amereoddsketch · 11 months
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[“Your in for quite the disappointment Stanleys”]
(Gotta love the Stanleyverse in a parable paradox huh @raydiationpoisoning :3)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
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Y/N just copped these Stanleys from the hole/dreamland sequence and said "they're my friends now"
The Stanley Parable: Into the Stanleyverse coming soon
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lazaruswaves · 2 months
Have you played/watched The Beginner's Guide and what do you think of it? Is it canon to your stanleyverse?
(btw sorry for repeated asks you have just hit one of my hyperfixations lmao)
I haven't actually but I really want to so whenever it goes on sale I'll play it
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albertkensington · 2 years
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He didn't work here at all, did he?
Albert, or Employee 425 as he recalled, had been traversing nearly identical halls and shoddy elevators for what felt like an eternity. Not a single clock in this dreaded place seemed correct, each one possessing a wildly different time to the last.
Perhaps time simply didn't exist here? Might as well, as the view out of the windows offered vast nothingness and nearly blinding light, just as artificial as the Office's own fluorescent ones.
If Albert was not a real employee in this mockery of a desk job, then this must of been Hell, he thought.
But after further pondering, he thought... what did he do to deserve this solitude? This corporate hellscape that only offered impossibly long halls and the sinking feeling that he was being followed?
But then, another rumination! Perhaps his purpose was a more metaphorical one. Maybe this was a test, a lesson, some kind of long-winded dream sequence where he may awake having learnt a valuable life skill to solve all his problems.
Such ponderings were the only thing keeping the boy's psyche intact, being mere moments away from a most hysterical break.
In a bid to keep his faculties, Albert had circled back around to his 'own' office, somehow. It hadn't been the first time that the halls had twisted cruelly to send him back to square one. In this moment, however, Albert took the opportunity to step back into the room, up to the window that looked out to a hall.
He thumped the glass. Once. Twice. Thrice. Each pound harder than the last. He wondered how many strikes the glass might take to cave it in and give access to the unfamiliar hall on the other side.
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amereoddsketch · 10 months
Love bugged Stanleyverse
(No I don’t have too many Stanleys-)
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albertkensington · 2 years
Jon (the Narrator) is 8 feet x)
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Jon could pick this twink up like a sack of potatoes
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