#sorry I’m thinking about p5 even MORE than usual cause I’m fucken. IN Tokyo rn
vanivenivici · 9 months
I don’t know if this is an unpopular opinion or not but I never agreed with the idea that Goro can’t handle spicy food. Like I get where it comes from but think about it: the takoyaki was so obviously spicy that every single one of the Thieves noticed it. There’s no way Goro didn’t know what he was doing. It was just so ungodly hot, beyond normal limits hot, that he couldn’t take it.
So I propose: Goro has a remarkably high spice tolerance, actually. He was going to show the Phantom Thieves just how cool and formidable he is by taking their obviously spicy takoyaki and eating it without flinching. They’ll be so impressed. It’s just too bad Ann’s class has no earthly clue what they’re doing. He’s such a loser I adore him.
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