#sry i have so many thoughts about drake industries
scintillyyy · 3 months
anyways the thing about tim & wealth is that it's not so much relatable on account of how well off the drakes are, but it is interesting. to me.
so, like. the drakes are well-off from their inception, yea. but like. they're so clearly implied to be new money esp considering the 80s when they were conceived with the stock market bubble. like the excess of the million dollar jet screams ppl whose business really boomed in the 80s and they were going to flash their gains. the facade of the new money with the mention of the jack buying an erte litho...the flashiness of owning nice things, but those things were still just a facsimile of the real thing....multiple apartments...buying a home completely in cash....but then a few bad investments is enough to wipe out most everything...god the fanon of drake industries being an unshakeable old titan like wayne enterprises is so uninteresting to me because drake industries was such a volatile company. it almost got wiped out by phil marin embezzling from them...pls see my vision it was a small but fairly stable family company that hit it big & could not sustain itself like that forever...tim's canonical issues with worrying about money & the idea that he was well aware that the company his family owned was always teetering on the edge. good years were good. bad years could mean they could lose it all. tim doesn't worry about food on the table and the roof over his head, but he does worry about the years they're in the red...his parents fights worsen when the company has a poor year...his dad thinks they should take a risk, his mom thinks they should be cautious...they don't fight about it in front of him, they don't want their son to worry about their finances, but he knows despite that...if the company doesn't make it, what will happen to them....he is 8, it isn't his responsibility, but he feels the weight of it in the background all the same...
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