#sorry if this is badly written it’s 11pm and i am sleep deprived
stellarfoxian · 29 days
sleep never came easy to you.
and robin knew it well.
she had returned to your shared bedroom after one of her shows. admittedly, you had expected her return much later.
the door creeps open, and you see the twitch of her wing.
“are you awake?” she whispers, shutting the door behind her. it appears she’s already switched into more comfortable clothes, from what you can tell, at least.
“mhm.” you nodded, fidgeting with the bedsheets. a look to your left would show the clock displaying 2:30am. “i had trouble sleeping…”
“i get it.” robin sighed, getting into bed next to you. she held her arms out, that sweet, heart melting smile on her face, the one that you fell for oh so long ago. “come here, angel.”
“shouldn’t i be calling you that?” you joked, snuggling into her arms immediately. she held you softly, rubbing slow circles on your back.
your girlfriend playfully rolled her eyes, letting out a chuckle. “would you like me to sing you to sleep?” she offered despite knowing what your answer would be. robin always did this, held you in her arms and sang you to sleep. usually, it worked.
you closed your eyes and shuffled closer, not really bothering with a response other than a small “mhm.” she’s known you long enough to decipher what that meant.
she cleared her throat and began to sing a familiar song. it was the one she sang the most, and your favorite, actually. she wrote it for you (something only you are privy to), and honestly, it continues to get stuck in your head every time you hear it.
robin’s voice soothes you until your breathing slows to a calm pace. she breaks up her singing with a small giggle when she realizes that you fell asleep, but continues nonetheless, likely to assure that you’re actually asleep.
nights with robin are always a treat.
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