#spencer's special and got actual map/killer concepts bc her character lends well to this game lmao
msommers · 2 years
i have the horror genre brainrot and have been playing dead by daylight nonstop lately, so here’s a bunch of fun concepts for a few ocs as survivors. for elide and maeve i like to imagine they were plucked from their fantasy worlds~ just because it brings to mind some funny imagery while putting them next to regular ass modern folk. (tagging @carminasolis bc of the recent ask you sent! here are half of the requested thoughts 😂)
perk #1 — perpetual calculations. you always think multiple steps ahead, preparing for success and failure alike. for each successful great skill check you gain a token, storing a total of 3/4/5 per trial. when you fail a skill check you expend one of your tokens, granting you the chance to immediately attempt the skill check once more with a 15%/20%/25% better chance at success. only one token can be expended per failed skill check. 
perk #2 — trick shot. you've scrounged for materials over the course of your last few trials, giving you enough to craft a single shot for the arbiter (the scattergun elide invented in andaria). once per trial you can activate the second ability button while standing still, pulling out the arbiter and taking aim. you can shoot at a range of up to 8/12/16 meters, stunning the killer for 4 seconds if you successfully hit them. 
perk #3 — rapid repair. you know how to quickly fix damaged machinery. you can see the auras of incomplete generators within a 8/16/24meter range. you gain a 8%/10%/12% bonus to repair speed while repairing generators below 60% progress.
outfits — would probably be her outfits from this art line-up! syllerian would be the default, casual a rare and orothelli the very rare. another very rare could be one of her modern outfits. a deep green teddy bodysuit under a pair of tight-fitting black jeans and a red cardigan. half-up crown braid styled hair.
perk #1 — damsel in distress. physical fights aren't your strong suit, but you have faith that your friends will always come to your aid. other survivors gain 10%/15%/20% speed while healing and rescuing you from a hook. when a survivor takes a protection hit for you while you're being chased, you both gain a 7% haste status effect for 4/5/6 seconds.
perk #2 — historical accounts. from the grim journals of maeve sommers, you recognize the details of your next trial’s setting. at the start of the trial, auras of generators, chests, hooks and totems are revealed to all survivors for 8/10/12 seconds within a 32 meter range.
perk #3 — the bard's muse. there's nothing wrong with a bit of idolization every once in a while. at the start of the trial, one other survivor is chosen at random to be your muse. the aura of your muse is revealed to you when you are within 8/16/24 meters of them. while your muse’s aura is revealed to you, they gain 8%/10%/12% action speed while repairing generators, unhooking survivors and healing.
default outfit — her outfit in the art here! prolly with pink and blue recolor options uwu
rare outfit — prolly a cute and more casual outfit, something she’d be found wearing at her estate. a dark purple long-sleeved top with ruffles around the edges and a floor-length black ruffled skirt to match, then a corset over the top which has flowers embroidered on it purely for the aesthetic bc who needs function. honestly could look good in a roughed up state.
very rare outfit — mayhaps just a modern maeve outfit bc why not. hair in half-up space buns. a lace heavy shirt worn underneath a flower patterned elbow length button-up, both tucked into a pair of light jeans. bi pride patch stitched onto one of the back pockets and wearing a bunch of jewelry plus pink heart-shaped glasses.
perk #1 — seeker’s study. your deductive and perceptive skills can aid your allies. perks that allow you to reveal the aura of the killer last 3/4/6 seconds longer. whenever you reveal the killer’s aura, other survivors within range can also see their aura.  
perk #2 — rogue’s evasion. outrunning dangers seems to be a family inherited trait. gain a token for each successful pallet stun and rushed vault while being chased, up to a maximum of 3/5/7 tokens. for each token you gain a 1% haste effect while being chased by the killer. being put into the dying state or being hooked removes all tokens.
perk #3 — cosmic resistance. you are less afraid of the eldritch and arcane after accepting the harsh truths of the universe. killer perks effects that affect you within their terror radius are reduced by 8%/12%/18%. you recover from status and passive effects 4%/7%/10% faster and reduce the remaining duration of exhaustion by 6/8/10 seconds when you escape a chase.
default outfit — a denim jacket worn over a stripe patterned t-shirt, accompanied by dark blue jean leggings and a messenger bag slung across her shoulder. variants change the pattern of her shirt and shade of her jacket/pants. loose hair.
rare skin — a knee-length brown, wool double-breasted trench coat worn over a green sweater and light blue pair of jeans. her hair is up in a messy bun.
very rare skin — mandy thompson morph (like the stranger things/resident evil specials). she wears a yellow tweed jacket over top a dark brown shirt with a belt around her middle, with a below-the-knee box-pleated red skirt and plain dark knee stockings underneath. her glasses and pearl necklace are pristine baybee.
map — velma’s diner in arkham city, though from way back when in the 1930s~ when eldritch cult activity was at its peak in the city and investigators needed a space to relax and grab some food. and then, y’know, make it extremely fucked up. kind of as if the old cult had succeeded in summoning a great one and the city got screwed as a result, the entity pulled that universe’s version of it. the main building is the diner which has broken windows, doors and walls opened as vaults. the inside has a load of retro decorations and electronics, and in some places amidst all the random clutter there can be seen notes and gear of investigators that were still working to fight the good fight. the long countertop and rearranged barricades made out of the tables/booths are your classic loops. the outside is the parking lot and a small bit of the forest behind the diner, a killer’s shack replacing what was probably a utility shack of some kind just a small bit off to the side of the diner, and a road that you can cross. the other side has a handful of storefronts with signs so dilapidated that you can’t make out what they once were, but who cares bc there’s probably some generator spawns there.
killer — leader of the cult of atlach-nacha, aka the cult spencer was working against in her home realm. a humanoid man that has started to morph from his time spent devoted to and communicating with eldritch beings, able to call upon their powers for his machinations. probably that classic of having one tentacle-eqsue growth on one arm that has overtaken half the chest, making him a bit lopsided in stature but incredibly strong with that arm. not too sure about his ability. could be a case of calling on the power of the eldritch “deity” he worships to summon a tangible circle of the cosmos in a certain radius, triggering a countdown that leads to the survivors being confronted with the absolute horrors of reality and becoming afflicted by manifestations of that deity which could slow/injure them. ways to rid themselves of the effects could perhaps be reading one of mandy’s journals that are scattered throughout the map because her sensible, clinical ass notes can clear the mind lmao. i DO know that it’d be dope to have a perk  about conflicting loyalties, where he can displease his eldritch deity by instead working with the entity to alter smth in the trial. i don’t know what but it sounds cool from a character perspective.
i don’t know exactly Why it would have happened, but i know the When of spencer and the cult leader being brought into the entity’s realm would have been right in the middle of spencer and her friends attempting to disrupt the cult’s big ritual. two of the biggest players on that board being yoinked would have been really sucky so who knows what happened after that (i mean, i do. in this fake scenario her friends would have 100% won because she has really skilled allies lol)
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