#steve crooper
julio-viernes · 10 months
Vamos con algo delicado, posiblemente impopular, o popular, según para que oídos u orejas (depende de lo que se tenga). Es José Feliciano cantando a Steely Dan, "Dirty Work" en concreto, del debut de Dan "Can´t Buy a Thrill" (1972). Lo que tengo claro es que en voz del puertorriqueño (+ orquesta) el tema gana bastante en intensidad y envoltura. Vamos, que la versión es más expresiva y mejor que el original.
Abajo otro tema del LP de 1974 "For My Love...Mother Music" de portada fea fea, como en él era habitual, "The Gypsy", o José Feliciano y Steve Crooper (guitarrista de Booker T. & The MG´s) flamencos con una chispa del Cat Stevens de "Wild World". Steve y José coprodujeron el álbum.
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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Rewind: Booker T. & the M.G.’s - Green Onions (Oct. 1, 1962)
If the definition of timeless is sounding simultaneously older than it is and yet ultra-modern, then Green Onions is timeless.
Booker T. & the M.G.’s - namesake organist Jones, guitarist Steve Crooper and the rhythm section of bassist Lewie Steinberg and drummer Al Jackson Jr. - released their debut LP Oct. 1, 1962, and 60 years and one day later, on Oct. 2, 2022, Green Onions remains just as crisp and refreshing as ever while retaining the innocence of the 1950s music that inspired it.
There’s nothing fancy here, just 12 instrumentals - both originals and covers - running 35 minutes and held together by the common thematic imagery of the ubiquitous opening title track, “Mo’ Onions” and the album-closing “Comin’ Home Baby,” originally recorded by the Dave Bailey Quintet.
As soloists, neither Jones nor Cropper showboats; each instrumentalist simply lays it down, carving deep grooves into the pocketed rhythm section. The closest either comes to rowdiness is on their respective staccato spotlights on the 12-bar interpretation of Ray Charles’ “Lonely Avenue.”
More typical is Jones’ mournful quaver on Acker Bilk’s “Stranger on the Shore” or Jones and Cropper’s subdued playfulness on their sock-hop reworking on “Twist and Shout.”
For all the masterful writing and arranging, Booker T. & the M.G.’s didn’t bother to fashion endings to their tracks, letting them fade away as the band cooks and leaving listeners to wonder what kind of lost notes remain in old tape cases in the Stax archives.
Grade card: Booker T. & the M.G.’s - Green Onions - A
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
BrookNina -  😪 to catch my muse up late because they couldn’t sleep
| Vulnerable meme Cont from here
She felt restless, no matter how much she tried Nina just couldn't seem to find her way to sleep that night. Even with the tv in her room on it didn't have her focus instead Nina was staring up at the ceiling the blue glow light from the screen was the only source of light in the room. Nina could hear what the tv was playing she thought she left it on some sitcom show. She tossed and turned. She fluffed and beat down pillows but no matter what she did comfort was coming either. A heavy sigh escaped Nina as she went to sit up finally. Looking over to her side where Crooper was sound asleep. Soft breaths from the old dog between his loud snores, you swear he was a bear with how loud the dog could snore. Part of her had wished he was up, they could go out together. Sure she could wake them up but he was sleeping she could dear ruin his sleep.
Leaving Nina on her own with this. She swung her legs off to the side of the bed and step down into her slippers. She stared down at them for a moment. Looking at the Captain America shields on her slippers left her to think more about the morning. She pushed herself up from the mattress and was quite on her way out making sure not to bump into anything that would lead to Cooper waking up. Nina hadn't even grabbed her phone to try and give Autumn a call. They were worried about her but Nina did as Nina dose. Downplayed the whole event in truth only Brooklyn had any idea about what went down. How she ran into her biological father. She scrunched up her nose and quirked her lips a little. She knows in a technical sense that is what he was but she still didn't like having to take that fact. Eyes drifting back down to her feet. Didn't matter...she didn't share any traits with the one she called her dad. They weren't even the same blood type he was type O and she was type A. His hair was blonde like sunlight Nina was brown and didn't know how to behave due to her curls. Even the shade of blue for thier eyes was far too different.
So lost in thought about the many things that set her and Steve apart as Nina had his face in her mind. He shared many traits with Nina. She grew annoyed why did she care? she knew she and Steve were different they always have been that didn't matter..it shouldn't matter.
Nina had no clue how long she was simply just wandering around the tower like so. She didn't have anyone's destination in mind to make way to. Nina was just walking in general unaware of the world around her and having to fight some thoughts in her mind. Before she could even begin to think of somewhere to walk to she heard her name called out and looked to spot Brooklyn. She seemed to have found comfort in one of the many large windows of the tower. Sitting on the sill a few books next to her as she was pressed up to the glass. How anyone could sit there so long much less read was lost on Nina. She still made her way over casting her gaze down to the books her sister had in the pile for the night. Listening a little as they went to speak to Nina, it was clear they had something they wanted to say or rather ask Nina about. To be fair Nina didn't blame her younger sister after all..seeing Nina lashing out like she had early that day? Sure Nina was known for a temper that could rival the Hulks. And that was saying something already on its own but that? That was a little different. It wasn't Nina getting frustrated over a minor issue, or her responding to someone speaking ill of a family member. It was much more raw emotion that Nina had spoken out. Instead, Brooklyn simply asked what they were doing up so late. Well, it might be late for her at least early for Brooklyn if anything.
"Trouble sleeping I guess. Coops out cold though." She mentioned before picking up the books and deciding to take their place now, handing them offer to Brookly as Nina just sat there silent. Brooklyn from the corner of her eye was messing with the corner of the page she had been reading. Nina watched how they slightly bent the corner, back and forth. "If you wanna say something you can, ya know?" Nina in the least offered, she wasn't annoyed with her sister. But she also was in a sense. She much rather they just speak up overthinking and dwell on doing such. So Brooklyn finally let out the question, asking who was at the festival. Nina in part knew that would be the question but she also was still unprepared to answer that. Humming a bit as she tipped her head back to rest it on the glass of the window. Once again the vague memory of sitting in the cop car the first time she was taken away flashed in her mind's eye so clear in her memory. She remembers so many things from that one moment, the air was warm there was a buzzing sound from a bee that flew by her. The first of many. She sighed before speaking.
"Sorry you had ta see all that, I know I've been better about well yelling and getting angry first. At least I thought I was gettin' better." Lifting her left arm stretching it out far in front of herself as she was looking over her metal arm now. The reason she was working on controlling her anger mainly. Worked so hard to think a little more before simply reacting. She hadn't taken the time to care for where the scuffing on the knuckles was still. "The second I saw him though? I don't know I've never froze up well not like that at least. Next thing I know I was just angry and upset and when he had no clue who I was even? I just" she sighed and dropped her hand "I lost it."
"My..biological father." She was avoiding looking at Brooklyn it was one thing to recall all that set her apart from Steve but it was worse when adding Brooklyn to the mix. That wasn't the younger Roger's fault of course. But it seemed enough to answer Brooklyn's question as they seemed to take that in. She was understanding about why Nina had that moment of lashing out then and her break down a little after. Adding up. The parent that left Nina barely touched on the subject herself only enough to answer questions from Brooklyn on where she came from and that was that. Nina never went much further on the topic of all of that, Nina didn't like to dwell on her past she was Roger's after all now. Not that sad hurting child wishing her father would come for her.
He would of course. Steve just hadn't found her yet.
She felt how Brooklyn shuffled a little moving to sit beside her now shoulder bumping against her own. Brook's voice was always far softer and quiet but right now when they went to speak she was more clear and loud as she went to make her point. Telling Nina had nothing to be sorry for Nina was simply a reaction to someone who hurt her, she was protecting herself like when she does it for Brooklyn herself. That was a nice thought Nina thought as she listened to her sister speak, she wasn't dismissing their view or words even it's just deep down Nina just didn't agree with that point. Because Nina knew that wasn't true. She wasn't protecting herself with anger at that moment. Brooklyn, though she was pretty convinced that was the case and was trying to make it out as it being okay that Nina had done so. That just didn't sit right with her though. "I wasn't doing that..I was doing something I swore I would never do to anyone." Nina soon spoke up a crack in her tone she felt like she betrayed all she believed and strived for when it came to being a hero in her own right. When Brooklyn asked what she meant Nina swallowed thickly, she could feel the familiar string of tears wishing, no more like pleading! to fall in that moment.
She recalled how others tried to repaint that truth to her as a kid and how they tried to make him out as not so bad. That the fact he popped up from time to time was a way to show he did care. Nina was dumb enough to buy into it as well, if he kept showing up then clearly that had to mean something. Nina held on to a shard of hope that they would be a family. And as someone who fought for a living of course that did mean she at times hurt people. Knocking of Hydra agents and such. This though?
"I wanted to hurt him. Like he hurt me," she admitted and regretted the words as soon as they came out. "He walked in and out of my life as he pleased for fifteen years. Promises to a child that he would claim to fulfill he was just blowing hot air from his ass," she said bitterly. "He pop in and out of my life simply because he had to do it. If it weren't for that? he may have given up his rights far soon than he had. I was never" she trailed off for a second as she was speaking words just trickling out of her mouth. Nina hadn't looked to her past because it was littered with pain she wanted to ignore. "I was never enough. No matter what I could have tried and done to make it so, it wouldn't matter because he didn't want me. But I still tried I tried so hard to make it so our family wouldn't fall apart..but he was always trying to get away. Away from me." 
At least to Nina, that was what she kept telling herself. The moment she noticed what she was thinking and the feeling was why she broke down the way she did. Balling her hands into fists even as the left began to shake, she normally held it down when it happened. She felt angry again but she wasn't even sure at who or what. At him, for all he did to her? at herself for betrayal and going against all she stood? for the thoughts in her head? she had no answers right now she may never have those answers either. Nina right now though knew she was not worthy of the last name she carried now. Nina wasn't worthy of being Steve Rogers daugther not the man she looked up to herself, the one who kept her going. She wasn't worth the admiration she got from her sister either...she felt so outcasted in her mind right now. That why she could stop the shaking it was like then when she lost her arm those feeling swere coming back to her again. Slowly she reached up and clasped her hand against it to keep it steady.
"I wanted to purely get back at him for..everything. I wasn' doing nothin' like protecting myself, I just wanted to be angry to throw all my hurt into his face, and if I were lucky? hurt him as he did me." and she felt awful for it. Not because of who it was she still believed he deserved something misfortune for what he put her through as a kid. Nina actively sought to harm him short of punching him out or throwing him across the ground. No matter how much she wanted to do it. Instead, she let years of pain come out. "So don't go and give me that kind of credit, I wish that was what I was doing but I wasn't. In that second I think I finally understood why some of the villains we have faced or in the least know about do the things they do. It was for my gain and satisfaction I wanted to bring him, no I wanted to tear him down. I wanted to stand above him as if I won. Won what? I dunno. And I didn't care I wanted to hurt him I wanted to do more than hurt him." Nina confessed to Brooklyn moving out from her spot in the window now.
Nina was already feeling low but fessing up to the truth was making it worse. Brook looked up to her and saw her as a hero and all that..this was heroic this was pitiful she was no better than any bully she tried to stand up to. No better than and villain they faced either. 
"I need ta blow off some steam" She just made mention not able to bring herself to look to her sister as she started to walk off maybe punching as a sack would help her work it out. A deep breath was taken in as she started to mentally count down to herself before letting it out, and pushing forward. Nina looked over her shoulder now to Brooklyn who seemed to just be staring up at her with large wide eyes, and Nina mustered a grin to act as if nothing had ever happened.
"Woof, that got a bit heavy uh? guess I'm still worked up over everthin' that happened. Maybe I'm just hungry we didn't get ta eat much after that run in after all." She joked a bit "Hangry feelings sure mess with the mind I guess" dropping her hand once her arm seemed to settle down she started to step away giving a wave to Brooklyn "I let ye go back ta reading, I'll get some sleep after I filled up." downplaying a bit she did word out to her sister was holding on to the things she thought to herself close to her chest. Tomorrow was a new day it would all be fine again because it had to be fine. It had to be fine she would be fine she wasn't going to let him hurt anymore. He got to do that long enough as is she wasn't going to let it drag on her..well so she said to herself but ignoring it all wasn't the way to handle it well not a good way to handle it. On some level, she knew that. On another, she just told herself she needed to be better worth all of what she had worth the weight the name Rogers carried for her alone. 
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rickybaez · 5 years
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Trabajo realizado por mí en Photoshop: Estatua de Juno (mitología) tocando un bajo Fender precision similar al que usara el guitarrista y bajista Noel Redding de la Jimmy Hendrix Experience en el histórico show del festival de Monterrey Pop en Junio de 1967 en el que Hendrix quemara su fender stratocaster. El bajo está conectado al mismo equipo de esa ocasión. La observan desde el fondo: (De izquierda a derecha) los siguientes usuarios de este modelo y marca de bajo: Donald "Duck" Dunn: La discografía de Dunn es extensísima, habiendo colaborado como bajista de sesión en cientos de grabaciones de artistas de todos los estilos. Entre los artistas más conocidos para los que el bajista ha trabajado podemos citar a Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett, Booker T & The MGs, Mar-Keys, Albert King, Isaac Hayes, The Staples Singers, Muddy Waters, Mavis Staples, David Porter, Ronnie Hawkins, Freddie King, Herbie Mann, Bill Withers, Elvis Presley, Duane Allman, Joan Baez, Rod Stewart, The Manhattan Transfer, Sam & Dave, The Blues Brothers Band, Peter Frampton, Steve Crooper, Eric Clapton, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Bob Dylan, Diana Ross, Jerry Lee Lewis , Willie Dixon, John Fogerty, Neil Young o Ray Charles Phil Lynot: Bajista y creador dela banda Thin Lizzy John Paul Jones: Bajista de Led Zeppelin Noel Redding: Bajista de la Jimy Hendrix Experience James Jamerson: La discografía de Jamerson en Motown es un catálogo de éxitos de soul de los 60 y 70.Su trabajo incluye éxitos como Shotgun, de Jr. Walker & the All Stars, For Once in My Life yI Was Made To Love Her, de Stevie Wonder, Going to a Go-Go, de The Miracles, My Girl, de The Temptations, Dancing in the Street,de Martha and the Vandellas, y I Heard It Through the Grapevine, de Gladys Knight and the Pips. Geddy Lee: Bajista de Rush Sting: Bajista de The Police, Solista Roger Waters: Bajista de Pink Floyd, Solista Tal Wikenfeld: Bajista de Jeff Beck, Herbie Hancock , Macy Gray, TOTO, Solista y otros https://www.instagram.com/p/B24vw9zHCxx/?igshid=1k2r3ma3x4o6f
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julio-viernes · 5 years
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Vuelve el hombre del “Coche Fantástico” con un nuevo LP repleto de colaboraciones de lo más variopinto, que hasta puede ser interesante y todo, cosa rara en una carrera musical tan larga como deslucida. Por de pronto la portada es horrorosa.
David Hasselhoff ha contado en su regreso discográfico con una ayudita de sus amigos, conocidos o mercenarios: Todd Rundgren; Ministry; el guitarrista de Stooges, James Williamson; Elliott Easton de los Cars; Steve Stevens; Tracii Guns; Tyler Bates; A Flock of Seagulls; Patrick Moraz (Yes, Moody Blues); Ava Cherry; la leyenda del country Charlie Daniels y el gran Steve Crooper. Que fuete. No tengo palabras. Lo quiero oír.
“Open Your Eyes” será publicado el 27 de septiembre por Cleopatra Records.
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BrookNina]  « ii just want to make sure you’re fine. »
| Concerned and protective starters Nina walking around without her prosthetic wasn't anything new or to worry over when she did it. Sometimes she just didn't want it on. There wasn't anything wrong with it, of course, it was fitted just fine for her so no discomfort. If anything Nina had grown used to it by this point. She even 'improved' it as she likes to brag. SHEILD just get her a basic arm Nina decided to paint it red, with stars and her codename. To make it more a part of her, to remind her why she lost her arm in the first place. Just sometimes it was nice to drop it and just be Nina as well.
Maybe that's why some heroes do the whole secret identity thing?
And less risk of her shields falling out again, took Steve days to remove that purple foam the other day. She was going to need to fix that later she decided as she felt Cooper's leash tug in her hand, he was bored of sniffing at the patch of grass they were at right now. As let the golden retriever lead the way for them on thier walk right now.
No, what was odd was Nina being out on this walk at two in the morning. She wasn't quite the night owl like Tony or deal with sleep issues like Brook did. She was very much a person who passed out the second her head hit the pillow. But, she was just laying in her bed this time and couldn't sleep mind wanted to think and Nina wanted a distraction. Cooper her loyal ball of fur seemed fine with getting up with his owner and going out into the early chilly morning air. Every so often he stopped to see if they were going in only to keep on walking.
Yet, walking around like this wasn't really distracting her too much, it was hard to find cricket chirps all that interesting to get invested in after all. Social media was a bit dead so there wasn't much for her to get invested in either refreshing only to see the same posts over and over again grew tiresome even if a few new things pop in time to time. She was left to deal with what was on her mind and that annoyed her, she expressed by sighing out and plopping down in some grass. Cooper tried to rest next to her and let out a heavy sigh himself. Getting her to look at the dog and smiling slightly at him. "And what do you have to sigh over mister?" no response as they simply just laid there. Nina reached over and stroked her hand over the dog's head as they leaned their head in against her thigh.
Nina did slightly jolt when hearing something behind them as she turned back but relaxed when it was just Brook. "Jeez, ya scared me a second. I know sneaking about your whole deal but to you gotta creep up like that?"
Brook didn't seem to appreciate that much as they lightly huffed before sitting next to Croopers left side sandwiching the dog between the two of them.
"Can't sleep sis?" Nina asked right away Brooklyn being her new distraction now. She would have looked for it earlier but in truth, it escaped her mind when giving up on sleeping for the night.
"ii just want to make sure you’re fine."
Nina looked confused by that before asking why they would need to, Brooklyn made mention she saw her head out with Cooper thinking he needed to go out real quick. But it had been four hours and that seemed long so when she saw Nina was just sitting out her she needed to. "Professional worrier is at it again it seems." Nina teased her some, but Brook didn't play into it she just turned to look at her concern heavy on the younger women's face. Nina folded.
"You don't sleep much you ever have a night where you keep..keep thinking too much 'bout something. Even when you try to close your eyes the thoughts keep going on?" Nina started to try and explain before looking up to the sky. "I just couldn't get my mind off somethings. The next thing I knew it was midnight, I tried distracin' myself but that wasn't working well. So I drag old man coop outside." They both paused when hearing said dog start to snore between them. "Way to abandon me." Nina added before Brook and she laughed softly, wanting to not wake the dog up. Which likely wouldn't happen with how deep a sleeper the damn dog was. Brooklyn still held on to her concerned expression as she aimed it Nina's way. Nina shrugged her shoulders. Reaching into her pocket as she handed over a piece of paper to Brook now, it was too dark to read it. It was more to show what was on her mind. "Did I ever tell you about my biology parents?" she said to break the quiet. Nina wasn't sure if she had "They were two dumb teens who made a mistake one day and wound up with me cause of that. They would put me up for adoption after, but ya know i ended up being a foster for sixteen years before meeting dad." She went on to explain. "I meant them after meeting pops and well wrote that to them. I forgot all about it but I found it when putting some stuff back in my room the other day." Nina glanced to her sister and just smiled
"Don't go knotting up your face like that now. I used to think I was their mistake and had just been that ever since. Cause they gave up on me and from then on everyone pretty much did. But when I came across that letter I thought ya as a kid I messed up a lot, got in a lot of trouble too cause I was trying to prove myself so much. I think that's why this happened." Gesturing to her missing limb. "I'm always tryn' to prove my worth to show I wasn't a mistake after all." A lot of this was mindless rambling of a women who struggle with where she belonged throughout her young life, finally having the words to put to it.
"When I wrote that I was upset, felt they replaced me and changed for the new kid of theirs but couldn't for me." despite what she was saying she was still smiling "But, I think that's cause it was never gonna work for me to be their kid. Cause I'm not their kid and I ain't their kids older sister either." Those titles went to others. "I know what I did was dumb but I don't regret it either. I saved that family that day. Because I held on" she trailed off now looking down to Cooper as she went to pet him again. "This might be weird to say but I am proud of myself. I went from thinking myself a mistake too much for anyone to handle that no one would give a break to. But cause of pops and you when I was on my own that day. I did what I set out to do. Yeah I lost my arm caus of it but when I think of all pops gave up and what you risked it gave me the strength to hold on." she chuckled a bit
"I don't know what I'm trying to say I guess I feel I have what I always wanted? people to look to and admire who make me better, and wish to keep getting better for you know?" Nina didn't often reflect like this move forward was her mindset, because it was all she could do to keep going as a kid. Look forward to a new day a better day. Somewhere though moving forward she forgot that and didn't see she had arrived at that tomorrow already. "I made a mistake but sometimes that's okay because something new can come from a mistake like when I messed up with the necklace that's your now it was gonna be a charm on a choker like mine but I messed up. And I don't know I guess all this stuff is still working through my thick skull is all. But I think my point is I've been up way to long and its fucking cold as hell out here. Lets go inside."
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rickybaez · 5 years
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Trabajo realizado por mí en Photoshop: Estatua de Juno (mitología) tocando un bajo Fender precision similar al que usara el guitarrista y bajista Noel Redding de la Jimmy Hendrix Experience en el histórico show del festival de Monterrey Pop en Junio de 1967 en el que Hendrix quemara su fender stratocaster. El bajo está conectado al mismo equipo de esa ocasión. La observan desde el fondo: (De izquierda a derecha) los siguientes usuarios de este modelo y marca de bajo: Donald "Duck" Dunn: La discografía de Dunn es extensísima, habiendo colaborado como bajista de sesión en cientos de grabaciones de artistas de todos los estilos. Entre los artistas más conocidos para los que el bajista ha trabajado podemos citar a Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett, Booker T & The MGs, Mar-Keys, Albert King, Isaac Hayes, The Staples Singers, Muddy Waters, Mavis Staples, David Porter, Ronnie Hawkins, Freddie King, Herbie Mann, Bill Withers, Elvis Presley, Duane Allman, Joan Baez, Rod Stewart, The Manhattan Transfer, Sam & Dave, The Blues Brothers Band, Peter Frampton, Steve Crooper, Eric Clapton, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Bob Dylan, Diana Ross, Jerry Lee Lewis , Willie Dixon, John Fogerty, Neil Young o Ray Charles Phil Lynot: Bajista y creador dela banda Thin Lizzy John Paul Jones: Bajista de Led Zeppelin Noel Redding: Bajista de la Jimy Hendrix Experience James Jamerson: La discografía de Jamerson en Motown es un catálogo de éxitos de soul de los 60 y 70.Su trabajo incluye éxitos como Shotgun, de Jr. Walker & the All Stars, For Once in My Life yI Was Made To Love Her, de Stevie Wonder, Going to a Go-Go, de The Miracles, My Girl, de The Temptations, Dancing in the Street,de Martha and the Vandellas, y I Heard It Through the Grapevine, de Gladys Knight and the Pips. Geddy Lee: Bajista de Rush Sting: Bajista de The Police, Solista Roger Waters: Bajista de Pink Floyd, Solista Tal Wikenfeld: Bajista de Jeff Beck, Herbie Hancock , Macy Gray, TOTO, Solista y otros https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Uq40pnzwy/?igshid=9v769ea8a7zf
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rickybaez · 5 years
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Trabajo realizado por mí en Photoshop: Estatua de Juno (mitología) tocando un bajo Fender precision similar al que usara el guitarrista y bajista Noel Redding de la Jimmy Hendrix Experience en el histórico show del festival de Monterrey Pop en Junio de 1967 en el que Hendrix quemara su fender stratocaster. El bajo está conectado al mismo equipo de esa ocasión. La observan desde el fondo: (De izquierda a derecha) los siguientes usuarios de este modelo y marca de bajo: Donald "Duck" Dunn: La discografía de Dunn es extensísima, habiendo colaborado como bajista de sesión en cientos de grabaciones de artistas de todos los estilos. Entre los artistas más conocidos para los que el bajista ha trabajado podemos citar a Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett, Booker T & The MGs, Mar-Keys, Albert King, Isaac Hayes, The Staples Singers, Muddy Waters, Mavis Staples, David Porter, Ronnie Hawkins, Freddie King, Herbie Mann, Bill Withers, Elvis Presley, Duane Allman, Joan Baez, Rod Stewart, The Manhattan Transfer, Sam & Dave, The Blues Brothers Band, Peter Frampton, Steve Crooper, Eric Clapton, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Bob Dylan, Diana Ross, Jerry Lee Lewis , Willie Dixon, John Fogerty, Neil Young o Ray Charles Phil Lynot: Bajista y creador dela banda Thin Lizzy John Paul Jones: Bajista de Led Zeppelin Noel Redding: Bajista de la Jimy Hendrix Experience James Jamerson: La discografía de Jamerson en Motown es un catálogo de éxitos de soul de los 60 y 70.Su trabajo incluye éxitos como Shotgun, de Jr. Walker & the All Stars, For Once in My Life yI Was Made To Love Her, de Stevie Wonder, Going to a Go-Go, de The Miracles, My Girl, de The Temptations, Dancing in the Street,de Martha and the Vandellas, y I Heard It Through the Grapevine, de Gladys Knight and the Pips. Geddy Lee: Bajista de Rush Sting: Bajista de The Police, Solista Roger Waters: Bajista de Pink Floyd, Solista Tal Wikenfeld: Bajista de Jeff Beck, Herbie Hancock , Macy Gray, TOTO, Solista y otros https://www.instagram.com/p/B2UqnKhHBqY/?igshid=n4mth3ih2if3
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