge sigh, yeah, your band didn’t win but the best men won. You giggle as they finish up their speech and disappear backstage, you see Yoongi look back and blow a kiss in your general direction, you blush – could it have been for you? After a couple of more drinks, you’re already feeling a bit tipsy. You all head out to the limousine where you take off back to the house for the after party. More and more people start to show up, you’re nervous, wondering if BTS will be able to come – you want to see Suga and it’s annoying you they’re not here yet. You head outside to the back, making your way down the patio and down by the pool, the blue light from the pool illuminating your beauty. You take a deep breath and pull your dress up, sitting at the edge and dipping your legs in. It’s freezing but it feels good in the hot weather. “Hello…” You hear a voice whisper; your head immediately turns and it’s Yoongi. You let out an awkward laugh and bite your lower lip. “Be my guest.” You say, motioning to the spot beside you. He sits down and crosses his legs, his knee grazing yours. “Soju…” He says, setting down 2 glasses with ice, pouring some in. “Oh, we doing this straight?” You ask, smirking. “You’re a devil.” You say, watching him pour some into the glass. You both drink the soju down, and he instantly refills your glass. “You look really good tonight, (Y/N).” You feel your cheeks turn red and you brush some hair out of your face, flustered. “I don’t. But thank you, and hey, congratulations on the big win, that was something else.” You both cheers again and drink the alcohol.
You both finally go in, everyone’s buzzed, Tae and Jungkook are dancing on the table, Sophie and Alana joining them. Namjoon and Tara are nowhere to be found, Hoseok, Jimin and Jin are doing shots and everyone there is having an amazing time dancing. You clear your throat and laugh. “I’m like… so drunk.” Yoongi laughs and nods. “So am I. Eh, it can’t be that bad can it?” You see his shyness starting to melt away as you’re both slightly drunk. You go upstairs and slip out of your gown, fumbling around as you can’t really undo the buttons. You slip on an LBD; showing your toned legs, curves and boobs. You head back downstairs, and you feel a hand grab you from behind, pulling your waist back against his. You know exactly who it is just by the heavy breathing down your neck. You grind your hips slowly against his, feeling his soft lips delicately graze your neck. You gulp and turn around, meeting Yoongi’s eyes. Before anything can happen, you feel Jimin’s hand pull you over for shots. You roll your eyes and giggle as he lays on the table, setting up salt, a lemon and a shot glass of tequila. You lick the salt off his stomach, down the shot and suck on the lemon, wondering how this party’s getting out of hand – but it’s fun. If anyone seen this our reputations would be flooded. “Hey! It’s your turn, (Y/N)!” Jin shouts, motioning for you to lay on the table. You lay down and pull your dress up slowly, revealing your stomach. Jimin lays out salt, tequila and a lemon, motioning for Yoongi. “Ahhh, my turn.” Says Jin, but before anything can happen, Yoongi’s soft, wet tongue is against your soft stomach, he maintains eye contact with you as he does it, downs his shot and sucks the lemon. He brings his face to yours and slides half the lemon between your lips. You feel your breathing get heavier and you smirk, sitting up and fixing your dress. You give Yoongi one hard stare before swaggering over to your bandmates to party. 
You’re starting to feel drunk, shots aren’t good for anyone. You head upstairs to go to the bathroom, when you feel a hand grab yours and bring you into one of the many bedrooms you own. “Close your eyes.” You hear, it’s Yoongi’s unmistakeable soft yet deep voice. You roll your eyes and close them, feeling him gently lead you to the bed. You open your eyes and in front of you is a pizza with some wings. “Oh my god, you absolute saint.” You say, biting your lower lip and picking up a slice of pizza, absolutely devouring it. “Yeah, I thought we’d have it up here in case pig Jin eats it.” You smirk and lay back on the pillows, savouring the crust which is your favourite part. “Mm, thank you Yoongi.” You whisper, looking up into his eyes. He leans down and brings his nose as close to yours as possible, you see him visibly gulp before he sets his soft lips against yours. You spread your legs slightly so they’re around him, allowing him to comfortably rest on top of you. His tie tickles against your skin, his hair falling against your forehead. You push it back out of his face, letting his tongue slowly slide into your mouth. He then deepens the kiss, resting his hand against your ass. You shiver, the metal of his rings is cold. You feel him smirk against your lips, clearly, he likes that. You take his hand and trail it up your stomach, then your ribs and lay it against your breast. He snakes his hand underneath the thin fabric, licking his thumb and tracing it against your hardening nipples. You gasp softly against his lips, tugging on his lower lip as he plays with you. You both pull away for some air and you grin, watching him lift his shirt. He doesn’t have mad abs, but he’s so defined. You sit up against the pillows and lift off your dress so you’re just in your underwear. You trace your hand down the middle of his chest, down his stomach and to the top of his crotch. He lets out a soft moan, you know you’ve got him eating out of the palm of your hand.
He stares down at you, pouting his soft lips as he traces his thumbs along your skin, stopping every so often once you get a sensitive part. You reach forward slowly, taking the zipper of his jeans and pulling it down before undoing the button at the top. You gently slide down his jeans and he stands up, kicking everything off so he’s just in his boxers. Fresh face Yoongi is so hot, you think as he climbs back on top of you. He lays a trail of wet kisses down your neck, down in between your breasts, down the middle of your stomach and to the top of your underwear. His teeth grab against the material, gently sliding them down, his lips ever so gently brushing against your clit. You let out a soft gasp and before you know it, he’s slowly and softly sucking your clit. You arch your back against his face and your toes curl. “Oh my god…” is all you can manage to say. Your breasts rise and fall with every breath, your hand through his hair. He looks up at you every so often to see his hard work in pleasuring you. His tongue penetrates you slowly, softly sucking up your juices. This drives you wild, you finally letting out a loud moan – the music downstairs is too loud, so you don’t feel in danger of being caught. He finally lifts his head and climbs on top of you, straddling your stomach. You look up into his eyes as you sit up, wrapping your hand around the bottom of his shaft. You pump it slowly and his face scrunches up, his fists tightening. “Oh… (Y/N) … don’t ever fucking stop.” You lay your tongue against the head of his cock, softly sucking, this seems to turn him on beyond belief.
He pulls your head off him and climbs back down your body, spreading your legs. “I’ve wanted this since I saw you today…” He whispers against your kisses, moaning into your mouth. He let’s out a loud moan as he slowly enters you. “Jesus… you’re so wet.” He says, laughing slightly before starting to give you long and deep strokes. You haven’t had sex in so long, so this feels twice as amazing. You stare deep into his eyes and rock your hips against his, helping him get deeper against your g-spot. You cry out as he starts to go harder, small beads of sweat forming on his stomach against yours. You feel him grab your wrists and hold them down, the sound of skin slapping against each other. “I’m gonna…” He says, clenching his teeth and before he can finish his sentence you let out a loud moan, grinding hard against him, cumming all over his cock. He explodes right inside you, your bodies sweating, your breathing deep and heavy. “Oh… Yoongi.” You whisper breathlessly, your mouth feeling dry from the intense orgasm. You swallow hard and let out a sigh of relief as he exits you, you feeling his cum drip out of you. He lays down beside you, both of you staring at the ceiling. You pick his cheek and smile, whispering softly “You guys need to win awards more often.”
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