#spending time in outfit and with the script writers plus getting vital information from georgie himself
krittec · 2 months
I need a portion of the HoTD fandom to sit down and stop being so overtly horrible towards actors and actresses simply doing their job and getting into the minds of their characters to do a better job, then being berated by people because it doesn’t fit their personal understanding of a character that they don’t play or spend elongated time in the mind of.
This goes extra for the women of the show because I’m sick of seeing ‘Cunt’ and ‘Bitch’ being thrown around because someone explained how the character they play saw a situation, or saw themselves in that moment because it’s always a vital way to play a character or give insight.
Some of y’all are no better than some of the characters in this show. It is a fictional TV show at the end of the day, take a damn walk if you feel the need to harass someone for no good reason.
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