#sorry for posting about the beatles. smthing is severely wrong me fr
obrother1976 · 6 months
sorry for being crazy. but somehow two of us (2000) is a literal, actual movie that exists. insane to me. it sounds made up if u even say any part of the plot out loud. like "oh yeah basically it ends with john talking paul into performing on snl, but then paul gets his guitar from the car and when he comes back john's on the phone with yoko, telling her he loves her and that she's the only thing that keeps him from disappearing, so paul leaves again, calls his wife and tells her he loves her. also after he hangs up he stops smiling immediately and just sort of stares into space. also did i mention that this is the only time either of them ever call their wives the entire movie? yeah right at the end when they separate again." like. what.
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