#still a pro battler. just... not Just that anymore
meistoshi · 11 months
"you ever think about retiring??" "nooo...??" "you ever think about retirement at all??" "not really, i figure that i'll be dead by the time i retire." eats gmfst for never failing to fuel me w satoshi brainrot
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laniquill · 10 months
Hi, Rotomblr. My therapist suggested I start this to get my thoughts out, so here goes.
My name is Melanie Lycan. Okay, honestly, that’s not my real name; it’s the pen name I’m hoping to use if I actually manage to publish anything. But let’s just stick with it. You can call me Lani.
Where to start? I’m from the Johto region originally, near Blackthorn City. I moved to Verdanturf Town a few months ago, much to my family’s dismay. They’re all pro-battlers and I’m… not. I was partway through the Hoenn gyms when I stopped in Verdanturf for a rest. After a couple weeks, I had to admit to myself that I wasn’t here for a temporary respite anymore. I’d fallen in love with the area and couldn’t bring myself to leave. My family pretends I’m on hiatus from the gym challenge and I let them lie to themselves. Truthfully, I’m an aspiring author. We’ll see how that goes. I may have to go back to battling just because I can’t make it as a writer. At least if I’m “trying” to make it as a pro-battler, my family will support me forever 😂.
I’ve been a bit depressed and wondering if I should just go back to the gym challenge, which is why my therapist suggested blogging it out. Scar (my Skarmory; no judgement, I named him when I was 15 and in my emo phase) is almost pushing me out the door trying to get me to go back to battling, but the others seem to be happier lately. Eliza (Flygon) sleeps on the roof most nights and Cinder (Typhlosion) seems to get a kick out of being the fire in the fireplace. Bubbles (Marill) waters the flowers out front every morning. Alice (Eevee) is still acting a bit skittish, but she’s the newest to the family. She’s been sleeping by my feet at night, though.
That should be enough to satisfy the therapist. We’ll see if I stick with it.
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usagi-zakura · 5 years
Pros and cons for Sword and Shield
Okay since I’m pretty much done with the main story now and have caught most of the Pokémon I think I can give some thoughts. SPOILERS AHOY.
- The Pokémon. They are awesome. I honestly can’t think of one new Pokémon I outright dislike. There’s a few “meh”s in there sure, but overall they’re cute, cool and Cinderace. 
- I also gotta give some extra props to the Galar forms. There were a lot I weren’t even expecting and several of them even have alternate evolution (like Meowth and Yamask) or just new evolution altogether (like Farfetch’d and Corsola). 
- The storyline isn’t super-intrusive, demanding you to do this and that all the time before you can enter the next gym... typically if you’ve reached the gym you can just go challenge it right away. The storylines haven’t been great in general in older games and this one’s no different, so I prefer less focus. 
- You can actually catch Pokémon before you get the Pokedex. Its not right away, but you do get pokeballs from your mom after your first little excursion (even though she doesn’t tell you she’s given them to you so that’s a little weird). 
- The Wild Area...I barely know where to start with this... So much awesome!
- Once upon a time I had a wish for Pokémon that they’d release a game where you could actually see other players walking around in the overworld, kinda like an MMO. Never thought it’d happen though... but then it DID. 
- You can change a pokémon’s “nature” and even teach them egg-moves...so if you have a shiny you really want to use but its nature is shit and competitive battlers keep telling you it’s gotta have this and that move or you’re doing it wrong, well first of all tell them to shut their faces and play the game however you want, but then you can just go right ahead and give them a nature-changing candy, give them those egg moves and do some Hyper Training while you’re at it. Haven’t tried this system yet since it requires BP that I don’t have, but its there. 
- Raid battles. They’re pretty cool.
- Vitamins (like protein and carbos) can now be used more than 10 times on the same Pokémon. (Still costs a ton though...but so long as you buy the game before January you will get a pretty decent money-maker in Gigantamax Meowth.) 
- The music. It just keeps getting better I swear. I can’t stop listening to the Gym Theme. 
- I like how the Pokémon League works in this game. The gyms borrow some features from Sun and Moon by having you go through “Gym Tests”, that are basically various minigames like herding sheep or a weird pinball game. But at the end its still the same old Gym Leader Battle. The tournament is also treated more like an actual sports tournament in real life would work, all your battles (including the League itself) are done in front of an audience and you even get fans. There’s also no Elite Four anymore, instead there’s an actual tournament with your rivals and the Gym Leaders. 
- The starter that isn’t picked by you or your rival still gets a time to shine. 
- I’m not 100% sure on this but I feel like they’ve changed the gender ratio for Eevee and the Starters...cuz I got a female Scorbunny after only three tries and I caught a TON of female Eevees. (Bonus: You can also catch Eeveelutions in the wild area). 
- Speaking of Eevee they simplified its evolution. Specifically Leafeon and Glaceon, they now evolve with a Leaf Stone and Shiny Stone respectively. Sylveon also appears to evolve via friendship now so remember if you want an Umbreon or Espeon, delete its fairy moves. 
- Pokémon camps are adorable.
- The game isn’t bogged down with legendaries. In fact there’s only three. 
- We gotta talk about the elephant in the room... 
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No...not that one.  I’m talking about the lack of a national dex.  To me its not a deal-breaker, it still has 400 Pokémon in the Galar dex and there are apparently a few more that exist in the data (mostly previous starters and some legendaries) that can be transferred over from earlier generations, but... Fennekin isn’t available. That’s a shame. (Where did Leon get his Charizard from anyway...as far as I’ve seen you can’t catch Charmander in the wild...The player gets one as a gift from Leon if you were wondering.) 
- Haven’t found an IV judge yet. Could have just missed them though. If anyone knows where they are let me know.
- There’s no easy way to EV-train your Pokémon at least to my knowledge.
- When you’re in the Pokémon League you’re automatically healed between each battle. It may sound like a nitpick but part of the challenge of the League was always that you had to face each enemy WITHOUT healing...so it kinda takes away from the challenge. 
- You can only catch Pokémon up to a certain level. Again this wasn’t a big deal for me, as I usually don’t go looking for super-strong Pokémon anyway, but it felt a bit restrictive. So yes you could technically go challenge a level 30 Onix with your level 10 Sobble... but you’re not gonna be able to catch it no matter what you do.
- The Catch rate is too darn high. I don’t know what they did to it but it feels even harder to catch even the most common of Pokémon. (Despite the fact that I caught Zamazenta with the first Quick Ball.) 
- While it was nice that it didn’t focus too much on a grand storyline this time, it also meant the plot kinda just comes right out of nowhere at the end of the game, and suddenly you gotta fight a final boss you never knew existed. That’s a little awkward. 
- You gotta do WHAT to evolve Galarian Yamask?? 
- The animations in the cutscenes are a bit awkward at times... There’s a sequence where you watch Hop try to catch a Pokémon but he’s clearly not holding a Pokéball for example... you have animations where he’s throwing a ball Game Freak... 
- No more walking with Pokémon... 
- The Day and Night System is only active in the Wild Area. The rest of the game time changes based on where you are in the plot. 
- There’s no GTS. What the fuck. I know it was pretty broken already in the last gen what with people asking for a shiny Marshadow for a Rattata before Marshadow was even officially announced, but it was a pretty good way to get game-exclusives. Now I actually have to go out of my way to TALK to people to get them, and I can’t even do that in game. 
- SO yeah my next problem is that while you can SEE other trainers in the overworld there’s no way to communicate with them.. but that seems to be a problem with Nintendo in general. They are terrified of people communicating it seems... 
Despite all that though I like the game and have been playing almost non-stop the past weekend XD Heck this was the first time I just went ahead and bought both games on the release date.. and I don’t regret that decision. I played Shield normally and now I’m doing a Nuzlocke on Sword. (Case you were wondering how I’m treating the “catch only the first pokémon-rule” when you can see them, I close my eyes and run in circles till I encounter something.) I also don’t care about the trees. Pokémon models are more important than trees. 
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So it’s been a week...
Believe it or not, I’m not actually doing a 100+ pages review of Undertale. Sure I COULD, I mean it’s UNDERTALE guys, it’s a game made with so many great details that I would surely react to everything – but then that would take forever to write. So what I’m planning to do (yeah I haven’t started it yet look at how responsible I am) is to write about only the Main Characters and the plots of the three Routes instead.
Anyway, the real reason I haven’t posted in a week is because this past week, a special school event was held... the midterms.
*insert horror music*
So yeah, it’s the time all students have been dreading. Of course like any normal student, I did what any sane person would do in the week of the exams –
Play Pokemon in my phone.
Okay, so it’s not exactly what a normal student would do. What a normal student would do when an important exam is coming is to not play games, but write reviewers, read your books; that stuff.
I just played a little bit because it helps me to unwind you know… relax my brain to ready it for the hard lessons I’m going to review – oh who am I kidding I know I’m not fooling anybody.
(Pro Tip: Don’t be like this girl.)
(Pro Tip 2: Also, don’t depend too much on ROMS. Support our wonderful creators, okay?)
(Pro Tip 2.5: So, yeah, don’t be me.)
First thing’s first – what’s a nuzlocke? Basically, it’s a self-implemented “Hard Mode” for Pokemon Games made by the fans to make the game harder and more challenging.
As far as I know, there are three original rules: the only Pokemon you’re allowed to catch is the first Pokemon you encounter in a route or a city, and nothing else. If you failed to catch it, well, tough luck. The second is that if a Pokemon faints, it “dies” – you cannot use it anymore. The player can either release it to the wild or store it in the PC and leave it there permanently. The third is to nickname all your Pokemon, since this challenge generally teaches you to cherish your Pokemon more.
Since this is a self-implemented hard mode, many variations have been made by the players, making the game harder. The only additional rule I did was to not catch a wild Pokemon that I already have caught, or is the same evolution line of one of the Pokemon that I already have.
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My team as of Opelucid City. Hope nobody dies against Drayden... 
(also I have discovered how strong Cinccino is. SERIOUSLY SHE I-HIT-KOs POKEMON WITH HER TAIL SLAP LIKE WOAH [sure it’s not exactly 1 hit but whatever])
This challenge seriously made the game more exciting. I mean, Pokemon is already fun itself, but applying this rule just raised the stakes a whole lot higher. Countless of times I have experienced heart attacks from crits that put my beloved Pokemon’s health into the red zone (and nearly killing them). I had also many heartbreaks throughout the playthrough when my Pokemon did die. It feels as if it’s my fault, you know? (It actually is, since I’m the one controlling them…)
But more importantly, it made the game more challenging (obviously). I mean, every time I play a game, I always plan my whole team right from the start – except for Sun, which I played blind. But even at that game, I still made my team to be varied; all with different types so they would cover each other’s weaknesses. But with the Nuzlocke challenge, you don’t have a choice – you use what you get. It tests you luck and skills at the same time.
Another thing is the deaths. Here, every move you make must be planned. The last time I played while I was distracted (I was eating), one of my Pokemon died. You can’t just take risks, since there’s a chance that the risk might fail and your Pokemon will faint. One risk I took (and thoroughly failed) was when I still attacked even though my Pokemon is confused. I hoped that she will ignore her confusion and attack the opponent (who is already on the red zone), but she attacked herself. Add to that the critical hit move from the opponent, and she fainted. And to think she was one of my main battlers… (RIP Ema the Tranquil).
Throughout the game, I found out that I have an incredibly bad luck when it comes to catching new Pokemon. Either they I already caught their specie, or is the evolved form of my Pokemon, or my Pokemon accidentally made them faint. I think from Driftveil to Iccirus, I wasn’t able to caught any new Pokemon. Add the fact that some of my Pokemon died, there was a point in the game that I have more Pokemon in my RIP box than my party! (Six to four, before Twist Mountain)
Final Remarks:
If you find Pokemon too easy and want to make your gaming experience harder and more exciting, then you should do this! You could also search and apply different and harder rules, or even make one! Just expect many heart attacks. Hope you don’t get too depressed when one of your Pokemon dies~ (like me…)
Final Notes: Review for the actual Pokemon Black/White will come. Probably. I mean, it’s my favorite generation so - *gets hit by genwunners* (but really, its plot is so wonderful I definitely will not be able to resist writing about it)
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