#sooorry i popped off like this i just lov... spoooooookyyyy
cryptidsncurios · 28 days
@cursedfortune sent: belated/early munday question: horror stories you're ride or die for? it can be from any media.
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Eyyy, guess what, it’s munday now, so thanks for the question friend! To start, my blanket statement concerning my faves is that I absolutely love any story that explores the unknowable, the unexplainable, and the extraordinarily eldritch. Cosmic and monstrous horror is MY. JAM. I’m into the gore, the body horror, the things that are just TOO. BIG. for our brains to comprehend so they just.. yknow… explode. Bonus points that I am a notorious terato and appealing monster designs are just……. hhhh
So in terms of specifics: it’s sad that Lovecraft was such an asshole, bc honestly some of his stories serve as the cornerstone for a lot of my inspo, primarily his works like Call of Cthulhu, At the Mountains of Madness, Beyond the Wall of Sleep, Dagon, The Shadow Over Innsmouth, and etceteraaa. Thankfully, his ideas have since been better adapted for people who AREN’T raging bigots like himself, which is why I HAVE to give a big shoutout to Lovecraft Country, of which I’ve only read the book but I hear the show is awesome too.
And nooooow let me kinda do this by categories with some of the highlights off the top of my head:
The Thing (or anything John Carpenter tbh)
Hellraiser (plus the book Hellbound Heart, and just Clive Barker in general)
The Ritual
The Void (the ultimate love letter to practical effects horror, would recommend 10/10)
Color Out of Space (also the short story, plus I gotta credit Nic Cage, his performance was actually fantastique)
EVERY. SEASON. OF. CHANNEL. ZERO. No lie, it's AMAZING. (And it's not like American Horror Story that's like.... icky to me, ngl. Some parts of that are cool, but then others are.... yuck. iykyk
Uuuuh tbh haven't watched too many shows, but I do have every intention to watch The Last of Us (as well as play it)
Tomie (and like, ALL of Junji It's stuff... so can we get some love for Junji Ito heeere!!)
Camp Damascus
And I'm working on reading Shadows Over Baker Street now, which is like, if Sherlock Holmes was in the world of HP Lovecraft and so far it's WICKED SICK and Neil Gaiman writes the opening short story A Study in Emerald and I love that man, he is a fantastic human being)
Also since I'm on the subject of Gaiman, Coraline gets a mention
The Turn of the Screw (read in college and the first paragraph is a doozy but the ending HIT ME)
Video Games:
Silent Hill (any time it's foggy I'm like "i..it look..looks liiike....... o_o u know what... O-O )
The Evil Within (both games---they have their problems, but the haunting atmosphere is A+++ (well, in-between all the... horrific dying... pffff))
And like……. whatever it is that’s going on in Kojima’s silly little mind
Also I would like to give a shout out to the comedy/horror genre, like the Evil Dead series (Bruce Campbell, pls slide into my DMs), Dude Bro Party Massacre III (I'm not sure this counts as horror??? but OH lord my brain is still trying to wrap around this insane mess and I need people to watch it), and Tucker and Dale vs Evil.
So yeah, is a messy list tbh and there’s a ton more, but these ARE my ride or die picks and I'm sorry that this got so long but I have FEELINGS for horror aaaaaah
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