#sorry for not being active i get sad when people don't respond to my art HAGSHSJS
nayruwu · 5 months
I wanna know the lunaify gureshin lore please
ha ha! i'm so glad you asked!
i'm not trying to say the way their relationship is in canon is bad, because kagami just had different priorities in the story. i don't think a casual reader would think anything is missing, but i spend a lot of time thinking about these characters specifically so naturally i'd want to fill in the gaps.
right off the bat i think the way shinya introduces himself to guren is kind of... odd. it's his thing to mask his feelings and intentions, so for him to immediately overshare and dump all of that onto guren first chance he gets feels rushed and, quite frankly, out of character. even if he really wanted guren as an ally, it would have made more sense to observe a whole lot more first and try to gain his trust more slowly. imagine how much more charming it would have been if guren had thought shinya to be a spoiled hiiragi brat at first, and only slowly realised that hey, he's like me. the scene where seishiro punches him in the face would have been perfect for this. or, you know those scenes where a character accidentally lets something slip or moves in a way that reveales bruises or wounds they have and then they stand there awkwardly not knowing how to react? it's cheesy but i love fondue so it's fine.
one thing that i've seen in fanfiction a couple of times is shinya being ashamed of his past in the training facility, and intentionally never mentioning it to guren (thinking he, the selfless saviour of the ichinose, would be disgusted at his selfishness). and i really like this idea! shinya having tried so hard to be guren's friend and not wanting it to be destroyed. guren finding out and being horrified, not at shinya but at the hiiragi, because what the fuck are they doing to little children? the conversation that would have to follow after. it'd be intriguing development where they'd both have to open up and be honest. but recently as i was rereading the novels i realised that guren just... already knows about the trials. i can't even remember where exactly it was mentioned, but it's there in a side sentence, casual, without a second thought. booooo. boring. huge missed opportunity.
... which also leads into the next point. because even in resurrection, even when they call each other 'best friend', guren never really thinks about shinya. and i know how this sounds - of course he thinks about him! like, literally all the time! but what guren thinks about is how he needs him, how he wants him to live, how he doesn't want to exist without him, but he never really thinks about shinya himself. normally, you'd want to know about your best friend's life, try to be there for them, worry about their wellbeing. in canon, this is never considered. shinya doesn't ask for support, guren doesn't give it. i get that this is a really complicated issue considering that before the catastrophe they're mostly not that close and guren has like a million different problems to deal with & after the catastrophe his biggest concern is keeping shinya alive, but i did come up with a solution for this (sorry i went on a tangent there again the shinsanity is getting to me). so what shinya often does is put guren's goals and wishes above is own (be that by not being able to figure out what he wants and helping guren achieve his goals instead (canon) or quite literally being in love with him but never acting on or even acknowledging it (interpretation)). shinya knows that guren has a horrible case of saviour complex, has watched him repeatedly destroy himself to try and save someone else. so it would make total sense if he, having devoted himself to supporting guren, didn't want to become the reason he gets hurt. it would make for a horribly sad situation because there is no way guren would want to accept this but it plays right into his need to keep shinya at a distance, so there's nothing he can do about it.
let them snuggle.
just a glimpse into my dark, twisted mind😈
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
fanfiction being bad is actually a good thing
sorry that one post has just put me into a musing mood abt like. the way people respond to "bad writing" in fanfiction. so i have written a little essay xx
anyway. first off, any measure of "bad writing" is going to be inherently subjective, whether or not people want to acknowledge that. no matter what critera you use to try and claim that ur measure is more "objective," you will still be able to find published fiction that does not meet those criteria, which is part of the reason that i think it is ridiculous in the first place to act as though "book" and "fanfiction" are two diametrically opposed categories of literature in which "book" = good writing and "fanfiction" = bad writing such that the only way to express a book is bad is to claim it's "more like fanfiction than a book" and the only way to elevate fanfiction is to claim that it's "more like a book than fanfiction." and of course there are all the underlying issues with classism racism ableism etc when buying into the myth of the meritocracy of publishing.
but even acknowledging that any measure of "bad writing" is going to be subjective, i don't think it's unfair to cultivate your own standards for what makes writing good versus bad. everyone is going to do that anyway, so what's more important to me is that a person understands what factors are influencing their measurement and acknowledges the subjectivity inherent to this sort of critique. and i do think, generally speaking, that media which exists within a profit economy is fair game for critique as to whether it is "good" or "bad," as i have talked about before on my blog. and i think depending on what criteria you are using to define bad, there will be instances where it makes more or less sense to make normative judgments about the popularity of such media. for example--if someone says "marvel movies shouldn't [normative judgment] be so popular because the writing is cringey," i find that a less compelling argument than "marvel movies shouldn't be so popular because they are military propaganda."
but i don't think that sort of critique about whether writing is "good" or "bad" has a place in fanfiction spaces. aside from the fact that fanfiction exists primarily outside of any profit economy, the reason that you will likely encounter more "bad" writing in fanfiction is that it's a space where many people are actively learning how to write--and that's a good thing. the only way for someone to become a good writer is to do a lot of bad writing first, so i actually think it's great that there's a bunch of shitty fanfiction out there on the internet--every bad fic u come across is a developing writer who's honing their craft, and they've found a perfect space to do so.
and yet i see "bad writing" get brought up a lot regarding fanfiction in two specific ways.
1. the idea outlined above, where people devalue fanfiction as a whole and act as though "fanfiction" is synonymous with "bad writing" or somehow an inferior medium.
i see this happening both with people who scoff at fanfiction and with people who try to redeem or elevate fanfiction by placing it in closer proximity to published books (i.e., THIS fic isn't like those other, shitty fics! this one is as good as [insert classic novel/published author/etc here]!!").
quite frankly i think this is evidence that these people have bought wholeheartedly into the publishing industry's myth of meritocracy, something that we should seriously question. but if anything, i also find it sad because i think it is a very limiting way to view fanfiction, which is its own unique art form in my opinion. fanfiction has its own conventions and strengths independent of published fiction, and there are many stylistic and structural elements unique to fanfiction that just don't really work in published books. for example--those 15k oneshots you'll come across every so often with lowercase song titles and prose that kicks your teeth in. that is a style of writing that is pretty unique to fanfic. or those sprawling, 400k+ works where tons of time is spent meandering through characters' lives and relationships--those, too, are somewhat unique to fanfiction, as in published books stories tend to get pared down more. i think those who want to convince people that fanfiction is good should spend less time trying to place it in proximity to published fiction and more time considering how fanfiction functions as a unique art form that is worthy of merit thanks to its uniquity
2. people who throw a fit when they see a fanfic with "bad writing" get attention and praise. usually i see this happen if a fic gets some measure of popularity--suddenly, people will begin to pop up talking about how the fic has "bad writing," and therefore shouldn't be popular.
i think that what gets me with these folks, aside from how obviously their own subjectivity regarding what makes writing good or bad has gone unexamined, is how....vindictive they seem. as if the idea that something they deem "bad" writing could ever be widely enjoyed is personally offensive to them. and i just think this sort of behavior is so stupid for two reasons--first, of course, there is the obvious issue of subjectivity. even if you think something is badly written, your opinion isn't somehow more important to the world than everyone else's. if other people are enjoying a fic, clearly they do not agree with your subjective opinion, and that's fine! you don't have to read a fic if you don't like it, and you can let other people enjoy the story. they are reading the exact same writing as you, and they can draw their own independent conclusions about how good or bad they think it is.
but second--you are not doing anyone any good by screaming about how bad a fic's writing is. like. i think there is perhaps this idea of like "oh this writer is bad but their writing is popular and everyone is telling them it's good, which means they are going to think their bad writing is good and keep writing badly forever." which, again, disregarding the obvious subjectivity, i just....don't think is true. like--if someone is writing badly, and people are going "hey i like this story keep it up!" what will most likely happen is that that person will keep writing, developing their skill the more they write and becoming a better writer. like, it's pretty difficult for writing to just remain stagnant; your writing will change the more you write, inevitably. especially when it comes to fanfiction, where many people are, again, developing their writing skill. but if someone is writing badly, and people are going "boo this sucks!" that writer is much less likely to do the actual thing that would make their writing better (keep writing) and instead more likely to just. stop altogether. in which case it's just like--congratulations on removing some more art from the world! cunt.
anyway. the conclusion i am trying to get at here is that i think people need to stop being so preoccupied with "bad writing" in fanfiction spaces. it's impossible to objectively measure the "goodness" or "badness" of writing in the first place, and trying to do so for any purpose other than making personal decisions about whether you want to read something or like, discussing in private groupchats with friends, usually just results in driving developing writers away from writing entirely and promoting the myth of meritocracy in publishing such that we reify the book/fanfiction dichotomy in which fanfiction will always be assumed to be inferior.
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theomengirl · 4 years
~ GOM as a father ~
[notes] ~ hello! i' m sorry for not being active for the past two weeks because i was battling writer's block, and since college has started it also got in the way of my writing. the requests are piling up and i'll try to work on them as soon as possible ;;; here's a hc of your fav gom boys while you wait. thank you! ♡
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the most normal out of the 6.
he’s really appreciative and compliments his child on something they do.
the type to give a sweet morning call and kisses them as soon as they wake up.
later at night, he would read them books and stay longer before their bedtime just to have a simple talk. “what was your favorite part of today?”
also assures them that he's all-ears if they're bothered by something.
no matter how bad his day went, he would never show it in front of them.
you and Kuroko always stick a note filled with encouraging words on their lunchbox to boost their spirit.
sets a healthy lifestyle to help with their growth because he doesn't want them to take after his low stamina.
he loves to assist when they have an art project and he'd display the artwork at home while giving a pat on the head. "look at this awesome work made by you."
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the moment he officially became a dad, he cried for a whole day.
one night, you felt exhausted and Kise wasn't on the bed the moment you woke up. then you found him at the room next door, snoring on the carpet with scattered diapers while your child was sleeping soundly in their crib.
hangs family pictures all over the house and he puts his child's shots throughout the years. he's also active on social medias to boast about his little family.
he's clingy and would give big hugs and kisses at random times, for no reason at all. often argues about who love whom more.
a little sad when they refuse to accept his affection. "dad, stop it. i'm older now." "doesn't matter, i'd still hug and kiss you every day even if you grow grey hair."
spoils them with toys until there's barely any space to keep them, which gaining him a whack from you. "don't buy toys anymore." but he just couldn't look away and came home with another one.
brags about the magazines which he featured on. "doesn't your dad look handsome here?"
he takes his child to his photoshoot site once in a while and the people there would squeal.
his heart breaks if he sees them getting frustrated or sad. "hey, you have your mom and me. you'll always be our biggest pride so let's figure out together, alright? now should we crash at your favorite restaurant?"
gets excited when they do. he's also good at role plays, sometimes a cop, a prince, a monster, etc.
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a little awkward and confused as how to act natural when his child pretend to shoot him or he plays a prince.
"mom, can you play with me? dad's terrible." then he'd call Kise to ask for some advice.
often doubts himself whether he's a good father or not, but that thought got washed out after his child came home saying he got an A for his essay; 10 things i love about my father. reading it before he leaves for work has become a routine.
bonds over basketball. he'd teach his child how to shoot threes and encourage them until they get better.
he makes sure they keep lucky items with them every day.
totally lost his cool and was panicking when his child got a fever. you tried to calm him down but he instantly rushed to the hospital, only to return home again because the doctor said it wasn't serious; just a usual fever every kid runs to.
the type to set a curfew.
might push them in term of academics, but not too hard. and he would always praise them no matter how bad the score they get. "it's just a number. i just hope you understand the subject so it'll be an advantage for you in the future, you can always do better, because you're our son/daughter."
lowkey jealous if the Shutoku uncles get close to them and glares at Takao because his child seems to favor him.
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the troublemakers in the house, especially if he has a son. a carbon copy just in a smaller size.
definitely passes on his basketball legacy and they would lose track of time. you had to call them multiple times over dinner only to get responded with "5 more minutes!" and lasted for another hour.
tells them the importance of teamwork no matter how good they are in basketball. he doesn't want his child to repeat his mistake in the past.
"why are you worried over the exam you just finished, when the scores aren't out yet at that? honey, tell the kiddo what place i was during high school," he said as he laid down on the sofa, watching tv while picking on his nose. "your dad was in last place."
he would give a lesson to whoever tries to pick up on or belittle his child.
try to position himself a friend instead of a parent so they'll not be afraid to open up to him.
calls them with pet names he comes up with or he just go with "oi kiddo"
lots of skinship and he often buries them under his large body or traps their head under his shirt when he's being playful.
"don't grow up too fast. i'll be sad, you know?"
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despite his habit of unhealthy eating, he restricts his child to do the same.
"no more candies." "but dad, you had it more than me. can i, please?" "no. you're still growing, your teeth will rot." "so can i eat as much as you once i grow up?" "still no."
the happiest when the school invites parents for a one-day activity together. the other children hover around him because they find his purple hair amusing.
you were amazed by how much he had matured after having a child compared to before the marriage.
rewards them with snacks and sweets if they achieve something.
loves to give them teddy bear hugs.
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sets good examples that his child would follow; a man with manners.
pays full attention to their education. at the same time he takes things slowly and is aware that his child isn't a machine that should excel at everything.
"please do tell me if you ever feel like the lesson doesn't suit you. talk to me, okay?"
says "i love you" or "you're the greatest thing ever happened in our life" whenever he gets the chance.
tries his best to spend some time with them despite his busy schedules as he doesn't want to lose track of their growth.
takes them along to his business trips, classical concerts or simply playing basketball with the uncles from Teiko in hopes that his child will learn naturally by watching.
he would never demand them to be perfect like the doctrine he received from his father, because his child's happiness is number 1 priority above anything else.
teaches them leadership skills and how to earn other people's respect without hurting them.
overall, he avoids to repeat his past by being more considerate and affectionate to his own child which he treasured so much.
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evesbeve · 5 years
Exactly one year ago, I posted my first Ninjago fanfiction on Tumblr
(Yes, this is one of these big and personal posts, but bear with me for a second ^w^)
I've already talked about how much Ninjago means to me, and what a positive impact it has had on my life, but to celebrate a year into this fandom, I'd like to focus on its community here on Tumblr.
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I've always been into Ninjago. In fact, I started watching it back in 2011, when it first came out!
Later on, I discovered fanfiction. It was like a dream come true, to read original stories about my favorite ninja, and to write them myself too! Eventually I began posting them, and I must say... They weren't good XD
But hey, I loved writing them! So I did just that - I kept writing and writing, until... Well, I grew out of Ninjago when I reached 7th grade.
But last year, I decided to rewatch the entire series during Christmas break. It was like falling in love with my favorite ninja all over again.
And who would have thought there would be an active fanbase here on Tumblr?
I remember scrolling down the tag and smiling at every single artwork and piece of fanfic (+ memes, of course. Who can forget about memes?) that I found.
(And bruh, discovering bruiseshipping? Holy FSM, that was truly a Christmas miracle.)
On December 28th of 2017, I made my first Ninjago Vocal Cover.
The feedback I got was incredible. I had never, ever received such positive comments before, and the encouragement to do more helped me get out of the bad mental state I was in.
So I got writing again.
If I was going to post Ninjago, I was going to post Pixane.
So I did do that, and on January 1st of 2018, I posted my first Ninjago fanfiction in years.
Did I post it as soon as I finished it? Yes!
Had I beta-ed it? ... No...?
It was still a huge step for me though! Once that story was up, I was on freaking fire.
To make you understand, I published a total of 30 Ninjago related stories (and that was just the stuff I made public!)
I have never produced this much content before!
If that wasn't enough, I picked up my YouTube channel again, occasionally made some art, and heck, somehow I got motivated to clean up my room to make space for LEGOs.
I even had the pleasure of hosting a collaborative project with around 30 people! (Yes, the new one is on the way, we're all still working on it :D)
Suddenly I was motivated to do stuff, I wasn't sad all the time, I made new friends!
All that is because of YOU.
I'm just a random girl from Greece that happens to like a bunch of LEGO ninja. Yet, you've treated me with so much kindness, and made me feel like so much more than that.
I'm not oblivious to the fact that I am known inside this fanbase. I just want to make sure you know that you made my voice loud.
And for that, I am greatful.
I am greatful for the joy you've given me, and the memories I was able to make because of you.
I've always wanted this blog to be a place of positivity. It makes me so incredibly happy that you can seek to it to get away from everything else, that it makes you happy.
This blog, is our blog.
So I'd like to take a moment to personally thank a few people from this community that played an important role in my life in 2018. If you don't want to go through a big thank you list, that is totally understandable, so I'll put it under the cut. To those of you who are leaving this post now,
Happy New Year!
Before I start, I'd like to say that it would be impossible to include every single person I know into one post. If you're not in here but you're still relatively active, chances are I don't know you personally (but I have probably noticed you!) OR I accidentally forgot to include you, in which case I'M SO SORRY, AAAA!
Without any further ado!
Thank you @diamantdrache, for drawing me like three times without me even asking, holy crap ;w; You're so amazing dude, I'm always happy to see you around. Keep being awesome!
Thank you to @strawberryhipster and @kunoichi-of-fangirling for always screaming with me about Pixane!
Thank you @i-am-the-bluejay for making me laugh through your amazing bruise fanfics! They never failed to cheer me up :D
A special thanks to @parachutingkitten, for, gosh, everything. Discovered your fanfics during a very hard time, and trying to solve the mystery behind them kept me going. You're so kind and sweet to me all the time, and I'm so happy we ran into each other!
Huge thanks to @volzorra for dropping by my inbox to tell me the randomest of things! I adore everything you do, keep it up!! :D
Thanks to @panwitha-plan, @purplerose244, @monstriframinerva and @ninjago-rewritten for making me giggle whenever you pop up in my feed and notifications! You guys rock 💜
A big one to @ninjakitten1699 for coming up with such amazing scenarios featuring the one true mastermind of Ninjago - Dr. Kitty Saunders! Not only that, but somehow you always remember what stuff I like, and tag me in funny posts (and angst bc I live for that) and making my day! Thank you so much for everything!
Thank you @coco-jaguar for being a mom to all of us in the fandom, and organising such cool events like the Secret Santa!
Thanks to @loud-quiet-and-fragile for going through 100 of my posts at once and commenting at every single one! You're just so fun to be around, and my mood instantly improves when I see you!
You knew it was coming, @nightlybirdie! Thank you, for always responding to my yelling about your art, and for yelling on my content as well! You're one of the sweetest people I know, I'm seriously so happy we met!
Thank you to @kara-is-so-ninja!! For not only having such an amazing AU, but for spreading joy everywhere you go! I admire your work so freaking much, but I admire you as a person even more. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face 💜
Thank you @ninjagojed, for being so easy and fun to talk to! I enjoy your company to death!
HUGE THANKS TO MY WONDERFUL DAUGHTER @lindsey-chr-not-found!! I've known you for so long and, its amazing we found each other again! Thanks for screaming to me about our ideas, and, well, for letting me adopt you XD
A big thanks to @echojulien for being such a supportive friend, and always there when I'm in need of our boy Echo!! :D
This is where it starts to get really difficult to fit things into a single paragraph...
To @hottchoco, who is basically one of the reasons I started shipping bruise in the first place, thank you for opening my eyes. Thank you for being that one person that is somehow into all of my fandoms at once, and screaming to me in random about them. Thank you for, even though we have different tastes sometimes, being respectful no matter what. Thank you, for being my shoulder to cry on when I need it. Thanks for everything dude :D 💜
Thank you @spinharmony, for creating a server where I made such amazing friends, and for BEING one of those amazing friends. It's so easy to talk to you about anything. You're always there, whether it's screaming about our misunderstood favorite characters, or talking about our problems. Thank you so much for just being there. I am so lucky to be able to call you my friend 💜
Thank you @hollsheadcanons!! You were one of the first people I met in this fandom, and definitely someone I was comfortable with since day one. We spend so much time just meming and yelling, that I literally feel like there's nothing to be afraid of when I'm with you. You make all my problems disappear, but you're also here to comfort me when I'm in need of hugs. Words are not enough to describe how much you mean to me. You're one of my best friends in the entire world, and for that, I thank you. Love you so much Holls!!💜
And finally, @clumsinessinperson and @ninjagoruinedmylife. You two, it feels wrong to talk about you separatedly because we're always together! I don't even know where to begin with you guys, I just love you so freaking much. No matter how upset I am, you always lift me up. You're so understanding of how I feel, and I know I can always count on you for anything. I just can't believe how close we are, and how many things we've created and been through together. I want you to know that you mean the world to me, and I love you so much. Thank you for being my friends. I love you 💜
To everyone reading this, regardless of being in my list or not, thank you so much for being part of my year, and for being part of my life. Thank you for everything 💜
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