#statehumans Strasbourg
minimag1c · 7 months
How do I even tag french provinces here-?
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Wait... You nearly DIED because you DANCED?!
➪Wowee i post again even after the horrible one-shot i've done lmao.
➪At first i was like "Yeah Alsace and Strasbourg are just going to talk about what happened to him when during the dancing plague and that's it" but then I decided to actually write what happened because yeah fuck that.
➪Tw : death by dance (literally), some disturbing scene, talk of possession.
➪I headcanon Strasbourg as a trans ftm that's why in the flashback of the XVI th century, he uses she/her.
➪Sorry, I got a little carried away with this (nearly5kwordslol) and it gets a little unhinged at the end-
➪the music above is just for the atmosphere. You can play it or not it's your choice.
"Wait wait wait wait wait wait... So let me get this straight. YOU nearly died because you DANCED???" Alsace repeated again, still not believing it.
Strasbourg sipped a bit on his hot chocolate before looking back at the alsacian with an eyebrow raised as he put his drink back on the table and cleaned his throat.
"Yeah, what about it?" he asked, as if it was something normal. Alsace got even more confused and a little bit disturbed about how her friend was so casual about it.
"But how... Like H O W?? How on Earth were you able to dance to death??? And even be dead by such stupid conditions?!" Alsace insisted. Strasbourg rolled his eyes and took a sip of his beverage again.
"Please have some respect for the four people who died from it." he said, offended but soon widened his eyes and put his cup back as talked now in a lower tone, sheepishly. "Wait... Were they forty? Or even fourteen? Oh god I don't even remember-"
This time, Alsace was the one who raised an eyebrow as she crossed her legs and arms. "And then you say that I'm the one with the worst memory." she said.
"Oh ta gueule (Oh shut up)" he retorted a little bit annoyed, making the alsacian snort a little but she regained her posture and even leaned a little bit more. "Still, you haven't answered my question... HOW CAN YOU DIE OF DANCING???" She yelled at the end as Strasbourg cringed a little.
"Okay okay I'll tell you all the story that I could remember but please stop yelling. " the strasbourgeois finally surrendered, putting his hands up.
Alsace seemed to be satisfied as she leaned back on her seat and finally drank for the first time during this whole conversation with her now warm chocolate drink. The other french region cleared his throat as he also leaned on his chair, looking thoughfully nothing, trying to remember this event that started in July 1518.
"Let's see..."
It was an average day during the month of July 1518 as Strasbourg was sitting on the grass near a river, washing cautiously a few dirty clothes as she was humming a small song under her breath. It was pretty sunny outside therefore she wanted to enjoy some warm weather instead of trying to rush herself because the water was too cold and her hands were freezing.
"Maybe after that, I'm going to cook something, they must be starving" Strasbourg thought to herself, getting up and streching her back, preparing herself to go back to wash the clothes.
Until she heard not really from afar some howlers and gasps.
Curious, the woman went to see what caused this small commotion only to find a small crowd forming around another woman that Strasbourg knew.
Frau Troffea.
It was surprising for the Strasbourgeois because she knew that this woman wasn't the kind to put herself into the center of the attention, preferring to stay at home.
But it wasn't the most shocking part,it was what she was doing.
Frau was dancing eagerly, spinning and almost jumping around, giggling uncontrollably while she was putting a lot of effort in each of her dance moves. It was weird to not say odd because she seemed so eager to dance and yet there was no music, no instrument or whatever,even the small crowd who looked at her didn't seem to take at least an instrument in order to put some music since it was bizarre.
Obviously, after a very long moment of dancing non-stop, Frau troffea started to get tired and eventually collapsed in front of everyone. At first, no one batted an eye until two men decided to pick her up and drag her away, probably at home.
The crowd still stayed there, without moving until after a few moments, one then two then a few started to go away, muttering and talking with each other about the strange moment that just happened.
"I didn't know Frau troffea loved dancing that much."
"Pff. I'm pretty sure that she only danced because she didn't want to do the chores that her husband asked her to do."
"Haha. She's going to get in trouble after he hears what she has done!"
"How strange of her to do that..." Strasbourg thought, ignoring on purpose the gossip that grew. She started to get a little bit worried. "Why did she even do that?" The countryhumans tried to resonate. If there was music probably she would not question it but there was no sound nothing and she was dancing so eagerly, so happily even though everyone looked at her, probably some of them even was mocking her because yes, she had to admit that the scene that just happened was very odd, mainly coming from a woman like her.
But the thing that actually worried Strasbourg is the fact that she danced herself until she collapsed. Until she didn't have energy anymore. Was it a dare? Some sort of way to relieve stress? No that wouldn't make any sense, Frau wasn't like this.
"Excuse me ma'am, are those yours?"
Strasbourg came back to reality when a man behind her asked her a question, holding a basket of wet clothes. She turned her head and widened her eyes.
"Oh euh oui (yes) these are mine merci (thank you)" the woman exclaimed as she awkwardly thanked him and took them, going away from the plaza, numerous thoughts still running through her heard and the fact that no one can give her proper answers only infuriated her.
"Well... better continuing the chores instead of just moping around." she said to herself, huffing as she went to her house, trying to forget what just happened, trying to convince herself that it would not happen again.
"And those were your last famous words." Alsace jokingly said as the Strasbourgeois snickered a little and rolled his eyes. "Alsace, I would never be able to finish the story if you keep interrupting me". The alsacien laughed a little.
"Okay okay j'arrête- (I'll stop-)" she said, raising her hands. Starsbourg smiled a little.
"D'accord (alright)... Alors (so) where did I stop myself..."
Well, it seems like Strasbourg was wrong.
Not even two days later, Frau Troffea came back, dancing even more than last time but this time, it felt odder than yesterday. Yes, it was already weird to not say disturbing when she danced in front of everyone for no reason but this time, it felt... Scary.
Strasbourg, at first, didn't want to see, not wanting to see the scene that seemed to haunt her as she looked away.
Until she noticed something even more worrying.
Frau's feet were bloody red and swollen and in each step she took and in each dance movement, her face showed ecstasy and pain but her suffering took over the joy the more time she kept dancing. Upon seeing that, Starsbourg widened her eyes, alarmed and in shock and horror at that sight and said loudly.
"Frau, your feet-!" But before the personification could do or say anything else to catch the dancing woman's attention, she heard someone else and footsteps. She and a few villagers turned their heads and saw two other adults joining Frau Troffea in her dancing mania, also dancing eagerly but with less happiness, as if they were forced to do this.
This time, instead of mocking the three, the villagers were only surprised and even a few of them whispered to each other, judging but also creeped out by this strange behavior.
Starsbourg looked at them, starting to feel even more shivers down her spine and felt even more scared and backed up a little when one of the men screamed in already.
"Help! Help me! I'm begging you!"he pleaded despite continuing to dance, his sound of pain showing how he was suffering whereas the other woman was dancing as well, screaming and whining loudly about how she wanted to stop and that her feet hurt.
A few villagers backed up, terrified and horrified by this scene and even a kid started to cry, holding his mother's dress while hiding behind her. That scene wasn't actually scary giving the context but seeing them pleading, begging someone to save them was the most disturbing part, as if they can't go out of this dancing mania. However, if nearly everyone backed away, not wanting to be near these people, Starsbourg went forward, making the villagers gasp at her bravery.
"What is she doing???"
"I don't know but she's very brave to approach them in this way"
"Brave??? That's just some pure reckless act!!"
Actually, the fear was rising in Strasbourg's chest but she was a countryhumans, a personification, therefore she needed to help these poor souls, it was a duty.
But she didn't know how.
The Strasbourgeois thought that maybe she could try to stop them by force but she wasn't unfortunately that strong plus they already seemed hurt with their feet and energy drained, she didn't want to harm them even more.
The man looked at her, his suffering visible through his eyes and face and yet, a small, very small spark of hope was mixed. Starsbourg hesitantly held her hand, trying to hide her stress. "Here, laisser moi vous aider- (let me help you-)"
But before, she could do anything else, someone violently grabbed her arm and dragged her away, earning a yelp from the woman.
"Hey! What are you doin-" she got cut off by the man who took her. "Vous êtes folle madame ?! (Are you crazy madam?!), Those people are dancing until they fall even though they are in pain and you still think it's a good idea to approach them?! They're possessed by the devil and you still have the guts to approach them!"
Strasbourg widened her eyes upon that statement.
"Quoi?! Mais- (what?! But-)" she couldn't finish her sentence again when the remaining who stayed to watch the "show" got shoo away as the two with Frau who still danced looked in horror, still begging for people to not leave them in this suffering. Starsbourg could only look at them, angry at the villagers'cowardice and sad at the victim's fate, the words of the man stuck in her head.
"They're possessed by the devil and you still have the guts to approach them!"
Possessed by the devil?? No no it can't be, their case couldn't be that severe. They still had their mind and their senses and the church said that anyone possessed by the devil would lose them a long time ago after the possession. Those were just gossips and rumors, nothing else! They were aware about what they were doing and that it hurt them, they maybe had a fever or a disease but not to the point of possession!
Finally, after it felt like eternity, the man finally let her go after she was away enough as she huffed and rubbed her arm and went away, not wanting to believe what those people who never studied medicine said.
"Wait wait wait wait... Wait no- no no Starsbourg don't tell me that it will go like what I'm thinking-!" Alsace said, her eyes wide as a plate while gripping her now empty cup. The man stopped talking and looked at the woman again, an annoyed and exasperated expression on his face.
"Well, je sais pas moi (I don't know) how it will end... I f y o u k e e p i n t e r r u p t i n g m e-!" He detached every word he said as Alsace stared at him back, this time she was the one bothered.
"Well, sorry if I think that this story is interesting!" She huffed. Starsbourg blinked a few times, dumbfounded by her response.
"Wait, you think it's interesting?" He asked, confused. She threw her hands.
"Well, duh ouais (yeah), that's how I show that a story is captivating, by making a commentary every time! Now finish it, I want my answer!"
The Strasbourgeois raised an eyebrow in confusion but eventually, he just shrugged and sank even more in his chair, clearing his throat and continued his story.
Well, it seems like Strasbourg was wrong. Again.
"Maybe I should really stop talking too fast."she mumbled to herself, deadpan and annoyed expression on her face.
But soon, this expression got replaced with a more worried one as she looked through her window the same three people who danced last time.
However, instead of the usual three, four more people joined, of course not intentionally, their trance, their screams of pain getting louder.
Oh Strasbourg wanted so badly to help them but villagers have decided that no one could get out of their house anymore unless it was necessary.
Don't try to blame her, Starsbourg has already tried multiple times to convince them that the necessity was to help the dancers but they refused to the point where they locked her from the outside, making her blood boil.
The scene was even more disturbing than before, the dancers were skinny, dirty and seemed on the edge of their lives and yet, they continued to dance. Hell, even their movements were heavy and painful, making them look like some sort of moving corpse rather than a human.
It was scary and that creeped out the woman who wanted to help them so badly but her door was locked and she tried multiple times to open it in some way but to no avail. Yet, she was stubborn and determined to help the villagers, her people. She kept forcing the door to open itself, starting to lose patience.
"Come ooon! Dammit, why did they have to lock it up as if I'm some sort of beast in a cage?!" She exclaimed, angry at the villager who had this idea. She looked back and forth at the window and the door, growing even more worried each second as her blood ran cold when she heard a tore screech from outside.
Immediately, she went to check as her eyes widened in horror at the scenery.
In the dancing mania, a man has collapsed however unlike Frau Troffea who fell because of exhaustion, the man have let out a last scream, a last call of help before succumbing and falling, his body now stiff and immobile. The dancers and the people who looked from their windows saw it and gasped in horror, others hiding their kids or putting their hands on children and youngsters'eyes, not wanting to create a trauma for them. The man who danced didn't seem to react anymore, his chest didn't moved an inch and his body could feel more heavier than when he was dancing. It only meant one thing.
The man was dead. Dead from dancing too much.
Instantly, Starsbourg shook her doorknob more violently, even pushing it as she screamed, wanting someone to hear her. "LET ME GO SACREBLEUE!(DAMMIT !)!!!One of them DIED and you still dare to LOCK me ?! I need to help them!!" She was enraged and scared, as she heard even more cries of help, plead and protest.
Five other people got out of their house and started to dance as well, forcing themselves to stay still as others begged their relatives to not lock the door and let them in.
"S'il vous plaît aidez-moi!!!(help me please!!!)"
"Non! Je ne veux pas danser!! (No! I don't want to dance!!)"
"Je vous en prie, je ne veux pas mourir!!(I'm begging you, I don't want to die!!)"
The speeches and cries only got louder and more numerous, some of the victims even started to cry while dancing eagerly, more people from last time collapsing. If anyone who wasn't "infected by the disease yet" was backing up, locking even more their house, the Strasbourgeois was trying to destroy like crazy her door but her efforts were no avail as she let out a grunt of rage, looking around her house, trying to find an object solid and heavy enough to break her door.
She trailed her eyes and they laid on chandelier she had on the table. Immediately she took it but cautiously made sure to think I'd it's solid enough to break the door. In the end she sighed in exasperation and instead, aimed at the window, muttering an apology for herself to sacrifice such an expensive item, taking a big breath before forcefully launch the chandelier with all of her strength on it.
She was lucky, the window shattered and despite a few debris of glass that went on her hands and face, the chandelier was intact. Plus, the people were too scared to go out of their house to warn her, at this rate it was each for himself.
Starsbourg saw the opportunity and immediately tried her best to slip out without accidentally hurting herself further and finally succeeded, taking the edges of her dress in order to walk better and faster. She could still hear the call of help, starting to crave themselves in her brain.
"I'm coming! Je vais vous aider!(I will help you!)" She yelled from afar but soon stopped her track and locked her eyes on the scenery, feeling something drop in her stomach.
It was worse when you approached the dancers.
On her spot, the Strasbourgeois could clearly see how much pain the villagers were in. Their feet were all bloody and swollen, others had their face completely ruined by sweat and tears as their bones started to show off below their skin. It really looked like some sort of twisted puppet show without strings attached on them or just some macabre dance with living skeletons.
But that sight didn't stopped Strasbourg to try to save them. Or more like that sight shouldn't stopped her, despite how scared she was.
Cautiously, the Strasbourgeois approached the dancers, like some sort of veterinarian approaching a dangerous animal, ignoring on purpose the screams and cries that really started to infest her brain, making her feel the urge to throw up because how much it sicken her. Still, she needed to help them, no matter the cost.
"Can you hear me?" She asked. Asking how they were doing was pretty much a stupid question at this rate but she didn't knew how to talk to them in their current trance therefore she thought that maybe it was a good start to know if they still had their senses.
The dancers ignored her literally, as if she didn't existed, each of them trying to ease their pain as they could. Strasbourg blinked a few times, seeing how no one cared about her on the slightest. She huffed a little before continuing, trying to use a more softer tone, still with a stressful undertone.
"S'il vous plaît- (please-), do you actually hear me or not? Hello?" She slightly waved her hand but none of their faces looked or even aknowledged her. She got impatient.
"I literally broke out of my own house and try to help them but how can I even achieve my goal if they don't even look at me?!" She thought to herself, infuriated.
However, when she was about to speak furthermore, everything stopped.
Strasbourg widened her eyes in confusion and shock, not processed what was happening in her surroundings. The screams, pleads and cries of help but instead of making her sick, the personification felt... Nice? Well nice wasn't the right word to define it but bad either couldn't describe that feeling either.
Everything all around her was blurry and distorted as her body felt numb. She couldn't feel any of her limbs anymore as if a weight was put in each of them, making her feel like some sort of heavy bag as a headache started to form too. Strasbourg's eyes grew heavy as well, a veil of fire enveloping while her vision made everything spin around.
"W-wha-" she wanted to speak up or even open her mouth but something have sealed it, making her lips and teeth glued to each other.
But the most surprising view was the dancers.
Instead of seeing the almost skeletal, moving corpses and the face of agony, the Strasbourgeois met joyous and lively people, dancing eagerly to a music that the anthropomorphic territory never heard before, some sort of distorted yet organized symphony, a loud whisper audible by nearly everyone who danced in the same beat on it.
Strasbourg couldn't believe what she saw. Was it some kind of fever dream that she couldn't wake up for? Or a trance that got an hold on her because she have gotten too close next to the victim of this bizarre dance mania?
She didn't knew anymore, she was lost. Everything was happening too fast and yet slow at the same time as her head was heavy and spinning, despite how hard she tried to make her gaze focuses right. It felt as if someone took control of her and she couldn't do anything about it except let it be.
"Please... List...en... T....me!" Despite the fact that she only thought those words, they were all slurred out and stuffy, as if even her own mind couldn't actually comprehend that she was talking.
But her efforts were in vain. All of the dancer's faces turned to look at her but they didn't seemed to be worried on the slightest.
Instead, while they were dancing, they reached out their hands towards her, in a way of invitation.
Strasbourg widened her eyes in utter surprise. They had the same face of the victims who were caught by the dancing plague but instead of seeing the horror on their faces, they were smiling happily and seemed so joyful and relieved unlike their faces before.
"They're.... Inviting me in their dance...?" The Strasbourgeois thought to herself as, without realizing, she reached out her hand too. When she realizes what she was doing, she instantly panicked.
"No no no no no no!! No!! STOP! STOP IT! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!!" She thought to herself, feeling in horror how her own body was against her will as it started to move each of her limb as if it wasn't paralyzed in the first place.
Strasbourg felt her blood running cold as she tried to take control of her body again but something blocked her to have an access of it.
"Is someone actually taking control of it??! Please! Someone! Anyone! HELP!!"
She wanted to yell so much but she couldn't. She couldn't speak, move, see or even hear anything clearly at this rate and the only thing she could do was watching herself succumb into the dancing mania as well.
If only she should have listened, she wouldn't have been seeing her own body having an stupid ecstatic smile while her limbs would move in coordination with the invisible music...
Strasbourg stopped his story as he innocently took a sip from his beverage. Alsace, who was already on the very edge of her seat, looked at him intensely before shifting her gaze into a confused, impatient and irritated one.
"AGH-!! Come on!! Really?!!"
The Strasbourgeois stopped drinking his chocolate as he looked at the alsacien, raising an eyebrow in a light playful tone.
"What?" He asked, chuckling lightly. Alsace huffed as she crossed her arms.
"Don't play dumb with me Strasbourg! You know what I mean! How did it even end?! I mean- you literally interrupted the story in the middle of it, where you literally got possessed!!"
Strasbourg rolled his eyes as he put down his now third empty cup as he looked at the other woman, deadpan.
"Pour la dernière fois (for the last time), I was not possessed. I still don't know what happened to me during that time but I still had my mind therefore it's not possession" he explained. Alsace snorted.
"Alright alright, si tu le dis (if you say so). Still.. how did it end?" She eagerly asked in insistance. Strasbourg thought about it, crossing his legs as he spoke again, this time his tone was more serious, trying to remember correctly what happened.
"Well.. After my.. fever dream- I woke up with a few pastors and cleric surrounding me, saying that I was possessed and they were able to get the demon out of me when I wore red shoes."
Alsace's tense position fell off when she heard what he have just said.
"Wait no kidding. Red shoes???"
Strasbourg nodded as he took his cup only to remember that it was empty. He grumbled a little but didn't really minded it as he put it back down. He cleared his throat.
"Yeah, it seems so weird but this whole case of "dancing plague" was already bizarre in the first place. And when I didn't believed them, I saw a few people who used to dance resting on a couch. Some of them really seemed to be on the edge but also relieved that their misery was done. And I actually saw that they wore red shoes, just like what the church have said. I really don't know how ok earth did they come with it but eh, that... Thing just disappeared mysteriously as much as it appeared. Therefore meh" he ended his story with a shrug. Alsace glared at him as the Strasbourgeois eyed her too.
"Quoi? (What?), I'm serious. It ends like this. If you excepted a dramatic end, sorry but it's not for this one"
Alsace raised her hands.
"Alright, alright I understand. Plus, it was already quite disturbing but interesting at the same time that you couldn't... Stopped yourself from dancing."
"Now that I think about it. It WAS weird what happened"
"Yeah no shit Sherlock"
Strasbourg rolled his eyes as he lightly punched the alsacien who laughed as well. The two waited a few moments before the woman started to get up, stretching herself a little as she checked out her watch.
"Well, seems like I need to go now, I don't want Lorraine to worry about me moping outside for too long" she said. Strasbourg nodded as he got up too.
"Do you want me to accompany you to the metro station or not?" He asked. Alsace shook her head.
"Nah it's only a few minutes from here plus, you're probably tired now. I mean it's quite late now" she dismissed. Strasbourg hummed as he sat down again.
"Alright then, thanks for the chocolate by the way"
Alsace smiled at him with a hint of mischief.
"I know. Allez au revoir (alright bye)" she waved as the Strasbourgeois laughed and waved back. He wanted for her to go away completely before getting up and locking the door.
He breathed out heavily as he started to clean up the table and the cups that he and Alsace have used. When everything was clean, he laid on his bed, breathing out as he ran his hand through his hair. Everything was dead silent as he looked at the ceiling, not moving an inch.
Then he started to laugh and laugh even more.
Finally, when he started to calm down a bit, he looked back at the ceiling, still giggling to himself as he breathed in and out before speaking out loud.
"Sorry, I didn't meant to keep repeating that argument I just didn't had ideas on the moment"
Another audible silent. Strasbourg laughed again.
"Yeah I know I could have just dodged it but- It was just too tempting I guess" he breathed out.
Silence again.
"Okay okay next time, I'll try to find a less suspicious way to tell people what happened but still-"
Strasbourg sat up on his bed as he removed his socks. His feet were swollen red and rubbed mark on it, alongside with barely visible cuts and ecchymoses. He sighed before laying back again. Another oppressive silence could be heard as he spoke again.
"Could you at least hide those this time? I would very much prefer sleep in more comfortable conditions thank you"
As Strasbourg spoke, the marks and bruises on his feet somehow started to fade out in a mysterious way. After a few seconds, he checked on them and seemed satisfied.
"Merci (thank you), I'll repay you in a way. Probably with a soul or two" he spoke loudly as he finally relaxed, this time the silence in his room seemed more loudly than ever.
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Archive of our own version
{4874 words}
Strasbourg in Real life : 🏙️☃️🌰
Strasbourg in the one-shot : 😈👹
Yeah I wanted to write some horror stuff again and it really seemed like I'm really not good at it-
Anyway bye lol
Posted: 29/10/2023
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