#still working on some icons but i really wanna write these muses pls
mintmonarchy · 4 years
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❝ Our names will be written on a thousand walls, our crimes told and retold by our faithful believers. We shall die together in front of their very eyes and give them something to be haunted by, come with me and be immortal. ❞ - Candyman
Multimuse ft. Candyman; A Demon (OC); Man-Bok, Young-Hee, and Jung-Soon from the film Hansel and Gretel (2007); and Jung-Moon from Bad Guys.
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coolxnxblue · 5 years
de rules:
1. Themes might very with this blog. It’ll typically be SFW, but there will likely be dark themes, violence and swearing.
Things will be tagged! I’ll try my best, anyways. If you want something in particular tagged, please let me know through ask / anon / im. The format I use for tagging is, for example, tw: swearing.
I don’t have any triggers but I do ask you tag all of your NSFW content.
That said, I won’t do anything NSFW - gore is okay, though.
I’m of age.
2. I’m private, meaning I only really roleplay with people I follow. This is so things don’t get too overwhelming and for me and to cement who I want to interact with. I generally follow most people if our writing clicks, though.
If I don’t follow you and you’d like me to check out your blog, lurk in my notifs. I’ll definitely see you and make note to check you out. Same with promos, or you can just rb them to a sideblog / send an ask with its url. I can’t gurantee I’ll follow, but I’ll certainly check it out!
If it’s a crossover, I have to know the fandom and be at least a little bit confident with it. This is so I’m able to work with you, our thread and have muse for it. You’re free to ask if I know of a fandom or not! I’ll have a list at some point.
I follow the tag #coolxnxblue. If there’s anything you want me to see, like dash commentary, just tag that and x-kit will alert me of your post! I may respond to ic stuff ic stuff if I’m feeling it. 
In that sense, I’m chill with dash shenanigans with most folk, not just mutuals!
Absolutely no godmodding. It ain’t fun, fam. If you’re not sure what this term means, do look it up. This includes powerplaying, metagaming, and other things of that nature. This applies especially in fights if they happen (I’m chance-based and hope that you are too).
I can be picky with OCs. But rest assured, if you’ve followed me/interacted with my promo, I’ll always give your pages a read.
Please don’t be offended if I don’t want to interact with you (and please don’t try to guilt me into doing so!).
As for following back, I usually take a week tops to do so - but if you’ve hit up my promo, I go through that eventually.
I DON’T CARE ABOUT AESTHETICS. I just think they’re pretty. If you don’t use formatting or anything like that, or heck - even wanna’ just do iconless rp - I have no problem with it whatsoever! It’s you, your writing and your muse I care about!
3. Please don’t rush me for starters or responses.
PLEASE understand that I have blogs galore and my muse tends to fluctuate; this can mean I’m everywhere at once and can end up neglecting a blog or two. It’s nothing personal; you know how muses are! Additionally, life happens to be a thing.
Please note the mun deals with anxiety and depression, and has part time jobs which are honestly tiring - this might affect how frequently she roleplays.
Chances are, I’ve probably has seen that bit of interactivity and just haven’t gotten around to responding yet.
My roleplaying style being para/multi-para, I may take a while to respond. I hoard drafts like a dragon - it’s really just the motivation to write and ship those out.
I hoard asks, but sometimes can’t find muse or interest for all of them. If it’s been a month or two, generally assume I’m not interested / can’t find muse for it. You’re free to send another though!
I answer asks from anyone - personals, rp blogs and anons. I’ll answer non-mutual asks occaisonally but I won’t be making threads out of them
4. Shippings? Heck yeah, I ship lots with my blue son! Just make sure they’re of similar age pls.
If I don’t happen to be interested, don’t force anything on my character.
I do not ship incestuous ships. Do NOT follow/interact if you do.
The ship has to have chemistry; I’m generally shipping trash, but if they don’t click, they don’t click, sorry.
This is a multi-ship blog, meaning there will be more than one ship without them conflicting with eachother.
If you want to ship and I already have a ship of your choosing going with a duplicate, please don’t hesitate to hmu! My ships aren’t exclusive and each character/relationship portrayal is unique to me!
Relationships are eternal until you deem otherwise. If you’re not interested in a ship anymore, just let me know!
Sonic X Tails won’t be happening on this blog, sorry.
5. Whilst I am of age, I’m not aiming for sexual content on this blog (and will not be dealing with fetishes). That stuff makes me uncomfortable, and I typically don’t recommend pulling it with my character if you’re interacting with me. Nonetheless, should it arise, I will tag it appropriately as nsfw //.
6. About reblogs…
I am not a meme source, and reblogs clog up my activity. Please reblog any ask / starter memes you find on this blog from their SOURCE. The exception to this rule is if there is no source; go ahead.
I don’t feel comfortable with Personals reblogging my IC or OOC posts, so please don’t do that. If I put something in the fandom tags for whatever reason (bar promos), you’re free to, though.
This goes for my art too unless it has the tag ok to rb, but otherwise only the person I drew it for can reblog it. If you wanna’ reblog something, I DO put it on my art blog eventually!
A few times is fine, as it happens, but repeatedly breaking these rules will result in me soft blocking you.
I try to participate in reblog karma as much as I can, but always reblog from the source/a meme source.
If a post or ask is for you, you’re free to reblog it to save it though - but only if you’re an rp blog!
7. I’m a para / multi-para blog, novella if I’m adventurous and have time. Whilst I may roleplay crack threads with shorter responses, this does not apply to all threads I write. This means:
I write my replies as detailed as I can muster, and length can range from 1 paragraph to 6.
Short responses (such as one-liners) in more serious threads where I’ve written a decent deal can instantly kill my muse for that thread.
Whilst I’d prefer for partners to at least somewhat match my length, it’s entirely up to you - just try your best and make sure you give me enough to work with. ♡
If my muse happen to go nuts out of nowhere - like, overboard - don’t stress too much about matching him.
8. Threads! You can yeet asks, memes, and even starters at me if I’ve liked a call! I’ll obviously have my own you can like.
You’re free to like starter calls even if we’re not mutuals; I can check out your blog that way. I still only write starters for mutuals though.
I know pretty much most if not all Sonic media, bar Fleetway which I haven’t gotten around to reading yet. Since that’s unfamiliar territory, I’m unlikely to tread in it yet.
Starter memes are the BEST way to interact me because they just yeet a prompt at my face and really help me write starters. If you see me reblog one, send one!
If you want a certain verse, lemme’ know! Otherwise, I’ll either resort to game verse or whatever continuity your muse applies to (i.e, Sally (archie), Starline (idw), and so forth).
If you want to turn an ask into a thread, go ahead!
In that sense, I don’t recommend writing starters for me unless we’ve discussed something. I don’t like to leave anyone hanging.
Please don’t assume things about my muse. If you’re uncertain about things, ASK.
IMs are open to mutuals, if you want to do any in-depth plotting. I also have Discord if that’s more convenient for you!
9. Guidelines on mains and relationships:
If we’re mutuals and we interact a lot, you’re welcome to ask me if I’d like to be your main!
Please don’t be offended if I deny, though; I typically want to pick those I trust to be my mains as well as people I can comfortably write with.
Not limited to them! I roleplay with duplicates galore so don’t be afraid to hit me up if you want to interact!
Pre-established relationships are a-okay in my book; if you have an idea for a relationship between our muses we can work towards, hit me up! I reblog those pre-established relationship memes every so often too. Romantic relationships link back to the shipping guidelines.
Also, friendship/family/rivalry relationships are EXTREMELY valid to me - so don’t feel scared about asking for them!
10. If you have any issues, please let me know and hopefully we can resolve it!
Mun is actually super nice, so don’t be afraid to hit her up!
I am absolutely terrible with IMs and Discord. I either respond quickly or days later, depends on my mood. Social anxiety tends to interfere with this (and more recently exhaustion from work) - but honestly, if you’ve sent something, I’ve likely read it and just haven’t gotten around to it yet! It’s nothing personal; trust me!
Please leave me out of drama; I’m here to have a good time, as is everyone else, and it pains me to see people arguing.
This is a little different with callouts - if I see anything on dash pertaining to any problematic users, I will take it into consideration and rb it if I believe them to be harmful.
11. To retierate, I tend to follow those that:
Write para and whom I feel my muse would click with.
Seem chill? Tone can really intimidate me honestly.
Have rules and about pages! Knowing the boudaries of my rp partners is super important as well as their lovely muses! Sometimes rules are enough, though, if you’re going to write the about eventually.
Tag their nsfw.
Don’t have massive icons - ie, have rp icons that take up an entire text post like 500x500 or something. I don’t want to clog the dash and it’s tiring to resize them.
...also, if I follow your hub blog (provided it doesn’t double as a personal), it generally means I’m cool with any blogs that are attached to it.
12. On threads…
If you’re not interested in a thread anymore, and would like to drop it, please let me know! I’d feel terrible if we’re both not having fun with it or if partners feel overwhelmed with the amount of threads we have.
Honestly, unless I let you know, our threads have no expiry date - so no need to worry about me dropping them without telling you. I can just be quite slow sometimes.
13. Mun does not equal muse! Anything my muse might say does not reflect on how I think unless I explicitly say so.
14. Know that if I follow you, I WANT to interact with you.
I literally couldn’t care less about follower counts. I care about YOU guys and our interactions.
15. Rules may be subject to change.
Please like this post if you’ve read the rules! You don’t have to, but it’s of personal reassurance to me if you have.
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onehpwonder-a · 6 years
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                      800 FUCKS FOLLOWER THANK YOU
     EST.  08 June 2017        that’s almost a year,  you guys. sorry,  no,  less than that.  9 months and 24 days.  9 months and 24 fucking days!!  do you know how amazing that is??  how absolutely wonderful,  fantastic,  &  humbling that in that time,  with probably???  at least  4-6 months of sporadic inactivity,  i’ve gotten 800+ of you guys to come hang out with me.  that’s so fucking cool??
     like,  no joke.  this blog?  i love it to death,  even when i’m not feeling sans,  or even when i’m in a pissy mood,  i open this blog up,  and it’s just    it’s you guys.  it’s you guys that make this worth it,  make this SO WORTH IT,  so much so i wanna spend every day working on this blog,  be it icons,  brainstorming,  writing,  or just...  watching the dash go by.  it’s... i could never be more grateful,  or feel more like i belong.
     so thank you.  thank you so fucking much.  and since this is a pretty big deal ( at least for me ),  and i want nothing more than to really appreciate each and everyone of you,  here’s a big shoutout to as many people as i possibly can ( all my mutuals & more whoops ) !!!
     so honestly?  tbh go follow ALL these peeps B^)
           THE GANG //
   @the-edge-king​ ,  @theirmercy​ ,  @grinspainted / @trombxnes​ ,  @underswappapy​
     do i even need to say anythin’ like.  these fuckers i’ve known for 2+ years and i love them all and just fuckin.  losers.  follow or die.
          THE REAL MVPS //
   @mettatoniic / @hisloyclty ,  @darling-blooky / @tobeblunt ,  @hamilthotty ,  @piadosc ,  @neglectkid / @resetkid / @stabbybratold ,  @inkflcw / @gctdunked ,  @hashtagpuns ,  @navyhealed / @kindstardust ,  @mulcibere / @rotbeest ,  @bottlemotions / @tibiahoncst / @casrouge ,  @irraeth / @madestars ,  @shimaniya ,  @punassailable / @punderhanded / @punmentionable / @papyrical ,  @outbraves ,  @genocii ,  @ash-dre / @riccardosanzio
     to those who i love so fucking dearly & wouldn’t trade anything for,  whether we still talk or not      i will ALWAYS cherish our time together,  &  i will ALWAYS love you to the ends of the earth.  i am always waiting to hear from you,  to talk to you,  to just be there for you,  because you were there for me,  &  i just...  you’re those who make my life ever brighter,  with the light of your stars.
          PLS COME BUG ME OH MY GOD // 
   @theirmercy ,  @goldencups ,  @matxrna ,  @voliition ,  @sparemercy ,  @kidfell / @fellrot ,  @warvigilante ,  @dcbascd ,  @chosemercy ,  @whimsycoat ,  @hellbirth ,  @sheundying ,  @stickid ,  @mcsyndrome ,  @talariis ,  @jokeborn ,  @dctcrmination ,  @sirenci ,  @bcguette ,  @remorseguarder ,  @bitstrung ,  @shackledhound ,  @unmercyd / @redemptnot ,  @trulab / @floweyfile / @balletshoes / @junksale ,  @entry16 ,  @kindpan ,  @skelefell ,  @impenetrableshiield​ ,  @therealricksanchezpleasestandup​
     to those who i not only ADMIRE but have had some interaction with or just too fucking little.  i absolutely ADORE YOU & YOUR MUSE,  so please????  please hmu,  i am so fucking ready okay.  you’re those who i just... can’t stop watching,  can’t stop reading everytime i see you cross the dash,  those who i just... MMM ILY GUYS SO MUCH....
   @gemcenter ,  @spriingtrapped ,  @verybbonely ,  @mechromanciing ,  @dandielicn ,  @darkleponds ,  @ichorson ,  @amicble ,  @genomd ,  @pleasedontshipmewithnaegiiamgay ,  @ignti ,  @peculicrisms ,  @mystcrygirl ,  @codelived ,  @cooldudepapyrus ,  @shatterbelief ,  @irradiancies ,  @splintersoul ,  @atlasrhysed ,  @cncrknght ,  @bedeveled ,  @sootsouls ,  @1remaining ,  @mountainreigned ,  @fearprophet ,  @mortiiestmorty ,  @theoreticallyanrpblog ,  @lilbluewonder ,  @wilhelmj08 ,  @loveslv ,  @outtalv ,  @locknife ,  @trueknifed ,  @pnkfghter ,  @mrfunnybone ,  @wdvoiided ,  @justice-driven ,  @empowcred ,  @cxnnamonmom ,  @rosirae ,  @thebrokenlabnerd ,  @bad-time-simulator-201x ,  @ladydreemurr ,  @storyspinningspidcr / @thepunnybones  / @reclaimedasset  , @bloominghands ,  @exsuperatus ,  @rickslaughter ,  @littlebadger , @programpink , @flcwerpcwered​ ,  @tinkiisms​ ,  @hannah-the-small​ ,  @madomadotsuki​ ,  @theseraph​ ,  @vortship​ ,  @dreamsofpositivity​ ,  @flowered-skel​ / @trustyoursanses​ ,  @sclarbabe​ ,  @theimpietyscientist​ ,  @0sheetboo​ ,  @itsgoatbro​ ,  @puffywarrior​ ,  @platedprimadonna​ ,  @balefulblossom​ ,  @pseudogaiety​ , @thegliitch​ ,  @coolestskelebro​ ,  @kxndncss​ ,  @twistedbones​ ,  @divineoath​
     to those who i’m mutuals with  &  we haven’t like??  talked at all??? LIKE WHY ???  i love you guys so fucking much,  please.... ple  e a se . ..   . .  your blogs are???  so rad,  and i would LOVE to write / even chat w. any of you    and lbr,  this wouldn’t be a complete follower forever / promo without all you dorks in it.
     i LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH,  & hey,  while i may be inactive often  /  just super busy,  please,  PLEASE KNOW i cherish eat & every one of you.  this ISN’T ABOUT ME.  this is about you guys.                                                                                          ( credit for header )
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REPOST DON’T REBLOG  - originally from @alannasroleplaymemes
Nickname: Chelle, or Mouse
Age: 19
Timezone: EST
Most Active During: depends. lately my muse has been dead since i’ve been so busy with work and life. USUALLY i get to them in the evening after work.
Writing Style(s): icon and iconless, one liners, para and multi para, crack occasionally. i’m pretty flexible tbh but if we’re just trading one liners it probably won’t be a very long thread on my end unless we add some depth to it.
Shipping Policy: obviously we need to discuss it and agree there’s chemistry. other than that i’m pretty open? and ANYONE is allowed to crush at any time bc BOIIII do i live for unrequited love plots PLS. Wanna ship mabifica? Check out my fam @llamanorthwest because sorry babes my Paz likes dudes.
OC Policy: i don’t interact with a lot of oc’s, but i expect from them what i’d expect from canon characters. a level of depth and backstory that we can both work with to establish a sense of how our characters will interact. i don’t PURPOSEFULLY not rp with oc’s. there just aren’t a ton that catch my eye. not to mention i have so many other people that i love to rp with and it can get pretty stressful trying to keep oc’s straight in my head.
NSFW Policy: i don’t like explicit detail tbh of the sexual kind but blood and gore and shit? HMU.
Triggers/Squicks: none really. tagging any possible epilepsy/seizure warnings would be nice tho bc....i have those and idk if flashing lights trigger mine so i just prefer to be safe.
Please ALWAYS: READ MY RULES! And feel free to hit up my askbox on anon if you haven’t!
Please NEVER: don’t send me ask memes that can be turned into threads unless i’m aware you read my rules. i understand not everyone is cool with sending the pass code and that’s fine, but make sure you’ve read my rules. But my askbox is open to any curious anons and if it’s a mun meme you don’t have to have read my rules for that either! <3
Tagged by: @llamanorthwest AND @iamdiffercnt Tagging: @tiitaniumxwill @shxrtmann
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ofblessedsoul · 5 years
general etiquette.
please be respectful. i don’t think that needs to be repeated. you’re free to critique certain aspects about my muse, but i can guarantee you their core personality is something i won’t change. also, if you’re going to critique my muse, just don’t be a dick about it, and be constructive please
also hi, i’m indian. i’m hindi indian. i most likely have quite a bit more authority than you do about nahyuta’s religious and cultural background. no, i’m not the most terribly versed in hinduism, just like most christians don’t know the bible cover to cover, but i’m acutely aware of my own culture and thus channel that into him, so no, it isn’t appropriating.
i’m hugely all for the idea of casually IM’ing, and the concept doesn’t scare me, even if it’s just to spot-check on little details here and there. i’m also well-known for freely im’ing people, so just let me know if that makes you uncomfortable!
if i interact with you, it means i’ve read your bio, probably multiple times! you don’t have to worry about that.
hey so i have a life; please don’t pester me repeatedly about our threads. probably once a week is a good time to poke me.
don’t godmod ( attempt to control my muse during your reply ) cuz that’s pretty bad. if during your reply, you want my muse to do something, 90% of the time it’s cool, but please just double-check with me in an IM or something. 
in fact, i pretty much only roleplay with plots involved. they can be silly or lighthearted, or dark if you want, but i’m just no good at random starters where two folks who know nothing about each-other just kinda gotta smoosh themselves together. it’s weird sometimes okay. that being said, i’m cool with pretty much any topic and i’m always down for an interesting thread where they Don’t Just smoosh into each-other y’know.
my IMs are always open for plotting and stuff, and once we get to know one-another and i’m cool with you, i can hand out my discord.
i don’t rp nsfw. that doesn’t mean i’m against it; hell i’m all for it, but the idea of writing it out just seems to go on longer than i ever would like. i’m usually all for the idea of rp’ing foreplay and aftercare, but not really the act, y’know? fade to blacks are where it’s at with me. also if you’re a minor, i won’t even do that sorta stuff with you. it’s illegal kids.
i do rp other stuff, like violence, etc., and i will most definitely tag it as well as put a read more before the triggering thing happens. more on that in the tagging section. i’m usually okay with most topics ( unless it’s otherwise stated in my mun section with my own triggers ), but run it by me first.
nahyuta doesn’t really swear,but i curse like a sailor and i don’t usually think about tagging it, but if it makes you uncomfortable i’ll def make exceptions!
also while i have some pretty predetermined headcanons for my muse’s relationships with others, i’m always down to discuss it and compromise. it isn’t fair for me to have complete control, or you to have complete control, of the headcanon present unless we both look at each-other and agree with it.
i always kinda try to go with the writing flow, but not necessarily match length. i’m always down for one- and some-liners, but if i give you a paragraph, please don’t give me a one-liner. i get the impression you’re not interested, so if you don’t wanna give that impression just Don’t do that. i also won’t try to give you paragraphs if we’ve established a one- and some-liner flow. 
i also don’t use icons? so that’s a thing. it’s too hard to keep up with all of them man.
as on my description, i’m selective. i won’t follow you unless i wanna interact with you.
i’m also more selective about multi-verse characters, especially if it’s a fandom i don’t know ( and i don’t know a lot of fandoms, so just bear with me ). this counts for professor layton, since i haven’t played PL vs. AA. if you’re an oc, i’m cool with that, just please have a bio so i know who i’m working with and how my muse could interact with them best.
i don’t follow / rp with personal blogs. also if you’re a personal, please don’t reblog my posts.
i will not follow if ( don’t take these personally it’s not your fault! ) — you’re a double; you don’t have a rules / mun page; you don’t have an about; you don’t trim posts; i don’t see how our characters could interact ( within and outside of ace attorney fandom )
i will unfollow if — you post a lot of ooc things not relevant to rp; your rp blog is also your personal but also not sometimes you know the ones; you say something against my beliefs; if something on your blog makes me uncomfortable. i’m not really obligated to tell you why if we aren’t super close
nahyuta prefers males. he’s never gonna end up with a girl. please don’t try to convince him or me.
this blog is multi-ship, and what relationships he’s in can be found in his verses ( if you care about that stuff idk ). ships are based off chemistry, as i’m the kinda person that likes the softer, more romantic feelings between muses and a lot of intentional strife for the sake of Ship Drama and Constant Angst makes me tired. like i’m all for occasional angst for relationship development but like please
i don’t ship nahyuta with anyone under the age of 20 ( so 21+ for the folks at home watching ). no minors, of course, for obvious reasons, but i’m also deeply uncomfortable with the idea of a 25 year old man being together with a fresh adult. it’s not pedophilia sure but i still find it morally wrong as to why a 25 year old man can’t find a relationship with people his age. don’t try to convince me or i’ll hard block you like so fast.
i also don’t ship nahyuta with any of his siblings ( apollo and rayfa ). i don’t care what you say about ‘oh apollo isn’t really related to him’ please go find some other nahyuta who’s willing to do something that morally wrong ya nasties actually tell me who you are first so i can block you first and tell all my friends to block you too
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  hello! i’m ji-ji, your local nonbinary blob on the internet! i’m 21 years old and use they/them pronouns!
i have clinically diagnosed depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder ( bpd ), and i’m currently going to university, so such things can definitely intrude on my reply speed and motivation.
i also happen to be a part of and mod a pokemon rp group, which is my main fandom! considering this is a secondary / side fandom, i might not be on this blog that often. that being said, i’m relatively new to indie rp, and especially that of ace attorney rp. the last time i did indie ( though it was here on tumblr ), was back before we had im’ing, if that tells you anything, so the new landscape of indie and how it works is rather daunting for me, so please be patient
i have triggers, but they’re only brought about without proper warning, IE if you don’t run it by me and it happens very suddenly. these triggers are: major character death, verbal abuse, & emotional abuse — namely gaslighting. again, if this is brought up ahead of time, it’s fine, minus the major character death. please don’t have your muse up and die on me mid-thread.
the only games i haven’t played are Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney and Investigations 2 ( though i’ll get to it… i’ll get to it alright… )
i really love making new friends and ace attorney is one that i’m really passionate about and have been in for a long time! you’re always free to IM me just to talk about stuff!
thank you for reading this. you’re wonderful 💕
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palmburnt-a-blog · 7 years
shoot me a message if you’re interested.
pre-established anything goes. i love not going through the time to experiment with development. the more odd, the better.
ships are nice too !! i’m always seeking them for muses they fit for.
starting with the literature...
the dark tower blogs. the dark tower aus. the dark tower verses. the threads. seriously. im craving it, and if youre familiar with the series i highly encourage it
roland doesn’t talk much, but it doesn’t mean he’s not gonna care for a muse. i’d love to get a long-term plot going about a journey (metaphorical or literal, you decide)  with a muse and like, what it means for the development of the two of them. similar to how he developed with jake.
threads in general would be pretty nice, y’all.
60′s-70′s shit. historical muses or aus work. time travelers. fuck. idc. but i love that era and i love referencing it so it’d honestly be a thrill. 
threads would be nice, y’all.
if your muse just happens to be a muscular dude who hitchhikes, please hit me up. i’ll explain the whole damn synopsis of under the skin to you. just let isserley kidnap him
please dear GOD someone enter her sex shop
i’d also love to explore a ship, or sort of one, with a sort of girlfriend situation. maybe not girlfriends but similar to her relationship with lisbeth where they’re just seeing each other. 
i’ll pay someone three dollars if they make the boy. i’ll do it. i will
the road doesn’t have zombies or nuclear radiation... and because of that the world in it is so gloomy. i fucking LOVE IT. so if you ever get the chance to do some apocalypse threads with him, please lemme develop the setting of the actual novel
moving on to movies...
characters from the movie would be fun, but not required
for once i actually want really.. not personal threads. normally i’m all about intimacy with a muse but for him i want standard shit. i want more ties to his stuff with mobs, mafias, gangs, etc. i want him to do a hit. i want him to work together with someone on a hit. i love it. i love it
interstellar muses, please and fucking thank you!
other than that idk. not much
i want that side of him where he screams at the mirror to COME OUT !!!!
but also i’ve taken a liking to old hermit maul being shown in rebels. i kinda like that whole ‘fuck obi-wan’ thing he’s still carrying
but also bounty hunter drama.......im a slut for it
scott pilgrim blogs
the graphic novels are fucking dorky. i dont wanna be stuck with michael ceras face so pls do some stuff with those icons pls
i want to explore his brutality and i don’t wanna hold it back. like he shot a fucking ten year old and i don’t wanna dumb down that trait about him so give me RLY DARK THREADS NOW THANKS
it’s hard to capture the same vibe from the film mostly because unless someone makes like, patrick, or randi or somebody... i’m gonna mostly be doing drunk boston janitor lee
which is fine. that’s thrilling. and in fact id like to see him develop relationships in that sort of life
i’m not saying friendships? but im kinda saying friendships i mean hes so distant its gonna be hard but itll happen. maybe
i want him to cry for once. or come close he BARELY FUCKING CRIED
stuff exploring his suicidal tendencies
now tv
@ male muses please lemme explore the sexuality of joe
and also.. sex stuff for @ everyone is good. its good
i also wanna see more emotional stuff for him too but that requires relationship development blah blah blah
when will lizzy make her multi and put my cameron howe im so loyal to on it? thanks
i just want him to die
i wanna shove sofia into our threads tbh honestly to be honest
idk if theres any true detective fans out there but im craving someone like... telling her about rust and the events of the show. thats not rust himself
also i want her to mom out too
stuff involving his writing/poetry/raps. i did slam in high school bitches.
stuff about the 70s. stuff about the bronx. in the 70s.
god knows
this is us muses
stuff involving his life when he was younger, with his poetry, art, protests, sexuality, and drug usage
i just want somebody to make bob or the kids is that so hard to ask
now to the video games.
field medic stuff?? like her work in the middle east and places of crisis
young 19 year old surgeon angela whos far too young to be doing what the fuck shes doing
her story doesnt extend much further from what happens with her dad, so things including her love life, her drug usage, and her academics would be lit and very easy to do
however i wanna get into HER SIDE of the aliens and the sleepwalking so if you like the sound of that pls just hmu its a Long Situation
stuff in alaska. give me alaska threads
this is so weird but pre-established ties to fucking mimmi. someone know this grandma.
someone whos able to see ghosts so they can cry
dance battles to michael jackson
please let her dye and cut your hair
please let her pass out on your couch after having a terrifying vision
please let her predict your muse’s fate
explore his sexuality
things regarding his alcoholism, his wife, or his son
all i can literally say is threads
worldbuild and chill ? 
there is nothing i want more than to imhotep to literally break down and go to town with how much he hate himself, his life, and his sister. i want him to talk abt how much he despises all of it
stuff when he’s in jail. prisoners so to speak
npcs from the storyline
give a computer some friends
orrrr alternatively, be mean to isaik and witness the unleashing of computer hell which is vague but if you thought he was NICE...
its far too much to ask for npcs from his storyline considering i aint posted anything abt them yet
plus theres the screenplay WITH THEM
but coastal shores stuff. smoke weed on a carousel with him and fall off
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foxymuses · 4 years
all even #'s for the mun questions !!
catch me still not knowing if this is the right meme, but yolo
Tell us about the first fandom you roleplayed in. Are you still part of it or have you moved onto others?
well technically, i think it was marvel. but that was like. very brief and when i first discovered rp on tumblr was a thing, then i created liam, who was fandomless. my first true blog was moriarty for sherlock. and i still have jim! but the sherlock fandom is toxic af and has died out for the most part.   
How many roleplay blogs do you have?
i have learned i am incapable of managing more than one, so this is what you got
What are your thoughts on the current roleplay trends on here right now?
fuck if i even know what the trends are. my biggest issue atm is over-formatting things. i have p awful eyesight and i’m prone to migraines (like, the wanna throw up and die type), so all of these random bolds and italics and sup and sub and colors and weird spacing and over-blockquoting things just fucks with my head, and i genuinely cannot read those replies, and sometimes people use weird fonts that show up as just squares and i don’t get it honestly. hyper-texturized or really small icons also just make me??? because 9/10 times i can’t even tell what is in the icon. i wish we would bring back like... people actually replying to opens, and idk general fucking etiquette but whatever. this was salty, but like i don’t really care about trends that are working so i don’t pay attention to them, i guess
Are there other websites you roleplay on that’s not on Tumblr?
noooope. makes me feel weird. tried doing it on disco for a bit but idk. i still will sometimes if someone wants but like. i just feel comfy with the way tumblr rp works
Are there any fandom(s) you avoid roleplaying in?
i don’t avoid fandoms, exactly. like the sherlock fandom, as i said, is toxic af, and other fandoms like spn, inuyasha, hp, and even marvel can be incredibly cliquey and difficult to break into, and for some fandoms, unless you write a single muse blog, nobody is going to even look at your blog. so i don’t avoid these fandoms, but i also don’t like... submerge myself in them either. those who want to follow will, and we’ll work out or we won’t. but that’s why i have a multi, so that i can bounce around as i need to. 
Are there any characters you’re interested in wanting to roleplay as? 
please don’t encourage me, i don’t need more muses (whispers ofc there are always muses. i was gonna add castle once, there are several muses from books i’d love to write but i know the fandom is nonexistent, but i just. i’m at 50+ muses pls stop me)
What are your thoughts on duplicates?
it depends on the muse, honestly. there are some characters that i just feel so fucking strongly towards that my idea of who they are is v important to me? and so it makes me v anxious to see people writing those muses (mostly if its a single muse blog), and so i avoid them. then there are some muses where like... it’s a very small fandom, sometimes i’m the only one in it, and out of nowhere someone will add the muse i write for the fandom and that makes me feel weird too. i’m getting better at it, since the majority of my problem stems from a fear of inadequacy and that people will always favor the other person over my portrayal, especially since i am a multi. so i’m trying to work through that, but yknow. only so much i can do, and if i don’t follow them, then no problems to be had. a lot of my muses are okay with dupes though.
What do you expect from others when they want to roleplay?
i expect people who seek me out (or even, literally, who follow me in general) to have some idea of which muse they want to interact with. i can’t pick for you! even if you say it’s okay, i have 50+ muses with different personalities and possibilities, and you could be interested in a different muse i choose, so you need to have at least one potential muse of mine picked out. and i would SUPER appreciate that multis also have someone from their roster decided on too, so we’re not trying to play the match game here. if you approach me for an rp, i expect, at the very least, a basic idea of what you’re looking for. it just helps us from playing the ‘hmmmmmmm’ game.
What’s the one thing you want to try the most on your blog?
write! ships! with! me! like. give me wolfstar. ship a dorian with my teren, pls. give me a mr. darcy and a hades. write the other characters for my small fandoms. ship with my muses you cowards.
Is there anything you can change about your skills as a roleplayer?
oh i’m sure. there’s something everyone can change about their skills. i, for one, need to fucking learn to queue my stuff and you know, actually reply to things.
Ever had a falling out with a partner?
i have. a few times, actually. sometimes people just don’t mesh well together. sometimes there are bumps in the road and people make mistakes. sometimes other people overreact. being friends with people through an online platform is difficult, and not everything is going to be peaches. i’ve been here for 8 years, it’d be impressive if i’d never had a falling out honestly.
Other than roleplaying, what’s your favorite hobby?
video games! and cats i like cats. 
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wishgavin-blog · 5 years
rules & mun.
general etiquette.
please be respectful. i don’t think that needs to be repeated. you’re free to critique certain aspects about my muse, but i can guarantee you their core personality is something i won’t change. also, if you’re going to critique my muse, just don’t be a dick about it, and be constructive please
i’m hugely all for the idea of casually IM’ing, and the concept doesn’t scare me, even if it’s just to spot-check on little details here and there. i’m also well-known for freely im’ing people, so just let me know if that makes you uncomfortable!
if i interact with you, it means i’ve read your bio, probably multiple times! you don’t have to worry about that.
hey so i have a life; please don’t pester me repeatedly about our threads. probably once a week is a good time to poke me.
don’t godmod ( attempt to control my muse during your reply ) cuz that’s pretty bad. if during your reply, you want my muse to do something, 90% of the time it’s cool, but please just double-check with me in an IM or something. 
in fact, i pretty much only roleplay with plots involved. they can be silly or lighthearted, or dark if you want, but i’m just no good at random starters where two folks who know nothing about each-other just kinda gotta smoosh themselves together. it’s weird sometimes okay. that being said, i’m cool with pretty much any topic and i’m always down for an interesting thread where they Don’t Just smoosh into each-other y’know.
my IMs are always open for plotting and stuff, and once we get to know one-another and i’m cool with you, i can hand out my discord.
i don’t rp nsfw. that doesn’t mean i’m against it; hell i’m all for it, but the idea of writing it out just seems to go on longer than i ever would like. i’m usually all for the idea of rp’ing foreplay and aftercare, but not really the act, y’know? fade to blacks are where it’s at with me. also if you’re a minor, i won’t even do that sorta stuff with you. it’s illegal kids.
i do rp other stuff, like violence, etc., and i will most definitely tag it as well as put a read more before the triggering thing happens. more on that in the tagging section. i’m usually okay with most topics ( unless it’s otherwise stated in my mun section with my own triggers ), but run it by me first.
while klavier isn’t most known for swearing, it might be on this blog. i curse like a sailor and i don’t usually think about tagging it, but if it makes you uncomfortable i’ll def make exceptions!
also while i have some pretty predetermined headcanons for my muse’s relationships with others, i’m always down to discuss it and compromise. it isn’t fair for me to have complete control, or you to have complete control, of the headcanon present unless we both look at each-other and agree with it. this goes especially for kristoph and daryan. even though they’re mentioned with predetermined relationships and dynamics in mind, i’m always down to change it with you specifically ( though it won’t be changed on the bio, it’ll still apply with your specific interaction, y’know? ).
i always kinda try to go with the writing flow, but not necessarily match length. i’m always down for one- and some-liners, but if i give you a paragraph, please don’t give me a one-liner. i get the impression you’re not interested, so if you don’t wanna give that impression just Don’t do that. i also won’t try to give you paragraphs if we’ve established a one- and some-liner flow. 
i also don’t use icons? so that’s a thing. it’s too hard to keep up with all of them man.
as on my description, i’m selective. i won’t follow you unless i wanna interact with you.
i’m also more selective about multi-verse characters, especially if it’s a fandom i don’t know ( and i don’t know a lot of fandoms, so just bear with me ). this counts for professor layton, since i haven’t played PL vs. AA. if you’re an oc, i’m cool with that, just please have a bio so i know who i’m working with and how my muse could interact with them best.
i don’t follow / rp with personal blogs. also if you’re a personal, please don’t reblog my posts.
i will not follow if ( don’t take these personally it’s not your fault! ) — you’re a double; you don’t have a rules / mun page; you don’t have an about; you don’t trim posts; i don’t see how our characters could interact ( within and outside of ace attorney fandom )
i will unfollow if — you post a lot of ooc things not relevant to rp; your rp blog is also your personal but also not sometimes you know the ones; you say something against my beliefs; if something on your blog makes me uncomfortable. i’m not really obligated to tell you why if we aren’t super close
hoo boy so klavier is a big gay. he’s literally never thought about dating a girl in his life. please don’t try to convince him or me.
this blog is multi-ship, and what relationships he’s in can be found in his verses ( if you care about that stuff idk ). ships are based off chemistry, as i’m the kinda person that likes the softer, more romantic feelings between muses and a lot of intentional strife for the sake of Ship Drama and Constant Angst makes me tired. like i’m all for occasional angst for relationship development but like please
if you even think about shipping klavier and kristoph please leave. actually let me know who you are first so i can block you and tell my friends to block you too. that’s how much i’m against it
there’s never gonna be a situation where klavier’s gonna have a healthy relationship with daryan. i’m all for it in an unhealthy way but if you try to make your daryan ooey-gooey and suddenly everything klavier’s ever wanted, it’s weird, out of canon, and i’m not for it. the man went to jail for smuggling shit in klavier’s own guitar and blew it up to destroy the evidence he doesn’t love him That Much.
klavier is a frivolous big gay flirt and he’ll probably flirt with any male muse that’s age-appropriate. i don’t ship klavier with anyone under the age of 20 ( so 21+ for the folks at home watching ). no minors, of course, for obvious reasons, but i’m also deeply uncomfortable with the idea of a 25 year old man being together with a fresh adult. it’s not pedophilia sure but i still find it morally wrong as to why a 25 year old man can’t find a relationship with people his age. don’t try to convince me or i’ll hard block you like so fast.
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    hello! i’m ji-ji, your local nonbinary blob on the internet! i’m 21 years old and use they/them pronouns!
i have clinically diagnosed depression, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder ( bpd ), and i’m currently going to university, so such things can definitely intrude on my reply speed and motivation.
i also happen to be a part of and mod a pokemon rp group, which is my main fandom! considering this is a secondary / side fandom, i might not be on this blog that often. that being said, i’m relatively new to indie rp, and especially that of ace attorney rp. the last time i did indie ( though it was here on tumblr ), was back before we had im’ing, if that tells you anything! so the new landscape of indie and how it works is rather daunting for me, so please be patient!
i have triggers, but they’re only brought about without proper warning, IE if you don’t run it by me and it happens very suddenly. these triggers are: major character death, verbal abuse, & emotional abuse — namely gaslighting. again, if this is brought up ahead of time, it’s fine, minus the major character death. please don’t have your muse up and die on me mid-thread.
the only games i haven’t played are Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney and Investigations 2 ( though i’ll get to it… i’ll get to it alright… )
i really love making new friends and ace attorney is one that i’m really passionate about and have been in for a long time! you’re always free to IM me just to talk about stuff!
thank you for reading this. you’re wonderful 💕
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