smitchellprecia · 5 years
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#black365days🙋🏾‍♀️ We always had mermaids! YEMOJA, is an Orisha & the mother of all Orisha, she have given birth to 14 Yoruba gods and goddesses. YEMOJA is often depicted as a mermaid, and is associated with the moon, water & feminine mysteries. She is the protector of women. She is often syncretized with either Our Lady of Regal in the Afro Cubian diaspora or various other Virgin Mary figures of the Catholic Church, a practice that emerged during the era of the TransAlantic slave trade.✔️✊🏾 #stillMAKEbelieve✔️ #ourSTORY✔️ #blackBEAUTYunscripted✔️ #stoleEVERYTHING✔️ #weHADeverythingFIRST✔️ #stayMAD 🤷🏾‍♀️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzs-DIJh1wk/?igshid=1mj1x95tjbxuw
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