#soon I’ll know the motogp 2016 results by heart and will no longer need the wiki page
kingofthering · 5 months
would love to hear more of your toxic winner's room thoughts....
I don't know if I truly have toxic thoughts because I don't really think I have it in me to have them but, all in all :
Argentina (Marc P1, Vale P2) : no doubt in my mind that Marc picks Valentino and that's where he tells Valentino that he wants to talk. I don't think that, initially, Marc would want to be physically close to Valentino when they haven't talked in months and Marc still doesn't understand what the hell went through Valentino's mind. It's basically Marc telling Valentino that he doesn't make sense and that he can't just erase their relationship like that. And there definitely is a line that goes "And the worst thing is, I'm sure you were excited when you were called here. Annoyed at first? Yeah, sure; but part of you was looking forward to being in this room with me. You're going to deny it and pretend that fucking me would be a chore and you're too proud to take the penalty but I know you." (and because Valentino is a moron, he looks at Marc and answers "you wouldn't have been so surprised by what I said in Sepang and since then if you really knew me" or something like that). Is it a productive exchange? Eh.
(truth be told, I think it gives Valentino a lot to think about because Marc is not the confrontational type -everybody knows that- and seeing him for what? his own honor? their relationship? yeah, weird)
USA (Marc P1, Vale DNF) : I think I want to put a rule that says you can only be picked for the WR if you finished the race (or retired in the pits for mechanical issues) so not sure who Marc picks but this is only one week after Argentina so it doesn't matter much. Although I do think this could be very intersting to write because this is the first time in forever that Marc doesn't choose Valentino (Dovi also DNFing this one pains me but whatever, details).
Spain (Vale P1, Marc P3) : I think this is Marc maybe having some hope but Valentino choosing someone else, for sure.
Catalunya (Vale P1, Marc P2) : their public beginning of "reconciliation". I do think that Valentino chooses Marc there, doubting himself until the very moment Marc joins the room. It's part curiosity, part wanting to test Marc, part wanting Marc (how is he justifyig it in his head? that's a whole other question). When Marc walks in, he asks Valentino what he wants and Valentino shrugs, says "Surprise me" and barely feels himself cringe. That's where Marc takes to the challenge. They're still not talking and if Valentino doesn't want to talk, fine, Marc will show him what he's forgotten about. Valentino doesn't expect Marc to kiss him, doesn't expect Marc to be so tender. It fully makes him forget about everything he's been blaming Marc for in the last months. I don't know yet what Marc's strategy is to give Vale an orgasm but after he's made Vale come, there is this micro moment where Valentino notices that Marc is hard and almost reaches for him.
Germany (Marc P1, Vale P8) : I am so torn about this one, happening six weeks after Barcelona and just before summer break. I'm very tempted to say no Rosquez WR. And maybe things happen in the summer/before Marc’s next win, I’m not sure.
Aragon (Marc P1, Vale P3) : Marc asking for Vale and returning his "Surprise me". Valentino trying to prove to himself that he can be mechanical about this (like with other riders he doesn’t care about) and failing spectacularly.
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