#specifically pink tulips bc they mean friendship <3
volfoss · 3 years
fiore 💛
hi meet my little jojo oc who is yellow as hell, under the cut bc 1500ish words
Full Name: Fiore D'Onofrio
Pronunciation: FYO-reh Dawn-oh-free-oh
Name Meaning:
First: Flower
Last: Son of Onofrio
Age: 29 (as of 2001)
Date of Birth: February 2nd, 1972
Place of Birth: Chioggia, Italy
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/they
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 5’8”
Face: Fiore is pretty much always a bit flushed and always smiling. Their eyes are downturned and they have a Roman nose. Their eyes are framed with long eyelashes and they have a few moles on their forehead.
Eyes: Dark purple
Hair: His hair is white (Fiore actually refuses to tell if it’s natural or not) with chunky mint green and pink highlights. It’s a bit wavy with a center part, and a little bit longer than shoulder length. He normally pulls it up in a ponytail when he’s out or at work, and at work, he powders it a bit over the highlights to make it pass dress code.
Makeup: They wear thick black eyeliner that’s normally a bit smudged, bright yellow eyeshadow thats practically touching their eyebrows, and black lipstick. At work, he doesn’t wear any makeup other than a clear lip gloss.
Scars: Fiore has quite a few scars on the back of his hands due to woodworking and is missing his right pinky right below the knuckle due to the saw slipping when he was making his bedframe. He has scars on his chest that if anyone asks are from a bear attack.
Tattoos: He has full sleeves on both arms, which is why he wears long sleeves at work to cover them up. The design is floral and mostly black and white, with some occasional pops of yellow as petals of the sunflowers and coneflowers.
Piercings: Fiore has a silver eyebrow ring on their left eyebrow, which they have to take out for work, and has their ears pierced once.
Casual attire: Fiore normally wears a skin tight warm yellow tank top with a square neckline. The armholes come a bit lower than normal, they show to around his ribs. Over top, he wears a hot pink motorcycle jacket with floral embroidery covering the full back, with flowers such as roses, tulips, and daisies. The embroidery is specifically all in white thread and is outlining the numerous flowers. He wears teal denim shorts that come up a bit above his midthigh, and he normally tucks his tank top into his shorts. He normally wears a pair of tights with flowers embroidered on the knees. As for shoes, he wears a pair of yellow high top converse.
Accessories: Fiore’s arms are normally covered by his motorcycle jacket, but underneath, they’re covered about up to the elbow in jelly bracelets in all kinds of colors, although typically yellow, mint, and pink. They also wear a friendship bracelet on each wrist, one that they match with their best friend and roommate, and one that matches with their boyfriend. He has a handmade beaded flower choker that matches the daisies on the back of his jacket. As for work accessories, they don’t normally wear many other than small studs in their ears.
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^ color palette
Work outfit: They wear a soft pink colored long sleeved button up with the top 3 buttons undone and pair that with a cream colored lace shawl to keep them a bit warmer in the cool library. His shirt is tucked into his navy blue slacks to add a bit of professionalism to the outfit. His shoes are light brown chelsea boots, since those are the most comfortable to walk in.
Personality: Fiore is a really friendly person, to the point of being overly helpful almost all of the time. They’re really courteous (especially at work) and good at keeping secrets, which is really helpful for who they’re dating. Fiore is EXTREMELY good at getting distracted way way too often and will have to write stuff down a lot to remember what they need to do. They’re pretty observant, in the way that they’re aware of their boyfriends job but accepts it (doesn’t actively cheer him on but is ok with it).
In terms of asking about things and in general, Fiore is very direct and will not dance around subjects at all. He’s very competitive, especially with cooking, and will work really hard to get better at a recipe until he’s mastered it. Other than being competitive, he’s pretty calm and laid back around other people, and is a relaxing presence in any situation, other than being a bit too extroverted. He shows people he cares about them by showing a lot of interest in what they’re into, and will do a lot of research into it, in order to ask questions about it.
Likes: Fiore has a couple hobbies and can make pretty elaborate lace creations, and is relatively good at woodworking. He’s made pretty much all the furniture in his home (with relatively minimal injury) and really enjoys just working on that. They learned how to make lace through their aunt when they were pretty young and do it as something to do when watching movies or television. Speaking of movies, they adore sci fi movies, specifically futuristic ones.
As for activities, Fiore can and will drag people to go to mazes with him, despite not having the best sense of direction, it’s really fun for him to just go and get a bit lost, and will play any card game with anyone. He also loves researching and often can be found curled up in a chair with a book and mug of hot chocolate in his hands. Specifically, he loves researching random obscure things and loves dropping obscure trivia on people. Fiore collects bronze statues of whatever strikes his fancy, as long as it’s made of bronze, and pop music cassettes.
They don’t draw a ton but enjoy doing it, even if they aren’t great at it. He also really likes walking around his home barefoot as it helps ground him, especially after long days of wearing slightly uncomfortable shoes. As for with a partner, Fiore LOVES public affection and just feeling very wanted all of the time, as well as just being able to do stuff for his boyfriend to make things easier.
Dislikes: Fiore cannot stand clowns, not for any fear related reasons, they just make him feel weird. He doesn’t understand the appeal of playing video games at all, and doesn’t really want to ever give them a shot. He cannot stand tennis, whether it’s watching people play it or having to play it, and hates the mess that scrapbooking leaves behind.
As for clothes, Fiore hates turtlenecks or any shirt that’s too tight around his neck as it makes him feel really choked, but hates any loose clothes in terms of fit. He refuses to fly in planes because of the loud noises that they make, and doesn’t enjoy spontaneous trips, as he likes to plan things out a bit more. He never leaves his windows open when he’s home, as he really worries about his belongings getting ruined, as he has quite a few rare books.
Phobias: Surgery/anesthesia, horses
Habits: Fidgets a bit by moving their arms or snapping their fingers.
Favorite food: Sugoli on either bread or pancakes or bigoli in cassopipa
Favorite movie: Cube (1997)
Backstory: Fiore’s mom and brother moved in with his uncle and aunt when Fiore was only two, so he doesn’t remember any life before living with the two of them. He stayed pretty much glued to his older brother for all of his childhood, as his brother was only 3 years older than him. He was pretty much the life of the party as soon as he hit high school, and ended up getting in trouble with the law a few times. Fiore went to college for a masters in library science and has been working at the library for nearly 10 years. They moved out of their parents house pretty much right when they entered college and moved to Naples to work at the library of their dreams.
Family: Fiore’s family consists of his mom, older brother, and aunt and uncle. With the four of them living in Chioggia, which is seven hours away, they can’t really visit that often. He’ll normally write to them often, but they have a family gathering once a year for Christmas. Fiore is probably closest to his older brother, since he was always there for Fiore when they were growing up together. They don’t get along super well with their aunt and uncle but it’s simply because they’re a bit awkward around him.
Friends: His closest friend is Isabelle, who’s also his roommate. They’ve been friends since they met on their 21st birthday and became close friends. He doesn’t necessarily tell her everything, but she’s his best friend. He’s relatively close with his coworkers, although very much acts different outside of work.
Relationship status: Dating Melone
Pet(s): Ball python that he’s had since he was 22 named Galani, as she reminded him of one of his favorite desserts when he was a kid.
Occupation: Librarian at Biblioteca Statale Oratoriana dei Girolamini
Languages: Venetian, Italian, a bit of English
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