#sorry for the long rant my mutual pals but fuck me this anon PISSED me off
pcrfectstorms · 2 years
if eddie was supposedly queer then what was "chrissy this is for you" lol
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Oh little anon, when i tell you, you picked the WRONG bitch, I mean you picked the wrong bitch! firstly, cowardly to hide behind a grey face and not expose your blatant homophobia with your whole chest, but we move...
Let's take this in two parts, shall, we? Lets look at Stranger Thing's use of the word 'Freak' which from season one of the show has been used as a replacement for 'Fagg*t' the first instance being against Will Byers, when Joyce is reporting him missing and goes onto to explain to Hopper how Will's been bullied by his peers and his own father, where she explicitly uses the F slur to explain it, and from there it's been consistently used as a placeholder for it. Will is canonically confirmed gay by Noah, and to everyone else who knows how to read queer coding in his coming out scene to his brother in the pizza shop in volume 2. Eddie refers to himself on more than one occasion as a 'freak' - particularly in the boat house scene where he looks directly at Robin, a canonically confirmed lesbian and says to her, 'hunt the freak, right?' you can see the fucking pain in that boys face as he says it, and the gentle look Robin gives him in nodding, it's very clear to read that as them both having the understanding of what that meant, because while your little cishet brain may be incapable of critically reading subtext in media, us queers are very well versed at recognising our own, both on screen in queer coded storylines and off-screen in real life, and in this scene those two things meshed perfectly to demonstrate it.
Also, whether or not the nod to Queer Flagging was intentional or not, it was absolutely read that way by most of the Queer audience. Hanky Code was just one of the methods of Queer flagging that existed (and still exists today) which is predominantly used by Queer men (read: gay, bi, pan etc) to flag their sexual positions and interests at a time when it wasn't safe for them to be openly out without endangering their lives. Of course, bandana's were a big part of Metalhead culture too, but subcultures like metal, punk, etc, all these counter culture movements have a extensive and rich history of intersecting with the queer community. They are not mutually exclusive. Metal has massive ties to gender nonconformity and queerness, with bands like Judas Priest (who's lead singe Rob Halford was a gay man who came out in '98) who Eddie has a pin of on his battle vest, and while in '86 he wasn't out publicly, speculation about his sexuality had been around then too.
And all that is before we look at Joseph Quinns performance as Eddie and the little way in which he shamelessly flirted with both chrissy cunningham and steve harrington - which joe has confirmed at multiple convention panels that Eddie was flirting with Steve - he even, at the German con last weekend said that him and steve would have been a good fit, romantically.
BISEXUAL PEOPLE EXIST, PANSEXUAL PEOPLE EXIST. And if you can't see that not only are you homophobic, participating in bi/pan erasure but you're also just frankly fucking dumb.
And finally, if you think 'this is for you chrissy' meant he was somehow harbouring romantic feelings for her rather that he wanted to avenge for her murder you are delusional, and honestly giving Eddie ZERO respect if you honestly believe that it was because he fancied her and not because he was traumatized and guild ridden over not being able to do anything other than run away. This was him saying, I'm sorry Chrissy, I wish I could have saved you, but fuck it, your death won't be in vain we're going to save this goddamn town and burn the fucker who took your life.
I don't engage in ship wars, I don't give a fuck if you ship hellcheer, or steddie, or whatever other eddie ship, but i do give a fuck if you're going to come into my house and disrespect my son like this. DO BETTER.
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