#springbreak trip
spring2-trip · 2 months
StudentCity Spring Break Guide: Easy Planning Tips for Budget-Friendly Fun
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Navigating Spring Break on a budget doesn't mean sacrificing the fun! With StudentCity's expert advice, planning an epic getaway that won't break the bank is simpler than ever. Discover savvy strategies for maximizing your Spring Break experience without overspending. From smart destination choices to cost-effective activities and budget-friendly accommodation options, our guide covers it all. Get ready to make the most of your Spring Break adventure with StudentCity, ensuring unforgettable memories while staying within your budget constraints.
260 Fordham Rd Suite A-120, Wilmington, MA 01887, United States
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Activities To Do With Your Family For Spring Break
Activities To Do With Your Family For Spring Break If you’re like me, you’re probably looking for opportunities to travel and get out of the house. That’s why spring break, which is approaching quickly, is so great: it gives us an opportunity to hit the road, see the sights, and spend some quality time with our families. Here are some of my favorite things to do with my family during Spring…
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expedianaby · 2 years
Couple ride to Ladakh | RANCHI to LADAKH travel Vlog Series Trailer | Expedian Aby
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butmakeitgayblog · 7 months
What about some deets on the trip where Clarke backs out of getting her nipples pierced
Really it's just a normal trip like any other. A springbreak week getaway fully funded by Mama and Papa Griffin (early birthday present for Clarke supposedly). They get a group of friends to get their own shit together enough to make it a whole trip, but the two of them specifically shack up in the same single room because "it's more economically sound. The rest of you guys can figure out your sleeping arrangements yourselves."
Again, typical.
They spend the entire week lounging on beaches and drinking a steady supply of cocktails that literally only a 22 year old's liver could possibly handle. 20% of the time they spend bumming around little shops and going out to eat, more often than not slipping away from their group for some hard fought "just us" time that exactly no one is surprised by. The other 80% is spent either at the rental house pool or the beach, bikinis and gauzy sarongs the go-to choice for public fashion.
It's a given that they're always splayed out next to each other and it's a given if there's not enough seats, they're always perched in each other's laps. It's a given that while the rest of the group are either hooking up with each other or wandering off with their holiday flings, Clarke and Lexa don't pay anyone else any mind. They certainly don't entertain the notion of seeking anything with anyone else. If there's booze and music and dancing, 10 out of 10 times you're going to find them dirty grinding with each other.
It's disgusting because they're like the moms of the group in a lot of ways. Always the first ones up at the crack of noon to make everyone breakfast, always the ones setting out water and ibuprofen for people to chug before they disappear to their own bed.
The particular night after the pair had bailed on everyone down on the beach, they'd all just assumed the two had gone home to do whatever weird ~platonic~ gay shit it is that they always do. Except when they come stumbling in they can hear very clear sounds of... Lexa? Hissing and moaning... from the bathroom? Randomly interspersed with Clarke's, "God, you're really sensitive, babe. Just hold still for me ok, I'm almost finish," before Lexa's answering groan of, "Mmm this is all your fault. Yeah keep going. Fuck, that feels good."
A lot of choked backed whoots, a few furious shouts of "goddammit", and an insulting amount of bet payouts exchanging hands (that have to immediately be returned) ends with a very displeased and in-pain Lexa whipping the door open with her signature scowl, revealing the disappointing image of her with a two cooling packs strapped to her chest like a bandeau and a confused Clarke standing at the sink, capping up a bottle of piercing aftercare spray🤨
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will80sbyers · 2 years
The week is long. (springbreak is one week)
The silver cat (Vecna) feeds (kills) when blue (Mike) meets yellow (Will) in the west. (California)
A trip to China (there was that saying about China being in the other side of the world and if you dig enough you can reach it = The upside down ) sounds nice, if you tread lightly. (If you pay attention on where you put your feet to not wake up Vecna by stepping on the vines)
now... is the last part about the teens going in the UD or could it be about season 5 and Mike and Will going in the upside down... that's the question
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sonneillonv · 2 years
and chrissie surely didn't tell him the real reason why she needed it. she probably told him she's stressed because of finals after springbreak so he didn't know the extent of her situation. he wouldn't have given it to her if he thought it could harm her. love your additions.
Thank you, Anon 💜
And no, she definitely didn't tell him the real reason or he wouldn't have been quite as shocked when Vecna's attack first started. 😅 She might have told him she's having really bad dreams, or maybe that she's been so anxious with a sense of impending doom that she can't focus on anything else. Maybe just that she 'feels scared all the time'. But my overall guess would be that he would have thought her problem was anxiety and/or depression, and Ketamine is actually very effective for treating depression!
A Ketamine high is characterized by disassociation and euphoria, which may be why Eddie thought it might help her - not only by lifting her mood, but also by giving her some distance from whatever was causing her such anxiety in her life so she could relax. A low dose, taken once, would have been really truly unlikely to cause her any harm or give her a bad experience, so the people saying that Eddie didn't give a shit about her safety are way off-base. As party drugs go, he picked a very safe one for her, and one that may actually have been able to help her had her problem NOT been, y'know, supernatural.
Mental health stigma being what it was in the 80's, I strongly doubt she would have gone into too much detail. But one of the things I love about Hellcheer, and that makes me love Eddie, is that after talking to him for literally five minutes Chrissy felt like she could trust him to help her without judging her. And I've said many times, and will continue to say, that I think Eddie being 'the local weed-and-occasional-pill-guy' and Eddie being a DM are actually two sides of the same moral precept for him, which is this: When your life is shit, escape is a kindness.
An escape can be a couple hours in a fantasy role-playing game where the goals are concrete and you can actually win. Or an escape can be a couple hours of a euphoric trip. An escape can be the stage high you get off playing heavy metal for an enthusiastic audience of five drunks. Eddie's whole character is built around the idea of 'escape' which is, incidentally, why his cowardice makes perfect sense - he runs from problems, he helps other people run from problems. The system has never helped him, so he works outside it. He sees someone like Chrissy, with the walls closing in around her, and he opens a window for her the only way he knows how. It's not greed or negligence, it's mercy.
Is it the absolute bestest, most ideal way for Chrissy to address her problems? Of course not. In a perfect world, her whole family would be in (free, competent, compassionate) therapy - and it's worth noting here that Chrissy DID try that. She was talking to a therapist, but I doubt the guidance counselor was licensed to prescribe and even if she was, that would have meant getting Chrissy's parents involved. Actually, it may even have been her recommendation that Chrissy see a doctor licensed to prescribe antidepressants that drove Chrissy to Eddie in the first place - if she knew she needed chemical help, but she couldn't tell her parents, that leaves her one obvious option.
What a lot of people in this fandom don't seem to realize is that we do not live in a perfect world. If you actually care about helping people and reducing the harm they suffer from their circumstances, you have to meet them where they are, and where they are is usually messy and imperfect and problematic and less-than-ideal. You have to square with the fact that people still deserve help when they make choices you don't like. If you judge them for using the only safe resources they had (or in Eddie's case, for offering the only safe resources people had), you're actually doing the opposite of good - you're contributing to a stigma that drives people away from seeking help through legal channels.
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hornestern54 · 2 months
The Simple Guide To Cruise Travel - What Everyone Must Know Before Boarding Ship
The more variety of food you have, superior your odds of sticking in addition to your diet. The beach gives all tides, with good lefts a number of rights. Good travel guides come in all types. By Plane - Traveling by plane is fast and reliable. From Miami it will take a mere 30 laps. You will need a passport for proper identification to get your share in and among the country so make sure you remember it while it safe while a person there. Your flight will land at the Lynden Pindling International Airport which is positioned on free airline side of Nassau. You must simply go through customs and fill out an immigration form. A customs officer may ask you a few questions but just answer truthfully and you have to be through within 30 or so minutes. Once through you will be directed through view entrance and there will be many taxis waiting there to collect vacationers. Making the taxi is suggested and costs between 20 and 50 dollars for the way far these kinds of taking users. View More: topninhbinhaz.com - Top Ninh Bình AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ninh Binh AZ: Vũ Thu Ngân - Vu Thu Ngan When In order to - While Nassau is really a popular holiday spot it is equipped with its on season and off moment. When you want left solely is dependent the regarding crowd weight are not healthy to together with. The on season officially starts from mid-December and ends in mid-April. During this season hotels will charge more, there will be fantastic deal more people, and the crowds can acquire pretty stealing attention. Throughout March and April is springbreak and all the time of younger college kids choose Nassau as their top setting. If you don't in order to be deal with a younger crowd, higher prices, and folks all around, then don't travel during this season. However a single, younger crowd will usually like that time period of decade. Tin Top Ninh Binh AZ 247 Madrid may be the capital of Spain, and along with Barcelona will be the country's critical city. Offers plenty of accommodation options, services, restaurants, etc. You can find Madrid, Spain travel guides both online and off brand.
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View More: topninhbinhaz.com - Top Ninh Bình AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ninh Binh AZ: Vũ Thu Ngân - Vu Thu Ngan Halong Bay travel guide will show you a number of places to visit when you touring Vietnam. Halong Bay tour destinations range in the amount of activities which can experience. Depending on what you want to do fluctuate on the tour that is right a person. There is however, 1 other place globe that seeing see any user compare to the beauty of Halong Fresh. The natural wonders that these see when coming for the area resemble nothing else you have ever included. Don't overeat. If you stuff your face with contaminated food, you'll feel a hell for this lot worse than should you ate a reduced portion. Discharge two times I've been sick abroad were right after a 3 or 4 course meal at a better end steakhouse. Are you curious about seeing cultural heritage of Vietnam? Then Hue City is the answer to it. It has temples, tombs, palaces and pagodas are unimaginably dazzling. Top Ninh Binh AZ 247 Hue has truly managed to preserve its attract. Some of the sites in area are worth visiting including Thien Mu Pagoda, Minh Mang Tomb, Citadel and Imperial City and more. This Ninh Binh City is an important center for Buddhism too. The city still holds the traditional value and is famous for Handicrafts. Have you ever considered venturing into a great trip what your and your spouse will spend otherwise boring days in a bustling city like Da Lat? This place holds a involving interesting places to explore so the guaranteed that there is more fun to match the love and romance. Your destination is Xuan Huong lake, really operate see it in continuing your journey to the accommodation. When you walk around this popular landmark, you will find numerous bars, cafes, restaurants and activities to a person busy for your day. Picking a horse cart to travel around the river is just amazing enough before you eventually choose stop by somewhere more. Another way is hiring cabs from Kalka. Usually two or tree families join together and book a major car. Your current products hire a taxi, the taxi driver would give you in the principle road of Shimla. Factors many features Shimla much Mall may possibly not be accessed by vehicles. The government of Shimla has restricted the vehicle entry to the places sustain the land from smoke and pollution caused with vehicles. Also, the roads are very narrow with frequent approaches. You have simply for some length and climb up or climb down few steps and again start walking. This set up is unsuitable for operating vehicles. That means you rarely see two wheelers in Shimla. Its been a leisurely visit in this. I usually feel that Jack Bauer on television series 24 on my trips with non-stop itineraries. I feel rested because board our 3 hour flight to Vietnam. When In order to - While Nassau is really a popular getaway it gives you its on season and off season. When you want left solely can be the associated with crowd excess to deal with. The on season officially starts from mid-December and leads to mid-April. Negative effects season hotels will charge more, there will be fantastic deal more people, and the crowds may be offered pretty stealing attention. Throughout March and April is summer and heaps of younger college kids choose Nassau as their top interest. If you don't to be able to deal having a younger crowd, higher prices, and take advantage of the all around, then don't travel within season. However a single, younger crowd will usually like now of year. The official national language of the country is Arabic. At Kurdistan the official language is Kurdish and everyone uses it as they try to be autonomous. There's also many different dialects in order to Arabic spoken in many regions. Visitors that don't speak Arabic will not have any problem communicating in English as the majority of us can speak English especially in the market and in hotels. However, the problem is that speaking English is dangerous as everyone will know you are a foreigner. Shed you a target so it's something that you need to pay awareness of.
Vietnam, officially known as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is situated in South East Asia. Vietnam has come a long way and today it is among the most the expanding nations in tourism. Undoubtedly Vietnam is considered the most the most incomparable beautiful places. Mountains, beaches, villages, cities, islands and a bit more are the optimal attractions of Vietnam. People of Vietnam are very optimistic, which could be one of the reasons possess successfully left their war miseries behind and are surfacing the fastest growing nature. It is during books that offer genuine where can certainly find a possible destination for a day trip summarized as follows: "Village with a 14th century church, Gothic with some later elements, a 16th century Renaissance town hall, and a museum with two minor Tintorettos". Tin tổng hợp Top Ninh Bình AZ Anh Sang alley's Hue traditional noodle is also a must you will find many traveler. Depending is around 15,000 VND per can. Quite cheap again, don't you think it's? Don't forget attempt to a sumptuous Vietnamese snack called "banh beo" combined with the 10,000 VND per day. The place is usually crowded with guests making it advisable to acquire everything you want at when you are. Here in Da Lat they call it "banh beo" number 4 of Master of science. Huong because it lies at number 4 in the intersection of los angeles Son Phu Tu and Hai Ba Trung block. The place is closed during vegetarian days on 14th, 15th, 30th, 1st of each month (Lunar calendar). We attend the Water Puppet Show, a ancient art form unique only to Hanoi. This blend of music and dance on water was the involving entertainment of villagers ancient times. We then scatter to explore the city, Asia's oldest capital. Some go for massages and pedicures at prices that can not be resisted. Some shop for souvenirs other people have clothes tailor created them. I have an embroidered silk dress cut to my body in 4 hours for $45. Tin tong hop Top Ninh Binh AZ Doing exercises visited the handicraft villages for bargains in art, ceramics and lacquerware. The currency is often a great challenge for us as $10,500 dong equals 65 dollars. We felt like millionaires yet it was disheartening fully grasp that the annual per capita income is just $320! We tip generously throughout. Lifts or elevators Ninh Binh City are as mode of shipping. They are erected by Himachal Tourism Development Corporation on road side and anybody can board the lift and travel on paying the fixed cuisine. Two or three such lifts are related to one another to get you to great altitudes. This will be a wonderful adventure the first time visitors. A stroll or quick drive west of this pier can reward by using a bunch of beach breaks that spreads the crowds out, meant for hold a lttle bit less swell due towards absence of jetties. The off season is considered the remaining year, from mid-April to mid-December. Prices will be cheaper presently there will be less individuals Nassau. Single downside reality that most particularly when have the time to travel on the moment of year and you are usually near construction because most hotels choose to renovate to make certain of semester. There is really a museum tour of the Ho Chi Minh Museum, which is quite popular for locals and tourists, like it displays specifics of Ho Chi Minh as well as the city of Hue . Study your destination prior to leaving. Tin Top Ninh Binh AZ It's a idea to obtain familiar employing destination prior to leaving. Your travel guide points out popular attractions, good hotels along with other stuff escalating handy understand. You will have a better idea of where invest your some time before you will arrive. Mark out sites that look interesting to be sure when you there you will know a little about it and save time on places don't pique your curiosity. We arrive to another world with rice paddies, sampans, lotus blossoms, coconut milk and noodle soups. It's like time machine travel to be able to the 15th century in this graceful land that is steeped in history. It is far poorer than I required. There is however, an alluring charm which can be found in the gentility of available today . with the sincerest of smiles. I'm a fan of the Third Global. Whereas Singapore was dynamic, Hanoi is culturally stimulating. The city is studded with lakes and shaded by tamarind trees. It really is a dichotomy that bustles with Chi-energy nevertheless is tranquil at once. View More: topninhbinhaz.com - Top Ninh Bình AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Ninh Binh AZ: Vũ Thu Ngân - Vu Thu Ngan Written By Author in topninhbinhaz.com: Phạm Văn Linh - Pham Van Linh
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Written By Author in topninhbinhaz.com: Nguyễn Việt Long - Nguyen Viet Long
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spriggan21 · 1 year
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In life you basically have two choices. Settle for whatever version of hell you have been given, or say fuck that and create Heaven for yourself… What an amazing spring break trip to Miami for @ultra music festival!! Can’t wait for next year!! And it so good to meet new people along the way!! . . . . . . . . . . . #UltraMusicFestival #Ultra #Miami #SpringBreak #EDM #EDMLife #EDMLifestyle #TheW #BrickellMiami #Florida #Everglades #SwimmingPool #TravelGrams #TravelMore #GetOutside #MiamiLifestyle (at Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqZ4PF7OVpgwG6-KQdo1OsvdykX9PwsJIHhN4Q0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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(FlorenceLegallyBrunette)Florence describes how the pandemic has affected scheduling of meetings and court and how to best maximize your time.  Florence also gives a recap of a work trip to Las Vegas and Spring Break in Savannah and New Orleans.  Florence reviews and recommends the documentary on MH370 and the JLo movie Shotgun Wedding and Ant Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.  #lasvegas, #scheduling, #springbreak, #savannah, #nola, #mh370, #shotgunwedding, #quantumania
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jardinej-manwryte · 1 year
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The past weekend with the brodies in Austin was mad funnn. Needed that Spring Break trip. Austin brought that vibe out. #springbreak (at 6th Street Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqEVMZEPhCF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spring2-trip · 2 months
StudentCity Guide: Essential Tips for an Unforgettable Spring Break Party
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Embarking on the Spring Break journey with StudentCity promises an adventure-filled escape. Ensuring your party is a hit requires some strategic planning. From selecting the ideal destination to budgeting effectively and prioritizing safety, our guide offers essential insights. Prepare to craft an unforgettable Spring Break celebration that strikes the perfect balance between excitement and responsibility. Get ready to create lasting memories and enjoy every moment of your Spring Break experience with StudentCity.
260 Fordham Rd Suite A-120, Wilmington, MA 01887, United States
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isaac-morey · 1 year
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❤️ 400 likes prismagick: Meant to post this yesterday but got back late and fell asleep. Had an amazing time with @ ramblinman this last week on my first time to Paris and our first trip together. I had to post my favorite picture of Nick from our adventures there; he's just ridiculously cute when he's broody. #springbreak #travel 
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It's Spring Break! 🌱 Time to get together with your family and friends, celebrate the best of what's to come, grab a margarita 🍹and hit the beach 🩱, cruise the seas 🛳and enjoy all that the season has to offer☀️! On the hunt for the perfect 🌈 Spring Break? Don't worry, we got this. 🎯 Spring Break is right around the corner, hire Officially Crowned Travel so you can kick your feet up 🤸🏾‍♀️ and enjoy! 🛫🕌🚘🛳🏖🏝🛬 Contact us today ☎️ and we'll help find 🤩 and plan the trip of your dreams 🥳! #spring #springbreak #vacation #travel #travellife #travelagent #traveladdict #travelingram #travelblogger #traveltheworld #travelblog #vacationtime #vacationmode #insta #instadaily #instatravel #instagood https://instagr.am/p/ColBNvdy3Np/
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expedianaby · 2 years
Couple ride to Ladakh | RANCHI to LADAKH travel Vlog Series Trailer | Expedian Aby
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butmakeitgayblog · 2 years
I will gladly spend my life rolling out a red carpet for you wherever you go if you want to write a MBFW drabble about those piercings.
"Your assistance is required."
A long stretch of silence passed between the affectionate exchange of yells before a loud sigh made her smile.
"But I'm comfortable," Lexa heard the self-proclaimed couch potato whine back as she eyed the faint tan line that peeked out just above her bust line.
A week of painstaking attention to coverage, a week of taking the time to flip and bathe on alternating sides to keep everything even, of choosing only the skimpiest of bikini ties and religiously getting the loaf flaked out on her sofa to rub sunblock and lotion over every inch on display, and still, the twin strips of two-toned skin mocked her reflection. She made a note to toss the bikini that had obviously betrayed her into the trash.
But the allure of her own skin, still golden weeks off their senior year springbreak trip was too good to waste away in her shitty sixth story apartment.
It was just... well.
"I need you."
"I'm very needable."
Lexa let her hands fall to her hips with a huff. "I need you in here."
"But the tv is out here."
"... There's boobs involved!"
All it took was a quick count to three for a predictable groan to ring out amid the sock-clad padding of feet.
"That's not always going to work. And it was a commercial, so don't get cocky," Clarke sighed as she perched herself against Lexa's bedroom doorway, arms folded and face thoroughly unimpressed. "What's the boob emergency?"
Smiling despite herself at the antics, Lexa gave herself a final look in the mirror before turning. "Too noticable?"
Blue eyes dropped to where she motioned toward her chest.
And stayed there.
As warm as Clarke's eyes on her always made Lexa feel, all it served to do was make her more antsy.
"Um..." Clarke breathed with a shake of her head and blinked herself out of whatever thoughts had clouded over. "I mean. They're— I— I can see them, yes."
Lexa deflated at the confirmation of what she had very much already known.
It was starting to drive her crazy, this transition into being someone who had jewellery constantly attached to her breasts. The constant considering her choices in clothing and coverage and realizing just how much the damn things acted like a homing beacon to every set of eyes that saw her.
She didn't regret them. Really loved them, in fact, but feeling eyes that weren't her own (or a certain shade of blue) openly caress her chest in pubic was beginning to be a bit much to take.
Lexa sighed and sent out a silent ode to her past self, innocently living her thoughtless, blissfully average-nippled life.
"Why the long face, sweetcheeks?" Clarke said with a frown as she pushed into the room. "You look hot."
"Because this is my nicest dress and I wanted to make a good impression."
"Okay? I'm still not seeing a problem. Again, you look hot. Like... really hot."
Lexa rolled her eyes and fought back the blush that always accompanied any of Clarke's praise. She loved that Clarke was always her greatest cheerleader. But it wasn't exactly helpful in that moment. "I was going for attractive, yet professional."
"Well you look those too. I know I'd sure hire you."
A wink and smile met Lexa's narrowed-eyed glare.
"I want to be taken seriously, Clarke. I can't exactly do that with my nipples popping out of my dress like little whack-a-moles."
She couldn't help her own dejected laugh when her best friend snorted and settled on the edge of her bed, only to lounge across the duvet like she owned the place.
Lexa always loved that look on her when Clarke lazed in her home.
"If you're that worried, just wear a bra."
Lips pulled back into an apologetic grimace when Lexa whirled around and pointed to the bare expanse of her back with a strangled sound.
"Right," Calrke rallied immediately. "Right, so... Suit, then. Go for the whole, 'power lesbian' vibe. Totally professional, will cover the peepers, and! Most importantly, still hot as hell."
Lexa mulled over her choices and gave her plan up with a redesigned sigh of acceptance before grabbing the suit she knew without question was on display in Clarke's mind.
She undressed in the threshold of her sorry excuse for a closet, took her time changing into boxes and choosing between two bras she ultimately decided to forego.
"So do you hate them now?" Lexa heard from behind her as she pulled neatly pressed slacks up and felt eyes her follow the entire way.
"The piercings?"
Lex paused halfway through doing up her belt. "No... Why, do you think I should?"
A loud scoff had her smiling because she absolutely already knew the answer.
She wanted to hear it anyway.
"Only if I suddenly went blind," Clarke said with a groan as she stretched further out across the bed and collapsed. "But you seemed annoyed, and... I don't know, you got weird the other day when that chick from the bagel place kept looking—"
"Staring," Lexa corrected as she riffled through her jackets. "She was staring while you were standing right there! Who does that? You could've been my girlfriend for all she knew, and she just kept doing it."
"... Yeah, but I'm not your girlfriend."
Lexa's hands faltered on a hanger at the quiet statement.
At how small Clarke sounded.
Her shoulders lifted as she sucked in a breath that did just enough to settle the guilt ridden butterflies that had erupted in her belly. Because it'd be worth it and she'd make it up to her when everything was ready. When she was ready.
Because that was the whole point of nights like tonight, with all the networking and the elbow rubbing within the east coast literary society. That was the point that she'd been working toward since she'd watched everything almost slip away from her. And she'd be damned if that was going to happen, to her or to Clarke, so if the sacrifice of happiness now meant brighter future later?
So be it.
"I know," Lexa tried in a teasing lilt to break the tension and get them back to their relaxed eased. "'Cause you already have a girlfriend."
"Ew. No, I do not."
"Oh? So the girl you're sleeping with on a regular basis is...?"
She prided herself on the fact her voice only sounded the tiniest bit strained.
"I've slept with Niylah a couple of times," Clarke huffed. "That doesn't make her my girlfriend. I mean, last week we bought hot dogs and then made out on her couch. Does making out with hot dog breath sound like girlfriend activity?"
"Well," Lexa conceded and bit back a grin. "You certainly never did with me."
"I rest my case, jackass," Clarke muttered in a way Lexa could practically feel her scowl. "Now can we get back to the topic at hand?"
"My nipples?"
"I don't hate them," Lexa sighed and finished spritzing her chest with the bottle of cologne Clarke had bought her for Christmas. She knew from her very scientific one-woman-survey that it smelled best when applied directly to her skin. "They're just like little magnets for every perv in the tri-state area to oogle... And not to mention they're... tender."
"Yeah," Lexa said and felt heat flush her cheeks.
"What do you mean?" Clarke said in a rustle of sheets as she sat up. "Like they hurt?"
"Sort of."
Lexa went to reach for the button down laid draped over her dresser but then... then a rather delicious idea occurred to her instead.
It was shameless, and she could accept that, but with the name of Clarke's latest fling still fresh on her tongue, Lexa let her hand slip free from the shirt and slowly turned around.
She watched blue eyes grow hooded as they trailed down her chest.
"Do you think I should be worried?"
"What?" Clarke said in a throaty breath that Lexa felt everywhere.
She stepped closer. Settled into the space between Clarke's legs and frowned at the face staring up.
"Your mom's a doctor," Lexa reasoned very innocently. "And you know I trust you. What do you think?"
Clarke's throat bobbed in a swallow as she let her eyes drop.
Lexa wet her lips when hands pressed to her ribs, and she had to give Clarke credit where it was due, because her friend was always respectful. Always a gentlewoman (more or less). Always careful of when to cross certain boundaries, and more importantly, how.
So Lexa selfishly let herself enjoy the feel of those hands on her, every bit as much as she always did. She enjoyed the heat in blue eyes and the rushed pace of her pulse. She barely breathed as fingers traced the lines of her ribcage. Thumbs swept the under curve of her breast before apply gentle pressure.
"Does this hurt?" Clarke croaked and then shifted her touch higher. "Here?"
"No," Lexa said and it was all she could do not to sway into the touch when thumbs ghosted over pebbled pink.
The pad of Clarke's finger tapped the edge of the barbell that adorned her nipple and maybe she hadn't thought this entirely through.
"I think you're okay," Clarke seemed to get control of herself with the low sound of Lexa's groan at the twinge, only long enough to let her hands drop back to Lexa's ribs. But her fingers flexed and she pulled Lexa closer until her breath warmed the goosebumps that erupted across her skin. "They look good. I mean— I think they're healing just fine."
"Yeah?" Lexa tried around the lump in her throat that wouldn't seem to go away no matter how hard she swallowed. She let her own fingers toy with a few errant blonde curls. "All clear then, Dr. Clarke?"
"I think so."
"You think they look nice?"
"Hey, Dr. Clarke?"
Lexa slipped a knuckle under the dip of Clarke's chin and slowly lifted her gaze upward.
"Your patient's up here."
A cherry red tongue peeked out from between a toothy smile.
Talk about shameless.
Lexa wondered if it tasted like the candy they'd shared earlier.
She leaned down and popped a kiss to the cutest nose she'd ever seen in her life and gave Clarke a wicked a smile.
"See what I mean about being a magnet for pervs?"
She let out a loud belly laugh when those hands sent her stumbling backward with a shove, once so tenderly holding her, instead following her every move with a defiant middle finger lifted in the air.
"You can't shove boobs in my face and expect me not to look. It's cruel."
"And I thought I was the boob girl between us."
Clarke sniffed and gracefully rose from the bed, though the blush that flamed over her cheeks was more than worth it. "My disease is situational. Yours is a chronic condition."
"Is that your official prognosis?"
"Yes, smartass."
"Situational, huh? You saying my boobs are irresistible?"
An unrepentant blonde brow lifting was her only answer as Clarke swept from the room.
Lexa grinned and slipped the shirt over her shoulders and started doing up the buttons. The sound of her tv roared back to life as she strapped on her favorite watch, the one that matched its twin currently binging a trashy show in her living room, the watch she wore whenever she needed that secret little bit of comfort that came from the words, 'My fearless Lexa. Love, Papa Jake' engraved in the metal pressed against her wrist.
She warmed at the memory of their undergrad graduation day every time she put it on.
She needed its faith with her tonight.
"So who's this date again?" Clarke called over the back of the couch as Lexa beelined for her shoe rack and toed on the loafers that complimented her suit perfectly.
"Not a date, love."
"Not the point, sweet cheeks."
"Uhh," Lexa tried to remember through her eyeroll while fighting with her suit jacket and grabbing up her keys. "Cos... something? Maybe. I think."
"Thank you. Now I have a name to give police if you don't come home."
Lexa laughed as she gave herself a moment to breathe and leaned on her elbows over the back rest of the couch. "It's not a date."
"You're picking her up to wine and dine her—"
"I'm picking her up because my boss asked me to," Lexa soothed to the petulant that wouldn't look at her. "And we're going to a work event to kiss up to hoity-toity publishing drones. Does that sound like date activity?"
Baby blues pinned her in a bored look when Clarke let her head flop to the side.
She couldn't resist brushing that perfect nose with her own.
"Listen," Lexa whispered in the scant space between them. "I'm gonna go to this stupid dinner. And smooze people I don't particularly like. And then I'm gonna come home, and have a real dinner with you. Okay?"
Her lips tipped up into a fond smile when Clarke smooshed her forehead to Lexa's own.
"Promise to wake me up if I'm asleep?"
Lexa pulled back just far enough to press a kiss to her favorite person's lips. "Always, love. You think I could ever have midnight pizza and shitty movie night without you?"
Stubborn eyes watched her fix the lapel of her jacket.
They turned soft when she bent down and gave her another kiss.
"Eleven thirty at the latest!" Lexa reiterated for the hundredth time that day.
"Yeah, we'll see what your date has to say!"
"It's not a date! So keep the couch warm for me. I love you!"
She only closed the door after a quiet, "... I love you too."
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