#stay strong & manifest your dream life ☔️
prettymindset111 · 11 months
I’m trying to manifest my dream life and currently in my 3D I’m failing uni doing a course I hate and I’m stressed about how to tell my parents about it amongst other things.
I dont mean to burden u with my problems I just wanted to give a little context my question is just how do I keep positive and persisting during these times?
Hope you’re well thank you!
hi angel !! <3 I will try looking at this both ways … so I would recommend that you to do the best you can in university try your best in this course .. I’m assuming your in a situation in which you have no control over your course . I know it’s hard try your absolute best at this ok ? I know you want to make your parents proud but also so this as something you can look at later in life and be like “ well , I tried my best … so there’s no regrets “ most parents want only the best for you , I know it’s alot of pressure but you should put all your focus into this course for now in my opinion.
“ no one or nothing to change but SELF “
you wanna manifest your dream life regardless of your current circumstances ? I gotchu 😽 , the one and only way is to understand the law & the best thing I would personally recommend is the edward art series , it’s all you need it’s just maybe 2 hours of your life to read it but that’s some material that can change your life 180 I highly recommend ^_^ manifestation wise I could type out an entire essay on how to persist & not care about your circumstances and outer world but it’s done so well in that series , you won’t need anything else !! hoping you the absolute best and all the happiness you can get anon !! good luck on your course & stay strong and don’t take too much stress it will all work out in the end ~ 💌
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