#srsly their logo designs are my favorite!
rani-karenita · 4 years
HAKUMAITO and JUNGLE are neck-to-neck when it comes to the "Clan with Best Logo Design" award.
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kalikoris · 6 years
11 Questions Tag
thanks for taggin me sis @yeoontan
1. Do ya like milk? Explain.
NO I DON”T LIKE MILK. I can never understand how people just straight up?? drink?? milk?? but if milk had pulp on the other hand....(im jk) but srsly I only like milk if it’s paired up with something else. 
2. How do you like to relieve stress?
cry. seriously, crying can be a great stress reliever. or i would watch something.
3. Where would you want to live in the future?
in a house. life is hard i hope im not homeless in the future
4. What’s one of the fondest memories you have?
me first getting into anime and that whole culture. idk i feel like that was the beginning of the end lol. even tho i dont watch anime anymore its rly close to my heart
5. When was the last time you read a book that impacted you for life?
ik this is really fuckin stupid but the Warriors series about the cats lmao. It made me want to start writing and be creative. I always think about it from time to time.
6. What’s your favorite gum brand?
idk im chewing trident right now so yah (This message is brought to you by Trident™. The Great Taste that Is Good for Your Teeth.)
7. Are you into art and design? If so what’s your favorite work? It could be anything tbh i.e. motion, print, books, paintings, sketches, websites, rebranding, etc.
i’m currently a graphic design major but im having one crisis after another so idk if its gonna stay like that :^).  But I’m into the advertising and logo design aspect.
8. Summer or winter?
Summer cuz imma summer baby yaaass
9. Polka dots or stripes?
polka dots
10. When did you last hug/say ily to someone you love?
i said ily to @jinspizzeria like 2 hours ago. i hugged one of my guy friends cuz he was apologizing for almost killing me(this boy don’t know how to drive guys)
11. Why did you start tumblr?
i honestly can’t remember, i was like 11 but I didn’t start using it until I was like 15. 
My Questions:
1. What are you proud of, but never have an excuse to talk about?
2. What’s your favorite smell?
3. What is something about you that no one else would believe?
4. What’s one superpower you DON’T want? 
5. What can you talk about for hours? 
6. What’s the best part of your day?
7. If you could bankrupt any person, company, country, or organization, who would it be?
8. For what in life do you feel the most grateful?
9. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
10. Is a hot dog in a bun a sandwich?
11. If someone offered you $10 million for a quarter pound of your flesh for them to consume, would you do it?
I taaaaag : @muqqlestudies, @taethot, @hopejingi, @snoqlax, @redheadhobi
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