#still cant believe that christmas fic Rick wrote
Maybe we'll get lucky and this Valentine's Day, Rick will send Nico and Percy back to Venice.
They'll be "gift shopping for Annabeth" and something will catch Nico's eye but he won't say anything. Then, outside the shop, in the snow and the quiet, Percy will drop something in Nico's hand it will be the trinket Nico was eyeing. He'll say something stupid like "Funny how it was snowing when we met and it's snowing now. That seems so long ago. I'm so glad that I know you, Nico. You mean so much to me."
And Rick will forget to add the 'platonically' because Percy already said that gifts mean nothing compared to a great relationship while looking into Nico's eyes on the streets of Venice.
So Nico - who has already told Percy while they were 'Christmas shopping for Annabeth' that Italians do it better - will be like, "Percy, you're the most important person in my life and being with you makes me happy in a way no one else does. I am great at riding dick btw."
And Percy will laugh fondly then say something like "I wonder what we're going to do for the rest of the day." He'll take Nico's arm in his with a smitten smile, then they'll dissolve into shadows (fade to black).
Finally, Rick will tag it: #Perc@bethValentines
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