#specifically cristina sofia and maybe even adha
teecupangel · 1 year
Submision by @saberamane
Something strange popped into my head while I’m at work. Desmond touches the eye, dies etc. Wakes up in Syndicate timeliness, but it’s not a case of he went back in time. It’s more of he went back in time on an adjacent timeline, and this timeline has soulmates.
Soulmates are known by a name on your body, and you know you found the correct person when you make direct skin contact. Desmond learns this because people kept side eyeing him, or more directly, the man’s name on his wrist. 
Jacob Frye.
Of course, given the time, there’s period typical homophobia, so Desmond hides the name on his wrist as he researches what it means. Then he finds ‘Evie Frye’ somewhere else on his body.
His first thought is that he got matched with a married couple, and then he learns of the ‘Frye Twins’, Assassin’s in London, and he’s kinda weirded out. How do siblings share a soulmate?
So he concludes he is absolutely not getting mixed up with the Assassin’s and therefore his 'soulmates’, he doesn’t want to deal with that awkwardness.
Of course, fate doesn’t let Desmond get his way.
I’d feel after the storyline Evie would still choose to go to India with Greenie, because she still has genuine feelings for him, and Desmond would stay with Jacob.
Addition from teecup:
If you’d like, this could be a case of “Everyone has two names on their body. One for their romantic soulmate. The other is for their platonic soulmate. It is up to us to find out which name is which.”
Even if Desmond hears about that, he’ll still be wondering which is which but most people assume that the name ‘Evie Frye’ is meant to be his romantic soulmate while ‘Jacob Frye’ is probably a brother or cousin who this Evie and is meant to be his platonic soulmate.
Also, perhaps Evie has two names as well but she refuses to show either name. Neither of them is Henry Green but she still fell in love with him and decided to be with him even if their names do not match.
Then Henry reminded her that his real name is Jayadeep Mir and Evie realized that he was truly her soulmate.
Jacob is in a much more complicated spot. The names he got? Desmond Miles and Maxwell Roth. And, at some point, Jacob assumed Desmond is his platonic soulmate so when the whole Maxwell Roth thing happened…
Jacob’s soulmate business is just one big problematic mess, that’s for damn sure.
To add more ambiguity to the situation, we can make Desmond actually attracted to both Fryes and add in hints of Evie and Desmond having feelings for one another. With enough hints, we’ll have everyone wondering who is supposed to be the platonic soulmate and who is truly the romantic soulmate.
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