#sorry for the absence everyone!!! my mental health wasn't good enough to pretend everything was a-ok for another second anymore :')
yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
woo heyy you guyyys!!!!
*looks at the last time i've been active*
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soo...school amma right??? haha i'm turning into a corpse with how little i sleep :'D
(man and i swear each time i try to even THINK about drawing they bombard the whole damn week with assignments smh >:/)
i really can't feel time pass anymore hhh BUT! i have some news!
i put some reblogs in my queue a while ago (i try to whenever i have some spare time) so worry not! i am not dead and i did see some of the art in my dashboard/i was tagged into so posting those would be my top priority!
second is that i'm gonna start posting the art i had planned before starting tomorrow! i will also post some doodles i did in ms paint/ edited in medibang while i wait to get a new tablet/pen/whatever :'(
i am not even gonna try and make any promises or with my luck i'll end up with another disaster next year</3 but i will try to post whenever i can! it's been some rough months lately and i'm not doing the best, but trust me when i say i ain't leaving any time soon!! y'all are stuck with me >:)c <33333
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