#sorry if this is incoherent it's late and I just watched and I'm unhappier than I expected
the-awful-falafel · 7 months
Okay. I returned briefly to R&M just to watch the latest episode because I heard Evil Morty came back.
... unpopular opinion I guess, based on the excitement in the tag, but I... didn't like how they executed his return that much? Like it was promising on paper, but in execution I was constantly like "... :|"
From the moment Evil Morty showed up in front of Rick C-137 and Morty Prime, he just felt like he was there to stand around and quip constantly and to get counter-quipped about how much of an asshole he was being, as well as to pull off Rick-tech cyborg badassery to fight alongside Rick in a very overblown way (his more unique manipulative skills only getting to show with the fakeout near the end). There's no... gravitas, for a lack of a better word. He just shows up and oh, he's here, and he's helping, and he feels strangely superfluous to the plot in spite of all the little ways the episode has him progress the fight against Rick Prime. It felt fanservicey and not in the good or natural way.
It also felt like there were scenes missing between the moment he appears and the moment he starts giving backhanded technobabble advice to Rick about how to improve his tech. Like... shouldn't there be more tension, instead of this casual acceptance of "oh this guy again, this is happening"? Why does the episode not give time to explain why Evil Morty decided to help our Rick kill Prime to solve the curve-fracking disruption, instead of just killing him? Why is Evil Morty giving snarky advice and/or cooperating with Rick like they're a real team with minimal preamble? It didn't go enough into the thought process from A to B for most scenes in the episode, honestly. Things were just constantly being thrown at you with no time to digest what was going on, making it all feel rather shallow (until the end, I guess)
Also, aside from that moment where he shows interest in bringing Morty along, Evil Morty gets no meaningful interactions with Morty Prime at all (who, as an aside, does so little this episode it's uncanny, even though being faced with a competent alternate version of himself who loathes Rick is perfect character development fuel, and they just keep wasting it by giving him nothing to do and not following up on the confrontation in S5 meaningfully) and in addition he's randomly acting far more tolerant to the main duo + giving them more credit for reasons that feel very OOC and more just to justify the rushed team-up. They could have done a lot with his distaste for our R&M because they represent what he hates about the abusive dynamic he left, like they hinted at in the S5 finale, but that seems quietly dropped or at least ignored. All the interesting parts of his character aside from being a hypercompetent asshole Morty got kinda glossed over due to the insanely rushed pacing and him existing as a plot device, even though I conceptually like the idea of him being less of a straightforward antagonist and more of a wild card who wants to be left alone after his escape in Season 5. He did feel somewhat more natural at the end once it he was downloading the Omega weapon information from Rick Prime, but his parting words where he shows an interest in our Rick felt so forced I cringed.
... I did like his intro backstory somewhat, but there wasn't anything really surprising in it (aside from the Evil Rick attempted suicide scene, jesus that got dark real fast and reminded me of my old fanfic), so in practice it kinda just ruined the mystique and prior applicability of Evil Morty's character to every Morty's backstory + character trajectory. Ironically, showing too much led to his character feeling smaller, not larger, and muddied what made his parting speech in S5 work so well. I feel like they should have just kept him relaxing in his private resort and dropped the rest of the intro, honestly. That was the best part, seeing how pissed he got at his peace being interrupted.
All that being said, I think a lot of the ideas in this episode were decent on paper, but it should have been a two-parter. Nothing was given room to breathe as they just hit you with canon after canon to service Rick's greater arc, and as a result Evil Morty felt really wasted here. And I was surprised since I was going into this expecting to enjoy it as an Evil Morty fan.
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
heyyy, can i request some HC for William, Nozel, Fuegoleon and Yami, at how would they react to they’re kids first word
thank you 💖💖
Hey lovely bby! I'm sorry this took so long, buy this request is soooooooo cute!!
Time for some soft and fluffy BC boys!!
William | Nozel | Fuegoleon | Yami ft. F! Reader
William Vangeance
Besides being the sweetest husband ever, he will also be the softest dad.
He was always there to take care of you and your daughter ever since she was born.
He wasn’t the type of man to shy away from their daughters, he helped you clean her up, change her nappies and even shower her.
Your daughter has been sprouting incoherent noises as of late and you both knew that she would soon be talking.
“Aren’t you a smart little girl?” William cooed when she held her little bottle on her own.
“DADA!” She handed the bottle back to him.
He stared at her with wide eyes, he couldn’t find the words to speak as emotions engulfed him.
He carried her in his arms, “come again honey?”
“Da!” She slapped her hand on his face.
William chuckled and peppered kisses on her face, his heart full and swelling with pride, "Dada's so proud of you, my little bud."
Nozel Silva
He was a proud father, always carrying his son everywhere when he was off work. Well, being a royal and a Captain of a squad, he was still fairly busy but he tried his best balancing between work and family time.
The first thing he does when he comes home is to give hugs and kisses to you, followed by blowing raspberries into his son's little tummy.
He was addicted to how his baby smelt, like fresh flowers and cinnamon. Your son loved it when his daddy played with him and tickled his tummy. Nozel was absolutely intoxicated with the sound of his laughters and he would do it again and again until your baby boy was tired.
One night, after he was done with his little play time and Nozel finally set him back in his cot, (after a firm glare from you saying that baby "needs his sleep time NOW.") your son sat in his cot and suddenly called out, "KITH! KITH!"
The both of you stared at him before looking at each other, you looking unamused and he was giving you that proud smirk. He walked over and carried your son out again, "you like them belly kisses don't you?"
"Kith!" your son raised his little limbs in the air as your husband chuckled.
You couldn't help but watch your two boys, your heart overflowing with adoration, never wanting to forget this image before you.
Fuegoleon Vermillion
You knew that your man was slighty the worrywart when it came to you or your daughter, but sometimes especially on days like this, you felt he was just being over protective.
"Honey, we can't be taking care of her forever, so why not let us both attend to our schedules and let the nanny take care of her, for a day?" you had to emphasize the last few words of your sentence to highlight to your husband that it was just one day.
"But darling, she's just barely 1.."
"Yeah? And she has NEVER left our side." you raised your eyebrows at him.
He sighed a little as he slumped his shoulders. Giving you the pout that told you that he was unhappy but he didn't have a choice.
You rolled your eyes at your dramatic husband, "Look, we'll be back after we're both done with our work, so it'll be even lesser than a day. Besides, the nanny has been taking care of her along with us for months."
The day soon came, much to Fue's dismay and he was having the hardest time leaving her for work.
"Daddy's gonna miss you my princess," he ruffled her hair gently.
"Alright now pumpkin," you cooed at your beautiful crimson haired daughter, pulling your husband away, "say byebye to daddy and mommy! We'll see you tonight!"
"Buh... BYE!" your daughter jumped a little in her cot cherrily.
Your husband stood there staring at her with his jaws dropped as you let out a little laugh at how amusing this entire situation was.
Fue was unsure of how he was supposed to feel at the situation; on one hand happy that his baby girl was growing up and learning how to talk, but at the same time he felt upset that his little princess was learning how to say goodbye to him and that one day she wouldn't need him in her life anymore. He seemed to be feeling more of the latter though, judging at how his heart was feeling a little achey.
"Now can you finally leave her to the nanny, love?" you teased your husband, leaving him to lick his wounds all by himself.
Yami Sukehiro
"Yami. How many times have I said not to play too rough with s/n?" you chided your hubby as he was throwing your son too high into the air.
"He's enjoying it though baby, look at him!" he proceed to throw your son high in the air again as he burst into fits of laughter.
"He's gonna get nightmares if he plays like this, honey.." you stared at him, "And don't be dead asleep on me when your son cries the entire night, or I'll kick you out of bed."
"Okay okay," he set your little boy back down into his playpen. Your son started pouting, unhappy that his playtime was over. He raised his hands in the air, asking for more.
"Can't get enough of your dad can you, little man?" Your husband looked proudly at his son, who was the spitting image of him, "daddy's your favourite, right?"
"Ma!" your boy called out.
"No, you mean Dada." Yami narrowed his eyes at the little him, earning a playful swat on his bicep from you.
"Ma..ma!" your son called again as you laughed, ruffling his soft locks. It was the most proudest moment of your life, your son speaking his first words and the first words were calling for you.
"Geez, s/n," Yami stood arms akimbo, "you look like me, but you're just like your mom aren't ya? Always breaking my fragile heart of glass.."
You looked over at your husband, wanting to comment something but the look on his face changed your mind. He was just as proud as you were. Although his words and actions didn't show it, his face betrayed him. He was feeling just as emotional as you were, witnessing your child's first word.
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nerdyskeleton · 7 years
I'm trying to sleep and can't stop thinking of Simon reacting to Nahyuta surviving (but being injured in) an assassination attempt. (Because I'm a terrible person at heart.)
OHHHHH MAN nothing like good old angst to greet you in the morning. I named this document “hurt nahyuta more”
Simon had been cross with Nahyuta all day. They had spokenyesterday before Simon had gone to bed, and perhaps it was the grueling timedifference or the fact that it had been two long, aching months since they hadseen each other, but they were both fairly hostile on the phone. Simon knew hehad been irrationally angry when Nahyuta sadly sighed he wouldn’t have the freedomto go to Los Angeles or have Simon come to see him for at least another month.
Long distance was difficult, and it was especially difficultfor two incredibly busy, emotionally-stunted prosecutors.
And as they had no logical way to deal with being angry witheach other for stupid reasons, Simon and Nahyuta had mutually agreed to take afew days of silence. An important court case of Simon’s would be over, andNahyuta would have a few hours to himself eventually, right? So it was rather ashock that Nahyuta’s number lit up Simon’s phone screen. He debated aboutanswering it, finally picking up at the last second.
“What do you want, Sad Monk?”
The other side of the line was nothing but static for a fewminutes, until someone responded. It was not Nahyuta.
“Is that how you always greet my son?” Queen Amara asked.Simon heard shouting in the background.
“On this day, yes.” Perhaps he should show some more respectto the woman. While it was a little strange she had called him from Nahyuta’sphone, it had also happened once before; she called just to chat, and it was oneof the funniest and most intimidating phone calls of Simon’s life.
“May I ask why I have been graced with this phone call, YourMercifulness?” he inquired, getting up from his desk. He did a quickcalculation, noting that it was just past 8 in the morning in Khura’in. QueenAmara must be bored if she was resorting to calling her son’s scary boyfriendthis early in the morning.
“Ah,” she sighed, “I have some…bad news.”
Simon paused, mid-filing away for his upcoming case. “Whatis it?”
“Prosecutor Blackquill, when I tell you this, I ask that yourefrain from outbursts of any kind.”
“Ma’am, what are you talking about?”
She drew in a deep breath and announced, “There was anattempt on Nahyuta’s life this morning.”
Something rather heavy landed on his boot. He looked down,finding the file he had been holding suddenly on the ground, its contentsscattered about. Had he dropped it?
“I don’t understand. What are you telling me?”
“It’s a lot to process, Simon. He’s alive…for now. But Ithink it might be best if you come to Khura’in within the next few days.Nahyuta is resilient, and the medical staff is highly trained, yet…”
“I’ll leave tonight.”
She asked him to give her an approximation of when he wouldbe there, and then she hung up. Simon sent Taka on her way back home beforeimmediately going to Edgeworth’s office. Dammit, the one time Simon needed hisoverworked boss to actually be there at nine at night, and he wasn’t! He calledEdgeworth’s personal number, feeling foolish and hot and stressed and on theverge of tears, embarrassingly enough. Edgeworth was clearly peeved, but whenSimon explained what little details he had, the man relaxed. He even said heexperienced a similar situation with Wright, years and years ago. His casewould be given to a different prosecutor, and he would have leave for as longas necessary. Edgeworth went so far as to offer to charter a jet for him, as heonce again stated he infinitely knew whatSimon was feeling.
One unacceptable tear fell as Simon contacted Athena next,going through the whole conversation again with her. She asked if she shouldcome with him, but he said no. It was tempting, but she was the defense on thatcase, so he told her to stay and help take care of Taka.
Simon usually hated the ungodly long flight from LA to Khura’in,but it was especially terrible this time around. His stupid, paranoid self keptimagining unpleasant scenarios. Was he going to be too late? Her Mercifulnesshad cryptically claimed that Nahyuta was still alive “for now.” Was he on theverge of death? Where had he been struck?
Simon hoped to ask her these questions the second he steppedonto the sad patch of asphalt that served as the country’s airport. Instead,battalions of guards greeted him and escorted him to the palace, which madesense – with one royal shot, the others were probably shut up in the palace to bekept safe.
Nahyuta’s mother stood in the grand entrance, pulling Simoninto a surprise hug when he finally got there. Her hands held his cheeks as shetold him, “You look worse than normal.”
Her own complexion was pale and rather blotchy, and herlilac hair no longer had such a glorious shine. “You look much the same, YourMercifulness.”
She huffed a hoarse laugh, and she was leading him down thehallways. She explained along the way that he had originally been at thehospital, but once he was out of immediate danger, Nahyuta had been moved oh socarefully back to the palace for security reasons. There were only a few minorcomplications as they put him back together, thankfully, but the monk had beendrifting in and out of consciousness for the better part of the day.
“I spoke with him earlier today,” Amara said as they reachedthe rooms he was kept in. “It was mostly incoherent, but he knew who I was, aswell as where he was.” She put her hand on the doorknob, but Simon stopped her.
“Where is the assassin now?” Perhaps if he committed amurder here and fled the country, he would be safe from prosecution.
“They killed themselves immediately after realizing Nahyutahad survived the first shot. I’m sorry to say you are unable to deal anypunishments to them. If they were still alive, however,” she said, finallypushing open the door, “you would have first rights.”
The room was noticeably colder. Rayfa sat on a couch next tothe bed, which Simon was doing his damndest not to look at. He could make outthe vague basic shape of Nahyuta, lying motionless there, but he was certainlynot ready to really accept what happened. Amara sat on the edge of the bed andpressed the back of her hand to Nahyuta’s forehead.
She added that he’d been running a high fever for some time.Simon stood by one of the wide windows, asking finally where exactly he’d beenhit. A frazzled looking doctor piped up, telling him he was struck in theabdomen, shattering a few ribs and puncturing a lung. Mother and daughterpraised the Holy Mother out loud, thanking her for sparing Nahyuta’s life. Simonwondered silently (he didn’t have a death wish) why they were praising her, ifthe Holy Mother had allowed it to happen in the first place.
It was so silent, until Queen Amara quietly cooed, “Good morning.”Simon did not turn around, despite Rayfa calling his name. He was not sure howto behave. He’d rather prepared himself to be faced with Nahyuta’s death uponarrival, so now that he needed to actually speak to him? He was not sure whatto say. Especially with his family still surrounding him – they were surelymore important to Nahyuta than Simon was.
Nahyuta croaked out a pitiful, “Mother…” Simon turned just ahair, watching him out of the corner of his eye. Rayfa sat on her knees next tohim, while Amara was still sitting by his waist.
“Skunk Head is here to see you, too, Braid Head,” Rayfasaid. She turned around and beckoned him forward. Simon reluctantly approached.Nahyuta’s eyes were normally that amazing bright green, but they were hazy andunfocused as he looked listlessly towards Rayfa. His eyes slid slowly torespond to Simon’s movements as he came up close. A sleepy, contented, preciouslittle smile formed on Nahyuta’s chapped lips as his eyes closed again. The frazzleddoctor said that he hadn’t been alert for more than few minutes at a timewithin the last few days.
Amara left after another hour, but she instructed the doctorto allow Rayfa and Simon to stay as long as they pleased. The doctorcompromised and said they would need to leave if his condition unexpectedlychanged, and Simon thoroughly did not like that implication.
He and Rayfa, now closer than he ever thought they would be,talked together peacefully. The poor girl burst into tears a few times unexpectedly,so Simon managed to convince her to get some sleep and something to eat.Nahyuta was not going anywhere, he told her. And neither was he, even thoughAmara came by again to insist he eat and go to sleep. He wasn’t leaving thisroom until the healthy glow of his skin returned. Except his boyfriend’sterrifying mother manhandled him and shoved him into his own guest rooms, so hewas able to get some rest.
An intense looking nurse that Simon had seen aroundyesterday came and found him in his rooms early the next morning.
“Prosecutor Sahdmadhi has been awake and alert for the lasthour if you would like to see him,” they said. Simon, vaguely tempted to notlook like a foolish moron, moved as quickly as possible without throwinghimself from the room and running down the hall. He didn’t bother to knock onthe ornate door.
Nahyuta was sat up in bed, looked a little pale still, buthe was smiling with a brightness in his eyes finally. Simon was infinitely glad that the Queen and Princess wereat the Dance of Devotion that morning, as he could commit fully to clinging uncontrollablyto Nahyuta. His hand was a little clammy as it weakly gripped Simon’s own whenhe sat down next to him.
“I don’t want this to happen again,” Simon commanded.  
“Well, I’m sorry to say, yet I have two more assassinationattempts to survive through to beat my mother’s record,” Nahyuta replied. Hisvoice was a little hoarse.
“I hate you,” Simon rasped. He was horrified to feel tearspricking at his eyes.
“As unhappy as I am that you skipped out on that importantcase to come and see me, I am very glad to see you, Simon.”  
He couldn’t speak and instead chose to lean in and holdNahyuta against him. He kissed at his tangled hair, and they stayed like thatfor some time. Simon tried to pull away, but Nahyuta’s grip on him wasconsiderably stronger already.
“There is one positive outcome to this whole ordeal,” Nahyutamurmured into his shoulder.
“What could that be?”
“I saw you far earlier than I thought I would.” He looked upat him, grinning widely.  
“You must be delusional from the pain,” Simon claimed. “The real Nahyuta would never be so kind withme.”
“I’m a changed man, Simon. I saw the light.”
“Please do not make getting shot at a habit, despite thischange for the better.”
“I will try my best.”
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