#specgru has Arthur
gxldensxldiers · 6 months
As far as KorTac dynamics go, Roze really likes to ride that fine line between 'friendly asshole teasing' and 'going to get strangled and/or stabbed one of these days'. It's all in good fun and she knows when to stop with bantering basically being a love language for her but holy shit.
She needs to stop antagonizing the angry Italian.
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gxldensxldiers · 7 months
So read through Lockpick’s canon bio a few times and here are my initial thoughts. Nothing fleshed out just. Notes for when I make an official bio tonight.
- Notably, no father mentioned in her bio; just her mother and brothers. Calling it now, Micheaux is her mother’s maiden name.
- the brother that lived was the second eldest
- unfortunately, anything I’ve said about KorTac dynamics is a moot point now that it’s confirmed she’s SpecGru.
- Regardless; think dynamics between her and Stiletto would be fucking fascinating. Thoughts on that to come eventually leave me alone about it.
- like just the fact they had similar backgrounds in crime/their family’s involvement in it. Both lost multiple family members in a devastatingly short period of time. Both of them got on the straight and narrow at one point. Except Elodie just went back to that life for the sake of her family; where Salvatrice has stuck to her guns explicitly because she has nobody left and needs to get rid of the organization and societal issues that got them killed
- feels vaguely responsible for her brothers’ deaths, even if she couldn’t have done anything about it realistically speaking.
- probably in her mid to late 20s? Early thirties at the absolute oldest
- she’s gonna kill Arthur one of these days, probably with a master lock.
- 90% of the money she makes goes to her brother and mother. They’re better off financially now since any of them were growing up, and she’s insistent on keeping it that way
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gxldensxldiers · 5 months
What's a hobby or activity that Arthur and Roze enjoy? What's one activity they'd do anything to avoid?
One of Roze's favorite pastimes that isn't work-related has be hiking. It's something that isn't necessarily location-restricted; she's always been able to find a spot wherever her work takes her and at this point it's a good de-stresser. You'll never find her going more than a few weeks without going out, especially if she's back home in Colorado or elsewhere with mountains just down the road. At this point she might as well have some sort of internal magnet drawing her to anything with an increase of elevation.
She absolutely despises guard/24 hr duty though. Sitting/standing still with hardly anything to do... It wouldn't exactly be the first time she paid off a coworker to take her shift. Yes this is different than sitting around in a hunting blind; it's the lack of motivation that really gets to her with guard duty, even if she's able to stand around for however long.
And as for Arthur, he loves anything to do with his children dogs; whether that's some casual training, walks or old-fashioned playing around. He's a simple man, as long as he can bring his dogs (or even just Merlin), he's a happy camper, but is absolute favorite is probably visiting the family ranch and letting them 'help' babysit his younger nieces and nephews.
Back when he was still in the Army, he absolutely despised anything to do with DTS (aka the system used for reimbursements for duty-related expenses such as plane tickets or rental cars for work travel.), you'd think it was the absolute bane of his existence. While he still hates reimbursement paperwork, SpecGru's system is thankfully a little less complicated/stressful, leaving the current bane of his existence as cold-weather training. It's less due to a lack of acclimation and more due to health issues relating to his past throat injury.
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