#spoilers? imma forget in a week anyways shdjdh who cares
chrollohearttags · 7 months
one thing about me..is that I don’t continue series if they’re making me too sad and I’m not in the headspace to deal with them. Unlike with real world events, I can ignore a bunch of drawings in my safe space. It literally does NOT have to exist if I don’t want it to. Why willingly subject myself to something like that when there’s no need? It’ll be there when I’m ready to consume it again (the beauty of modern day technology and streaming amirite?) like I can’t turn off what’s going on in the world and the least I can do as someone privileged enough to not have to live through it is pay attention and spread awareness. I however, do not have to watch a show where everybody is getting packed up and it’s just pain. I don’t owe them a fuck thing tbh. Choose your battles wisely babes xo 🫶🏾
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