storgicdealer · 2 days
ok now that im.
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storgicdealer · 2 days
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storgicdealer · 2 days
ok gang. its theory time
the analysis of the new mercenary scene. meta, blueprints and time
warning it is incredibly choppy because of the chaos i am in rn !!!!!! but anyways
okay so. the video cuts off at green&red defending themselves but i doubt that really means a lot
the glitching. it IS reminding me of the way chosens memories were scanned through. but mercs having a whole tv remote?? chosens memories mightve as well pushed them to use youtube ?? but why didnt they access it earlier ?? why vic didnt???
bc of these question im more willing to think they themselves decided to use youtube right now. maybe only right now !
this raises a ton of questions. does outernet have somewhat of an access to internet after all? is it just their own tech? (could be supported by the fact that if youtube was common there i doubt theyd be using specifically television for it. i feel like theyd use other screens instead without a need of a remote especially considering how advanced their tech is)
still possible that it is common. considering they aren't that focused on it and there are random workers in the bg literally enjoying the show
this whole thing is VERY meta lol but i do think the mercs are the ones that influenced the stream in this way
A BIG portion of alan drawing a flower from ava season 2 is paid attention to in the glitching scene for some reason ?? maybe as a note for his and secs alliance.
the video then cuts off and goes to victim again. the whole video was watched through
the stream cuts off to mercs. **RIGHT** at the moment chosen notices the freedom stick rights article. based on the vid it could be just primal messing with shit but i feel it was intentional. (ha. freedom? loser. we're here instead)
later. the video resumes at victim again. i didnt see any changes to vics or chosens ending.
okay. the mercs. pulling up screenshots for this one
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i. cant decipher THAT much even though the quality is 1080p for me.
but i DO see that the first blueprint has as i suppose the hover ??
the text pinpoints "power core" and its pretty much the most readable thing for me. another one is kyokaz was here its just a cameo
the blueprint shows buttons? perhaps the controller of the hover? going to a circle thingy. perhaps what is working inside the hover
the whole thing on the left corner says f___ complex but i cant decipher
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second screenshot. the blueprint left to the first one looks like a pc?? and its not surprising even in the screenshot itself bc. the mercs have one to the right corner behind em
now. third sc.
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firstly. A VIC DRAWING????? WITH A GUN????
there is a possibility of it being any stick but. i feel its victim. in my guts
shooting?? what. for.
it is scribbled out . . .
there is a possibility (along with the self portrait of vics in the unused bg) that it was just. him doodling. it would kill me actually because he is no great artist like sec. just a doodler (<words of flareboi here)
now. this
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again . the question how they accesed it.
if they can get youtube to open there. how did vic not know of the showdown. of sec
showdown was uploaded online. that was literally in canon !!!
unless there's a rule that not everything internet-like and youtube like can be accessible. but i dont really think of any implications that proved that
except. for the fact that showdown was already uploaded. before the ep even ended. would it imply time passing differently in both realms?
lord i needed to scream it out.
OH GOD !!!!!!!!!!!
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storgicdealer · 2 days
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storgicdealer · 2 days
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storgicdealer · 1 day
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shes the only reason why i thought on how to draw this pose
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storgicdealer · 1 day
ive talked about this in tags but like. oh god.
im going insane from the WHOLE fact we now have more bits of their characters ...... doing whatever !!!!!!!!!!THIS IS LITERALLY WHAT I WANTED ALL THIS TIME !!!!!!!!
it didnt even hit at me first that. oh god. we really do have their regular personalities on screej right now. due to just how MUCH ive thought about their dynamic before.
but dude. this makes me jump to the ceiling and shake and roll aroun
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storgicdealer · 2 days
WHY is he standing like that here. do you think they asked him to pose like this or he just did that
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(fnf mod computerized conflict , song aurora)
fun fact . the person from the alan becker team worked on the mod . which means that tdl is most likely on model here ......... explodes
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storgicdealer · 1 day
thought id upload my ship chart yeah (i fucking love everything)
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NOTE: i find shipping between cho&dark / cg okay ONLY in interpretation where they are. close in age to each other and obviously dont have any familial/sibling dynamics. yeag
if you ship king and purp. straight to hell with you !
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storgicdealer · 2 days
THERE WAS A NEW TRANSITION TOO !!!!!! after the rediscovery ep tsc flashed the screen with a flashlight????? anf the abtv logo appeared. oh lo
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storgicdealer · 8 days
the one to start it all
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storgicdealer · 1 month
thinking about how chosens and darks existence and crimes were perceived in the internet and outernet. did they become a regular occurence there or something. JUST WHAT did other sticks think about them
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if the timeline of golds death combined with darks supposed destruction of the internet this is probably how king would react
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storgicdealer · 4 days
SCOTT. SCOTT. scott. sc. scott. you cant just say th
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storgicdealer · 9 days
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storgicdealer · 27 days
taking this out of tags RIGHT NOW
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tags by @navy-leader
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this. makes me go fucking insane. continuing
im still going fucking insane about my last tags
there's NO possible way of victim not seeing something that was streamed on alans channel and respectively streamed in the outernet. its canon that avm original was streamed there. even if it wasnt every episode of avam it is still there. victim lives there and knows what outernet has (and most likely knows about oranges and cg existence. not their powers but existence from at least an avm original episode)
and given that vic learned about chosen and that he was wanted. that victim KNEW about their existence and chased after them. that he had seen something that made him realize that chosen inherently had ties with alan??
one of my thoughts is that only specific stuff is accessible to outernet in canon. maybe not even the whole content of vids. (though the avm original was sixteen minutes and in "the king" it is seen that the video streamed is also sixteen minutes) which could explain how victim only knew a small bit of stuff and didnt just see the a bit of a whole thirty minute willingly and went "well thats all i gotta know about it".
its likely victim accessed chosen(and possibly dark) videos streamed and connected the dots by recognizing alan, similar methods of torturing chosen and the interface of alans pc.
(since its canon victims torture is on youtube and possibly chosens its kinda fucked if they accessed it as well. which perhaps made them even more vengeful)
thought. was showdown something that was streamed or something that was uploaded on youtube? at least the beginning of it?? and victim knew only bits of it???. it could be possible that victim knew about chosen&dark place of living and darks technology. from just bits of information and his company couldve investigated it? but ultimately didnt find chosen nor dark there. and therefore placed a damn bounty on chosen. and they mightve used leftover darks technology there for their own shit. victim knowing about darks tech and possibly small pieces of the showdown could also be explained that he didnt seem to mind the events taken before yellow coded the cursor into the outernet when going through chosens memory. but it does make me think whether victim knew that the cg went back to the pc and therefore didnt place wanted posters of them ??? did he know about darks death and therefore didnt place wanted posters of dark?? wouldnt he try any means to find how to get to alan? is it possible that only the cursor and tscs awakening parts of the showdown video were erased and vic, again, wanted to see more to it (i had a thought that he couldve known what is up with the showdown due to having surveillance technology but im doubting it because chosen and dark lived really secludedly from the city).
but in case the showdown was somewhat seen? by other sticks? and vic couldve known about darks and chosen terror shit from other sticks/a news outlet? oh my god i just realized something
so theres a comic about me wondering how did sticks treat chosens&dark terror in the internet and possibly outernet too. that dark blasted a whole fucking beam in the sky near the stickcity and it wasnt unable to be seen. could victim see that???? could he connect the dots that it was hollowheads power??
the rocket logo. dude. i JUST THOUGHT about it yesterday. and it made so much sense to me
my possible thought was. that victim did escape alanspc through the ip/pc sky. somewhat. in one way or another. and it was the reason why a rocket was picked as the corporations logo.
a rocket is something that is able to literally fly to the sky. to access the higher parts of the world. the ip/sky part of it that had a wormhole to alan in it. the person victim chased after.
and given that rocketcorp specializes on tech. another reason to it besides victims knowledge and ability to use it before and deciding to bring it into the outernet and devote a whole company to it. a rocket is literally something that is made of technology. and since they had to chose a logo that symbolizes tech
victim chose something that represented his goal.
fucking insane about it
i basically treat it as a base for my theories that victim established/reformed a corporation that used internet technologies he himself brought into the outernet (in one way or another). but his company is widely known as a regular tech company that produces all different kinds of it. including domestic stuff like tvs and surveillance cameras and also weapons. but due to technology and digital stuff literally forming the internet and outernet itself they also act as some force in the outernet that upkeeps and protects its citizens. since theyre the only ones with that kind of power
and all these projects that cover many areas of technology that are made by them are used to cover their shady underground shit like. the box and torture and victims true goal (which i believe he could be secret about even to his mercs and colleagues)
and that the point of victim bringing internet technology there. his whole plan of revenge.
it is done in order to protect his kind from something that he experienced. giving them a mean to defend themselves. ESPECIALLY after knowing cursors of users can be manifested in the outernet and damage sticks.
and he is the kind to be ruthless about it if it means creating safety. something he lacked.
(violence and oppression cant be solved with peaceful talks kind of mentality)
im fucking INSANE about this right NOW.
also. another thought
giving the possibility that victim "fell down" from the ip/sky. him providing the internet with basically "divine power" that regular kind of outernet sticks didnt have. him trying to protect outernet sticks from danger and death.
makes the interpretation of victim with angelic/halo symbolism in the fandom so much more sense. and so fucking amazing. oh my god i NEED to make something about this idea.
tom you opened a whole different dimension to my thinking and it fills in the holes ive thought about. im going to be so fucking insane and annoying about this.
pinning this. im
(go to tags here if you want to see my another idea of victim that is so fucking. mind changing to me)
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storgicdealer · 5 days
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