#sorry charles but i'm gonna order you not your ice cream
charles-pitlane · 2 months
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Is he trying to sell his ice cream or himself?
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attemptingwriter · 3 years
(Erik Lehnsherr x Reader x Charles Xavier)
Soulmate AU: You can't see your soulmates eye color until you touch for the first time
Summary: Its (Y/N)'s first day at Xavier's School For Gifted Children. Their friend Raven had convinced them to apply as a teacher there. All they were expecting was to meet the students and other professors. Who knew they were gonna meet their soulmates?
Warnings: None, like one f-word, maybe some minor embarrassment
"Come on, (Y/N). Your power is amazing and you would be an amazing teacher!" Raven exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. We were heading into town to get some ice cream, when Raven started talking about her friend, Charles.
I looked to the side, rubbing the back of my neck. "My power isn't all that great. And besides, would they even like me?"
Raven stopped dead in her tracks. "Why would they not like you? You are so sweet and kind. I know Charles would benefit from having a teacher like you."
"If you say so. But I still don't have total control over my powers. What if I hurt someone?" I asked, as we entered the ice cream parlor.
Raven shook her head, opening the door for me. "I doubt that your telekinesis could hurt someone. And besides, there are so many kids there that have trouble with their powers. And every single teacher there has helped them, in some way, to control it. Hank is our scientist and he helps build things for the students. You remember Scott, right?"
"Alex's brother?"
"Yes. Hank helped build him some special glasses so he wouldn't be walking everywhere blind trying to keep his powers in check. And Logan helps them with their combat skills."
I chuckled. "Does this school do any sort of non-mutant learning? Like, I dunno, math or English?"
Raven smacked me upside the head. "Yes, of course. Now let's order our ice cream and then we'll talk some more."
We got in line, checking out the different flavors and combinations they offered. Raven chose to go with a classic mint chocolate chip while I went with (f/ic/f) with (favorite flavor) drizzle. We got our ice cream to go and headed back to my apartment.
"So what do you think?" Raven asked, taking a lick of her ice cream.
"Of the ice cream or the school? Cause this ice cream is delicious." I said, licking some of the melted ice cream off my fingers. The wind began to blow; a nice breeze to cool down the summer heat.
"Of the school, dummy. And who knows, maybe you'll find your soulmate there."
I sighed, taking a moment to think. Raven was the only one I ever talked about soulmates with. So the thought of meeting my soulmate there was enticing. "I'll do it."
Raven lit up and started jumping up and down. "Oh good! I'm so glad you said that."
I gave her look, raising my eyebrow. "Why?"
"Cause I may have already sent your information to Charles and you're supposed to meet with him tomorrow." Raven laughed, running away.
I groaned, running after her. "Raven!"
The sound of ringing breached through my dreams, effectively waking me up. I rolled over onto my back, using my powers to bring my phone to me.
Once I managed to grab it, I brought to my ear, not even bothering to check who it was.
"Hello?" I answered, groggily.
"Hello, is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?" The other person asked, their British accent pleasantly draining any remaining sleep out of me.
"This is them. May I ask whose calling?"
"This is Charles Xavier. Raven gave me your information and told me to give you a call. I'm sorry if I woke you up," Charles apologized.
I sat up immediately, flinging the blankets off me. "Oh no, it's fine! No need to apologize!"
Charles chuckled. God, he sounded hot.
"Alright then. Do you have some time today to come talk in person? Raven spoke so fondly of you and I wish to meet you."
I raced to my closet and started looking through the clothes. "Yeah, I'm free all day. Is there a time that suits you best?"
"How about at 12:30? That's when the kids go for lunch."
I looked over at my bedside clock. That gave me an hour to get ready. "That sounds perfect. I'll see you then."
"Great. I'll see you then."
As soon as Charles hung up, I tossed my phone on my bed. I could talk to Raven later, but now I needed to hurry.
I picked out a white button down and my best looking jeans. Probably not the best to wear to a potential job interview, but it was all I had. I rushed into my bathroom, grabbing my phone on the way out, and started the shower. I put a timer on my phone and hurriedly undressed.
I took a fairly quick shower, focusing more on getting clean and ready rather than relaxing.
By the time I was done getting ready, it was now 12:00. That gave me half an hour to there.
I called Raven, grabbing my car keys and heading out the door.
I pulled in front of the gates, my jaw dropping at the sight of the huge mansion. Before I could even think about pressing the buzzer on my left, the gates began to open. I decided not to question it and pulled forward.
I parked a ways back from the actual mansion, just so I wouldn't be in anyone's way. I got out of my car and headed up to the front doors.
"This place is amazing," I whispered to myself. As I entered the mansion, I saw a bunch of kids rushing out of what I presume are the classrooms. I clicked open my phone, checking the time. 12:20. I had made it with ten minutes to spare.
"You must be Mx. (Y/L/N)?" A voice called out.
I looked over and saw the most handsome man I ever saw. He was tall with a small scruffy beard but he pulled it off well.
"Yes, I am. But please call me (Y/N)," I confirmed.
He held out his hand. "I'm Erik Lehnsherr. I'll be the one taking you to Charles."
"It's nice to meet you," I said, reaching out to shake his hand.
The minute our hands touched, I could feel a spark. I gasped, looking around. Objects that were once grey began filling with a new color. I guessed it was blue. But something wasn't right. They weren't as vibrant as the other colors. I guess that meant I had a second soulmate. One whose eyes were also blue.
"Please tell me you saw that," I whispered, still looking at the newest color.
"We have to get you Charles." He started pulling me through the sea of children, seeming to not have heard me.
Could it be possible that he was my soulmate but I wasn't his? Or did he just not hear me?
Erik glanced back at me, giving me a small smile. "And yes, I saw it too, soulmate."
I grinned back at him, holding his hand just a little tighter.
We made our way through the halls of the mansion before stopping in front of the largest oak doors I have ever seen.
Erik pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me. "I'm so glad I found you," He said. I could feel him pressing a kiss to the top of my head. I smiled at the feeling.
"Me too."
He held me tighter for just a second before pulling away. "Now it's time for you to meet Charles."
I took a deep breath, nodding. Erik opened the door and pulled me in, his hand never leaving mine.
"Charles, this is (Y/N)." Erik introduced.
Charles turned around in his chair, smiling gently. I resisted the urge to gasp. He was just as handsome as his voice sounds.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, (Y/N)." Charles stood up, reaching out his hand.
I walked forward and shook his hand, feeling the same spark as before. And by the look on Charles' face, he felt it too.
"So that's why you were so eager to bring them to me." Charles exhaled.
I looked at both my soulmates, the realization hitting me. I met my soulmates. And they were fucking hot. Charles started to laugh, as if he heard something funny.
"What's so funny?" I asked, tilting my head.
"You should know, my dear (Y/N), that my ability is to read minds," Charles said, taking a deep breath.
I felt the blood drain from my face. That meant he knew what I was thinking. I didn't stop myself from falling to the floor, curling in on myself.
"No, that's embarrassing!" I cried out.
"Is everything OK?" Erik asked, confused.
"Yes. They just think we're hot, love." Charles continued to chuckle.
I felt someone kneel down beside me.
"(Y/N), darling. It's OK. I'm flattered that you think that. Will you show me your beautiful face, please?" Charles asked, laying a hand on my shoulder.
I shook my head, my face getting hot as I blushed.
"Please, love?" Erik asked, running a hand through my hair.
I slowly brought my hands away from my face, not looking them in the eye.
"There now. I'm sorry I laughed. I truly didn't mean to embarrass you," Charles apologized. I looked up at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes.
"I forgive you," I said, sitting up. Charles and Erik sat on either side of me, wrapping their arms around my shoulders and waist.
"Are you sure?" Erik chuckled.
"Maybe I'll forgive you more if you gave me a kiss," I suggested, feeling more comfortable.
"Of course, my love." Charles said, pressing a kiss to my cheek.
I couldn't stop the smile from spreading on my face.
Erik leaned over and kissed my temple, resting his head on mine. "Better?"
I nodded, moving my hands to hug them both.
"I guess I won't hurt Raven for you giving you my info."
They pulled back, confused.
"I thought you told Raven to give it to us?" Charles asked. I shook my head.
"She tried talking me into it a couple weeks ago but I didn't officially say yes until yesterday," I explained.
"That does sound like Raven," Erik commented.
"Well we can talk more about your position here later, what do you say the three of us go on a date?' Charles asked, standing up.
"That sounds wonderful." Erik said, following Charles.
They both held out their hands, offering to help me up. I took their hands, giggling as they pulled me into their chests, wrapping their arms around me.
"Where shall we go?" I asked, looking up at them.
"Wherever you want, my dear. We got the whole day to ourselves." Charles grinned.
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Amy taking care of hungover Jake
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- well he came in singing and swinging at 3am after a night out with Charles, and dropping into their bed fully clothed, patting Amy's bum with a giggle and promptly falling asleep, so she's not really feeling very kindly towards his moaning and groaning when she's trying to nudge him awake at noon (he should be glad it's her day off and she didn't have to get up for work at 6am, or she would've probably killed him and dragged his corpse into the guestroom instead of being nice enough to take off his shoes and belt+jeans before tucking him in)
- he whines through the morning routine she forces him through (he smells like an entire brewery), and through his extra strong coffee and the muesli she forces down him for some nutrients too, and the low-pitched noise only stops once she drops him onto the couch and places some gatorade and pretzel bites next to him
- she gets all her weekend clean-up tasks done around him, occassionally checking in to see if he's eating and drinking enough, and getting greeted by a constant "I'm dying, Ames" "did we do the whole testament thing last Adulting Weekend? You'll need it" "I want no alcohol at my funeral. Except for Charles. Get Charles drunk so he can share my pain." ("I'm pretty sure Charles is sharing your pain right now, babe, he hasn't texted you all day, he has to be sick")
- when she checks her phone, she notices he'd been texting her long after she went to sleep last night, the love-messages getting more and more illegible and the pictures getting stranger and stranger, as usual. There's a 1am video of Jake chucking some pizza into the street yelling "FOR YOU I'LL DROP THIS PIZZA" with Charles hooting in the background. She wants to show current-Jake on the couch, but he only growls at the bright screen and swats her hand with the phone away.
- at around 5pm, when she's done with all her tasks, she sits down on the tiny bit of couch he's left free in his sprawl, which is only the armrest above his head. He's eaten 4 bags of pretzel bites and had 3 bottles of Gatorade, so she feels safe to ask if he's feeling any better. "No, Ames, I told you, I'm dying. Alcohol poisoning." "You're pretty noisy and hungry for a dying man." "Don't mock me, I'm dying."
- "You want a detox bath?" She says, and she can visibly see him perk up. "Will you do my hair?" He sounds like a 4 year old and it really shouldn't be this adorable to be hungover. "I'll do you one better and give you a whole massage." "I love you, and I don't deserve you." "I love you too, and you really don't, but you got me anyway."
- he actually hums and sings through the bath, and feels good enough after it to convince her to order the really good, fancy takeout they rarely get. "My treat, for taking such good care of your boyfriend's sorry ass." "We share a checking account, babe." "I'll do the tip, then." But he realises he's out of money and really doesn't know where it all went yesterday (she can probably make an educated guess)
- he plonks his head in her lap after dinner, when they start on the second movie (which is not Die Hard, because hungover Jake can't stand the noise and explosions). "I'm sorry I'm such a mess." "You're not, you're just hungover." "You coulda gone out today, you know. You don't have to waste your free day on pampering me." "I didn't, and besides, you're repaying me next weekend after Kylie and Rosa are taking me out on that pub crawl." "I'm gonna get you the best gatorade and pretzel bites in the world, Ames. The superduper fancy ones. And your special mocha ice cream." "Maybe you do deserve me after all."
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