#sorry the loneliness just felt extra spicy today
kasui-iro · 11 months
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Drops of the Ocean (Sirius x Reader)
@aoryuucchi: MC is really sad because, even when she knows that Sirius doesn't pay her attention because he has work to do, she feels lonely and unloved. Sirius realizes it and reassures her that he loves her very much. A lot of fluff~
Hey, sorry for the wait! I’ve been busy with holiday and getting ready for college (wish me luck!) with a bit of writer’s block, but I’m back. Also, I gave this story an alternate ending because I really liked it??? But it’s super angsty so PLEASE SKIP IT IF YOU DON’T WANT TO READ IT (It will be tagged, so don’t worry-- the true ending is a very fluffy ending). Also, it might have been too cheesy, so sorry in advance (fluff is my weaker spot)!
Title: Drops of the Ocean
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution
Pairing: Sirius x Reader
Word Count: 1660 (+255 for the alternate ending)
The pebble rippled across the pond. I threw another rock, hoping it would skip farther than the last. However, the rock fell from my hand a second too early and fell in the water, swallowed by the surrounding water.  
I sat down with an irritated sigh. Throwing rocks in the pond had become my past-time since Sirius was swept away with his work. An uprising in the southern sector of the Black Territories had led to severe riots and strikes, leaving Sirius to handle the mess created by irresponsible cooperation. Weeks of paperwork, negotiating, and planning had passed. The only time I saw Sirius was when he returned from his outside duties. It lasted for five minutes. 
Part of me felt foolish. Sirius had to deal with pressing issues that needed his complete attention. He had real problems while I was whining about the lack of attention. It was childish. I wanted nothing more than these feelings to dissipate, but a dumbbell weighed over my chest. Everyone thought I was understanding about the entire situation, but it became a facade. Time separated us, leaving my patience on a tight-rope.   
My hand patted the ground for another pebble. Instead, it was greeted with grainy, crunchy sand. I sifted for more stones, but the sand was bruised with uneven, empty pockets. Those were probably the homes of the rocks that I chucked into the pond earlier. With nothing to throw, my time at the pond felt pointless. 
I got up and dusted the sand off my dress. As I made my way to the Black Army, I heard galloping hooves in the background. Someone shouted my name. I turned around and saw Sirius waving at me. Although I wanted to run, my feet stood in place and I waved back with a thin smile. 
Once Sirius mounted off his horse, he rushed to me. It took a few seconds to pull my feet out of the ground, but my eagerness overtook my stubbornness. It felt a little cheesy, but my chest grew tight as I ran towards him. It was a rare opportunity to see him outside of his work and I couldn’t let this opportunity slide. He grabbed me by the waist and lifted me into the sky. I placed laughed as he twirled me around, my loneliness drifting along with the cloud beside me. Sirius placed me down and I enveloped him in a hug. We held each other in silence.
He released me and we plopped on the grass behind the sand. Sirius placed his hand over mine as we watched the water glimmer against the sun. Although the quietness was soothing, there were so many things I wanted to say. Yet I didn’t want to be a burden.
“Is something wrong?” Sirius tilts his head, meeting my eyes.
“No.” I look away.
“You can tell me anything. If it’s something important, I want to help you.”
Was it something important? The longer I thought about it, the more tears I felt pool around my eyes. This entire problem was completely one-sided and frugal. Why did I have to over-complicate the situation? Sirius wasn’t intentionally trying to hurt me. He was simply side-tracked.
I shook my head, but the evidence was stacked against me. My eyes were brimming with water. I tried to brush them away, but a few tears rolled down my cheek. Sirius took his thumb and wiped them from my face. 
“I’m sorry,” I gasped. “It’s just that we-”
“Haven’t seen each other in forever,” Sirius completed my sentence. His eyes flashed with guilt as he realized what I was trying to say.
Sirius gave the first of his many apologies. “I had no idea that my absence was affecting you.” 
“No, no. I was being overdramatic for no reason. You’re busy.”
“That doesn’t mean I can’t spend time with you,” Sirius got up and lent his hand out to me. “You have to let me make up for this mistake.”
I took his hand and we began chatting about all the times we had missed. He told me about a harvesting festival his men had come across, where he nearly burned his tongue from eating their spicy meat. In return, I told him about the time Fenrir and I nearly burned down Luka’s kitchen while trying to make Seth an edible birthday cake. The color nearly drained from Sirius’s face and I assured him that I avoided the fire with my quick wits and fire extinguishing skills. He didn’t feel any better.
He ran to the edge of the shore and I followed behind him. I wasn’t sure what he had in mind, but Sirius only grew closer to the water. Soon, the water crashed against the heels of his boots. I inched closer to the shore, but the moment my toes collided with the sea foam, I ran back. Sirius’s left foot was on the sand while the waves brushed against his right foot. He beckoned for me to come over, but I couldn’t move. The water was too cold and I didn’t know how to swim;  I had no intention of drowning. He assured me that everything will be fine and he would be beside me in case a dangerous situation unfolds, but I simply stared at the lingering sea foam. After a few moments of mental debating, Sirius steps out of the water and held his hand towards me. I tiptoed towards the waves once more, feeling creases forming against my brow. The tide rushed to me, drawing past its previous shoreline but I sped ahead and remained untouched by the water. As if being scolded by the ocean, my feet were trapped within the sand and my hands were folded behind my back.
Before taking another step, Sirius stopped and turned to me. “If you don’t want to go any further, then that’s fine. I know you’re scared of deep water, so we can do something else. I don’t have anything else to do today and we can always explore around the nearby town.”
I shook my head. Sirius and I were spending time together by the pond (which now seemed more like a beach) with no distractions. While we could go somewhere else, I was oddly enjoying the entire thing: scaring the living out of myself while having Sirius guide me through the not-so-turbulent waters. Also, I felt slightly guilty that he had to give up the rest of his day for me. I didn’t want to cause any additional trouble for him.
“No, I don’t mind. In fact, you can help me overcome my fear of deep waters. Consider it a very important task that you must accomplish today!” “On whose orders?” He raised an eyebrow. I crossed my arms and thought for a moment. “Um………” “We’ll say that’s a direct order from the queen,” He laughed and patted my head.  “Wouldn’t that be on your orders then?” “Although I’m the Queen of Spades, you’re the queen of my life.”
I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and pointed towards the water. “Onwards then!”
“Alright milady,” Sirius bowed. 
I laughed and gave him a curtsy in return. “As long as I don’t have to swim, I’ll be alright.”
“You don’t need to swim. Just stand beside me and hold my hand,” He winked. I nodded and strolled towards the shoreline. The ominous blue of the ocean faded from my sight as my eyes were focused on Sirius and his radiant smile against the glimmering sunlight. His purple eyes held a warmth that gravitated me closer towards him. As I stepped in his direction, he took an additional ten steps forward-- closing the distance between us. The knot in my chest slowly disappeared.
 My feet had reached the wet sand. It curled around my toes and cling to my skin like the last grains of rice in a finished bowl. Sirius hopped out of the water and took off his boots. He rolled the sleeves of his pants, and with my permission, pinned the hem of my dress towards my knees with a spare pin in his pocket. He took my hand in his. Soft but firm.
“Are you ready?”
I didn’t respond but gave him a smile. With a tight grip on his hands, I slide towards the ocean with my left foot. “This is not so bad.”
Sirius laughed. “Compared to the shenanigans that Fenrir pulls, this is heaven.”
“He’s not as crazy as everyone paints him to be. In fact, you can hold a stable conversation with him for an entire minute if you really try.” I glided against the wet sand and my feet touched the water. My knuckles turned white and Sirius wrapped his arm around me. 
“Looks like you’ve accomplished something that will take me years to understand.”  He said. We took another step together, the water rushing past our feet. I put my hands on his chest for extra support. The two of us watched the waves crash against each other, huddled against each other. Flocks of birds flew over our heads and Sirius labeled each bird as a person in the black army. I pointed to mushroom-shaped cloud behind them, but Sirius thought the clouds looked like sunflowers. Maybe he was getting old. 
“Don’t be silly,” I stretched to reach his forehead and brush the idle strands from his face. Maybe that would give him a better view of the clouds. However, I use too much force with no support to push myself towards his tall structure. A strong wave knocks me over, drenching me in saltwater. Sirius grabbed my hand, steering me towards him, and I landed on his lap. For a second, I simply blinked. I looked up and our eyes meet. Laughter bubbled in my stomach as the two of us laughed over my klutziness. It was embarrassing, but I was with Sirius. That’s all that mattered.
A/N: Alright! I hope you enjoyed that. It was difficult because everything I touch turns into angst. In fact, I might have gotten carried away and might have created an alternate ending that’s not so sweet and happy? If you’re interested, keep reading. If not, just skip this.
TW: Drowning
We spent the right of the time in the water. One splash turned into an entire water fight and we were completely soaked. It was a matter of time before the sun had set and the sky had grown black. Sirius realized that we couldn’t walk around in wet clothes, so he went to fetch some outfits from the nearest clothing store. He insisted that I went with him, but I wanted to spend a little more time in the water. Although he was worried, I assured him that I could handle it on my own. With much reluctance and sneezing from my end, Sirius scouted for dry clothes.
I stared into the blue. It was calling for me, wish for my presence. I walk over to the waves, closing my eyes as the waves wash over me. It was a small bath.
A sudden wave knocked me over. My arms falter from the weight and my mind is filled with sheer horror. I stumble from the fall, trying to grab something for support. Tension seared through my arms as I struggled to keep them out for an imaginary hand, pulling me out of this monster. My body submerged into the water. My eyes widened with fear and I flailed my arms. My feet kicked out, trying to propel herself towards the land but the force of the tide pulled me back. I continued to thrash and scream. The water entered my mouth, silencing me.
The water rushed against my feet at a steady rhythm.
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