#sorry guys hjgj
velvetcarat-blog · 6 years
11 Questions Tag ~
Okay so it’s been ages since I was tagged by @ineedyixing, it took me so long to answer and think of questions myself jhdgdhj but HERE IT IS 
Also note:1)  I really enjoyed reading your answers!  2) I hope you won’t mind that I used my ult bias group Seventeen instead of EXO, because I don’t have a bias (yet) in EXO (it’s a work in progress okay dhaha) and I tried but I dont know them well enough yet to complete questions well haha ;3
So as you guys may know my very ultimate bias is Seventeen’s sunshine Seokmin so- here we go ;;
1.     If you could ask your bias for just one thing, what would you request?
Aaah okay starting off with a really hard question... If anything was possible, I would ask him to spend one day together, because I’d really like to get to know him and see what a day in his life looks like! Realistically I’ d just ask for a photo or maybemaybe for him to sing something ^.^
2.     It’s been a hard day for you. All you can think about is all the hardships you have going on. You’re going home in a rush, looking forward to chill for a while. There’s someone on the street hurrying somewhere, just like you are. Suddenly you bump your shoulder into a stranger. It turns out to be your bias. What will happen next? How do you react? Do you say something?
I’d honestly be so out of it I’d just stare wondering if that was really him who I just saw?? But he’s hurrying somewhere right so I wouldn’t have the guts to say anything jhfgfjh I know Im a passive rock
3.     Would you rather go to an EXO (in this case svt ;3) concert or spend 2 hours with your bias? Why?
I would rather spend two hours with my bias, see first question as well haha! I would really like to experience this sunshine in real life ok TT
4.     You have the opportunity to go to Seoul, SK. Would you try to fit in with the civilians or would you visit tourist attractions solely?
Ah this is interesting! Now I’ve thought about this and what I would do is try and find someone in the area who also speaks English and is willing to be my guide and show me around a bit! That way I can really see what life is like there for the civilians, but a visit to Seoul couldn’t be complete without also visiting some tourist attractions right :3 If I’d have to go alone I would probably end up mostly visiting tourist attractions because I’m really not one to explore on my own and go out of my comfort zone a lot.
5.     While you’re there, you’re on your way to a restaurant. You’re dressed all nice, ready to feel alive for the night. Your friends texted you the address but you get lost. You stop a random person on the street asking for directions, but it’s your bias! Do you stutter? Do you flirt? Do you ask for a selca? Do you invite him along, as he helps you nicely and seems like a genuinely nice person? Do you pretend, do all this without revealing that he’s your bias?
Aw man, getting lost like that is so me hahah ;; I would be so shocked lmao, I wouldn’t stutter but probably start rambling explaining why Im lost and all that oh boy. I would not flirt if I ever met him because I don’t want to make us both uncomfortable haha and also because wow nope my brain is still trying to process that he’s standing in front of me. As he helps me and is really nice, I’d probably calm down a bit and bring it up * awkwardly * like hey, ehm, aren’t you Seventeens Dokyeom? ;3 10/10 would ask if it’s okay to take a selca because cmon this is a one in a million chance and I think he wouldn’t mind~ Maybe, if I feel comfortable around him, I’ll confess that he’s my bias haha. To be honest I could see him asking himself who I like best in Seventeen dhahah
6.     You’re a journalist and your boss tells you that your next interview for the magazine is with EXO (Svt in my case :3). Do you still take the task even though you stan the group or do you pass it for someone else who wouldn’t get biased while asking some questions? What do you do? Are you professional or do you let the fangirl inside take over?
I would not be able to pass up that chance eventually, after thinking about it a lot. I think it wouldn’t necessarily hurt my professionality, especially since they act very polite and professional themselves, which helps. I’m big on professional attitude and I would really be ashamed towards both my boss and Seventeen if I let my fangirl side come out when interviewing. Afterwards I might tell them that I’m actually a big fan of their music though! :3
7.     You’re talking to a guy online for weeks. Eventually you meet up in a public space but you see that he is your bias! Are you upset he lied about who he was or do you get over it and enjoy the rest of the date?
Aish this is so hard to imagine since Ive never been in a situation like this. I think I would be really confused mainly. I’d probably be weirdly happy but also pretty mad but also I wouldn’t dare to just lash out at the guy who I always admired when he’s standing right in front of me. I’d probably just ask him why he felt it necessary to lie and why he didn’t at least tell me who he was before meeting up! I want to hear his side and have everything explained. If he genuinely apologizes and has a decent explanation for it I’ll try to get over it, but it probably would take some time for me to fully trust him again.
8.     What song do you associate with your bias? Why?
Aju Nice! Not only does his powerful voice suit the musical burst of the song incredibly well, the energy of the song also reflects his playful, but manly image. I don’t want to ignore his more sensitive side though, actually there should also be a ballad to describe him haha~
9.     If it were to choose between your bias and your bias wrecker for a relationship, who would you end up with? Or would you go for another member?
Seokmin or Minghao? Hmm this is hard. I don’t think Minghao would suit me personalitywise though (also BOI IF YOU DAB ONE MORE TIME ) so I’d choose Seokmin then. I’m not sure if we would get along well actually. I like him for his energy and bright personality, but that’s because I’m usually NOT like that. I think he would be better with someone who’s also very cheerful and energetic~ Out of Seventeen, I think I’d probably go for Hoshi. He still has that bright energy but as a leader I think he also has a more serious side and is good at taking responsibility, which is something I really need in a partner.
10.  If you could live with a member for a month while in Seoul, who would you chose? Like in a flat. You’d have to share a flat.
Honestly, probably Mingyu. I like things to be mostly clean and organized so ;3 Also I’m pretty bad at cooking so maaaaaybe we can eat together sometime and I can enjoy his cooking skills> hahaha.
11.  What makes your bias so special to you? How did he touch your heart and why did you choose him?
Honestly, I don’t remember how Seokmin became my bias. Was it the opening of Aju Nice? Was it him dancing with a frying pan on One Fine Day? I can’t recall what happened but over time he got my attention more and I just fell in love. He’s got everything honestly, from his looks to his dancing to his powerful and emotional singing to his gags and dorkiness. I get the feeling that he’s a sensitive guy too though, and I hope he doesn’t just put on a smile and hide it when he’s having a hard time. all I can say is WHATTA MAN
 Allright I did it!! Thanks again for tagging me :) I will tag @vitaminniedk,@jhopejumper, @mintdae and @kkimingyu to do my set of questions. I think some of you guys already did this challenge so don’t feel pressured :3 Skip it if you want to bc wow I know this takes quite some time!
1.      Describe yourself using things your bias has said.
2.      If you could go on a one week holiday with your bias, where would you go? What would you guys do?
3.      Who in your bias group has a similar personality to you?
4.      If you and your bias were a couple, what would most likely be something you fight about?
5.      Follow-up: imagine you guys are arguing over something and things actually get pretty heated, up to a point that he starts shouting at you, which he has never done before. How would you react?
6.      You’re visiting a theme park with your bias group and there’s a haunted house that has a reputation for being one of the scariest ones around! Only two people get to go in at a time. Who do you choose to go with?
7.      Which song from your bias group expresses best how you feel about them?
8.      Your favourite and least favourite song from your bias/bias group?
9.      Christmas is approaching! If you could celebrate this Christmas with your bias, how would you guys spend the holidays?
10.   Are you on Santa’s list of nice kids or naughty kids?
11.   All I want for Christmas is …. (complete the sentence with your ultimate wish :D)
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softbinu · 5 years
i'm not sure you've done this before but can you ship your mutuals with each astro members?
ok so i’ve actually not done this before so i may do reallyyyy bad at this gghhd (n im sorry if i dont tag some of y’all here :( pls dont feel bad ily!!)
Mj- @etoilejun honestly has such a sweet soul like mj from what ive seen and im pretty sure they spread joy and sunshine like mj wherever they go!! ☀️
Jinjin- @sanhatation do i even need to explain this? Lmao she’s so talented like her voice? B E A U T I F U L n like if jinjin is the dad friend then riley is THE mom friend!! i kid u not. She’s honestly rly sweet and fun to be around and even tho we are the same age i love how welcoming she was to me when we first met in the gc 😔✊🏼💕truly the mom friend (and also i call jinley my parents so fhfh)
Eunwoo- @astrofireworks (love her and she’s?? so?? pretty??) also @pcrkmin i know u bias rocky too?? but idk something about you screams eunwoo to me ghgh maybe it’s the way how ur blog is presented so beautifully and ethereally and how u are so sweet like eunwoo (not saying that rocky isn’t any of this but u kno) 😆 
Moonbin- y’all already know who it’s gonna be!! The bin to my woo @bin-uwu !! Like she’s such a sweet heart?? and so soft and cute and amazing?? and i perhaps cry?? Her love for bin is so strong and even tho she’s mostly a soft stan i make her “nonexistent” hard stan jump out sometimes 👀🤧 and its so fun to attack her with pics haha (lov u boo) 💗💗 also @heybinnie !
Rocky- @handho1ds my binch!! My love!! They both may seem really intimidating on the outside but dont be fooled! They are total cuties who i love very much?? 🥺💕💕 also she might have dropped ma boy rocky for felix as im speaking 😪 jk i know u love him regardless n always wanna hold his hand and smorch him ;)) @moon-hyuks such a great human being and so talented at dancing!! Seriously love ur dancing ani *heart eyes* It would be so amazing to see a dance collab between u and rocky aaa!! Also bex @uwujpgs ik u dont have a bias? but u somehow remind me of rocky?? n i saw ur pic once and perhaps u and rocky look rly good together fhgjg 
Sanha- @sanhasaroha a totally cutie who’s just really smitten for sanha haha it’s so adorable tho 🧸😚 
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