#stream artpop on itunes
homophobicgerardwayau · 9 months
Probably a bit late to this one but I have opinions. lol
I think a good thing to keep in mind regarding this 'women in rock' discourse is that this whole discussion is super myopic. I think we should consider that this is a bit of an autism argument, where on one side we have mcr fans (like myself) that are hyperfixated on music in general and are frustrated by the idea that other people don't find value in the same things that I do. And on the other side, we have people that are just as hyperfixated on mcr, but enjoy the band for reasons primarily other than the music itself. I think a lot of this honestly boils down to a bunch of passionate people arguing about how best to enjoy the thing that we collectively love.
I get it, I can't understand for the life of me why a person would seemingly limit their music taste to MCR, FOB, Panic and Paramore. For me, one of the reasons why I've revisited My Chem over and over for the last 15 years is because they were my big 'springboard' band that introduced me to a wide range of artists that continue to inspire me to this day. Everything from Hardcore to Proto-punk to Britpop to Glam and P-funk and Americana all because I was a kid in a small town with an obsession with this massive new band called My Chemical Romance.
Finding new things to be passionate about takes time and natural curiosity. When I was 16 I was probably listening to like, 5 bands. MCR, The Misfits, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana and Led Zepplin. Not many women in those bands.
Here's the thing, we should all know (even if you are very young), that the issues of gender inequality and racism are ten thousand times bigger and more complex than what fucking rock bands you listen to. When we are talking about 'the ideal rockstar and what that looks like' we are talking about the patriarchy. When we are talking about 'why do many rock fans disparage rap and hip-hop?' we are talking about white supremacy and colourism and how it impacts every facet of our lives, including the art and media that we consume.
If someone wants to make a zine or playlist that centers women and POC in rock, that's fantastic. If you take that as someone on the internet saying "You are ignorant and here's why" you may want to pause for a second and consider that this isn't about telling you off. It's an opportunity to engage, if even on a tiny scale, in the sharing of knowledge. And that's always a great thing!
It's super annoying when old-heads and the like seemingly wield their "vast musical tastes" like a weapon of moral superiority, and there are people out there that absolutely do that in order to alleviate their own feelings of white guilt for example. But in this context, I think that all of this shit should be engaged with in good faith. It's not that deep.
The more diversity the better. After all, isn't that why we are all still foaming at the mouth about Gerard wearing dresses on stage? Because we feel represented as GNC people?
Anyway, listen to Artpop by Lady Gaga, now streaming on iTunes.
Just a joke for the millennials there. Seriously though, listen to whatever brings you happiness, but try to ask yourself the question "What about this speaks to me?". Always a helpful question.
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mcneyhoney · 3 years
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also babies i’ve been meaning to say that while stef exists gaga simply cannot lmao which means in my magic lil universe gaga’s music n lyrics n all are technically stef’s so YES if u catch me saying stef wrote a gaga song about someone then mind ur business bc she just did okay. i am not a song writer idk how to be cute about things so let me have this. if u listen to any of gaga’s music u owe stef money
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freeemymindartpop · 4 years
Não esqueçam de comprar e dar stream no ARTPOP UA tour artRAVE: The ARTPOP Ball teria um DVD gravado no Madison Square Garden (mesmo lugar onde foi gravado o show da Monster Ball em 2011), porém a gravação foi cancelada e Gaga tentou recompensar os fãs fazendo um livestream no último show da tour em Paris. APP Não é surpresa pra ninguém que a era ARTPOP não foi a mais bem planejada e organizada por Gaga, mais o que algumas pessoas não sabem é que essa era séria completamente diferente. Gaga começou todo o projeto em 2012 enquanto estava na sua turnê “The Born This Way Ball”.
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Segundo a mesma, ela já teria o nome do disco em mente logo após terminar as gravações do álbum Born This Way (2011). Gaga interagia com seus fãs no twitter e na sua própria plataforma http://LittleMonsters.com pra atualizar todos do processo do álbum.
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O nome ARTPOP só foi revelado em Agosto de 2012 após Gaga mostrar sua nova tatuagem.
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Lady Gaga, no começo, se mostrou bastante animada com o projeto, e compartilhava suas ideias para o álbum. Segundo ela o ARTPOP seria bastante focado em um aplicativo onde Gaga postaria vídeos dos bastidores..
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Além de músicas inéditas, e clipes para todas as faixas do álbum (sim, Gaga tinha em mente fazer o ARTPOP como um álbum visual).
Inicialmente Gaga contratou o artista Gianfranco Abela para fazer a capa do álbum, porém logo ele apresentar a capa feita e de dar a sugestão pra Gaga trocar o nome do álbum para “Pop Orgasm”, ela logo rejeitou.
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Jeff Koons foi chamado logo em seguida pra trabalhar na escultura que seria utilizada na capa oficial.
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Gaga trabalhou com vários DJ do cenário eletrônico, entre eles: DJ White Shadow (que já havia trabalhado com a Gaga no Born This Way), Zedd e Madeon.
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Durante os anos de 2012 e 2013, ela mesma divulgava os nomes das músicas que poderia fazer parte do projeto, entre eles: Tea, The Applause, Girl Under You, Temple, Burqa, Tea (onde a mesma disse que era uma de suas favoritas) e Sire.
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Esse ano vazou alguns documentos que tbm aparecem nomes bastantes curiosos na tracklist original: A faixa Do What U Want estaria no disco mas sem a presença do R. K*ll.*;
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Sexxx Dreams seria uma colaboração com o cantor Robin Thicke (cantor famoso pela sua música Blured Lines e pela participação na performance da Miley Cyrus no VMA 2013) e ele ganha 5% dos lucros da musica até hoje;
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Nothing On (But The Radio) que é uma demo vazada em 2010 que seria incluída no The Fame Monster, porém a Gaga retrabalhou ela para o ARTPOP;
e Brooklyn Nights (faixa essa que acabou vazando em 2014).
O álbum originalmente estava previsto para sair no primeiro semestre de 2013, porém com o incidente causado pelo quadril na sua tour que fez ela cancelar toda a leg americana, a mesma foi obrigada a adiar o álbum apenas para o fim do ano.
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Como a maioria sabe, Applause foi escolhida para abrir os trabalhos do disco, mas essa ideia não veio da Gaga e sim da própria gravadora.
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Lady Gaga queria que o lead single fosse Burqa (que logo viraria Aura). Um clipe iria ser planejado, e com orçamento de 138K dólares e que seria dirigido por Ruth Hogben, porém com o barramento da gravadora, por achar a música experimental demais, o vídeo nunca foi gravado.
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Segundo com informações vazadas, o clipe seria sim a continuação do videoclipe de Telephone (2010).
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O clipe de Applause foi gravado no lugar e chegando a custar 500k dólares.
Muitas pessoas devem amar o grande comeback da Gaga no palco do VMA 2013, mas inicialmente a performance não seria aquela.
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A performance já começaria no red carpet com Gaga chegando acompanhada de varias sósias interpretando looks e eras passados de sua carreira.
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O show principal seria muito mais dark e artístico, vou deixar a explicação de como seria a performance aqui, pois se seu colocar aqui ficaria enorme
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As fotos do projeto inicial
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O que aconteceu foi que a MTV barrou essa performance e deixando Gaga tendo que recriar outro conceito apenas alguns dias antes da premiação (e essa foi a mesma edição que deixou o Kanye West falar 13 min no palco quando o acordo era ele só ter 4).
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Um dos maiores erros do ARTPOP. Inicialmente ela faria um projeto de divulgação do ARTPOP onde ela lançaria 3 músicas até chegar no dia 11 de Novembro (dia de lançamento do álbum), as músicas seriam: DWUW (single promocional), Venus (segundo single) e Dope (single promocional)
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Do What U Want foi lançado dia 21 de Outubro de 2013, a música atingiu bons números em vários iTunes ao redor do mundo e a critica também se mostrou muito a favor da música. Assim a Interscope Records obrigou Lady Gaga a trocar Venus por DWUW como segundo single.
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Como o clipe de Venus estava prestes a ser gravado, Gaga por Ruth Hogben (o mesmo que iria dirigir o clipe de Aura).
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Vários problemas aconteceram durante essa época: o empresário da Gaga, Troy Carter, e grande parte de sua equipe abandonaram,
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a pressão da mídia sobre as “baixas vendas” do ARTPOP fez a Interscope cair ainda mais em cima dela,
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várias polêmicas de abuso sexual começaram a ficar muito fortes pro Terry Richardison e R. Kelly e isso começou a cair nos ombros da Gaga pois eles eram a colaboração e o diretor do clipe Do What U Want , e outras coisas que não foram divulgadas.
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Nessa época Gaga parou total com a divulgação do disco, e cancelou os dois videoclipes que já estavam gravados e finalizados. A mesma tinha dito que estava passando por uma grande fase de depressão nesse momento da sua vida e que até cogitou a desistir da carreira.
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Com o sumiço de Gaga de dezembro de 2013 até março de 2014, foi divulgado que Gaga começou a gravar o clipe de G.U.Y, dirigido por ELA MESMA. Segundo informações, Gaga bancou 100% o projeto desse clipe, e a Interscope não deu nenhum centavo para divulgar a música.
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Isso acabou fazendo o clipe sair, mas não tendo absolutamente NENHUMA divulgação. O clipe é mais um pedido de desculpas de Gaga para os fãs.
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Nele contém bastantes cenas que representam a “queda” dela causada pelos “homens engravatados em busca apenas de dinheiro” e como ela lutou pra se recuperar.
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Um dos maiores ideais da Gaga para o ARTPOP era um App interativo onde ela poderia divulgar várias coisas inéditas exclusiva para seus fãs.
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Porém o app não foi bem executado, quando ele foi lançado, era apenas para celulares IOS e nele os fãs poderiam criar gifs e escutar as faixas do álbum.
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O projeto GAGATV foi anunciado no app, mas depois de vários adiamentos, o projeto foi cancelado. O app foi retirado da Apple Store em 2015.
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  Esse também era um dos projetos mais animadores segundo a Gaga, ela tinha planos tão grandes para o álbum que queria lançar ele em 2 partes. 
  A primeira parte (o álbum que conhecemos e amamos) com faixas mais comercias e com apelo ao público,  
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e a segunda parte seria com faixas mais experimentais e diferentes de tudo que ela já tinha feito. Com a má recepção do álbum, a gravadora barrou o lançamento do ARTPOP ACT II, e a Gaga nunca mais citou ele.
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Com o lançamento previsto do fim do ano, Gaga considerou fazer uma mini-tour na América do Norte com a primeira versão da artRAVE (aquela da festa de lançamento do disco), porem a ideia não foi pra frente com todo os problemas envolvendo a Gaga e o disco.
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A tour artRAVE: The ARTPOP Ball teria um DVD gravado no Madison Square Garden (mesmo lugar onde foi gravado o show da Monster Ball em 2011), porém a gravação foi cancelada e Gaga tentou recompensar os fãs fazendo um livestream no último show da tour em Paris.
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Uma performance no Grammy 2014 também estava sendo planejada, mas com a falta de indicações, a mesma decidiu pular fora.
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Esses foram todos os planos iniciais da era ARTPOP, e pode ter muito mais na qual não sabemos e provavelmente nunca vamos saber. Embora o ARTPOP seja um álbum muito amado dos fãs (agora..) não podemos negar que essa foi a era mais turbulenta e atrapalhada da Gaga.
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A Interscope e o ex-empresário da Gaga Troy Carter foram as principais causas dessa bagunça na vida artística e pessoal da Gaga.
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Não esqueçam de comprar e dar stream no ARTPOP
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Thread criada por : https://twitter.com/chromaticaoty
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cassieblogtipstl · 5 years
Butterflies and long drives with ocean views……
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Butterflies and long drives with ocean views… NEW MUSIC FRIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT! My new Single with @elsterallstar , ALL TO YOU will be available on all major digital platforms on 11-10-2019
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– – – #newmusic #alltoyou #butterflies #longdrives #oceanviews #angel #angelic #heavenly #summer #coolforthesummer #jasonrebel #applemusic #itunes #spotify #deezer #beatsmusic #lyrics #popmusic #artpop #popstar #musician #singer #songwriter #art #artist #music #truelove #summerlove #download #stream
source https://rss.everydaytipsblog.com/butterflies-and-long-drives-with-ocean-views/
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crystallovetipstl · 5 years
Butterflies and long drives with ocean views……
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Butterflies and long drives with ocean views… NEW MUSIC FRIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT! My new Single with @elsterallstar , ALL TO YOU will be available on all major digital platforms on 11-10-2019
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– – – #newmusic #alltoyou #butterflies #longdrives #oceanviews #angel #angelic #heavenly #summer #coolforthesummer #jasonrebel #applemusic #itunes #spotify #deezer #beatsmusic #lyrics #popmusic #artpop #popstar #musician #singer #songwriter #art #artist #music #truelove #summerlove #download #stream
source https://rss.everydaytipsblog.com/butterflies-and-long-drives-with-ocean-views/
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lallytoptipstl · 5 years
Butterflies and long drives with ocean views……
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Butterflies and long drives with ocean views… NEW MUSIC FRIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT! My new Single with @elsterallstar , ALL TO YOU will be available on all major digital platforms on 11-10-2019
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– – – #newmusic #alltoyou #butterflies #longdrives #oceanviews #angel #angelic #heavenly #summer #coolforthesummer #jasonrebel #applemusic #itunes #spotify #deezer #beatsmusic #lyrics #popmusic #artpop #popstar #musician #singer #songwriter #art #artist #music #truelove #summerlove #download #stream
source https://rss.everydaytipsblog.com/butterflies-and-long-drives-with-ocean-views/
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gladysknowsbesttl · 5 years
Butterflies and long drives with ocean views……
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Butterflies and long drives with ocean views… NEW MUSIC FRIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT! My new Single with @elsterallstar , ALL TO YOU will be available on all major digital platforms on 11-10-2019
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– – – #newmusic #alltoyou #butterflies #longdrives #oceanviews #angel #angelic #heavenly #summer #coolforthesummer #jasonrebel #applemusic #itunes #spotify #deezer #beatsmusic #lyrics #popmusic #artpop #popstar #musician #singer #songwriter #art #artist #music #truelove #summerlove #download #stream
source https://rss.everydaytipsblog.com/butterflies-and-long-drives-with-ocean-views/
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R. Kelly Is Thrown Under The Bus By Lady Gaga With This New Move
Lady Gaga is not all too happy with the situation around singer R. Kelly, to the point where the re-release of her iconic 2013 album ARTPOP will omit the song, “Do What U Want” featuring the Chicago native. There will reportedly be no mention of Kelly at all in the new version, and the song will also be removed from iTunes and other streaming platforms, as was announced by Gaga earlier in the from Nigerian News and Entertainment | Viatrends Blog https://ift.tt/32CU7xU via IFTTT
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Lady Gaga’s ‘Do What U Want’ Featuring R. Kelly Removed from Apple Music, iTunes, Spotify | Billboard
After breaking her silence on R. Kelly, Lady Gaga has delivered on her promise to dump a duet with the controversial R&B singer from digital music services. 
On Jan. 9, Gaga issued a statement about her 2013 collaboration with Kelly, “Do What U Want,” and wrote that she intended to “remove this song off of iTunes and other streaming platforms…”
As of 10 p.m. ET on Jan. 10, “Do What U Want,” featuring Kelly, had been removed from the U.S. iTunes Store, and is no longer part of the tracklist of its parent album, Gaga’s ARTPOP. The album is also currently unavailable to purchase in the store, though the rest of its tracks are available to buy individually.
Earlier on Jan. 10, “Do What U Want” had climbed back into the top 15 of the U.S. iTunes Stores’ Top Songs list, which ranks the most-bought songs of the moment.   
Further, the track is no longer available to stream via the U.S. Apple Music service, nor is it playable via Gaga's official YouTube channel.  
On both Apple Music and in the iTunes Store, fans can still stream and purchase an alternative version of “Do What U Want,” which features Christina Aguilera instead of R. Kelly and different lyrics. The Aguilera-aided version of the song was released in December of 2013 as a stand-alone single, following the Kelly version in October of that year. The Aguilera version was never added to the ARTPOP tracklist.  
On U.S. Spotify, the album version featuring R. Kelly is also not playable. However, a remix featuring Kelly and Rick Ross is still live on Spotify, in addition to various dance remixes, which include Kelly’s vocals. The Aguilera version is also still available in Spotify.
It’s important to note that changes to digital music services do not happen instantly. When an artist adds music, or makes a change to existing music, on a service, it takes time for the requested change to ingest. So, just because “Do What U Want” is still available in some services, that likely means that it is taking longer to process the requested change. At press time, on three other leading U.S. streaming services, U.S. Amazon Music, Tidal, Soundcloud, the Kelly version of “Do What U Want” appears to still be available to purchase and/or stream.
This content was originally published here.
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tune-collective · 7 years
Is Lady Gaga's 'The Cure' a Bold New Step, or a Necessary Course Correction?
Is Lady Gaga's 'The Cure' a Bold New Step, or a Necessary Course Correction?
A little over six months. That’s how long it took Lady Gaga to (seemingly) cast her pink Joanne hat aside.
Last Saturday night (Apr. 15), Gaga played a well-received set at Coachella, where she became the first solo female headline at the Indio, Calif. festival in a decade. She played three songs from her Joanne album, released last October, including the piano ballad “Million Reasons,” which became her latest top 10 hit on the Hot 100 chart in February. But the set’s biggest story was about her debuting a new love song, “The Cure,” that wasn’t on Joanne — and didn’t sound much like it at all.   Gaga’s semi-impromptu Coachella performance (she was filling in for pregnant “Telephone” pal Beyonce) took place nearly four months before her Joanne World Tour kicks off in August. Naturally, Gaga could have celebrated her first album in three years and previewed an ambitious international run. Yet “The Cure,” which was released to digital retailers and streaming services soon after the live debut, grabbed all the headlines after the performance, partially because the song marks a notable departure from the guitar-inflected cowpoke-pop of Joanne.
The pop great’s latest LP railed against the bass drops of Top 40 while leaning on Midwest-oriented, back-to-basics songwriting, adorned with the production sparkle of Mark Ronson and Bloodpop. But on her new single, the gritty percussion of “John Wayne” is gone, and the automotive double entendres of “A-Yo” are a distant memory. With “The Cure” — which was co-written by DJ White Shadow and co-produced by Nick Monson, both key players on Gaga’s 2013 album ARTPOP — Gaga has ditched the line-dancing and returned to the glittery dance music that helped make her a superstar.
And… that’s what a lot of us wanted, right? The “Poker Face” queen is back, with a slower tempo to account for a moodier moment in pop radio! Joanne still exists for those who love it, and now we have a new jam just in time for summer! Head to the pool and soak in that synth hook!
That’s all well and good, but the timing of this about-face is curious, to say the least. It would be one thing if “The Cure” was a Joanne bonus track that was released soon after the album to super-serve fans — or a coming attraction of a Joanne deluxe edition, a la The Fame Monster, which it may still end up being. But the song represents such a radical stylistic shift from Gaga’s preceding album that it feels like an abrupt course correction, meant to build momentum ahead of her summer tour.
One song that Gaga did not play at Coachella was “Perfect Illusion,” the offbeat disco-rock lead single from Joanne that radio quickly shrugged off and Gaga has succinctly cast aside from live performances. And although “Million Reasons” has endured at Top 40, that’s due in part to a massive bump provided by February’s Super Bowl halftime show performance, in which it served as a centerpiece. Joanne became Gaga’s fourth No. 1 album last fall and has sold 515,000 copies since then, according to Nielsen Music. That number becomes even more respectable when considering that the album has not taken over pop radio; even ARTPOP, widely considered a misstep upon its 2013 release, was led by a top 10 hit in “Applause.”
If “The Cure” does indeed become Gaga’s next single, however, it means that one of her most idiosyncratic eras — a clear rebuke of modern pop trends — has ended unexpectedly early, and with little traditional crossover success to show for it. It also means that Gaga followed up that era with a single that fits in precisely with modern pop trends, from the Weeknd’s rhythmic gloom to the Chainsmokers’ downtempo EDM to the dancehall influence that everyone from Drake to Maroon 5 has recently absorbed.
While talking with a friend about “The Cure” after its release, we both agreed that the song itself is not as startling as what it could signal for Gaga’s career; my friend lamented that, with Gaga, “There’s always a wink, or something weird or different. This is TOO normal.” And while I think that slightly undercuts the song’s positive qualities — the finger-snaps, the shuddering production on the verses, the way Gaga’s voice ramps up from quivering on the pre-chorus to attack-mode on the line “I will be right by your side!” — “The Cure” does indeed sound… normal. Even if the Joanne era hasn’t been the dominant post-ARTPOP comeback that fans had hoped for, it has been colorful and inarguably singular, because that’s who Lady Gaga is. What to make of a Lady Gaga song that feels good going down but has virtually no aftertaste?
Monitoring the fan reaction and chart performance of “The Cure” over the next month will be interesting since it could forge one two paths for Gaga. If the song is a hit — which it very well could be, based on the song spending much of the past few days atop the iTunes chart — then she could feel compelled to continue exploring its synthesized uplift in her next batch of material; if it doesn’t stick, then she could dismiss it as a one-off ode to her fans, and jump down the next rabbit hole.
Neither of those outcomes is bad, necessarily. But for a well-regarded superstar with a major tour looming, “The Cure” represents a creative crossroads that few saw coming quite so soon. Fare thee well, Joanne hat; we’ll always have the Super Bowl.
This article originally appeared on Billboard.
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