#sorry if I triggered anyone with mentioning this ballsack of a human
ciginatree · 3 months
I don’t like giving this man any type of attention but I have ungodly amounts of rage towards him so there’s gonna be a rant below the cut cause I had to let it out somewhere :/
This self entitled bitch ass man child is so fucking entitled and self centered he can’t comprehend the fact that he isn’t the center of the universe. It’s not solely even about the fact that he’s saying Motionless copied him in Werewolf when Chris specifically said that the video was inspired by Thriller and Wolfman (I believe that’s the one). Or that they “copied him” with Cyberhex. It’s the fact that he believes he came up with the idea of lasers and cyberpunk and that he started the trend himself. This fucking 40 year old man also beefs with people half his age on TikTok over dumb shit that literally nobody else cares about. He looks and acts like a ball sack who has watched too much Andrew Tate and then snorted bottom of the barrel crack he found off a gas station bathroom floor. He’s a professional victim who believes he can get away with shit because he’s in a band. If I had one wish rn it would be to teleport to wherever the fuck he is rn and give him a good ol uppercut to the nutsack either on his face or below his belt. I have yet to see a single positive thing about this man, if you can provide me with a positive thing he has done please let me know. If you are a fan of his I am truly sorry. Not really tho. Thank you.
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