#sorry for this. reupload and tweak of start of lunch break with old wip wednesday from it included
arklay · 2 years
but i would kneel for you.
pairing: diana x albert wesker words: 8.3k warnings: nsfw [read on ao3]
The noise outside of Wesker’s office was absurd. How this lot were a special forces division baffled her when they behaved like a gaggle of schoolchildren. Diana hoped they only acted like this when they were leaving for their lunch break and not when actual work had to be done, or when they were out in the field, otherwise she would now understand why Wesker got so many headaches.
The door to his office opened once the noise had quieted down and she turned her head to watch as Wesker froze in the doorway for a moment, the scowl on his face seemed to lessen once he recognised her and an amused smirk made its way onto his lips.
He took in the sight of her sitting on his desk in her usual pencil skirt with her tight-clad legs crossed over one another, and as always, she looked beautiful, mesmerising even. How she had managed to sneak in unnoticed with those heels was beyond him, unless she convinced someone on the team she had an appointment with him, but he doubted it. With a small shake of his head, he closed the door behind him then crossed the room.
“How was your meeting?” Diana asked, not bothering to hide how uninterested her voice sounded, as always when it came to his dealings with Chief Irons. The man was a creep and she preferred to stay as far away from him as possible, unless the city wanted to see their “great hero” of a police chief show up dead one morning.
He rounded the desk and her eyes stayed fixed on him, watching the way his jaw was set and brows knit together from her reminder. But he didn’t answer her, only slumping down into his chair, removing his sunglasses to toss them onto the desk next to her – which was an odd sight with how he usually treated them – before pinching the bridge of his nose. 
She waited for him to say something, but he only leaned his head further back against the headrest and closed his eyes, and that intrigued her. “That bad?”
“He is repulsive,” Wesker grumbled. She couldn’t argue with him there, but she was still curious as to what had occurred, not that he could tell her anyway. Umbrella’s intelligence matters were classified, and his meetings usually weren’t typical “police” business. “The man believes he is more valuable than he is.”
Diana scoffed then, earning a slight smirk from him, but when he stayed quiet once more, she pursed her lips with a slight tilt of her head to the side and wondered what that could possibly mean. Perhaps he was asking for more money from Umbrella to keep his mouth shut, he seemed the type. Or he could have had another one of his temper tantrums over Wesker holding more power than he does – that the captain of a unit being run out of his department was giving him, of all people, orders.
His hands coming up to rub his eyes then down his face again brought her out of her thoughts, and her eyes narrowed as she scanned over the rest of his body, only to find that his jaw was still clenched and his shoulders stiff. When she wasn’t the cause of his ire, she found it bothered her quite a bit – another horrid reminder she cared for him more than she wished to. She hoped he wasn’t getting a migraine though, because the little thought that had popped up in her head as she made her way over to his office was back. Perhaps he needs a bit of stress relief.
Eyes looking over his face again, her gaze wandered down the slope of his nose, then to his jaw, admiring the sharp edges she so often loved to trace when they lay together. His neck wasn’t safe from her ogling either. If she didn’t have such a good grip on her self-control, she probably would have climbed onto his lap and pressed kisses over that prominent peak at his throat, down to the appealing dip between his collarbones. 
A certain idea regarding the space under his desk crossed her mind, making her squeeze her thighs together as inconspicuously as she could at the sudden need for friction, but she was feeling too selfish for that. Maybe another time. She could annoy him in other ways though.
Wesker’s eyes fluttered open as he felt her foot brush against his leg and he lifted his head to look at her. Diana had that familiar teasing smile on her lips as she kept her eyes locked on his, uncrossing her legs and opening them the slightest bit, and she delighted in the smirk he tried to hide. Anyone else would have missed it, but she could easily detect the slightest hint of the corner of his lips threatening to pull, alongside the amusement evident in his gorgeous blue eyes.
She returned to trailing her foot a little higher up the side of his shin as she placed her hands behind her, leaning back on her arms and pushing her chest out slightly. Where was the harm in trying to rile him up in his office of all places? From where she was sitting, the easiest place to touch him that she knew was particularly sensitive were his thighs, but perhaps a little something else could entice him too…
He observed her curiously. It was quite endearing when she teased, however, he never let her go too far with her plans. Or so he thought. Her end goal was always to have him absolutely ruin her though – take her as his and leave marks that would remind her of their time together every time she looked at her body in the mirror – and when putting her in her place, he was doing exactly that.
Settling more comfortably into his desk chair, he propped his elbows up on the arms and steepled his fingers in front of him, holding her gaze. Her eyes lit up at that, pleased to see that he was entertaining her little game, and he found that rather cute. Her smirk grew wider, more lascivious, until she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and slowly opened her legs a bit wider, making a show of it.
When Diana resumed brushing her foot up his leg, Wesker reached down and gripped her ankle, not tight enough to hurt – he’d probably snap the delicate joint if he did – but enough that it made her suck in a sharp breath as heat pooled deep in her belly.
“Don't tempt me.” His even voice was accompanied by a low growl as a warning, and that didn’t help matters much for her – body already reacting far too easily to his touch alone – and she knew for a fact he had done it intentionally, knowing just how much it always affected her.
It usually took a bit more stimulation to get him to this point though, especially if they weren’t already making out, so she wondered if whatever had happened with Irons had made his blood boil so much that he was more sensitive to her touch. Or it was the stockings. She found he seemed to have quite a liking for stockings.
The look he sent her way next was cautionary, telling her to stop before she got in over her head, but that only spurred her on.
She tilted her head to the side before reaching down over one of her knees, fingers lightly walking over the fabric before she hooked them under the hem of her skirt. She watched him suppress a smile because of her defiance, before his gaze shifted from looking at her face to down to her long, slender fingers, and she smiled to herself. After taking her time in pushing the fabric up to reveal more of her legs – giving him a peek of the lace at her thighs – Diana’s fingers returned to her knee before she slowly skimmed them up the inner side, a small sigh leaving her lips. She stopped just underneath where her skirt now ended and Wesker’s eyes darted back up to meet hers; the way they had darkened made her pulse jump and sent a shiver straight down her spine.
“I cannot stand you,” he huffed, though she could see how his hands were strategically placed over his lap, and a teasing smirk played on her lips. The fact that she had picked up on all the little things that made his body betray him was probably rather irritating.
“Is that so? Must be why you keep inviting me over for dinner.”
Diana watched his jaw clench again and for a second she regretted her choice of words, only because of the way he’d tensed up at Sherry’s inquiry into their relationship status a few weeks back, and she didn’t want him to think she was questioning if he had feelings for her as well. But when his eyes locked onto hers again, mirth mixed in with irritation, her smirk turned into a rather devilish grin. 
It wasn’t often she got the upper hand on him like this. He was always teasing her or backing her into a corner, getting her all riled up, before he sometimes wouldn’t even follow through – just to feel proud of himself for being able to get under her skin. It was infuriating, the countless times he’d left her frustrated and distracted at work, knowing full well that she would be cursing him all day for doing such a thing. Sadistic prick, she thought. He seemed to always think with the head on his shoulders when it came to toying with her. Mind games were fun when she wanted to play, but she desired something much more rewarding for her efforts.
Leaning back on her hands again, Diana lifted a leg out in front of her, extending her foot as she gave her ankle a light roll. His eyes narrowed as he watched her, roaming up her leg and to the lace for a moment before they fixed on her own blue ones again. She bent her knee and placed her foot on his thigh, pressing her heel down harder than she probably should have with her stilettos, and the feeling of that set him off. He shoved her leg aside with his forearm then stood up quicker than she anticipated, positioning himself between her legs.
Wesker placed his hands flat on the surface of the desk, on either side of her thighs, and leaned down to level his face with hers. “I am at work.”
His breath was hot on her lips and she searched his eyes for a reaction as she brushed her lips against his own, only for a quick moment though, then she withdrew. “You’re on your lunch break.” Her eyes roamed down his body again, her tongue darting out to wet her lips, before she looked back up to meet his gaze. “Which I must say, there isn’t much eating going on here.”
Cheeky little thing. The corner of his lips pulled up in a smirk and he moved even closer towards her, caging her in, and her legs wrapped around his waist in an instant. Bringing a hand up to her neck, he pushed her hair aside then dipped his head to place a single kiss over her pulse point – the little gasp that left her made him grin against her skin.
Looking up at her again, he cupped her cheek, thumb gently stroking her cheekbone. “You really wish to do this here?”
Diana nodded, perhaps a little too eagerly. “Yes, I thought I made that quite clear.”
He let out little more than an exhale as a laugh at how harsh her tone was. Insolent is more apt. His fingers trailed along her jaw, thumb and forefinger eventually taking hold of her chin, then he tilted her head back as he looked into her eyes. “Are you going to behave? You must be quiet lest we get caught.”
Her brows furrowed then and she threw a pointed glare his way. “Would you like to remind me of a time that I have ever been loud?” One of his brows raised at that, the smirk on his face growing as he cocked his head to the side, silently mocking her for being too proud for her own good. Breathy moans and tiny gasps may have been what usually left her lips, but she has cried out his name on more than one occasion. For her own sake, she abandoned the topic, snaking her arms around his neck while holding his gaze, then she whispered against his lips, “I’ll be good.”
Wesker hummed at her obedience as the backs of his fingers ran down the front of her elegant neck, feeling the firm cartilage beneath soft skin, and his gaze left hers to follow their path. He revelled in the way her breath hitched when his fingertips continued a line down her sternum, over the top of her silk blouse. She was always so put together, so presentable, and he found himself admiring her more often than not. Truly a work of art.
Diana leaned in to claim his lips in a greedy kiss, obviously fed up with how he was taking his time, thinking he was drawing this out on purpose to annoy her, and he all but laughed into her mouth. All that did was give her the opportunity to slip her tongue past his lips as her hand went to the front of his pants, running over the thick outline trapped beneath. That gave him a slight bit of relief to the itch that was begging to be scratched, and he welcomed the shiver that went down his spine.
Once he’d pulled away from the kiss, he was in the middle of looking down at her thighs to push her skirt further up her legs when she gripped his chin and held him in place to look into his eyes. A quick break from her teasing, she earnestly asked, “Do you want this?”
“Yes,” he replied before she even finished speaking, and he pressed another peck to her lips. Her hands slid up his chest, adoring the firm muscle beneath his shirt, before she locked her arms behind his head again. The soft touch of her lips barely making contact with the side of his neck once she’d rested her head on his shoulder made him smile to himself. “I wouldn’t be doing this”—he gripped her thighs a little too hard, earning a small whimper—“if I didn’t.” 
Diana scoffed, then kissed her way down his neck, teeth nipping when she reached just below his collar. The moment she sucked on the delicate skin, he resumed what he was doing before she had interrupted him, quickly pushing her skirt up, and she lifted her hips to allow him to bunch it up around her waist.
“You look lovely today, dearheart,” Wesker whispered, only reverence in his voice, and she muffled the moan that left her by burying her face in the crook of his neck. The low chuckle he let out went right between her thighs and she bit down on her lip. 
The warmth spreading throughout her chest was almost overwhelming, ridiculous even. He always had a way of making her feel beautiful, even when they were like this. Maybe because he never looked at her the way her previous partners had, but instead like she was one of the many pieces she’d seen her babushka work on growing up, mimicking the way her childlike wonder had once marvelled at how stone could possibly be shaped to look so soft.
Before she knew it, Wesker gripped the backs of her knees and roughly pulled her towards him so she was sitting right on the edge of his desk, and she had to stop herself from letting out a small squeak at his sudden display of strength.
Dropping to his knees, the corner of his lips turned up as he ran his palms up her thighs, getting a good look at the sheer garments she had teased him with before. His fingers played with one of the lace welts high up on her long legs, and he smiled. He was used to her wearing tights most of the time, but this was quite a welcome change.
He hummed. “These are new.”
“Yes, well, someone ripped my rather expensive tights.” Diana glared down at him and he looked up to meet her gaze, the smug smirk she would’ve adored if not for the topic graced his lips, proud of himself for destroying her favourite pair of tights that she’d kept run-free for so long.
“They were in the way,” he said plainly. How her jaw dropped, even with the smile evident on her lips, and the way she laughed in disbelief made his heart beat a little faster. Every time he heard that melodic sound, he couldn’t get enough of it, but he always pushed aside the feeling it brought up inside of him. Admiration, surely. He pressed a kiss to the small amount of skin visible at the top of her thigh before he pushed her skirt further up her waist, kissing his way to the scar near her hip bone. “I like these far better. Besides, I bought you a new pair, did I not?”
“You could have just taken them off like a normal person.”
Her hands roaming over his broad shoulders were barely holding back from reaching for the buttons of his shirt. She wanted to get the offending material off of him, but it would take too long and he was already making her wait more than she wanted.
“And when have you ever known me to be normal, my dear?” Wesker held her gaze as he brought a hand in between her thighs, firmly pressing the pads of his fingers down over her damp panties, rubbing in slow, circular motions. She bit her lip in an attempt to not let any more noises escape her, and he chuckled.
Dipping his fingers into the side of the lace, he pulled it aside, taking a moment to look at how wet she was – how much she desired him – and it made him exceptionally proud of himself that he had such an effect on her without having to do much of anything. With his other hand pushing her thigh back, opening her legs wider for him, he leaned in and lapped at her folds. Diana held onto the edge of the wooden desk and he pulled her legs over his shoulders, making a breathy moan slip past her lips, and he stopped what he was doing, looking up at her with a warning in his eyes.
Reaching between her legs, she brushed her thumb across his cheekbone, noticing the way his eyes almost fluttered shut and she tried not to smile too wide at that. Looking down at him like this always made her head too big, it was almost like he was worshipping her. Almost. He was on his knees for her, after all.
She so desperately wanted to tangle her hand in his hair, but that would ruin his perfect hairstyle and he still had the rest of his workday ahead of him, so she simply rested her hand on his cheek. Wesker turned his head and kissed her palm, making those stupid little butterflies in her stomach appear, and she cursed herself for feeling something more towards him. “Just sex” didn’t last long, now did it?
“Behave,” he scolded her, reminding her to be quiet. She nodded fervently and he smirked at her blatant desperation before turning his attention back to her core.
His tongue circled that sensitive bundle of nerves and her mouth fell open in a silent cry, hands gripping the edge of the desk again so she didn’t accidentally tug on his hair. She watched one of Wesker’s hands pull the fingerless glove off of the other while his lips gently sucked on her clit, and she did everything in her power to suppress her moans.
He typically didn’t bother this much with foreplay in his former dalliances, finding oral somewhat tedious, a waste of time. He only ever cared for satisfying his need for release, though he did enjoy watching his partner fall apart because of him. That’s how it had started with Diana too, and he hated that it had changed somewhere along the line – that he wanted to make her feel good.
Wesker turned his head to nip the bare skin of her thigh and Diana let out a pleased sigh, one of her heels digging into the middle of his back. He ran his tongue over the small bite as his hand gripped the outside of her thigh before he sucked on the sensitive skin, and that made her head loll to the side as one of her hands reached over to lay flat on top of his.
His other hand – now free of its glove – came between her thighs, and he looked up at her while dragging two fingers over her slick folds after adjusting her panties again. The slight roll of her hips made him smirk, the action a silent plea for more, like she was begging him without even using her words, and at any other time he probably would’ve toyed with her a little longer, but instead he decided to indulge her.
Middle finger teasing at her entrance, he leaned in to kiss over the length of one of her hip bones. The little hum that left her lips was a pretty sound, not quite like her laugh, but not far off, and he seized the opportunity to push his finger into her, all the way to the knuckle.
Diana’s hand gripped his own on her thigh as she bit her lip and her brows knit together, trying desperately not to make any more noise. After a few strokes, he added another, and she quietly mewled at the delightful stretch. The quick puff of warm air over her cunt told her he was trying not to chuckle, but she was too distracted by the slow drag of his fingers inside of her, basking in the intoxicating feeling she’d missed more than she liked to admit.
It hadn’t even been three weeks since they slept together last – and they had gone longer between their irregular trysts before – but his fingers felt far better than her own, and she’d been thinking about him an awful lot. Her thoughts were cut off when Wesker’s lips enclosed around her clit again and she gasped, tipping her head back. She wished she could just grip his hair and hold him closer, but the last thing she wanted was for him to stop because she’d pulled strands free from how he’d meticulously styled them.
Swirling his tongue against her, he pumped his fingers faster, crooking them to brush over that sweet spot inside of her, and Diana forcefully weaved her fingers with his own on her thigh, holding his hand with a firm grip. That almost made him falter on the steady pace he’d built up as that unnerving tightness in his chest took hold. No matter how many times she did that when they slept together, he would never get used to it.
It didn’t take long before he felt her thighs start to tremble on his shoulders and her walls fluttered around his fingers as he drew her close to the edge. When a high-pitched noise caught in her throat, chest heaving and breath ragged, he placed one last open-mouthed kiss just above her flushed skin and pulled his fingers from her.
Diana whined at the sudden emptiness and the way the coil in her belly started to fade away, and her hips involuntarily bucked up against his chin, chasing his touch. He was such a tease, she could have kicked him in the head for that, but any annoyance she may have felt vanished the moment he slipped his fingers past his lips and sucked on them, eyes locked on to hers as he deliberately opened his mouth to make her watch his tongue swirl around the digits. She completely froze up at that and her own lips parted, from shock or desire, she couldn’t quite tell. Perhaps it was a mix of both.
He only watched as she gaped at him and that fed his ego tremendously. Making her speechless was one of the more entertaining parts of their encounters, though nothing could top the desperate begging. Every time he could reduce the ever-composed Dr. Sharp to a keening mess was a satisfying endeavour, and he enjoyed having that effect on her, turning her games back on herself.
Releasing his fingers with a wet pop, Wesker licked his lips and wiped his chin on the back of his hand as he rose to his feet, letting her thighs fall off of his shoulders and Diana’s eyes stayed fixed on his, pupils blown so wide that hardly any blue was visible. As much as he could stare at her all day, he wasn’t done with her yet. He reached out and cupped her jaw then roughly pulled her in for a kiss, instantly slipping his tongue past her parted lips so she could taste herself on him.
One of her hands quickly came up to grasp the nape of his neck, pulling him even closer, and a sound somewhere between a moan and a hum escaped her when their chests brushed together. He was taking too long with this given their circumstances, but he knew just how much the taste of herself on his tongue drove her mad, and he would never pass up an opportunity to toy with her.
Wesker pulled away from the kiss with a small bite to her bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth as he locked eyes with her, and all Diana could do was watch him as she panted into the space between them. She wished he would just hurry up and give her what she wanted, but she wasn’t going to beg for him here, not on the off-chance that someone heard her. She still had some of her dignity left, after all.
He quickly opened and scanned each of his desk drawers in search of a spare condom, but came up empty. Any other day he would’ve laughed at that, it would have given him a reason to deny her the release she was so desperately craving, yet the aching below his belt was nagging him as well, and with the amount of nonsense Irons was putting him through for no good reason as of late, he needed to find relief for at least one of his urges or he’d be in a foul mood all day.
Turning back to her, he watched as Diana leaned back on one of her arms and held her free hand up between them, the item he was looking for pressed between two of her fingers with a triumphant smirk on her lips. Of course she brought one, he thought. The confidence she had in being able to rile him up was annoying, only because it reminded him that she knew exactly what buttons to press, and her memory of the sensitive areas of his body or the situations that aroused him made him acutely aware that he wasn’t the only one playing a game.
A chuckle left his lips as he shook his head in amusement and plucked the condom from her grasp, and she reached over and pulled him close again by his belt, her legs hooking behind his knees as she did so. Her hands instantly went to work on the accessory in her way, unbuckling with practised ease before she quickly pulled the zipper of his pants down.
“You are rather impatient, dear,” Wesker teased, the arrogant smirk she had come to find far too attractive gracing his lips.
“Are you forgetting where we are?” Diana asked, rather snappy at that, and glanced up at him as she hooked her fingers beneath the waistband of both his pants and briefs, roughly tugging them down his thighs to free his cock.
The mere sight of him made that pressing ache between her thighs even more intense, and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as her hand wrapped around the base. The small sigh that left his lips was enticing enough in and of itself. It truly was ridiculous how much she desired him. Actually, it was embarrassing – that he had this hold on her while simply standing there, and it absolutely infuriated her, yet her body begging for more outweighed any rational thought that may have crossed her mind and she felt him harden even further beneath her touch from her firm strokes.
When he still hadn’t torn open the wrapper she looked up at him again, only to find him watching her with a strangely soft smirk on his lips, and that just made her even more annoyed. She let out a heavy sigh as her thumb mindlessly smeared the fluid at his tip. “What?”
“You are quite cute when you’re irritated, that’s all.”
Wesker expected her to scoff and roll her eyes, perhaps chide him for denying her release a moment ago, not for her cheeks to flush and her hand to fumble on his cock ever so slightly. That was intriguing. It wasn’t the result he was looking for, using such a word, but he loved how much power he had over her, that he could make one of the most collected women he’d ever met flustered. Anyone else would have gotten a look of disgust before she walked away from them for calling her that, but not him.
He finally ripped the wrapper open then nudged her hand aside to roll the condom down his length, and Diana rested her hands on his sides as she watched him. Cute? How dare he… She wasn’t cute, and he would do well to remember that. And yet her cheeks were still burning at the way he had said it, not quite teasing her but not a simple statement either. Honestly, she had no idea what to call the tone he’d used. Affectionate seemed too extreme, and it only made those wretched butterflies appear in her stomach again, so she chose not to think too hard on it instead.
Pulling her panties aside once more with one hand, he took hold of himself with the other, rubbing his tip along her folds as he teased at her entrance. Why he was so focused on toying with her was a mystery to her, especially when he already had her so desperate, and she rolled her hips to encourage him further while leaning in to lick a stripe up his neck. That got a chuckle out of him and she didn’t have time to react to the way he gripped her hips as he sunk into her in one fluid motion, making her gasp loudly into the crook of his neck, and her arms wrapped around his back.
Wesker ran his hands up and down the backs of her thighs as he gave her a moment to adjust, trying to focus on the feeling of her breath on his neck and the sheer fabric beneath his palms rather than the aching need to move. That is, until she started peppering small kisses across his skin.
Bumping his nose against her cheek prompted her to look at him again, but he only allowed her a second to meet his eyes before he captured her lips in an aggressive kiss, tongue instantly in her mouth and teeth almost knocking. His hips began moving at a steady pace and Diana hummed into the kiss, until he pulled out almost all the way before thrusting back into her, then her hands balled into fists as she gripped his shirt. He repeated the motion a second time, harsher, deeper, and her legs wound tighter around his waist as she arched against him, unintentionally changing the angle and making her moan into his mouth as he hit her just right.
He broke away from her lips to kiss a trail across her jaw then down her neck, his hips picking up speed, and Diana sucked in a sharp breath to stop the noise that threatened to spill from her lips. One of her hands kept coming up to his head on instinct and she was surprised she managed to stop herself just in time before those blond strands were in danger, so she settled on gripping his shoulder instead.
One of his hands laid flat against the desk as the other gripped under her knee, pulling her even closer, and soon enough his thrusts grew more forceful, sending warmth rolling down her spine, and her head lolled to the side with a moan before she could stop herself.
Wesker let go of her leg to reach up and close his hand around her throat. “Quiet.”
Diana nodded lazily before lifting her head to look at him through half-lidded eyes, her pleasure written clearly across her features, and he would bet she was trying her hardest not to moan again at the feeling of his hand around her throat like this. Wesker adjusted his grip, only grasping her lightly so as to not hurt her, then he pulled her closer to connect his lips with hers again.
There was no mistaking how possessive it was, a reminder that she belonged to him and only him, and she reciprocated eagerly, one of her hands coming up to hold onto the nape of his neck. Any reaction she would usually have from such a hold on her throat was overwhelmed by the way his hips were meeting hers, every nerve ending in her body already feeling as though they had been set alight.
He drove into her harder, letting go of her throat to cradle her back and Diana parted from the kiss to rest her head against his shoulder, breathing heavily against his shirt as every thrust had her gasping for air. Either her teasing had really riled him up this time, or the amount of pressure he was under needed an outlet. Whatever it was, Diana didn’t really care; she wasn’t complaining in the slightest as every pull was pure bliss.
Her heart was beating so loud she could hear it in her ears and her skin felt far too hot, warmth spreading throughout her entire body as his punishing motions had her muffling her whimpers into the crook of his neck while she clutched his shirt at his back. That is, however, until a loud thump brought them both out of their haze.
Diana couldn’t even be frustrated as the pressure in her abdomen dissipated for a second time that afternoon when Wesker slowed his thrusts to lean over her and peek across the edge of the desk, searching for the source of the noise. She could only try and stifle her oncoming laughter against his neck, locking her arms behind his head and holding onto him tightly.
The sight of one of his hardcover books that usually sat atop his desk, pressed up against the wall, lying open on the floor with its spine to the ceiling made him sigh. Surely some of the pages would have creases in them now, and that irritated him more than it should have given the situation. But once he looked back at Diana, he couldn’t help the chuckle that spilled from his lips as that strange warmth built up in his chest. She was trying so hard not to laugh, her body shaking against him as silent laughter took hold, short breaths warming the side of his neck.
Pressing a kiss into her hair made her look up at him, and he wasn’t prepared for the way his heart sped up at the sight of her – the way her nose was scrunched up and the corners of her eyes had crinkled, and how the indents on her cheeks had become deeper. Admittedly, it took his breath away. How was she possibly real? Amongst the rest of these chaff, where did Umbrella find someone like her? So beautiful, so… perfect.
Wesker connected his lips with hers while picking up his pace again in a desperate need to distract himself from whatever that feeling was, much preferring the familiar build up of his climax. But her smile was infectious, and he found himself grinning with her as they practically breathed into each other’s mouths instead of actually kissing.
Opening her eyes, Diana held his gaze as he gripped her thigh harder, the sound of skin on skin filling the room merely background noise to her as she tried to figure out what the look in his eyes possibly was. She had no clue, but it made her cheeks warm, nonetheless. Was it reverence? He sure was staring at her as though she was something holy, but he also seemed conflicted. The small glimpse of genuine joy she had only witnessed a handful of times since meeting him faded away almost instantly to his usual detached disposition.
The words he had spoken to her the first time they slept together worked their way to the front of her mind: You don’t have to hide from me. She so desperately wanted to relay those back to him, but she felt it would only make him retreat further, put whatever relationship they’d built back to square one the moment she made him aware of such a reaction.
She cupped his cheek and kissed him, capturing his lips with her own this time and despite the force of his hips meeting hers, she kept it slow. She wanted to tell him that he could smile with her, that he was allowed to laugh, be vulnerable even... Stop thinking about it.
Wesker’s arms wrapped around her back as he pulled her flush against his chest and she gasped into his mouth, an almost choked sob accompanying it. Her head tipped back as the pressure in her core pulled tight, and she bit her lip a little too late as a barely audible plea escaped her lips.
He watched her intently, as best he could given their situation, and he despised her for stepping foot into his office, for touching him when he was already wound tight, for even knowing where he was sensitive in the first place, but if it wasn’t the most satisfying thing to hear her like that, to make her fall apart. His peak was so near as he kept up his relentless pace, and there was only one word that kept repeating in his head.
“Al, I need—” Diana was cut off by a particularly deep thrust and she buried her face against his neck. “Please,” she whined right near his ear.
His hands slid under her ass and he lifted her slightly off the desk to change his angle, making her sob as she wrapped her arms tighter around his back. The pressure in her core was almost painful with how desperate she was for release. So close, yet so out of reach.
Cradling her with one arm, he brought the hand of his other between them and his thumb found her clit, frantically rubbing it as he thrust into her. “Come for me.”
It was more of a mutter than anything, voice obscured by laboured breaths, but only a few more swipes of his thumb and she came undone. Wesker kissed her in time before she could cry out, drinking in the sounds of her release until she broke away to rest her forehead against his shoulder, and he rode her through her high, keeping that pleasure ablaze as he chased his own.
Her walls clenching around him quickly turned his steady rhythm erratic, and he gripped her hips and buried his face in her hair. It didn’t take long until he pressed his hips flush against hers and a low groan reverberated from deep within his chest as he stilled and every muscle in his body pulled taut.
Diana slowly ran her hands up and down his back, soothing him through his climax as she still trembled from her own, and he set her back down on the desk, leaning on his palms as he breathed against her neck. Her heart felt like it was going to break free of her rib cage at any moment and a breathless laugh left her lips. She barely managed to press a kiss to his temple as he lifted his head to look at her, and she gave him a small smile.
“Thanks for lunch.”
A short exhale from his nose left him in place of a laugh as Wesker pressed his forehead against hers, which made her smile widen. His breathing was almost steady already and she cursed him for how quickly he always seemed to recover while she was still panting into the space between them.
“You’re a nuisance,” he said, almost affectionately, then captured her lips in a sweet kiss, one that had her reaching up to cradle his face in her hands as her stomach fluttered rather obnoxiously. He pulled away after a moment to look in her eyes, her hands remaining on both of his cheeks, thumbs brushing over his high cheekbones, before he leaned in again to place a single peck on her lips. “We need to—”
“Yeah,” Diana interrupted him and cleared her throat. She let go of his face and quickly dropped her arms to her sides, resuming her position from earlier as she leaned back on her hands and tilted her head to the side to simply watch him.
Wesker reached behind himself to grab the tissue box off the top of the sideboard against the wall, his other hand rubbing small circles on her hip as he slowly pulled out of her. He took extra care in cleaning her up, like always when they slept together, strangely gentle no matter how he’d taken her, and she just looked on curiously. This tender behaviour, she couldn’t figure it out. Him. She couldn’t figure him out.
Reaching out, she straightened his shirt and helped him tuck it back into his pants once he’d cleaned himself off, and his eyes darted up to meet hers. The warmth in them almost made her look away, feeling more exposed in front of him than any time he’d mapped out her body. Her thoughts of whether there was a possibility her feelings were reciprocated or not were interrupted when he gently grasped the side of her neck, just under her ear, and his thumb brushed over the angle of her jaw as he pulled her in for another kiss.
Any tension that had crept up into her shoulders melted away as his lips moved against her own. It was almost painful when he was affectionate like this, like she was being teased with something that would get snatched away at any moment. It was the same story every time: they’d tease, then fuck, then be oddly tender, before going back to acting like nothing ever happened. She didn’t know if it was because they had acknowledged something was going on between them the other week, but things felt slightly different this time.
Diana let him pull away to finish fixing his pants, not feeling entirely comfortable looking him in the eyes after her foolish thoughts had gotten the better of her. The sound of him buckling his belt made her sigh, reminding her she needed to fix her own clothes. 
Hoping her legs were going to work and she wouldn’t fall flat on her face, she pushed herself off of his desk, and he reached over to land a small, playful slap on her ass, earning another one of those laughs he adored so much. She glanced over at him while tugging her skirt back down around her legs and he cast a barely-there smile her way, one she returned as she leaned in and craned her neck to peck his lips.
The racket of his subordinates filing into the S.T.A.R.S. office alerted her that their activities had lasted far longer than she had planned. Sighing, she bent over to pick her heels up from where they’d fallen off her feet and to the floor, and slipped them back on, but Wesker just chuckled.
“How did you sneak in here?” Diana turned to him with a brow raised and he elaborated, “They were leaving when I returned from my meeting.”
The corner of her lips pulled up in a small smirk and she ran two of her fingers over the surface of his desk, making her way to his discarded sunglasses as she closed the distance between them. “Now that would be revealing my methods.” His eyes narrowed and she chuckled as she picked up the shades. “They are an awfully distracted bunch.”
Wesker sighed, the slight annoyance twisting his features told her that he dealt with that often, at least recently. She brought his sunglasses up between them, sliding them over his ears with a small smile on her lips while holding his gaze. He only watched her, curious when she eventually averted her eyes, but the smile didn’t leave her lips, and she slid a hand down to pat his chest twice before pulling away.
Picking her handbag up from under his desk, she moved away from him to walk towards the door, but what she didn’t expect was for him to reach out and gently take hold of her other hand, making her stop in place. That shouldn’t have made her breath catch in her throat, and she found herself just uselessly standing there in shock, staring down at his thumb caressing the back of her hand.
Eyes darting back up to his face, Diana only looked into his eyes as she had no idea what to say to that. Odd… She tilted her head to the side, but he dropped her hand and brushed past her, walking around the desk. Taking a deep breath now that his back was turned, she cursed herself for the feelings she had been trying desperately to cast aside. Confusing was the only word she could use to describe him – she wished he would stop showing her these fleeting moments where she could believe he felt something more for her.
Wesker rested his hand on the doorknob, looking back over at her and smirking to himself when he realised she hadn’t moved, not even a little bit. Making her flustered twice in one afternoon? That was unheard of, but it made him far too proud of himself. He cleared his throat and her head snapped to meet him, before she quickly looked away again, fixing her shirt and hair one last time.
That familiar dignified attitude had taken hold of her once more by the time she made her way over and stood in front of him, narrowing her eyes as she held his gaze. With a small nod towards the door, she silently signalled for him to open it, challenging the arrogant smirk that had pulled onto his lips. She wished she didn’t feel the need to run, but she wanted to be as far away from him as possible. It was getting increasingly difficult to ignore her feelings when he kept looking at her like that.
He abruptly reached out and she almost flinched, his hand coming up to the side of her head. But all he did was tuck a stray hair back into place, lingering as his eyes scanned over the rest of her, no doubt looking for anything else out of place that he could fix.
Diana lowered her voice and the corners of her lips pulled upwards, almost as though she was trying not to smile. You moron, don’t show him that. “I will leave you to explain this to them.”
The urge to pull her in for another kiss was quite annoying in all honesty – that he wanted to hold her close and talk about nonsense the same way they usually did after they had sex. As much as she infuriated him, he couldn’t deny that he enjoyed her presence, and the fact that she had the nerve to challenge him. It was quite an interesting game to play. He would never admit that she made him feel more than just fascination or some deep respect, that William was correct in assuming that he was utterly obsessed with her. It didn’t matter, it would go no further than that.
Wesker pulled the door open and Diana instantly walked past him, her demeanour turning entirely professional, and she made sure to turn towards him and keep her back to his team. The last thing either of them needed was for one of them to figure out she was connected to Umbrella and in turn compromise his position. Both of her hands grasped the straps of her handbag as she brought it in front of her while stopping to stand before him, then she gave him a polite nod of her head.
“Thank you for seeing me at such an inopportune time, Captain.” She let the mask slip for a second to wink at him, and he couldn't believe her. The fact that he almost smiled at such insolent behaviour was absurd.
Before he even had time to respond, she turned on her heel and left the room, the distinct sound of her heels clicking down the hall making him do the exact same back towards his office. His team, on the other hand, were not so quick to disregard such an encounter.
“Who was that?”
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