#sorry i ranted in the tomato poll tags & than i needed to rant some more
queenerdloser ยท 9 months
okay so i did that tomato poll and now i'm thinking about it and like. why DO we try to talk people out of disliking food? why is this a thing. i can't count the number of times where i'll casually say "oh i don't actually like tomatoes" and some random person will look at me like i've personally kicked them in the face and go "HOW can you NOT LIKE tomatoes???!!!??" idk man! i'm just a human being with taste preferences! like it's such a weird reaction to have.
like! and then people will try to talk me out of my food dislikes by listing stuff they think i should try with it in or listing off all the good things about that food that makes it too good to dislike or s/t and i'm just like. okay i'm glad you love the taste of ripe tomatoes or w/e but it still doesn't change my taste preferences. still doesn't make me like their soggy ass texture. why are you evangelizing this food to me right now!!!! just let me dislike it!!!!
idk it's just really weird. and maybe i'm more sensitive to it bc i had my taste preferences regularly disregarded when i was a kid by parents who thought if i "really tried it" i'd suddenly and mysteriously like it, but it's still weird that we can't just like. accept that some people just don't like foods that we like & move on with our lives.
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