#straight dudes (to be fair thats an assumption) are such fags
faggotmox · 1 year
today in: casual ableism ranger has experienced
the owner of the independent coffee shop i work at asked me "what happened?" when i came in on my crutch today. the crutch i use at work every day. when i said that, he claimed he had "never seen me use it" & that i must not have used it around him before. which i certainly have & have openly talked abt being physically disabled to & around him. i had it at the shop's christmas party. (we only have 5 employees at this store)
while talking to a customer (for like 2 hours off the clock btw & not necessarily by choice it was so he didn't distracte our closer who had 100 million things to do) it came up organically that im autistic. this guy works with autstic kids too, he's a speech therapist. he couldn't believe that im autstic, told me im "every parents dream of an autstic kid" (lmao my parents would say otherwise), said i was high functioning bc i have a job (the dishes in my sink & multiple final write ups at my other job lol), & made other rude, minimizing remarks abt how my autism presents.
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