#sorta based on an ongoing tummy ache i've got
danafeelingsick · 2 years
sɪᴄᴋ sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ #11
a sickie, who hasn't eaten all day for whatever reason, finally gets to have a meal, and overindulges themselves a little more than they should. the food just tastes so much better because they've been hungry for so long, and just another plate won't hurt. and another, and another. and they finally have enough, their stomach is crying.
either sickie keeps on eating because they are not about to let food go to waste when they just went for so long without it. and promptly vomits it back into the plate when their stomach can't hold any more.
or, they stop and try to rest, where they are suffering from a stomach ache, which results in them vomiting everything back up almost undigested.
sickie is ashamed of having wasted food on themselves either way.
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